Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Feb 1897, p. 5

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’rrlaav '- antateur L'nrtleltt'rrl. This number con~ tains a special article by Mr. R. B. Whyte of Ottawa on " Sweet Peas "; and among other articles the following : The Variegated Calla, Hyacinths, Be- gonias for the Window. the Lilac, Am- ateur's Greenhouse. Making Cider Vin- egar. A Window Box Device, Cold i In elaborately printed petition asking for the ratification of the Anglo-Amer- ican arbitration treaty. . There is a house in Parts occupied by 5 Over at) tenants, who for 20 years have i never paid any rent, the landlord being ; unknown. Mr. John Wanamaker of Philadel- Storage for Fruit, etc. We advise all ’ phia is going to build a church to cele- all our readers to subscribe for thisi brate the escape of his big store from journal. Address L. Woolverton, Grims- by, Ont. m Female Prodigies. __ says :â€" fire the other day. Stella, Waltklakum County. Wash, was shaken one night by a ten-ton boulder that rolled down from a cliff and plunged into a warehouse. A sensational feat is being performed at the London Royal Aquarium, where Long ago an exodus from the farm to a man is tied up in a sack soaked in the university began and to-day higher kerosene: “'h‘Cll ‘5 Set 00 fire: and he education is a subject for controvorsies lilo“ makes a flying leap into a tank or between the sages of the schools and the practical man of affairs who prefers woll- to~do farmers to starving members of overstocked professions. But since the colleges have thrown open their doors to Canadian young women a graver prob- lem has arisen.and one which is being vigorously discussed at present by med- ical men. It cannot be denied that girls between the ages of twelve and seventeen are smarter than boys of the same age. Every midsummer any num- ber of girls, fifteen or sixteen years of" age, pass severe examinations and ob- tain first class teachers’ certificates. Boys who perform this feat are compar- atively few. Science explains the sup- posed superior mental endowment of the weaker sex by pointing out that this cleverness is of a superficial quality. At that age a girl's brain develops very rapidly, much more quickly than aboy's, but eventually the tortoise will come in ahead of the bore, for the brain of the male usually weighs fifty ounces, while that ofa female weighs forty-five. Phy‘v siciun declare that severe studies during that period when she is entering woman- hood hnvc a most pernicious effect on a- girl's after life Many of" the girl grad- uates pass out from our universities with their brilliant powers of mind faded, to beer-me useless members of society, dull, melancholy a-nd'listless. All this results from the insane ambition to be consid- ered a clever girl, an intellectual giant- ess, which desire has become so popular now-a-days. Medical experts would, therefore, recommend an obligatory course in domestic science for all female pupils in the high schmils. Instead of remaining in blissful ignorance of culi-- nary arts young Minerva, may ease her too subtle brain by learning how to cook the right kind of an oyster stew. ‘0 The Hardy Administration. Gatineau, writing in the Huron Ea:- positor, says : “ Ontario knows that she is pretty well governed. Quebec, which has been governed by the Tories for 25 out of the 30 years that have elapsed since Confederation. has a consolidated debt of 330000.000, involving an an-- nual interest charge of about $1,500,- 000. The members of the two chambers in Quebec receive $800 for sessional allowance ;' those of the single chamber in Ontario 8600. Instead of a crushing debt we have a- comfortable surplus. ’?hey say that, as we owe so much a year on account of railways, annuities ctc . we ought to capitalize these amounts. This being done, the sur- plus vanishes. But they do not apply this rule to the revenue- If we ought to capitalise annual payments and deâ€" duct the gross sum from the surplus, by the same reasoning it is right to capit- alize the annual subsidy we receive from the Dominion and add it to the surplus. We have no scandals here. Occa- sionally an official may make a blunder, as bank officials sometimes do, and as we all do at times. but such a thing as a concerted plot for getting hold of public money crookcdly has never been known. There is not now. and never has been, a reptile fund, replenished at the expense of the electors who are bribed by it; in fact. notwithstanding its enquiries. public and secret, extendâ€" iug over a quarter of a century, the, Opposi'ion cannot put its hand on a single .1 nnropriation or on a solitary act of )lini~ter- and say: "There was lam-ll" here." The best it can do is to i say that the Administration spends too l much on asylutns. If it spent less, thei Administration might perhaps be ac- oust-d «it neglecting the most unfortu-, note of God's creatures. As a matter‘ of fact. while. it looks well after such wards the cost per inmate is consider- ably below that ofthe asylums in New York State, Michigan. Ohio and other American communities with which an intelligent comparison can be made. Why should the people wish to put our men who have shown themselves jnst steward: for the men who, if they are to be judged by the company they keep, , might not be so honest and certainly would not be so apt to realize that pub- lic office is a public trust '1‘. One hundred leading l’niladelphians presented to the United. States Senate In the Toronto Star ” John of Gaunt " i l ' teen more mining companies have been 'give every man, woman and child in water. A steamer collided with a lighthouse recently in Belfast Lough, and, having upset it, went on. The keeper and his wife stuck to the light till they were taken off by another steamer an hour later. _ An extraordinary find of French and English armor, dating from the time of the Crusades, has just been made at Constantinople. 'l'he armor was dis- covered by mcrc chance in a hitherto concealed niche in the Old Wall of the ,city. where it has lain through centuries. George Wombwell, once the proprieâ€" tor of the most famous menagerie in the world, which was worth tens of thou- sands of pennds and required a small army of attendants, has fallen on evil . days. He now makes a. precarious liv-- . ing by playing a corner. before the pub- lio houses of London. . And still the good work goes on. Six- incorporatcd in British Columbia with another $10,000,000 of stock, or there-- aboutsâ€"it doesn’t matter for a few mil» lions. There’s enough stock flbating around now, or waiting to be floated. to this fair Dominion 75 or 80 shares. In Moscow recently two young girls, the daughters of respectable parents . somewhat reduced in circumstances, strangled an old woman, well known as a miser and usurious money-lender, in order to capture her wealth and so pro vidc themselves with funds for travelling abroad to complete their scientific edu-- cation. The girls were arrested. The janitor of a house in the Rue do In Tour, Paris, has been stung to- death bya wasp, While getting coal from the cellar he felt a painful prick on his arm, and several hours later the limb became greatly inflamed. A doctor. who was called, ordered the man’s reâ€" moval to the hospital. Au operation was performed, but the tuna died thn' same evening. On the Island of St. Kilda, which lies in the Atlantic, 82‘ miles west of the main island of the Hebrides, a house belonging to the stone age has been discovered, with a number of stone weapons, hammers and axes. There are only 7'1 inhabitants on the island, which is 4,000 acres in extent. The minister is at the same time the doctor and the school teacher. He sails to the main land once a year to shop for the whole island. A. scene of a somewhat curious kind was witnessed at Uhelmsfmd the other day on the occasion of the County Ball. A local preacher took up a position near the entrance to the bull room and delivered an address as the dancers ar- rived‘. With much fervor he warned his hearers that Satan was hopping about like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devnur. and went on to say that he could not understand people en- joying themselves when there was a judgment to come. No attempt was made to interrupt the address. European papers say that frozen milk is becoming very popular. It is frozen in different sized bricks. and in thi< way its purity and freshness are insured The Belgian Government intends to in- crease the trado at an annual outlay of £10,000 and in Copenhagnr, the capi- tal of Denmark. a company has been formed and arrangements have been completed for the regular exnnrt of frozen milk. The necessary plant has been erected, and contracts hove been already lll‘l‘lt‘ for the delivery of HO.â€" 000 pounds a week, which will be sent to all parts of the world in brick: or blocks like ice. A horrible affair is reported from Loon, France. A retired army sergeant named Cheri will». suddenly went mad and strangled his wife and two young . children at the small farm where they all lived. After committing the crime he carried the bodies up into the gnrret lie then collected his few cattle and horses and locked them up in the Lil:- chen. and having soaked some of hisi furniture with petroleum, ignited it and ' set the plnee on fire. He then mounted to the garrct and hanged himself by the bodies of his wife and children., The remains of the murderer and his victims were found, the animals having been burned to detth or suffocated by smoke and heat. At a prayer meeting in Augusta, Me, recently, prayers were asked for the young man who played the fiddle on Sundays coms’rormaxca. To the Editor of the Fettelon Fall: Gazette. Sta,â€" Where is Billy Patton 7 I have been waiting patiently to hear something more from him regarding the T. V. 0., the work thereon, etc. I have a few questions to ask him, if he is still interested in canals : What are thosr Grits doing ‘vho, on June 23rd, were saying so much about what they would do and how they would do it if they were in power. So for asi can perceive, they have no men in North Victoria whom they consider competent to‘ do anything; they cannot even find a clerk for Rosedale that they can trust to handle their cheques and pay sheets, but must forward them to the foreman (a good Con- servative) a thing that, I venture to say has not happened in the past eighteen years. Truly they must be a wonderful people. Where is their would-be representative? Has he got rattled (or perhaps it is tund- dled) so badly that he can do nothing? Perhaps Mr. McLaughlin will tell us where he expects to get his support. for his party in the future? In lhv name of all that is reasonable, is it from the -‘ loyal " Tories, that he is considering their welfare so very energetically? Now, Billy, if you can enlighten me in this matter you will confers. great favor, for I admit I am in total darkness. Thank- ing you, Mr. Editor, for this space, I re- main, Yours truly, ENQUIRER. DIARRIIED. Pact.â€"Smrannasr.â€"At the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. T. P. Steel, on \Vednesduy, January 27th, 1897, Mr. Henry Paul, of Baddnw, to Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. Emanuel Smitheram, of Fenelon. FEN’ELO‘N FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the Noth Slur Roller Mill C'o. Fenelon Falls,.Friday, Feb. 5th, [897. Wheat,Scotch or Fife 7:”) to 75 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 78 75 Whea't,spring “ .... 70 70 Barley, per bushel. .. .. 20 25 Buckwheat “ . . .. .. . . 23 25 Oats, “ .... 17 18 Pease, “‘ .... 37 38 Rye, “- 30 32 P‘otatoes, “ .... .... 25 30 Butter,per 13 14 Egg-Sm” dozen.......... i4 15 Hay,.per ton.............. 9.00 11.00 'Hides............. 5.00 5.50 Hogs (live) . .. 3:80 4.00 'Hogs (Dressed) . 4 75 5.25 Beef . . . . . 3.00 4.00 Sheepskins.............. 20 50 Wool . . . . . . 16 18 Flour, family,Silvcr Leaf.. 2...?) 2.45 Flour,.bcst bakers’.... 2.35 2.55 Flour straight rolled . .. 215 2.35 Bl'an,pcrton...... 900 11.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . ll.00 13.00 Mixed chomner ton 16.00 18.00 in": can GIVE ensurlows to persons of all grades of ability, agents, book-keepers, clerks, farmers’ Sons, lawyers, mechanics. physicians, preachers, students, married and single women, widows. Po- sitions are worth from $400 to $2,500 per annum. We have paid several canvassers $50 weekly for years. Many have started' poor and become rich with us. Particulars upon application,and if satisfactory and necessary, a personal interview may he prranged. This is an honest advertisement, and if you want to better your position, w‘rite before you sleep. State salary ex- pected. Neither loafers nor tipplers need apply. The BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out.â€"â€"51. . 4. I 1...; Y Q IPI - fig‘Ez .n . . a. . - . y. “a PR ita- TLY SE ‘cnd a stamp forour beautiful book “How to get a 1’:ttent"," What profitable to invent "and 'l'rlzeaon Patents'.Adviccfree. Feesrnoderato [MARION & MARION, EXPERTS Temple Building, a?) St. James St... Montreal. Theonly firm if GrI-i nto Engineers Luihe Domi- nion transacting patent business exclusively WOVEN WIRE FENCING sssr . STEEL =2 wma ROPE canvass. ‘ “'78.... TH! ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO.. LTD. Piston. Ontario. ‘ Tum arcaxULLEN FENCNG -â€" AND -â€" sonar asrriss ARE THE BEST ever made or sold in Ctuada. You want only THE BEST for your money. Don‘t waste it on poor imitations and cheap sub- stitutes. but ask for and buy the Melinlicn goods. They are unequalled for FARM, LAWN or POI'I.TRY ft-ucings No snow drifts with llcliulleu's fencing. for sale by hardware and general merchants. General Sales Agents: For Ontario and Western Provincesâ€"The B. Greening Wire 00.. Hamilton. Out. For Quebec and Eastern Provincesâ€" .Iatncs Cooper, Montreal. New Hardware Store NEXT noon TO LYTLE’S DRUG smart FENELON FALLS. JUST OPâ€"Ewsn our WITH A FINE NEW STOCK, W'IIICH IVILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TO sure THE TIMES. YOUR PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. GEORGE MCGEE. We Have One Thousand And One Articles that everybody needs, at prices to suit the pockets of everybody. deeply into details. and the VVWWWWâ€" â€"-PIPES â€"â€"PURSES â€"l’[CTURES â€"PERFUMES Want of space forbids us going But here are a few of the PPPPI" â€"â€"WATCIIES â€"WEDDING RINGS â€"WINDOW BLINDS â€"â€"I.'5.TALL PAPER It’s not too soon to think about papering the house next spring. Come here and see what we can do for you NEVISON’S BAZAAR. in this line. Furniture, Doors, Sash, â€"-â€"ANDâ€"- - UNDERTAKING, -â€"â€"â€"ATâ€"-â€"-â€" W. M‘Keomii’g, FRANCIS ST. WEST, .FENELON FALLS. If you want firstâ€"class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVISON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland‘s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TBUNKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggy dustch at low prices. 328” Try a bottle of llurris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a. new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fenelon Falls, May 20th, l896.â€"14-ly BATTEN DOORS. ~J. (illâ€"THOMPSON, Jr.,'.' CA1} PIGNTER. Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. T. it. Station. Fenclon Falls. WIRE DOORS l “ QUEEN VICTORIA; Her Life and . Reign"â€"â€"Grcat historic work: sells on sight to thousands. Lord Dufferiu intro. duces it to Canadians in glowing words. Easy to make $20 a week,some make twice that. Many make more in span- t-im- than during day at regular employment. Thisi , year's Great Sexageuary Celebrations are booming it. Books on time: free to canvaSsers. Territory going fast. The BRADLEY-GARKEJ‘SON 60., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. PU liLIC NOI‘ICE. My wife, May Kimtncrly, having left my bed and board without just cause or pt'ov .â€" cation, this is to give nnlicc to Storekeepch and the public generally that front and after this date I will not be responsible for her board or for any debts whatever cou- tracted by her. ANGUS IV. KIMMERLEY, Lot ll, Con. 3, Sorncrvillc. Somervillc, Jun. 27th, 1897.â€"50.-t‘ “r413” ,‘lGI)â€"Young women and men, or older ones if still young in Splrli, of undoubted character, good talkers, nxn- bitious and industrious, can find employ- tnent in a good cause, with $60 per month and upwards, according to ability. liev. T. S. l.iu.=r-ott Toronto, Out. I mess“ Marble Works. R. CHfiBERs 39 prepnrt-tl to furnish the people of Lind my and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND llEADSTOXI‘IS, both Marble and Granite. Estimates protnptlygii;cn on allkinds of cemetery work Niarhlv- Table Tops,Wash Tops, Mantel l'ierwa, on- . .t specialty. , \l’ttit!l.:â€"-in war 0 the rnarkc' on Cam- hridgv <trcct,oppositc Mutthcws’ prukiug home. living a practical workman all mould ' , ite his designs and compan prices before prosper- us pnrcliasingelscwhcrc. ROBT. cuanazns, North of the Tetra Hal! :- mu_.h.¢'--4 . ‘t' ' an _......«â€"- WA. ‘ a..." ,-;.: - ..-...rv;.... .. a ‘ ‘ wmw’v" n'" r

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