Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jan 1897, p. 4

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.r ...-â€"..~ ET... . .' l The undersigned beg to announce to their numerous . . l '- w ~ ’ a, 1‘ ' heir new: . customeis and the public cenciall} that t Aloud” mm to record mm mm for . lâ€"The Fellelon Fans Gazette. Thomas Lane and seconded by John T. Willie Barclay, Thomas Wliy‘tall, Vina- i i Thompson Jr. i Welsh. 3 o - . George Martin: nominated by \Vm. ' Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd, north ward. â€"â€" 5 I W Golden and seconded by John Slater. ! Pearl Austin, Hannah johns-ton. Brriha Thomas Robson : nominatede John j :‘tnstin, F-lith Carpenter. Teddie Mr- Jones and FCCtlllded by John Quibcll. ' Killen. Noble Dundas, James ’l‘liiba~ Joseph McFarland: nominath by ldeatL Arden Betis. John Slater and sccnided by '1‘. Lane i Sr. l‘art ‘an to Jr. 2nd. (north ward ‘, l ‘1 I ' . Roller Flour )Iill is now completed, and gmndlllg night = the different candidates for municipal John Slater: momma-led 1:)- James _. â€"â€"Gr.ovef' Kory.‘ .RuRQOH Menuhin”, Dickson and seconded by Thus. Lane. I .l ~wme l‘inn, Wellington Ingram. 1.1.1,,“ » and day. The machinerv throughout is of the most offices, they win have the oppgrtuuitynf P In . _ x _ . L _ _ . U ‘oi inodcrii ‘tttel‘ll and the quality of the output second 1 voting for or against the electric lights “ll‘vmwbdnpbcn' "mmmud i“ i I’m“! "‘19" Camllben’ Wm“: 1“”“1‘ ‘0, ' p‘ 9 ‘ I ' Joseph .Icl‘arland and seconded by I‘. . dean, Joseph White, Olive Prescott, - - - o -. -- e ' " lirt' . to none 111 Ontario. Specml attention 3‘“ en to gristing ' ‘Vh'ch ‘5 '3 Pml’owl ‘0 p‘” “p at t‘ 3 Johnston. Cecil Puley. The Electric Light. \Vhen the electors go to the polls 0n .-.-. ,vh‘ hat-n. diff ren ' 5 ll‘ i'ilaue strictm . . v i e t palm on t i' I ‘s L 5 William )Ichcownz' !o! and clumping. We pay Lindsav prices for wheat and It is not neceqsarvm (,0 m0 ,hehmry J i J d d dngniiémllgdhlg ii Sr. Part 2nd to Jr.2ud.(somli ward.) l . bu . . c t ‘ ~ - h . ~ ; “ ' ' . a ‘ ‘ - ' ' " ‘ ‘ ; " ‘ .- iog coarse grains, of which we want. an unlimited quantity. orthe squabble um resulted u, a law. wens; 00w an Seton e i l 1‘32??? 1‘03, Eighth“; 1190’}. Luz-i i l ‘ Hides: and skins, Furs, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, etc., bought : sum and the abolition 01 the hizhts after ' “ ta ‘ ‘ r u" m ‘ “m” man-‘0' 2 William Golden: nominated by John ' ‘ . l . . . . . . , Minnie Scott, Maggie Donn '. '. 85 {md 501‘1- Agents for the Canada Carr}ng Coanmly' lazuli: {lists}: {SLSbfemgtbfitghfhg Slater and seconded by John Quibell. Jr. l’art 2nd to Sr. Part glad, (north . Parties buying Flour or Feed in quantities would do ' ratepayers bum consulted in’ the first b hlcssfs. .‘llcb‘al‘ltttid,Slatel‘aud Camp wordyâ€"[{th Ahshu, WWW“ A“ j i ' v - I“ ‘ ° »- - )t‘ol‘e )ul-vchasino'. _ ' K. ‘ , , . t . , Cl "Signet. tin. JCOlllO Calder, Mauricn Cook, . " ’ i “ ell t0 “ Ute m tor quomtlonb be 1 c ' I 13:3332’r53:é?n:001lllhygggmkwringg r. you Vscn_oon Tatsrnns. Oliarlcs Heard, Charles Howard. Wil- ‘ A t timelhepmpercburse is b‘cin” followed, “illiam Mclxeown: nominated by he Johnston, wllho wash, NMHM f G ' 111i aud_ahhuwh puth Opiui‘gn is far Thomas Johnston and seconded by John Ton-Mun i, 1 From unanimousâ€"we are inclined to JOE'SS' . . ' Jr‘ PM!" ?nd to S"- P3” 20d» (“Will think that the mnjflrity of the peopls V lhomas Austin : nominated by Thos. ward.) BCSSIC (,‘vosarrey, Herbert York. l will vote, as we intend to, in favor of Rebel“ and incondcfl by HM?" hane' Rupert BENCH. 1305518 Littlrton. Or- ’ the electric linhts' for the reason that samuci Bmkeusmre: "0mmch by "me Chumh, Mamie Chum“. Nk‘lllc they will be :1 Qi‘t’zut convenience, that {aunts Dmkson and seconded by George Barry- BI the price agreed upon seems to be mod- ‘13”?qu H _d_ . to] ,w F ' " “ ‘ “ erute. and the village is at last in such Q 22.”; I dei") ' indoinmg H, ' Make 8. Note Of It. a position financially, as shown in last Lmh‘rfii. ‘1']‘,ll”f.c?.lhe .5: "l‘b‘ fry“); | . .â€" week’s Gazette, that a small outlay for I ' FT‘MJ Hal"![13:11?“gtoki’nqhgié- i The. following pal-arrapli, which want; _. __ _ IN so necessary a purpose as “gh‘ing the Jili‘ll‘S‘iFlt >l(§?l:l'1:. i_ «41 b; the rounds ot the papers so Ions: 9.2-) Streets is quite justifinbhh The com I H MIG 1} films”) ~d “0‘11"”?! L} b) that we itJl‘fl‘Ot‘WC had ever read it. has- "not. if made, is to last for three years, "eisfiéillm 1G?” tilnll“ a“ SLCO" 0‘ y turned updlitllll, and is «it's-i niuch iiu- , -. - ‘ .k.. ' i _' ‘ ‘ . poriancc nit u (Hprnl' it ghhuhi he i $33 “91:0tlingzeauiénfliTijifmps are Gt-prcc lnlltlelull 2 nomlllilled by. Geo- i kept where it can be easily seen in every . On Queen Street, two lights: one at Martin and seconded by Thus. .X‘iclicr. homo: 4 Rev. M. McKiunon's, on..- iit Mrs. Bel- MGSSI'S' MCKCOW'" Brnkcusmw and “ EVBX‘V little while we read in the- huuham's. MCKG‘ldl‘y Tei'gll'eT . l . M ‘ , papers of: someone who has stuck :i rusty ‘0” Louisa street, two lights: one at J Ahtlie’closu ot the ‘nOl‘ult-Ji'llllon-q 1: tl'lll‘lll his l'oot, knee or hand. and that; - - - H. Austinis one at the Roman Catholic unkinnias appointei cmnman, tlllxl ! incluaw msuhhd thewhw” up which . church ’ the audlenee wnsbriufly addressed by me patient dimy If every person was. i - On Bond street, four Lights: one at M.“ Enls' {the remmg reeve’.ang.sufh mm” or“ mulle fUr all such wounds. I w m C A M P B E L S James Dickson'S, one at Dickson’s hall, ft '31“: nominees as had remmne m t m “"d “mum “Pplll!v llv “m” 1“” “mil mlml'l-‘l . ' ‘ . ' ._ l“ - _ . must cease. " ie l‘umci v in sin) )le. :1]. x l (tililigyast J. Stciens 5, one at D. 1‘. N01 The. following arc. the nominees in um.“ “ways on hand aha cm be "lpmied. ‘ On Francis screen foul. fights :_ one adlhgl'llufâ€"l "lu'Hfilpalgig-‘vé. w Han J by alllyolle, and. what is better,it isninn t _ _ _ FOR at J. H. McNally's, one at the Gazette D “339$; DOVE?” ’ m firth“; thh- R is simply mf‘h‘lkl‘: the g Office, one M Joseph welshis’ one at -f I!) 0' d" - ““ll- 2 : I P wpiiiid. or any bruise that. is infl-inicd. :- Samuel Barr’s.» l'eSlgncd' Fm' Dem“); {emf' " ' Willi blll'nlnur wool or burning cloth. 1 On Oak street, two lights; gamer and ‘H‘ex' .MCGK' Clinch Eon“): 'l‘p‘enty minutes iu the Sill‘ikn of wool. ’_ on Colbomo street) five lights. one (film's; Jlllmfiurl'lns; P- '1'“ 5 du'l‘ i Will take the pain out of the Worst ' I at 0. \v_ Moore’s‘ one at Rev. James “3'10" Park“), J-' 1" . 0“ 059i” : wound ;' ropcntml two or three times. it‘ Fraser’s, one at J_ H. Howryvs, one at silefigssi tilgiiliggglfnf‘r! 33‘1" I will all'ny tlip worslt cases til:’lllfl:tllll]lil pp , , r i , - 4 - z t. a ' tion aI'lSan‘ 'ro l Fenclon Falls, 10th November, DrTrelllsfonus’Bfigigb fiberxgfifynz'cach Maybee and T. Dcwell. . An 0802M”? iffy“ Zgnfi'cep recipes. end. a , a VERULML.â€"For Rc‘evei‘ J‘asbfkklsl- which. like the above. are only likiny to- On Helen street, hwo lights; one at and thl‘gilllHJOP‘I’: I, 0‘ J‘Lpltld i be occasionally needed atlongintorvals, H. Scwclps, one at the comer of King Jeff” h “l- Fefiléllllâ€"Ef’fi‘ ‘ l-J"; IS to paste them upon the inside of‘ the . street {going to Redner's Point.) L0_ {"P‘e‘h' 0‘ 91”?“ ‘35": for) door or the back of a kitchen cupboard. ’ On Redner's Point,_ one light. [£310nigégN‘mnFZTIiezzh :yrfll]:.lml "E‘iherel tile? WE” be see" 5° He‘llme T . . , y 'u t -“ u t r - ‘ t I . we I t i 10”] i\mth saith one hc‘hb at the Davey, R. L. Gzirlick and J. T. Rob mt “on :cmon mm!“ b0 {mg-(mew ' cho louse cm ‘ . inson. For Councillors; Edward Arn- ‘ ""“” ' On Murray street, one light at the 1m.” A E Bottum W T C. and ACCIDENT___On Fnduy hlsr‘ whim comer Dr Em” Street - D'BO-iin. Win D-ivdv W Davies" 1‘”le- Na M-CDOliuall was Ont-"HEW? On Lindsay street, three lights:- one ,'. _‘ ’ ‘ '. ' " ', w ' cultinrr some l'rozen beef tho knit'csli I t L i, , a urfluelshis one (.liailes Edam, R. L. (Jdlllcb. _ ni. id nd, “ . . _ , A 3: 3;e\él)'lj)‘tefiy l , 3' Hunter, a w. Hurchmcrylp M,,,,,.._ pt dan . lfldnflllto the palm of ills. lolc I The distribution of theliolits app=ar9 R' Pearson’ Jas' lfurdy'J' 1' Rebm' . ya" in m I'm“ -eep am. painful ‘ a .t‘l‘ son and Wm. whlte. noun tiat Will piobably take a good- able and will no doubt be added before '1- C’?'% “d {WE “ Morr'sm“ F9" SELLING OFF" at cost for the rum 30- “. you want it before Christmas long. The price to be paid is $2 for Oouncillor: Benjamin l3urtclieall,,WIiIl- days M MFS- R-MCDOUgflll’S- leave your order with us as soon as possible. “‘9 iusmlhlfion Of “Ch lamP' “‘1 $160 gZi‘léwBuutiilnflriuliizbleTt saml ' IPERSONALSFM”. W"); Unmpbcn' per annum for thehghts; the Company 1 - - w .10 left for her home at I‘wo Moun- to owu the poles and wires, and to re: “â€"'â€"‘""-~~- * "M ' “‘“ls- Q1 0“ the 181“ Ulla On account place all lamps that may give out or be School Board Proceedings. "f the “lckness 0f he" “Star. hf" HM accidenmny broken. we know very Iyet rciui'iicd......Mi-..Joseph Heard lol‘t : A C R K & S o N little about the value of bottled electric- Feuclon Falls; DEO- 23rd. 189.6. ”“ S'Jmf‘dfly 135: ff" ‘1 low ‘1"3'5' “5'? k I I fly. but the above figures appear very Board met. at the Oil“ of the Chill“ (0 l‘ClilllVCS at (JlIICJIgO.......i\'II‘. I“. i reasonable, and we are no advocates of man. Present, Joseph Hearduchair- Stewart. who had been in the employ , starvation prices for. anythingâ€"espcci man, and Dr. A. Wilson, W. Mclxcndry of the Howry firm for tllllfll‘t twenty l any priming. OF the opposition to the and McDougall. Minutes of last months. left the day before Christmas- . electric lights a good deal is the result meetingy read and approved. for Pi-tcrborough. where he has rela- ' if the “forgotten antagonism of m0 ' Moved bv Mr. McDouaall, seconded tires, but. lllS home. is: at. Band, in the i WWWMO years ago; but: the ratepayers should ‘by Mr. McKcudry, That the amounts Rocky Mountains. Hie departure from. i. go” wog a let bygones be bygnues " and vote up- paid by the treasurer for teachers’ and the balls was regretted by tho-many l i on the-question solely with reference to caretakers' salaries i‘bl‘illc third quarter Friends he made during his residence , A - its merits. A vae of the size and 'be confirmed by the board, and that the liorc........'.\‘lr. Lcwm Wakcloy, ol' Gm. " I importance of {tendon-Fans not lighted following salaries up to January 1st, ham (loft; staff, .Wllf) had to leave by electricity is behind me times, espec. 1897 he paid :.-â€"B. Pl. ngbee, $1137, {'01. his home at Lindxnyy on account x E Oan want to be tried, and 311811, after taking into hilly if‘pOSsesscd of such facilities as we 50; Miss Slllllvall- 2"; M_‘53 (491' f“ a Smith?“ 3mle 0f lune-“’3 0'1 the i § confitw t' .t ,1 { .‘nw f 1 , “1131.6 It 1' f have licre' and one great reason why lon, 5575; iiIISS. Mci‘iivcn, 87:); Miss Zlet ult., returned to the Ilalla last ; r i | t L a mu b D e mu PHLLb 0 n 3 C L l Ines 0 several of" our streets should be well Nie.350 25; Miss Bxellingliani.856 25; Wednesday. lO'iklll'z and feeling all lighted isthflt the height of the side Miss Bell. 818 75; Mrs. Deymun, right.......\lr. G-rnrgi’: Rutherford lelt whum above the grouhd makes them 311 25. Also the following accountsri on Monday last. for ROflSOltU, to tgke dangerous“ and there mm be but “me Joseph Heard, IS.)16 1'5; H. J. Lytlg, alpo‘sithipi ho a ll'liriirlc- gcnciyil Stolic of . . ' . s . _ ' _ $3 95 '- Barr 0 man ilin" woo WIlCl . r. Shame ’00 cr, ormcr ' oi“ i etc. you W111 be able to say the same, if‘ you make $11)“;’a”fnal?yfrl;°l:"5:5; 25c,_{;,,r had): Y. ’ p D ’ pouch... taunt, is man“; 3 501“ Purdmses at” corporation could be successfully sued Mm'ed Y D"- w'ls‘mi Sewnded by A Sundcrlnnd lady writes: Dr. N'eclanils for damwrfi \lr. McKcndry, That It. Jackett's ac. that he had made her a. successful {it aficr W. L. -‘ count for water guppy), he refused um” having eight sets oflteetli nude in Toronto ' - _ and elsewhere. â€"4.’.lf‘ . .. made out satisfactorily from May 16th, V I ‘ ' i206 _ “3 Nommatlons, 1896___Uurriud. ‘ Aaoruhtt limitâ€"{X's there-wore °°°°°°°°° -â€"-- . Moved bv Dr. Wilson. seconded by three purposes For lV-‘lllthl .tnc Village The nominations of candidates for Mr' McKchdr-yy That the Fecrcmw he l'lllk‘thS used last Winter, mz. skatinir, Reeve and Councillors-in Fenclon Falls inflmcted to request the teachers, who“, curlingr and_liockcy playing, which some - - - - i w . u » .- . ,., :n.' Oi f’ , 1‘ ' ' . r F. g ll)l'|V(! of tlic’tiiivnghinsbof' Fenelon and \Ecru- ! we and 0f the term at Jul). determined to have a rink of their own _ lam, were held it Jordan’s hall between ' and will use the canal abort) the locks *â€" the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 p. a M 1‘" U ' For that purpose The rink will be 1212 in. on Monday last, Mr. W. T. Junkin, Promotion Examinations. feet long by 35 feet wide. and, as ilm I! 2 clerk of the municipality. presiding, ac- . â€"â€" t . Walls of‘ the canal an,- high enough to , a carding to law. The following gentle- The €01“)me “"3 the Mme“ 0f the! form the sides, the whole structuri- can men were nominated; successful candidates at the recent pro- ' be built of cheap lumber and scuntliiig Fort REEVE. mono“ exnmmmmns 3"“ for about $60, the creator part of which i i R. .‘l. Mason: nominated by Wm. .JF- ‘4‘th 87. 4f“; ("WWI Ward):â€" amount is already in the treasury. Au ‘ 1 Campbell and seconded by T. Roberts. {QIHIGMWHEOUL L‘l”_'c allfifimb Blll'dlei it tyill notl bc ncccssnry to shinle tlic ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ,' . E. Fitzgerald; nominated b Tlios. “Y: t 33' “THU”. 0 "3 “1 mm- , roo , all hat is re uircd bring: to make Or {mythmg you l‘equu'e 1n TallOIIHg ilianc and Seconded by Tlios.J(ilinston. P Sr- I“; Jé- 4th.] ($107191 Sam‘s]: it. tight enough t?) exclude snow, the . ‘ ‘- . ~ r ; “rilham MoArthur: Dominated b ercy eat, ninue . c on ry. I';rink can be taken down in a few hours l hue at 100k bomifln p1 Ices 7 ({uaht)’ gdosepli McFarland and seconded b; Sad Sf'wmani Edith QUlggx Jamcs' atthc end of the season and putaway ‘ = " 0' .‘ ‘ Gear 0 Martin. 5m? 0 - until next winter. It was the intention ‘__ and ma 8 Dualaiutecx ' l Jail” Dickson; nominated by Wm. ‘ J" 3rd {05’- 3f’l. ($00”! “Max‘- to commence building it early this week, . Golden and seconded by Geo. Martin. Ethel Austin. Lame “fuse. {liable in}- but the half thaw that act. in on Mon- ‘3:. Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Dickson re- “3‘00: 0"?le 3’0”. L081“? Qulb'gs WIHIO day flooded the ice with water, and tho s. PENHALE, TEE TAILOR, i o be stoned. . . i3 FOR CoUSCHJDBS. S“ 29d t“ J?- 3rdi (mum wank)“ mg of the club a few days ago, the fol: Opposite J 05. Heard‘s. William Deynian: nominated by D300“ “elm-5’9: [Lena MOMSMD; lowing officers weroelectedlortlicycar:

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