Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Aug 1896, p. 1

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l l l l r l For in in TRIANGLE SOAP, TEABERRY, RUBIFOAM, CROWN WASH. PERFUMES. Lily of titeValley, Swiss Clover, J Mignonette, ‘3 “Very Dainty, -â€"â€"-A'l‘ THEâ€" DRUG STORE. i’enelon Falls, Aug. 26th, l896. LOT FOR SALE. The west. half of Lot No. 3, south of liond and west of Colborne street, Fenelou, Falls, containing a quarter of an acre. For l terms, etc., apply to MRS. BELCH, â€"l‘2tl‘ Lindsay street. W Gilli BABY GARRIAGES ,ARE ALL GWE, but. we have still some- thing that will interest you. Genuine bargains are an everyday occur- : Professional Cards. MUSIC. .______â€"- l MISS B. MACHIVEH. ! gFInstruction given on ORGAN and PIANO tat moderate rates. For terms apply at the lresidence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- ,borough Lodge," Fenelon Falls. LEAL. MCLAUG I-l LIN 8.: MCDIARMID, BARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Kentâ€"8L, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Office: Over Burgoyne 8: 00’s store. The Echelon Falls office will be open every Monday and Friday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. W Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. i R. J. MCLAUOHLIN. F. A. M-thAamo. M. H. MCLAUGIILIN. A. r. DEVLIN, l ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. ll. HOPKINS. l ) ARRISTER, Sac. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest'rittes on terms to suit the borrower. Offices : No. 0, William Street South, Lindâ€" I say, Ont. l MOORE Sr JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Of- lice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. THâ€"IEDlelL. DR. A. WILSON, ~11. 13., n. c. r. a; 3., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON dz ACCOUCH- eur. Oiiice, Colborne Street, Fenclou Falls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUA’I‘E of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England, Member of the Col- lege of Physicians dz Surgeons of Ontario. Otlice and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Guzetteollice. R. MASON, ETERlNARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, l884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. It‘s' 1 -â€"‘- “St tE.. l l rence at L. FancSadtnce I‘ianeis ree ast,I‘ene on No time to talk about it. Call and see our goods. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"-0I‘ THEâ€"- County of V’ictoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1896, commenciugat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Monday, Sept. 3rd, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun_ ties must be served on or before Aug. 28th S. Nsvtsou, E. D. liasn, liailitl'. Clerk Fenelon Falls, July 15th, 1896. insqnanon. ‘llr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Loxvest Rates None butfirsi-class British and Canadian. Companies represented. W F.A.I{DI 1’1{.OPE1{T’Y at very low rates. James Arnold. The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette" is printed every Friday it the other. on the corner of May and "rancis streets. SI‘BSL‘BIPTION Si .l YE .R i.\' ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itrcmuins unpaid. Advertising- 1! utes. Professional or business cards. 50 cents per line pct-annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion. and 2 cents per line for every subsequent insero- Contracts by the year, half year or less. upon n-asonnblc terms. JOB PRINTING of All ordinary kinds vxccuted neatly, cor» rectly and at madrmtv pricrs. ‘, B l) MAYO. ' I 'rcrrirlcr tiou. Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- 1'3. P. S DIITI'I, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office : Canlbray, Ont. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, l P L.Survcyor, Commissionerin the Q. B., . Conveyancer, Ste Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. NEELANDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, ized air) administered by him for 27 years. lie studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 180,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for S10. 32%“ Dr. Neelands visits Fenelou Falls (McArthnr House) the third Tuesday of every month. and secure an appointment. Call early W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other antesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial mm, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR 310. Gas 3 and local anaesthetics for painless ex- i llrncting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all l l branches of dentistry. Otlice over li‘uirweather fr Co‘s store ' nearly opposite the post-office, Lindsay l i l l l l INSURANCE. '1‘0 the I’ublic. HE ROYAL CANADIAN lNSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of Rnglnud.‘giving insurers the security or $15,000,000 and the sumo good policy. JOHN AllSTlN..«iyent . 3. Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and llaletioniav. “fl-I {Wit -1 31h Capi II combined , '34.‘~,‘“-”,-"-l".‘. l l l l l ntllnliiiiiinnn Authorized Capital, $2,500,000. Subscribed Capital. $630,000. J. K. Kerr, Q. 0., President. E. J. Davis, M. P. P., Vice-President. Geo. Dunstan, General Manager. Fenelon Falls Branch. Accounts opened and deposits received. Interest allowed at highest current rates in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Drafts issued on all points. attention given to the collection of sale and other notes. Oflice in the McArthur Block. H. J. LY’I‘LE, Manager. MCLAL‘GHLIN 5; McDiARiun. Solicitors. WOVEN WIRE FElllllllll WIRE ROPE SELVAGEP TH! ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO.. LTD. Picton. Ontario. TI-IE DIODIULLEN â€" AND -â€" PWLTRY SETTING ARE THE ever made or sold in Canada. You want only THE BEST for your money. Don’t. waste it on poor imitations and cheap sub- stitutes, but ask for and buy the MeMullen goods. They are unequalled for FARM, LAWN or POULTRY funcingzs. No snow drit‘ts with McMulleu’s fencing. For sale by hardware and general merchants. General Sales Agents: For Ontario and Western Provincesâ€"The B. Greening Wire Co., Hamilton, Out. For Quebec and Eastern Provincesâ€" James Cooper, Montreal. MISS NELLIE SLATER, DRESSMAKER. Work done by the day or at home, BOND STREET EAST. West Side Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boots and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everythingl usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call; and compare prices. I willl please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. Haitians IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture lumen â€"iB ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker ’tBlock. Kent-st.,Lindsay. Artlsls’ Goods 8 Spocially.l Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. WE’leasc calland see my 5c.Paper. TOPS Exchange bought and sold. Notes discounted. Special FENCNG l I .. \,. The Important Events in a Few Words For Busy Readers. CANADIAN. Frost and snow have already visited London township. Mrs. Lockerty, of Belleville, Was killed. by the electric cars. Attorney-General Sifton has returned to Winnipeg from Ottawa. Sir David Muopherson died on board the steamer Labrador in mid-ocean. Bancroft, 01115., is negotiating for the construction of iron smelting works. The electric light and waterworks by- law was carried in List-owel by a small majority. The Ontario Entomological Society will hold its annual meeting in London October 21. An effort is now being made to amal- gamate the Toronto Public and High chool Boards. - Mr. George E. Sufiell, of St. Thomas, left an estate of $100,000, divided be- tween relatives. Bush fires are raging in British Col- umbia. New Westminister is surrounded and threatened on every side. Harry Farewell, late of Oshawa, was bprncd to death in a fire which destroyed his house. near lunisfail, N. W. T. The Bank of Montreal now refuses to accept United States bills as well as silver at its head office in Montreal. The Niagara Fruit Growers’ Associa- tion will do no more business with com- mission men who refuso to remit weekly. The Western Union Telegraph Com~ puny has secured a controlling: interest in the American Bell Telephone Com- pany. The Presse announces that Mr. Alfred Thlbnudeau,of Montreal, has been named to the Senate to succeed Mr. Angers, re- signed. Rev. J. 13'. Long has resigned his pastorate of the First Unitarian church, Hamilton, to become editor of the Wind- sor Review. Mr. S. Hallgrinson. a farmer of Glen- boro, fell from a load of hay. striking on the back of his neck, dying two days later from his injuries. The Cultivateur, Mr. Tarte‘s organ, says that it is more than probable Mr. Lnurier will go to England, where Can- ada has great interests. The C. P. R. has granted free trans- portation for a. collection of the products of Alberta to be shown at the Toronto industrial Exhibition. Farmer John Crnke, of wnttcnurou, is charged with paying his hired man Grimes $5 to set fire to a house to gut} insurance on the furniture. The Ontario Methodist Camp Ground Company, Grimsby, has entered suit against; Clark Boon. of Nerth Grlmsby, for the enforcement of a lease. A boiler in Mr. George Tnlyor's shops at; St. Thomas exploded on Saturday, and, although a number of persnns were close at hand, no serious are reported. Archbishop Begin, of Quebec, has issued to his clergy a circular favoring the anti-Masonic Congress, which meets next month at Trente, in the Austrian 'l‘yrol. It is reported that President Buckley, who is in England negotiating for the sale of Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo railway bonds, is meeting with great success. Mayor Fleming had an interview with General Manager Hays of the Grand Trunk in Montreal, and received assur- ances that the Grand Trunk shops would remain in Toronto. Passengers on the steamship Lake Onturio at the time of the collision with the Vancouver deny the statements of Johnston, who reflected on the Lake Ontario’s officers. By the premature explosion of a charge of dynamite at Parry Island, Ono, two men, named Jim Smith and Arthur Hillmun, were killed, and John Olsen badly injured. Mr. Ambrose Winters was drowned at Fisher's Mills, Hespcier. He was alone in a boat, and, as he had suffoer from epilepsy for years, it is supposed that; he fell overboard in a tit. Major-General Cameron, commandâ€" ant of the Royal Military College, King- ston, has been notified by the Govern- ment. that his services would not be re- quil-d after the first of September. Mr. Robert Purdy, a well-toâ€"dn farmer of Ernestown township, com- mitted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. A short while ago deceased re- ceived o suustroke, which affected his brain. By the burning of Mrs. Qunife’s house at Huntsville live lives were lost. hire. Quuife and Mrs. Phillipe lost their llvns in attempting to save the children. Two of Mrs. Quulfe's children perished, and Miss Jessie Phillips was so hadlv burned that she succumbed to her injuries on Sunday. Word comes from Bothwell oil fields that of the ten recent tests made all have been successful. Two of then. are over : three hundred barrels each. Never in the history of oil testing in any 3:1.7'.‘ o; 5 America have such results how. u..- tnlued. The total yield daily is D‘.lt"i_'v' 1.000 barrels. Mr. Hiram Walkar “iii erect a refinery“. or A mm L'N l'I‘ED ST A'I‘ES. Another advance in trelghts on nnthrm cite coal is announced. The Hudson River from its source to the ocean is 400 miles in length. Thr next annual convention of Amer icon Florists “ill be held at Provident-v. R.I. Twelve people sat down at- un tirnn. N.H., dinner table recently whose llD‘ilf‘tl ages were 950 years. The Whittcn Cycle Co., of Provident-e. R. I., has assigned with liabilities aud assets nominally $50,000. A locomotive plant capable of build ing 200 engines a year is So be shipped front Philadelphia to Russia. For the first four months of this your the logses by fire 'in the United Sim. ~ have averaged $336,879 per day. The popular vote of the United Stairs. at the election in November. it is estiza» ated. will be close to 13,000,000. A lady in Nebraska advertised for n husband, and announced: “i own a good job printing oilico and can set type." An excursion train run exclusively by women left Syrucuso for the 'l‘hou- sand ISlLlnllS. A big Liane at the Cincinnati, Hamil- ton & Dayton liuilway shops at: Lima, Ohio, did $00,000 duu‘nge. Fire destroyed the exposition and a lot of frame structures Bufiulo Driving Park. A New York dentist employs a woman assistant, who goes from house to house and cleans teeth. The charge is .5 cents a mouth, and she does a big business. Miss Fannie McKin.:on, a compositor in a newspaper office in Superior, Wis, has just received $40,000 from a. gold mine stock investment made ten )‘L'lll‘s ago. At Huntington, Ind, Wallace’s show tents were wrecked by the storm. The horses and menngerio stumpoded and much property was ruined. The elephant-s caused a panic. The Liberty, Mo., blacksmith who ofi‘ercd to shoe a horse all around in 15 minutes has performed the {mt in nine minutes, and his wife is as good a black- smith as he is. It is reported that every state, except Nevada, Idaho and Utah, and pos-il..y a southern state, will send a full (tale- gatlon to the gold Democrats’ convention in Indianapolis. The Maine Bible Society has, during the past; year, found 95 towns in the state without religious worship, and l‘Illi the families visited were found to be Without religious influences. in Harbor Springs. Mich., there is a large and flourishing wood toothpick in- dustry. White birch is exclusively used in the manufacture of tho toothpicku, and about 7,500,000 are turned out daily. Some enterprising young electricians in Brooklyn have been tapping the trolley wires and supplying electric lights to storclreepers. Every month the regularly collected the bills for the stolen light-S. The famous collection of violins owned by the late R. D. Howley, of l-lntl‘urd, has been sold to n. California man for $20000. The collection consists of 1:2 in- strumcuts, which are among the linear in the world. In 1880 there were 06,407 “civilized” Indians; in 1800 there Were 58,8011. The uncivillzrd Indians are not enumerated. In 1880 there were 105,405 Chinese ~lo the United States, and in 1800 tlluro were 107,475. United States Secretary Hoke Smith has resigned his portfolio. Being the only member of President Cleveland's Cabinet who supports the Chicago ticket, he is conanurntly out of harmony with his colleagues. Four old street care are need by John V. Bohnnnon, of Baltimore, as a hot:.o for himself and family. They are on suburban ground, for which he does not have to pay rent. They cost him ten dollars each. Two women were asleep on a feather bed in their home at; Bouno Torre. Md” when lightning struck the house and 3:: fire to the shuok mattress under the b-w‘. but the women were unharmed. 'l'lio feathers repelled the electricity. , A munlflcent sen ~ .sfl‘ was awarded to a lad who had spent four yearn as an apprentice on u farm near Bath,wltn< out receiving a cent in pay. The whole. eonled farmer gave hint a quarter on Ibi last day of Service, with the advice to save his money. Current Literature gives the amounts of mom-y F-put‘it yearly by 20 of the lead- lug lint-alien of tho country. The Host ~n public library leads, with an income of 8170.000, and Chicago is second, with $125,000. After these two lenders them in a great. gap. and Minneapolis omum third, with 355.000. building at the FOREIGN. Russia will make Vladivostnck a com- merclnl port. The Shah's eldest ID!) was installed a: Tabreez as heir-apparent of Persia. ’lha new roller steamer, the invention of M. Bajlnnwn, has been launched at St. Dt-nls, France. Merchantfi in St. John's, Nnd., will not accept Ammfnan min and are -‘..9- counting American bills. lwfirm-nm in Mar-rxlonln have burned tire. vzifagu tn the liozoni tintriet and. "’a'Lan'Ilil-cll 50 persons.

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