Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Apr 1896, p. 3

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:«r~.~<«_~,~...w. ... ., . m. < um. "‘vrrvrrwrmrwnmu-zv Nervous Prostration It is now it Well established fact in medical science that nervousness is due to impure blood. Therefore the true way to cure nervousness is by purify- ing and enriching the blood. The great blood purifier is Hood’s Saree. parilla. Read this letter: “For the last two years I have been I greet sufferer with nervous prostrstion and palpitation of the heart. I was weak in my limbs and had smothered senes- tions. At last my physician advised me to tr Hood’s Sarsaparilla which I did, and am happy to say that I am now strong and well. I am still using Hood’s Ssrsaparills and would not be without it. I recommend it to all who are suffering with nervous prostration and pelpitation of the heart.” Mas. DALTON, 56 Alice St., Toronto, Ontario. Get Hood’s, because Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It is not what we so ' but what Hood’s Sar- ssparilla does the tells tlio'story. 9 "' - a t harmoniously with HOOd 3 plus lfood’sSarsspsrlila. 26¢. -â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- A Pretty Face is the result of a healthy physical con- dition. “Beauty is but skin deep" yet it greatly depends on a clear complex- ion, free from wrinkles and hollow cheeks. , I’Icalth always brings wealth of beau- ty. A healthy state of the system comes with Doctor Pierce's Favorite. Pn'scriptiou. it's a medicine prepared for woman's ailmentsâ€"it cures these de- rangements and weaknesses which make wmmin's. life miserable. A woman who neglects to take prop- er exercise is particularly prone to exâ€" Cl‘SSlVe congestion, debility and _a slut.- gish circiilalion._ This is the time we advise the "Prescription." In all de~ rangvinonis and displacements of _thc fipt't‘lltl organs which result in “Signs of inflammation." in .catarrhal dis- charges from the lining membranes. and in distressing irregularities â€"-this niwlicinc effects perfect and permanent cures. What is difficulty? Only a word in- dicating the degree of strength requis- ‘itc for accomplishing particular objects; ainere notice of the necessity for exer- tion; a bugbear to children and fools; only a more stimulus to men.â€"Samuel \Vnrren. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out. of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the pop- ular \Vest shore route. It is a buffet car. and refreshments can be obtained on route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday. at p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays thcsleeper runs from Ham- ilton only. connecting With the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or 5 nice in sleeping car. Reservations can made in advance if desired. The everyday cares and duties, which men call drudgery, are the weights and counterpoises of the clock of time; giv- ing its pendulum a. true vibration and its hands a regular motion; and when they cease to hang upon its wheels, the pendulum no longer swings. the hands no longer move. the clock stands still.â€" Longfellow. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stage-s. and that is Catarrh. Hall‘s Catirrb Cure is the only positive cure known to the medicnlt‘rntornity. Caisrrh heingaconstitn- tlonal disease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. lialfis Cnlnrrb cure istaken internally. acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the s ‘eiom. thereby dzisiroving the foundation of t o iiisciisr. and giiing the patient strength by building up thc‘vonstiiu- tion 3nd assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much :‘thh in its cumuv. powers, that. they otlx‘r One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addrms, F‘. J. CHENEY 3'. CO” Toledo. 0. 801lle Druugisls. 73c. Hall's Family l‘ills are the best. A LONDON CHARITY. A useful little charity. called the Lon- (on Spectacle Mission, distributes spoo- m-lvs to the poor nccdlmvonien and olh~ \r dysv‘rving personsdependent on their )‘vszgilt for their .living. Seven hun- treil_ and {\f‘dlltyélx :ipplimnis were worried with spectacles _i;i.<i‘ yuir. «gunst ms in 1894. and 531 in 1893. This .'_ork is done for.a very small expon- it‘uro, the. total int‘nnii‘ of the moiety eing only Just over 8400. -W- LARGEST CIRCULATION. Sunday papers are evidently "imam- ing." The circulation of a London weekly newspaper now exceeds 3 mil- 'ion copies. This paper is Lloyd’s times. of which 1,004,406 copies were simulated last week. The Pout. Jour- nal. of Paris. has an enormous Circula- lion, often roughly described as ap- proaching a million. but we'nre un- aware v. nether exact figures have been published to prove this, lungland can now. therefore. add a newspaper cirru- lauon to the many records she holds. W. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"_â€"â€"_.._.___â€"_â€"____ ~â€" HAVE YOU TASTE!) GEYLON TEA. so", my in Lead Packets. A TYPO’S RELEASE From the Awful" Sufl‘erings of ‘ Rheumatism. 9’ IT is DELICIOUS. The Case of If. P. Robbins of “‘ellnndâ€"A Suffer-er for Seventeen Yoursâ€" Ills (‘ase Resistor] llie 'l‘rezilmcnt of the Best Hospitals and He fliul Become a Phpsi- cnl Wreckâ€"Ills “'omlerrnl Release. From the “’elland Telegraph. The worldtoâ€"day is both commercially and seicntifically inclined towards sys- tem. and news like everything else is gathered syjstennitically. Every news- paper has its staff of reporters to ob- serve and collect the news of its par- ticular locality or district. For some time past a reporter of the \Velland Telegraph has been watching the de- velopment of a treatment for s. seri~ ous case of rheumatism on one of the employees of that institution. About ing office, was suddenly seized with sharp pains all over the body, accom- panied by extreme swollings. He reach- ed home, but a short distance from the office, With difficulty, and on the doctor being called be pronounced it in- flammatory rheumatism. For seven weeks he lay in ilt'd under the care of the best physician, and at the end of that. timedic was again able to re- sume his duties. During the next few years he was subjwt to frequent slight attackshand finally thought a change ofdog'ation might be beneficial. \V'ith this idea, Mr. Robbins visited the dif- ferent American cities, sometimes in good health and _again unable to get out of bed, until in 1888 he finally set- tled in New York. Here, for about two years. he_ followed his occupation with comparatively little sickness, he suf- fered a. severe attack which left him. until a fezw months ago, a martyr to that kaleidoscopic diSease. Dir. Rob- bins recovered somewhat after weeks of idelness and went back to the types, but again and again he was laid up, working only about six days a month. Gradually he grew worse. and almost discouraged en ered the Sisters hospi- tal. lifter spendin many weary months within its walls 6 was discharged With the awful verdict “incurable.” More from‘a. sensoof duty than /â€"/ with hope he tried other hospitals in the city, but with the‘ same result, and resigned to his fate, he left for the old home, where he arrived in February; 1893, a crippled resemblance of his for- mer self, and was passed unrecognized by his former friends. Here in the house of his father, James \V. Robbins, he was bedâ€"ridden until the summer. and then during the warm days was able to walk about with the aid of a spiked cane for a. few minutes at a. time. \Vhen the cold weather approach- ed, howevexi he was again confined to the house. Pink Pills were frequently recommended to Mir. Robbins, and in December last he started to take them. The first. box was nnnoticeable but the second produced a. slight change for the better. More were then taken and the improvement was daily hailed with joy by his friends. The rheumatism slowly but surel left and has not since re- turned. n March last Mr. Robbins was once more at work and has not lost a. day _since; the cane has long since been discarded and “Ed” is one of the happiest, 'olliest emplO‘ees in the of- fice. Mr. obbins is we known in the county and indeed throughout the whole district. and although. as he says, he has not. t the strength of Hercules. yet Pink ills have given him for a trifling cost the relief he spent hundreds of dollars in vain trying to secure. He considers the disease com~ pletely out of his system and can eat and sleep well. two essential points to good health. Mr. Robbins strongly re- commends this wonderful medicme to other sufferers. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and ether (rth. In cases of para- lysis, spinal tron les. locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism. erysipelas, scrofu~ lous troubles, ctc., these are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden. and speedily restore the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork. worry or excess, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by. mail, post paid. at 50 cents a box. or six )oxes for 82.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brock- ville. Ont.. or Schenectady. N.Y. Be- ware of imitations and substitutes sl- leged to be. “just as goat." SEL F-iG XITIOX OF COTTON. The seifvignition of cotton waste has recently been made the subject of care- ful experiment. A small amount of the common waste was saturated with lin- seed oil. was hung out, and inelosed in a wooden box, into which was fitted a thermometer. Shortly afterward the temperature in the bout. which was 70 degrees centigrade at the comment-o- ment of the experiment. rose to 173 de- grace centigrznle, and the contents com- int-need to smoke. On opening the box the contents burst into flame. It is a. morlii'ying truth and ought to teach the \Vjfil‘SL of us humility that many of the most valuable discoveries than of contemplation. and of accident. rather than of design.â€"Colton. have been the result of chance, rather-l eighteen years ago, Mr. E. P.vRobbins, , 7" Downpipes,&c..'supplied the trade. while at work in the Telegraph print- BICYCLISTS AND \VE‘P ‘VEATHER' l Rplcmans Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. A DOCTOR OF DIVINI’I‘Y. The Rector of Ottawa University sounds the praises of Kootenay Cure. with Hypophosphites, is a fat-food and more. It causes such changes in the system that the gain is permanent and improvement continues even after you cease taking it. Sound flesh; rich blood; strong nerves; ood digestion; aren’t these worth a thoug t? .- All_whoknow the Very Rev. J.l\f. Mo- Gnckin, O.M.I., D.D., rector of the Uni- !vcrmty of Ottanu, will give the great, est Weight to the words of th'B learned gentleman. He has tried the Kooten- ay Cure and is glad to add his testi- mony to that of the. many hundreds who have been benefitted by its use in "THIS " the last few months. The Very Rev. gum High 833.3 WAheifisotnt’ Dr. McGuckin, writing from Ottawa. u “Odom” PNCF- Send for comics“!!- under dam of July. 30th, 1339.1 53” . G. T. PENDRITB. Manufacturer. that he suffered greatly from chroxfi: copper' era‘s" Lead' zinc' "M," 73 “’3‘ Adelaid" 5‘“ Wu'mmnm and acute rheumatism. the result of ’ Find It CASH BUY Elli: i several severe attacks of la ri . H took two bottles of Ryckmangs Elation? w: G. H A R R I S, av Cure. and was so greatly benefii‘w 25-31 wnmm sL. To“0.\‘1‘0.0nt DURABLE l ted that he says it gives him great Telephone 1729, FOOTWEAR. pleasure to recommend the medicine. BOLD BY 'Tis as a snowball which derives assist- G. D I & S O N S LEADING once from ever flake, and et rolls on DEALERS. ‘ ASE 50c. and Snag at all druggists. chance to grow, but, after all, 'tis noth- Sheet Metal Ceilings, Terra Co tta Tile Rod mg but cold snO\V.â€"Byr0n, Black and Green Rooting Slate, Metal Oor nices. Felt. Tar, Roofing 1 itch, Etc. Gutter-g Telephone 1936. Adelaide a Wldmer Sta There has certainly been one article TORONTO of real merit developed this season for Eyclistsl’l' Trig: refetrh to a. ripara- ALL KINDS 01" ion w 1 w1_ on 9 mar e in a n L 1 , i N but but few days. By its use ordinary clothing M A c H I N E R Y 5336:3138 Dough Mixers be without this Is- ;orsaving machine. PENDRITII. Muiqu mar, 73 to 81 Adelaide St. \V.. Toronto. Ont. can b? ugliade perfectly riaiintprootf1 wit: iist “coup-nun. very ri in‘r expense an ran 8. . representatiiie called on us toâ€"day, and H' w' PETRIE! 0m“ and worh' we had the pleasure of exampng a Toronto,0&n. Adjolnlng New Union Station suit treated with this preparation. It “Hum ’03 “mm- no doubt Iftli‘nfiroofld Pour 0‘33 all ' - - -»~~â€"~~-â€"r winâ€"mew 6 water we "6.831 it w not 9W Q‘eqa‘.‘ go through. " Rough on Rain." _ls the we“ . name of the preparation, and it is pre- pared by R. W. Hannah, 78 Colborne street. - . _._ THE AERMOTOR CO. does nsil' the windmill business, because it has reduced the coat wind power to 1.13 what it vus. 1: me many branch houses, sud supplies its needs snd rs sin ' - at your door. It min and does turn sh I better article for less money than " . “as” others. It makes Pumping and ’ " :‘S Geared. Steel Galvanised-Insh- ' » Commotion windmills. Tilting _, ‘ and Fixed Stool Towers. Steel Bun Saw Frames. Steel Food Cutters and Food .- is Grinders. On application it wlll nuns on. J l or thee; stigma- mat lit wlulr‘nanlsnmigtg . . Inn at at 1 o usua pr oo. 30 OPPOSITE QUEEN 3 HOW” T°R°RT°- mi?!“ Pumpfor all kinds. Bond roi- coin! with light sufficient and left free. your Reference: DOMINION BANK. Pm: 12th. Rockwau Ind Fillmore streets. willful suicide on God’s decree.â€"Cowâ€" WWW mm. per. ---_-.___...._;_.____._____ NURSERY STOCK. APPLE, PEACH, PEAR, GRAPE, PLUM, coosssennv, cusnnv, cunmmr. * VERY LARGE STOCK A With Government Inspector's CERTIFICATE OF QUAL- ITY attached to Railway Bo. ceipt, delivered at any station. 'â€"_ . Write for ricos and particularsto Grace leads the right way; if you D choose the wrong, take it and perish, but restrain your tongue; charge not S.’ 6., DUNCAN-CLARK, .u... -â€" Catarrh Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, dif- fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay 0F NATIVE TREII. - -. n .. E. S. HERD sum em mom. cum, 5m F v r. Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Eye-Jun. Tgngilitis and Deafness. Sam dc bot- - BURLINOTQH, our. Both. SoroNinoieI. Burn-v Sonldn. eta. tie and blower sent by S. G. etchon. â€"â€" ~â€"»â€"v â€"â€"-â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , '44 Church street, Toronto, on receipt of FOR, TVVENTY-SIX YEARS. Ouagasz 10 cents, silver or stamps. _â€"..-__. ARRIAOE TOPS .. _lieceivcd the highest award at the World's Fair, Chicago. All the lending Onrrisn Builders sell them. Conhoyi’ateiitliollar Top combines all the latest improvements. and has to be soon to be appreciated. M i! hoainerltssndodun- tsucs exclusivelyjiu own. It has every good point you can think of. Order your new lln g with a The long friendship and familiarity between you-obligations to kindness which a single provocation ought not- to dissolve. And thus you will take the accident by its manageable handle. â€"Epictetus. RecillféitiirDrniiiil: 1th Smaall Billions THECQOK’SB TIEND Adams' Root: Beer Extract.... ..... one bottle LARGEST SALE ".3 CANADA. no u TOP. Fleischmrnli's Yeast ........... ......hnlf a. cake ,v Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... ....two pounds . Lukewarm Watcr................. ..two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast: in the water. add the extract, and bottle; place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it ferments. then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and del‘cious. . 'l‘he rhot beer can be obtained in alldrng and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. The modern wheel for modern wheelersâ€" tho lightest of tho strongâ€"“the strongest of the light. AMERICAN RATTAN 00., TORONTO. cur. CANADIAN SKI-LING Accur- Let not one look of fortune cast you down; she were not fortune if she still did frown; such as do braveliest hear her scorns awhile, are those on whom at last she most; will smile.â€"Earl of Orrery. DOES ITS WORK IN SIX HOURS. A Medicine That will Relieve Distressing lildncy and Bladder Disease in Six flours Deserves Your Attention. Those who suffer from Kidney trou- bles suffer acutely. Where some kinds of sickness can be borne with forti- tude, it is no easy matter to exercise this virtue when one is suffering from kidney troubles. Hope may sustain a person when a. medicine is being used that doctors say will eventually effect a cure. But who wants to continue an agonizing course of treatment when a medicine like South American Kidney Cure is within the reach of everyone and that is so speedy as well as certain in its effects? This new remedy has been thoroughly tested by learned phy- sicians, and stands toâ€"day ahead of any ‘ . ' “,6de used M this purpose_ It, Have many important improvements. covered by patents and found in no other wheel. They are 2-â€" does not pretend to cure anything else ' but it does cure kidney disease. _._._____._ Absolutely Dust Proof. They are all fitted with Meanings: Hap v are those that knowmg in tel r « ZN es. mos expensive an their birth they are subject to nncer- ROI}??? “61,832,. riggmeiaél-lgi '5' MM“ saddle ever placed on the market. They tam changes. are still prepared and Cyclodia] sprockets, Pedals dust, proof are worth two of any wheel. They an armed for either fortune; a rare prin- 3t both ends. geared to 80 and ride as my M omen --‘i (1 "th muhl.lorl d' '- - 32530338 S‘gfiool._fiassi;éen W38 “1 Higéfiéchangoable Sprockets, Reversible “t 58' Send a cent stamp for at” “313.0. 809. Crank Bearings removed without dis- 1°8u°- turbing adjustment or balls. MANUFACTURED BY $03313“33:313’“33fi%Â¥5”“3fiii§3‘3 Canadian Typograpli Co. (' .td.) Windsor, (hit. sheet metal wor kers. 124 Adelaide W..'l‘oronli ._..__-___.__________â€"____.___ --â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" m- ._..__-__._._. . comm mm Q ~_._._-______._ , a»- _-. '1 ".3 I! A CTY LUXURY Just as the: city looks to the country for most of the luxuries used on its tables, so the country must turn to the city for those con- veniences which are justly termed luxuries for the hard-working non'r smm housewife. City housekeepers have learned to realize that to save ‘ 1.. m... mm... time is to lengthen life. ‘ YOU DO snuzvz . are“ "N SAPOLIO 2 a V . no You KNOW is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake is used COMPOUND fififim an houris saved. On floors, tables and painted work it acts like a “N0” ‘ charm. For scouring pots, pans and metals it has no coual. IF "'“ggagggiygggg at?” YOUR STOREKEEPER DOES NOT KEEP lT YOU SHOULD $333!; mm v2.5.1“: 13 “$1151? WK: lNSlST UPON HlS DOING SO, as it zlways gives satisfaction and " "" ' “ " ' ' ° its immenSc sale all over the Unitedsmtes makes it an almost neces- sary article to any well-supplied store. Everything shines after its "Hum Bar truth it! Is immry pamphlet. ‘ Women's Henri: use, and even the children delight in usmg it in their attempts to help around the house. an: m on s; "cation. H’Ordcn til promptly from the laboratory" “A. M. C." MEDICINE CO.. 578 St. Paul 51.. l’loutrul.

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