‘13-. i i I l . . A in t In a dangerous disease because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption. Read the following: I “My wife has been a sutlerer from , catarrh for the past {our years and the1 disease had gone so far that her eyesight was affected so that for nearly a year; she was unable to read for more than ï¬ve minutes at a time. She suffered severe: pains in the head and at times was almost 1 distracted. About Christmas, she com-I menced taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and 1 since that time has steadily improved.i She has taken six bottles of Hood’s Sar- I sapariila and is on the road to a complete } cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood’s l 'Sarsaparilin, and I cheerfully recommend I it.†W. H. FURst, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Iood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. 9 ' - cure habitual constipa- HOOd 8 plus tlon. 1’rlce250. per box. ON A BICYCLE TOUR. A CLERGYMAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH LONG, HARD RIDING. "as Travelled Fully 3,000 llllles on Ills “'hcelâ€"lle nukes Some Reliccllons 0n the ucncllls or the Sport. and Tells or the llnngcrs. From the Utica, N:Y., Press. The Rev. Wm. RF. Ferguson, Pres- byterian Minister at “'hitusboronvhose picture we give below, will not be un- familiar by Sight to many readers. A young man, he has still had an extended experience as foreign missionary. teach- i'i‘.edit0.r, lecturer and pastor that has given him a wide acquaintance in many parts of the country. In an interview a. few days ago, he said: "In the early summer of '94 I went upon a tour through a. part of Ontario on my wheel. My route was from Utica to. Cam Vincent, thence by steamer to. Kingston, and from there along theI north shore of the lake to Toronto and around .to Niagara Falls. I arrived at Cape Vincent at. 5 o’clock, having rid- gen against a strong head wind all ay. "After a dcl' 'htful sail through the Thousand lSllllll s, I step )cd on shore in that quaint old city 0 Kingston. A shower had fallen and the streets were dam . so that wisdom would have dicâ€" talci that l. lcg~wcary as l was. should have kept in doors. but so anxious was I to set“ the city that I spent the whole evening in the streets. "i’ive o'clock the. next morning brought. a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proved an iiiiforlunzilc mmbinalion. I gave. however. little ilioiight to it. sup- iosing it would wear off in a few mum. and the first flash of sunlight saw me speeding out. the splendid road that leads toward Napancc. "Night overlook me :it a lilllo vil- lage near Port Hope. but found me still lame. I res-led the next day. and the next. but it “its too late: the mischief was done. I rode a good many miles during the rest of the season, but never I. day and seldom a mile without pain. "The winter cum? and I put away my wheel. saying 'nmv I shall gel well.‘ but to my dimppoinlinant I prewworsc. Some days my knees llllll'lSl forluidc walking and my unklus would not per- mit me to wear shoes. At times I sufo {crud sevcm pain. 5) severe as to make study a practical iiuiuxssil-ility, yet it must be liiiderstiwi llitt I concealed film condition of affairs as far as possi- l 0. From being local the tmuble began to spmod slightly and my anxiety inâ€" termixed. I Consulted two phvsicians and followed their esccllent advice, but. without result. So the winter passed. One day in March I happened to lake in my hand a iiews;isper in which a gumldcal of space was taken by an ar- ticle in relation to Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I did not at that time know what they were supposed to cure. I should have paid no attention to the article hid I not caught the name of a lady whom I knew. Reading. I found that she, had Icon greatly benefited by the use of Pink Pills. and knowing her as l dill. i had no doubt of the truth of‘ the statement that she had authoriz- M. 'lue ï¬rst box was not gone more I saw a cha . been finished before all Signs of my rheumatic troubles were gone to stay. " I say ‘ gone to stay ' for though there has helm every opportunity for a re- turn of the trouble. I have not felt thel bouseyiih hollow streaks. greenish or midish,thcn first twinge of it. I have wheeled thou- i the Pm: than go out of the house to the door of I - . , .‘ the house. un‘d shut up the house seven days " ‘ ‘ ' sands of miles and net er before With And ho man ammo house to N ped “man so little discomfort. I have had some , round Ibo“ and they mupom 0mm: dumb“ of the most severe tests of stren thandi me). mpg of; Wm“, m ch, in“) M was endurance and have come throng them pix..- wilhout an ache. For example, one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preachâ€" CONDEMNED BY THE BIBLE. "And behold ifthe plague be_iu the walls ofthe To each of the ï¬rst three persons in m and the third bud notl UNSANITARY WALL COATINGS Dauber‘s Occupation. Roar Dauber's only means of gain~ MARIN. -4 in\ a liv' is by his brush. It‘allyl Yhy. I didn‘t know he was .- an astisti Ohl no; he isn't. _ He's a house paint-l er. Now is the time to under to secure prompt de- livery. “'e makes specialty of boiler work. ; and are still taking orders at old vices nub :wuhsfsnding‘ the sharp advance a cost at l material. W. P.(‘-. 803. «44.21-: i . 4 .4...» , suffering ed that night and made fifty miles of the hardest kind of road before noon the next day. Another instance _was a 'Century-run.’ the last forty miles of which were made in a downpour of rain through mud and slush. " You should think i would recom- mend them to others? \V'ell, I _liave.and have had the pleasure of seeing very good results in a number of instances. Yes. I should feel that I was neglect- i a duty if 1 failed to suggest Pink Pi is to an friend whom I knew to be rom rheumatism. _ “No, that is not the only disease they cure. I personally know of a number of euros from other troubles, but I have needed them only for that, though it would be but fair to add that my general health has been better this summer than ever before in my life. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore 1 shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a. box, or 51:: Iboxes for $2.50. and may be had of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Will'iains’ Medicine Company, Brock- ville, Ont. . A GORGEO US DISPLAY â€"â€" To be Made by France at the Coronation of every city and town in the Dominion of Canada. who write The Alabasline Co., Limited, of Paris, Ont. giving the chapter containing the above passage of scripture, will be sent an Order on the Alabastine dealer in the t0wn for a. package of Alabastinc, enough to cover 50 square yards of wall, two coats, tinted or while. To all who apply, giving us the name \ authorities in the of the paper in which they saw this notice, will be given an ingenious puzzle, the solving of which may earn you $50.00. To test a wall coating, take a. small quantity of it, mix in equal quantity of boiling water, and ifit does not set when left in the dish over night, and ï¬nally form a stone-like cement without shrinking, it is a. kalsomine, and dependent upon glue to hold it to the wall, the feature so strongly objected to by sanitarians. ‘This matter of looking to the sanitary nature of wall coatings Seems to be con- sidered of much importance of late. A supplement to the Michigan State Board of Health, condemns wall paper and kalsomines for walls, and recommends Alabastine as beingsanitary, pure, porous, permanent, economical and beautiful. Alabastine is ready for use by mixing in cold water. Why He Declined. IWATEROU ï¬rmer": SCFOTUEg Iâ€W“"WR§ERT§â€65IC Any doctor will tell you! that Professor Hare, of eï¬'erson Medical College, hiladelphia, is one of the world on the action of; 3% drugs. In his last work, speaking of the treatment, of scrofula, he says: “It is hardly necessary to state thatcod-ilver oil is the best remedy of all. The oil should be given in emulsion, so prepared as to be palatable." He also says that the hypophosphites should beI combined with the oil. Scott’s Emulsion of cod- iiver oil,‘ with hypophos- phites, is precisely such a preparation. ' OUGLAS BROS, Slute.Gravel and meta APPlE, PEADH, mg. cases. ' coesssraar gm cumin, CURRANT. ' m VERY LAKQE STOCK I am 0F NATIVE TREES. I m Ens. HURD BURLINGTON, ONT. stylish. DURABLE, COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. .. A51: 33 5.9.5! oolulely sure; we furnish the work and I I I I (HAL ‘4, . Ittwas a son of Erin who asked the l _ mpee insr to excuse im from serving on 'The French Govermnent 15 burr)" a."committee because he expected to be ing forward plans for representation at unexpectedly called away. the Czar’s coronation, at Moscow, in â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" LITTLE JESSIE MEBGHANT, [IF the Czar. May, which will eclipse anything on record in such matters. It happens that the present French Ambassador in Russia is, by seniority of service, the routers, metallic ceilings, skylights inept mctal workers. 124 AdelaioeW..Toronlo I 00K! A chance in a life time! Young. NmflmMrwcwqumlMeclu-r rout , t d “Hull, thereuis no lécttgl' trade or profession g "I" “ma†“"“k'llmm M o- ny l man on .ing. 00 cutters are in grentl den 31111 at big wages. Write for particularsi Wra‘um Add)?“ DfiMV‘g'gfin- Manm to 'luRON'l‘O UU'l'l‘lNG SCHOOL. 113 Yongo Sh.‘ 0‘ ' m 3°“ unl- FOR meshes. YEARé. teach you (no; you work in the locality - , where you live. Send us your addre- .. and we will explain the buxlnen rullr ' A Strictly High Grade doyen of the diplomatic corps at St.Petâ€" ersburg. so he is to enjoy the right of receiving the young Czar and Czarina in the name of his colleagues, when they enter Moscow. He will do this on a. scale of extraordinary magnifi- cence. Two of the largest noblemen's palaces in Moscow, rented for the ocâ€" casion, are being refitted in the costâ€" liest manner, from France. A mile and a quarter to the costliest carpeting that France can produce, is merely one item in the building outfit. The su per alone, when their Majesties atten the first ball under the French roof is to cost. $70,000. Louis XV.’s ornate stale chariot, which so many Americans have seen at the Musee Ciuny, is to be sent out for the use of the ambassador in the procession. with trappings for the horses and liveries for the postillions and footinen of the same highly monâ€" archical period, and orders are already placed in Morocco, Algiers, and along' the Riviera for the choicest fruit,v'ege- tables and flowers that the season will permit all to be shipped to MOSCOW. "his wild ostentation may not improb- ahly prove in the nature of a funeral demonstration over the corpse of the Franco-Russian entente. Many signs point to the conclusion that the Bus- sians are already tired of the thing. Fewer of their princes and millionaires are spending the winter in France than £0 ryears before, and France is hardly mentioned nowadays in the Russian pa.- pers. Meanwhile Verestchagin's new collection of paintings, recently moved from Moscow to St. l’etersburg, is attracting†exceptional attention at the latter capital. Their principal feature is a dozen huge canvasses devoted to the Napoleonic invasion and retreat of 1812-13, and they lay almost malicious stress on the French brutality to the Russian peasants and prisoners. The French cowardice when bravely oppos- ed. and, above all. the French saorilege in dcsecrating the Russian churches and shrines. \thn it is remembered that the Russian official censorship is pecu- liarly sensitive and severe on the ques- tion of permitting picture exhibitions, it is not strange that the French are surprised to find this show being allowâ€" ed at this particuler time. Unless omens fail. they will get uiuch more direct hints resently, that the Cron- stadt-Toulon oneynioon is over. The Yankee and Scotchman. In Edinburgh three students Were sitting in a hoth dismissing the beau- ties of Highland scenery. when an Amâ€" erican from the state of Vermont broke in upon them with the remark, that for real scenery, one has to go to Am- erica, that when Christopher Colum- bus discovered America, he discovered the finest scenery in the world. One of the students asked the Yankee if he did not admit that Great Britain. con- sidering her urea. wielded a great in- flucnce in the. world. "Yes, but for real enterprise," replied the man from Vermont. "you have got to come 10 Am- vrici. The country discovered by Chris- topher Columbus. has become Ill-.3 most ciilrrpri~ing in the world." “At least Great Britain's navy stands ahead in the world." smiled the student. "She d003, eh.’ Look here. we could send over :i .‘ll‘o‘l.\\lll[‘-l L?lllll)l'(ll. that could lake the whole British navy in low .ind run into Nchurk harborâ€"yesand it would never be noticed among our l)le bouts." An old Scotchinan. who had been wrili'ig loll-w- :i: :1 table near by arose at this conjecture, and, as he licked stumps, he remarked; â€"- "My friend. I will us say onytliing about. yer scenery, for I ken nothing about it: nor w and l I: »' ~!.‘l)‘lllli‘ 1' about yer enterprise, for I kin naething about that. but, as for the Mississippi gun- boat, I will say, just try that on. and in sax months ll'll lake a great sicht smarter mon than Columbus tae disâ€" cover America. To nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's Fav- orite Prescripticm is a priceless boon, for it not only strengthens the mother. but also promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child. For those about to become mothers. it is even more valuable for it lessens the perils and ins of childbirth and shortens labor. f all dealers. Ovarian. fibroid and other tumors cur- cd Without resort. to surgical operation. For paiiiphht. testimonials and referâ€" i-m-M ri‘t‘i I†cents (for postage) to --'i“- i'i: n“’:~".“\' Medical Associa- i ill-1’53». .\'. Y. I | UOLLINGWODD, ONT. For Eleven Years :1. Snfl‘erer From Nervous Spasms. A Desperate Case that Exceeded, the Skill of the Best Physicians. No greater trial comes to parents than the sickness of their child on. and when this trou- D10 assumes the aim e of nervousness, the hope or the parents receives its severest test, for so seldom do children recover from disease of this character. They battle with it. it may be for many years, but evmtually the disease con- qu rs, and the child divs. Jessie, the little daughter of Mr. H. E. Merchant, of Calling- wood. Ont.. had given her parents great anxie- ty, as for eleven years she had been a suil‘crer from nervous troubles. These would take the shape of spasms,‘nnd become so cover that she would be unable to control herself. The par- enzs spared no effort to give to their loved one the lit alth ihat is natural to child life. The father writes: “ I doctored with the most skilled plil'RiCinnS in Collingwood, without any relief crm ng to my daughter. I must have spent nearly $590 - in this way. . It in not. to be Wondered ac tbim I was becoming thoroughly (lief enraged. and began to realize that it could only be a short time when our little one would pass from us. A friend influenced me to try South American NeI‘Vwe. knowing SCill‘lcUllllu‘ of the wonderful cures it had efl‘ec.ed in the case of ciiixdion troubled as was my little Jessie. The nicoi‘ cme was procured and given to the child. and she has never been so Welland strong us since she comm: need to use So ith Amert an Nor- vmc. When she began its use the Was hardly able to move about, but now she can run around aspther cni.drcn. I am still giving her the medicine, seeing that it is effecting a 1161“ manual: cure." The secret of Nervinc is that it op; iatcs di- met')’ on the nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain. It is when these are de‘ ranged Wlll'l nervous trcu‘le that much other trouble ensues. At. least two-thirds of chronic diseases originate in a derangement of the nerve centres. Nervine at once bui‘ds them up. fills the blood with richness, and so :trengthena the nerve tissues that it is only a little while when disease drops fi'cm its victims as th e Shackles would drop from the slave who had received his ircedo‘m. The cures eli‘ertcd’ by this modi- cmc as With the case before us, are inch-l re- nmrkahlc, but ‘rlltih cure: are brink enacted OVQFY day by South American Nervinc. _ll<u this remedy for nervous prostial 10m Sick hem‘rclie. h--t flashes, sleeplessness. d0- hilitv of t in nerve '. The United States raises more tobac- co than any other country on the globe. British India Icomes next, producing nearly as much. Peace or War ? Another Anglo-American war is not by any means desirable, and one of our leading man and deepest thinkers sug- gests a remedy. It is evident Presiâ€" dcnt Cleveland's communication to the British Government was written at a time when his liver was completely out of order. Congress should at once vote funds for a. barrel of St. Leon \Vater. It never fails with liver troubles; it would relieve the President and also the. United States the expense of a commission to Venezuela. Sold by all reliable dealers. Condensed Romance. She wept. _ . Yrs, Harold, she sobbed, I am dism- herilcd, int take hearl. Nu, replied the haughty 'outh. I’m out for the stuff. lleartf Lil. Consumption. LuGrippe. Pneumonia, and all {moat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh's Cure. According to a hygienist, the tenants of the first and second floors of a. house enjoy the longest life. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. The cycles in use in the French army one to be provided with an electric light. which can be turned on and off at. will. Cattsrh.-â€"Use Nasal Balm..Quick. pos- itive cure. Soothing. cleansmmheahng. A German has computed that from 1802 until 1813 Napoleon I. "consumed" 5.800.000 men, or a. the rate of half a million a. year. Karl’s Clover Root Tea. is a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. No- thing relieves so quickly. Every. civilized nation of the world, even China. and Japan. now hssa weath- er bureau. Thousands of cases of Consumption. Asthma. Cou hs. Cold: Inn-i ('r-:::p are cured every y by suitors L'urc. theol at a MODERATE PRICE. G. T. Pannarrn. l ‘ Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide St.W.. Toronto .. WA TED Au. OVER CAN A to gather old : Postage Stamps. Mon- Good ‘ cy made easily. . Prices paid for many varieties. Send for Circu- lar giving instructions. Old collections bought. HOBT. RENNIE, BOX 522, TORONTO. ALL The Lcading any kind ofatrade USE OUMR ' worth while should 1191?: be without thin in.- .un W .. tor-saving machine. H. '1‘. I’ENDRITII, Manufso inter, 73 to 81 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Ont. SETTLERS’ TRAINS No baker havlnl MARCH FOR GAHADIAN ï¬ï¬‚RTH-WEST. noon on same date. Every TUETSDAY 1N and APRIL, M AN I ' ‘ O B A. AND A_ Colonist sleeper will be attached to Pacific Express leaving Toronto 12.20 Ask or write for pamphlet “SETTLERS' TRAINS." (Iran’sâ€" Repository I . r“ 53 to 59 ii liie .t. w., Toronto The Great Central Horse Market of Ganada. I Auction Sales limrï¬â€˜uesday & Friday THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, AT ll O'ELUGK’ Premium Life Insurance Company , Under the new proprietorship this old establishment will be conducted strictly as a COMMISSION SALE STABLE. All classes of HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, ETC., always on hand for private sale. On Wednesday-azd Thursday, MARCH 25th and 26th, Tm: rms'r . GREAT ANNUAL SALE of TROTTERS AND PACERS \VILL BE HELD. Entry Book still open for entry forms. Terms. Catalogue. and all inform'itlr. n, write \VALTER HARLAND SMITH. Proprietor and Auctioneer. \- \,. II‘ is a solid January 1st at 1/3 the usual price. It also maul ‘ Tanks and Pumps 0: all klndl. blend for union. U ill AKE Pï¬w THECDOK’S BE T FRIEND LARGEST SM 5 m CANADA. THE AERMOTOR 00. does nail me even windmill business, because it has reduced the cost wind power to 116 what it was. It has many branc- , -. houses, and supplies its goods and repsln 'l at your door. It can and does furnish a ,' ‘~ better article for less money than ugh-r, g“ others. It makes Pumping and spa-Ltd, Geared. Steel Galvanized-alien " Completlon Windmills. Tilting ;,\ and Find Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw ‘ Frames, Steel Feed Gutters and Feel - T.- . Grinders. On nppllcatlonltwlll name one ' of these articles that It will furnish until I Peder" lzlh. Rockwell and Fillmore Streetth ssuso WM REN NIE. TORONTO nesanve »_ . u ."* IFE " “D - Association m EDW. B. HARPER Founder. PnsnLBunNnuu President. 15 Years Completed I . The Lurgest And Strongest Natural in the world. 889,000,000 of New Iuslnoae In 1806. $308,660,000 of Bualneas In Force. 8.4084375 Death Glalms Pald In 1895. 825,000,060 Death Olalma Paid alnoe Busineao Began. 1895 shows an Increase In arose Aeeets, Net Sur- plus, lnoome, and Buslness In Force. WOVer 105,600 members interested. w. J. MeMURTRY, Manager for Ontario. Free hold Loan Building, ’l‘uronw. Out. A. R. McNICHOL, Manager for Manitoba, Tititllh (to umbia nnd North-Went Tor.~i:urirs. .“CL tyre Block, Winnipeg. Mun. ; D. Z. lli-ZSSLTI'E. Manager for nor bcc, 12 Place d'Annes, Montrcai. Que. ; COL JAB E‘ DOMVILLE. Manager for New ililinswick. hit. Jo N. B. : W. J. MURRAY, Manager for Non Boo Halifax, N. S. “41:22: scouri‘ng soap which has unequal for all cleaning purposes except in the laundry-Io use it is to value. it"- What will ssromo do? Why it will clean paint, make oilâ€"cloths bright, and give the floors, tables and shelves a. new appearance. It will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pain. You can scour the knives and forks with it, and make the tin things shins brightly. The washâ€"basin, the bath-tub, even the greasy kitchen sink will be as clean as a new pin if you use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever housekeeper aadtry it. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THERE IS BUT ONE SAFOLICL EféOCH MORGAN’S SONS 60., MEN ‘3'"21'.†- .y - z-w