Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Feb 1896, p. 7

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_.._.~w.mmwmfi‘. . A"... .- .._......... - w.-- _ r Grams SOLDIERS. What. They Carry When They Turn Out For Fatherland. Directly we left the village. where the night had been spent. the order to march at case is given; the soldiers icyâ€"sen their things and carry their rifécs slung first on one shoulder. then on another. with the sling in front and. the barrel pointing to the rear. It pro- Uilntfifi to be a. hot day; not a. breath of wind; the sun has just broken through and driven away a grey mist” The pace for the first three~quarters of an built is slow. not more than three miles an hour; there is little smoking. and hardly any talking. The men adapt ground; the road in the centre is heavy and sandy soil; on either side a firm path is to be found admitting two men abreast, the sections of four separate; at times the section stretches in ex- tended order the whole width of the mad. at others three men abreast. the fourth man on a narrow path where there is only room for one. A large field with firm going is made use of to march the whole battalion across it. Toward the end of the first hour a man their formations to the nature of the; ' . Weak, Tire STARTS UP A SONG. the whole joining in; the rifles are now slung around the neck. pointing to the rear. Whenever men marching sling their rifles. they invariably hold the sling with one hand in order to keep the rifle steady. Some regiments in the German army still march at the slope. The pace is now increased until it nearly reaches four miles an hour. At 8 a. m. a halt is made the men pile arms. take off their accouterments. drink some cold coffee out. of their water bottles and eat a slice of bread and butter. which they have brought in their canteens. The infantry of the German army nearly all wear dark blue; the cloth is thick and. stands wear well. Each man carries 150 rounds of ammunition_in three black leathern uches. which are fastened onto the ‘ elt, 90 rounds in a large pouch at. the back and 3}] rounds on either side. The knapsack is worn high up on the shoulders and fastened by two black leather braces. which pas savor the shoulders and are attached in front. with a metal hook to the belt. The knapsack contains one pair of boots. the white drill suitâ€"drill trousers are sometimes worn on the march-three pair of socks or fuzlappen. a. fatigue cap. three sticks. strings and wooden pegs for the tent, at brushha. comb. and soap, 8. fora 0 cap, one tin Of preserle meat (wine is only open- ed when in bivouac), the great coat and. waterproof sheet for the tent are strap- ped across the top of the knapsack; A LARGE CANTEEN is fastened up near the top of the knapsack. Half the men of the company wrry'spades. worn on the left srde. with brown leather covering to pro- tect. the blades. There are six axes and four picks to each company. and the men take it in turn to carry these tools. The water bottle. in a brown leather case. is attached by a short leather strap to the ’belt. and is wovrn on the ri *bt side; a brown canvas haver- snck is ung across the left shoulder. The total weight now carried by an infantry soldier is 52 pounds. The in-‘ fantry wear \Vellington boots. with very broad toes; the trousers are tuck- ed mto the boot; the upper part of the boot is sufficiently loose to give ven- tilation. At 9 a. m. the battalion falls in again and, in spite of the heat, the men are soon murchin at the rate of nearly four miles an filour. After an hour and a. quarter's march we approach'the vil- lage of Pnsson. A soldier meets each company and hands the Captain the billeting papers. The staff have arrang- ed 1011* beforehand how many men can be bilfetod on the village. nonâ€"com- missioncd officer and two men from each company are sent to the village the day before. The Mayor furnishes them with the names of the inhabitants and the number of men they can pro- vide for. Lin officer in the village supervises the distribution. Arriving at the village. the order to march at 'attention' is given. There is little fatigue in the step which accompanies the inspiriling air played ‘by the band. With hardly any delay every man finds his way to his quarters. the heavy clothes are taken off. the noncommis sioncd officer of a mp0ralschuffâ€"conâ€" sisting of about 16 menâ€"secs to the feet of the men. socks are worn bv some others have a square piece of flannel cloth. which they bind around the feet." lt Sharpens the appetite. improves digestion. and re- stores hcalth and vigor; all the organs of the body are aroused to lwaliby ac»- covcry. More than all. the liverâ€"and that's the key to the whole system. You have. pum blood or poisonous blood. just as your liver clauses. The blood controls the health. the liver controls ihc blood. the “Discovery” controls the liver. You can escape just about half the ills that flesh is how to. by being ready for them. Brace the system up with this medicine, which prevents as well as cures. For all disc-awe caused by a disordered liver or impure bloodâ€"dys- pcpsia, biliousuess. the most stubborn skin. scalp and scrofulous affections. the "Discovery" is the only l\‘lll(‘d)‘ so cerâ€" tain and effective that, once uscd. it is always in favor. Send for a free pam- lhlct. Addn‘ss \Vorlll's lli~pcnsary cdical Association, Buffalo. N.Y. Knew Her Business. Bridget (applying for a situation)â€" Oh yis. mum. 0i lived in my last place i'n‘e weeks. mum. Mm. Yam Nobbsâ€"And why did you leave? Bridgetâ€"I could not get along with her. she was so old and cranky. Mrs. \‘nu Nobhsâ€"But I may be old and cranky. too. Bridget-Cranky ye may be.mum .for faces an! sometimes deceiving; but owld nlvcr. And Bridget got the place. He who thinks his place. below him will certainly be below his placeâ€"Ss- ville. it is my opinion that u mall-a soul my be buried and perish under a (lung- beap. or in a furrow of the field. just as well as under a oils of money.â€" llawt box no. ‘ l , Nervous Women, who seem to be all worn out, will find in purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood’s Sarsape- rilla, permanent relief and strength. The following is from a well known nurse: “ I have suffered for yam with female complaints 'Iud kidney troubles and I have had a great deal of medical advice during that time, but have received littl' or no benefit. A friend advised me to take Hood’s Snrsaparilln and I began to use it, together with Hood’s Pills. have real- ized more benefit from these medicines than from anythln elseltave ever taken. From my person experience I believe i Hood’s Sarsaparllla to be a. most complete 1 blood purifier." Mae. 0. CROMPI‘ON, 7'1 Cumberland 813., Toronto, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only |True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. - to b , to take Hood’s Pills 23; in $3.53?» ' ... m... .--;- . - l ‘A LIGHT KEPEB’S STORY. His Wife Was a. Fearful Sufl’erer From Rheumatism ller Jolnu Were Swollen and Distorted. lin- Nigllts Almost Slccplcss and Ilen- Appetlte Goneâ€"Suffered for Several Years Before Relief Was Found. From the Kingston News. ‘ Mr. Hugh McLaren, lighthouse keeper on \Volfe Island, is one of the best known men in this section, and to his vigilance in the performance of his du- ties is due the safety of the many craft i sail’ in that part of the St. Lawrence; {Mrs fc.La.ren. his wife, has been an {invalid for a number of years, and in iconversation with a reporter recently. i 1dr. McLaren stated that she was rapid- ' ly regaining her oldâ€"time health under ithe treatment of that most marvelous (of modern medicinesâ€"Dr. \Villiams' (Pink Pills. Asked if he had any ob- ’ iections to giving the particulars. Mr. lMcLarenfieplied that emphatically he .had not if such publication was likely to ; benefit any other sufferer. He said: "A l number of vears ago my wife contracted i rheumatism, and for a considerable time . . dent Cleveland's communication to the’ swollen and distorted; her nights were} British Government was written at a poor and was a helpless invalid. ller joints were sleepless and her appetite very fickle. During those years she espericnccd excruciating tortures, the . am never ceasing day or night. She ind the benefit of skilled medical advice but the treatment afforded no relief, and we began to fear that her trouble had gone beyond human aid. On a number of occasions I had read in the vpnpcrs of cases of rheumatism being §curcd by the use of Dr. \Villiams' Pink 3Pills. and This at last determined us fto give some three boxes before any improve- 'lllenl’ was noticed; and then we began her appetite was improved. Then 'tho pains gradually began to subside, and after using about a dozen boxes she was able to get up and walk about. a while longer, and although occasion- Alabastine as being sanitary, pure, porous, permanent, economical and beautiful. i them a trial. She had used tion by Dr. Picrco's Golden )lcdicul Dis- 3 to note that She Slop? better and t‘hatl .. . . . i Mic continued the use of the pills forl _ i no other LS, and to do what. no other UNSANITARY WALL COATINGS i CONDEMNED BY THE BIBLE. "Andbcboldifgsétcnebeinthewafl: ofthe hormwith hollow: greenish or reddish. then nuptial-lull 0 our of the house to the door of thehouse.uxd ut u thehouscmendayl ' ‘_ ‘3' And he shall taunt bouutobamped yxthm round about. and they shall pour out the dust that thcyocupo ofi’m'ihout the dty into an unclean place.” To each of the first three persons in every city and town in the Dominion of Canada who write The Alabastine Co., Limited. of Paris, Ont. giving the chapter containing the above passage of scripture, will be sent an order on the Alabasan dealer in the town for a. package of Alabastine, enough to cover 50 square yards of wall, two coats, tinted or white. To all who apply, giving us the name of the paper in which they saw this notice, will be given an ingenious puzzle, the solving of which may earn you $50.00. To test a. wall coating, take a. small quantity of it, mix in equal quantity of boiling water, and ifit does not set when left in the dish over night, and finally form' n stone-like cement without shrinking, it is a. kalsomine, and dependent upon glue to hold it to the wall, the feature so strongly objected to by sanitarians. This matter of looking to the sanitary nature of wall coatings seems to be con- sidered of much importance of late. A of Health, condemns wall paper and kalsomines for walls, and recommends Alabastine is ready for use by mixing in cold water. Cheap Shopping. Mrs. Bliffers (readin â€"â€"An elegant winter wrap. the latest arts style, can now be bought for $75. _ Mr. Biffers (greatly interested)â€" Doe sit say anything about the price of overcoatsl _ Mrs. Bliffers Soaking over the paper( â€"Let me see. b. yes; here it is. Go. to Cheap John's Celebrated Misfit Em~ porium for an overcoat. elegant gar- ment. Price $55. worth $8. Also freshly aBSOIted stocks s:co:1d hind 200ds,slightâ€" ly soiled. neatly patched, $3. Dear mel How cheap thinrrs are nowadays. Just think. A wrap for me and. an overcoat for you can be got for $78. BXCElâ€"Jâ€"LENT. Beyond the Power 01 Pen to Desc ibe Is the Verdict I Would (live or Your Wonderful Medicine. South American Ncrvlnc. I have been a continual sufferer from Nervous Debility. Indigestion, Dyspep- sia and general physical weakness for a. number of years. and had been treated by numerous doctors and specialists without_ avail. Recently while visitin in Toronto. I was induced by a frien who had been cured of similar com< plaints by its use. to' try South Ameri- can Nervine Tonic, which I did with the most astonishing results. The very first dose seemed to “hit the right spot." and five bottles completely cur- ed me. and best. of all I have stayed, cured. Gratitude for what this {grand remedy 1 1 has done for me promptsme in making- this statement, which I want you to publish far and wide. so that others who suffer from these complaints may know that there is a cure, absolute and certain. within their reach and to be had almost for asking. May South .American Nervine ever prosper. and its proprietors reap t‘fie reward they so justly deserve. is t. e prayer of ~ Yours truly, D. G. OWEN; Picton, Ont... Dec. 19, 1895. The more sympathies we gain or awaken for what is beautiful, by so much deeper will be our sympathy for that which is most beautiful, the hu- man soul.â€"Lowell. , Peace or War ? Another Anglo-American war is not by any means desirable, and one of our leading men and deepest thinkers sug- gests a remedy. It is evident. Prem- 1 time when his liver was completely out ‘ of order. Congress should at once vote funds fora barrel of St. Leon \Vatcr. -It never fails with liver troubles; it iwould relieve the President and also the United States the expense of a commission to Venezuela. Sold by all 1 reliable dealers. Indulge in procrastination, and in I time you will come to this, that because a thing ought to be done. therefore you can't do it.-â€"C. Buxton. ] Pills do not cure Constipation. They : only aggravate. Karl‘s Clover Root Tea. gives perfect regularity of the i bowels. - Every human being is have a character of his own; to be what ally she feels twinch of the trouble inl can-â€"-Clmnning. changeable weather. she now enjoys better health than she has done for years, and can sleep as soundly as ever she did in her life. while her appetite never was better. I look upon Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills as a wonderful medi- cine. for I know they have done wonders in my wife’s case. and I feel certain that if any who are afflicted as she was will give lhcmagmnl trial 9 uzllly. hapâ€" py results. will follow. and therefore glvc this. testimony freely, hoping that it will benefit some. sufferer." j )lr. Mclau‘en'sstrong testimony proves ‘tllc claim made that Dr. \Villiams' Pink ‘I’ills cum when other medicines fail, ’and that they deserve to rank as the ,greatest discovery of modern medical. lscicnco. The public should always be ion their guard against imitations and 'substitutes, which some unscrupulous jdealers for the sake of extra profit.urge -upon purchasers. There is no other remedy "just the same as" or "just as good" as Dr. \l'illizlms' Pink Pills and ithe genuine always have the full trade ‘ mark. "Dr. “'illiums' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around every box. It is not error that opposes so much the progmss of truth: it is indolenre. obstinacy. the spirit of routine. every- thing that favors inaction.â€"-â€"Turgof. it is heaven upon earth to have a man‘s mind move in charity. rest in providence and turn upon the poles of ' li‘iLZ b.-~â€"ll icon- Consumptipn can be cured by the use of bhlloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. the more wo . Busy Wives who supplement to the Michigan State Board intended to ‘ I Diseased blood. constipation. and? kidney. liver and bowel troubles are; cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. E Melancholy spreads itself betwixt 1253- i yen and earth. like envy between man mama, a... D optic. Influm ’30:: of the FOR TREATMENT AND CUREUSE and man. and is an everlasth miSt-â€" Byron. Conanâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick. pos- itive cure. Soothing. cleansmg.hesllng. \Vhen any one has offended me, i trv to raise my soul so h‘ h that. the of- fense can not reach it.â€"- escarries. "My baby had croup and was shed by Shiloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J .B. Mar- tin. of Huntsville. Ala. “'J’JI}. 80!. If? If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The erms of decay thrive rapid y there. So the erms Of consump- tion fin good soil for work when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised made raw, or in'ured by colds and coughs. cott’s Emulsion, with hypOphosph1tes, W111 heal inflamed mucus mem- ‘branes. The time to take it is before seriousidamage has been done. A So-cent bottle is enough for an or- dinary cold. ~ ‘ 50 cents and $1.00 Scorr d: BOWNi, Chemists. Believille, Out. BA KE R Sâ€" iiiiii afford to do without them. 78‘ 81 Ad 1 M t w , GITI M’fl‘u zonoxfrg. 021:3; OUGLAS BROS, Slate.Gravel and metal roofers, metallic ceilings, skylights _ sheet; metal workers. 124 Adelaide W.,'l‘oror.to milâ€"171% lish sheep and narrow American hog can ‘ iussmr right prices. Park. Blackwell & Co., Ltd.,Tpronto ‘ E are always open to buy or sell Hay ‘ Straw. Grain or Potatoes. in our lots. W. M. HANNAH 8:. CO. Toronto. 1 DR. MURRAY MACFARLANE, Specialist-Eye, ' Ear and Throat. 3?. Carlton St.. Toronto. dating before 1870 of Canada Provinces. United States; also Bill and Law Smmps bouszht. Grol prices. WM. R. ADAMS, 7 Ann St... Toronto, Ont). 001i! A chance in a life time! Young man. there is no better trade or profession to-day than cutting. Good cuttch are in great dcn'nnl at big \vrtgcs. Write for particulars to TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL, 113 Yongo St. STAMMERING cram are: tlonal System. No advance fees. Write for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. __ 76 Bogd St... Toronto t ' A Strictly High Grade Wheel at a. MODERATE PRICE. G. T. Paxonrnr Manufacturer. 13 to 8i Adelaide SLW- Toronto dictum:- ‘ . E‘S’Ja.wo‘mss...;â€" [l w‘-§inion57 new. ._ 'Apfrommc l _______â€"â€"â€" FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. I onus BAKING , POWDER wTHECOOK’S BEST FRIEND 'ARGEST SAI E. III CANADA. 3 MAY SURE-23E ud we will diet you how to make I do]; A!» nohtoly Inn; wefurmlh t 0 work In! Inch you nee; you work in the locality Ind we will explain the barium fully- mmember we gnu-Into. A clear profit 33 for every day's work- Immuton are. Write at mice. Addess D.T.Morgan. Manager Box A. 4. Windsor. Ont. ___.._â€"_â€".. .. -..._ .l . . stylus, DURABLE, GDMFORTABLE ' FOOTWEAR. “ SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. ASK never seem to grow old.Try 0. cake . co’vltflug A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted from badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifle- which seemed light as air. But by these things a. man often judges of his wife’s devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect when he finds her careless in the“ particulars. Many a home owes a large part of its thrifty nentneu SAPOLIO. . and its consequent happiness to 18‘ Grocers often substitute cheaper goods for SAPOLIO. to make a better prom. Send back such articles, and mm on huvlng just who: you ordered. where you live. Send us your cadre-r “ ALEXANDER." Puusux Srnouun. 1694 Notre Dame St... Montreal. . Wagâ€"m..â€" G. DUTHIE 84 SONS SLATE, SHEETrflETAL. TILE & GRAVEL RDOFERS Sheet Metal Ceilings. Term Colts Tile. Red Black and Green Rootin slate. Moral Cor nices. Fpll, Tar. Roofing itch. Etc. Gutters Downpipee, &c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1986. Adelaid - 6: Wldmer Sta TORONTO DON’T COUGH YOUR LUNGS AWAY USE EBY'B GERMAN BREAST BALSA M, AND an ocean or will: couon. Sold by Druggists At 25 and 50 cents. The band is rapidly replacing the circular in up-lo-( ate saw mills. The mystery thrown around the band has V S . disappeared. Circular smvyers learn rapidly to handle baud saws. so that no inconveni- enceis felt. “'3 build the new “Allis” Band, a practically perfect band mill. Never falls. You can run one euc- ccssfuliy and take from 10 to 20 er cent. more lumber out- of next. year's stock a no extra cost for Government dues, cutting. or driving to mill. Why continue to waste thus? Investi- gate. \Vrite us (0-day. w A rel-mu s. “hurry Hay Favor, Deafheu, Onto rrh of the Stomach Dr. Besunt‘s new treatment for the above distressing troubles is the only remedy in the world which treats these diseases both locally andlnternnlly, thus effecting A PERMANKN? CURE. Price for one full month’s treatment flâ€"whioh is sufficient for most means. If your druggis; deal not keep it, remit direct to El and we will send free of extra charge. Cir- cular describing Mrs. Besant'l preparation! lent fro: on application. MARTHA Bssnu' 00.. Toronto. Canada ~TEIIâ€" MONARGH BICYCLE. â€"000-â€" Agents wanted every- where. $fi5 To $100.. 6 & 8 ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO- BEST DISCOUNTS. THE AERMO'I‘OR CO. coon half the venom windmill business, because it has reduced the cont 0! wind power to 1:6 what it was. It has many branch . . houses, and supplies itl good: and rennin " at your door. . 1: cm and don: furnish a , V better Article for less money than ‘1"! in? others. It makes Pumping Ind ‘13 {1.3 Geared, Steel Gaivanlwdalter- .’ " Completion Windmills, Tilting \- Ind Fixed Stool Towers, steel Bun 83w Fumes, Stool Feed Cutters and Food '23 Grinders. 0n nppllcatlon it wiil name one of these articles that it will furnish until Jenner: lat at 113 the usual price. It also mule! Tank: and Pumpl of all kinds. Bond tor cot-ionic. Pedant 12in. Rockwell and Fillmore Streets. Chic“ FDRlT, 0R SENDABCENT STAMP 5 10 FOR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, » 5‘ SAM PLES.COTTON YARN.&. ,1?“ ~ 'THiSIS;GOOb:EOR$ egzgsenojo“ "REEBMANIBRG I v' GEQBGET‘QWNe-Q A ,___â€"__.â€".r._..__._...._.._ .7. .. .. HANDSOMES‘l CATALOGUE ma lSSUED WM REN NIE. TORONTO Our Fall {initiations : NOW READY . Old Mun Suvarin and other Otnrloo. B Edward W. Thomson.....l.l The Red Red Winn. ' By J. Jackson Wrey. Illustratod.... LI A Victory We n. By Annie 8. 8mm. Iliuatratod.... 1.! Barbara Heck. A Story ofMethodlom. By W. H. Withrow. D. l). Illustrated... .10 .â€" READY EARLY IN DECEMBER: Cot and Cradle Btorleo. By Mrs. Catherine Parr 'l‘relll. With Bor- rralt and illustrations by A. Dlokron air lemon, R.O.A . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . LI Canadian Wild Flowon With Botanical Description: by Mn. Train. Embelllphed by ten full- use lama. drawn and colored b ban b n.0bemberlln. Fourth edit on prin ad from entirely new type. film of book 14!: ll inched. Here and There In the Home Land. By Cunniff Height. In one volume of 540 ages, with 250 tuperlor hate-eu- gra an Cloth 88.“. Ihaep .00;helf morocoo.. ......... ...... Nlnoflofthowugptyofunonburg. ' By Judge 31. B. Down-g. Second odi- tion, greatly eels ad. in map end 0.“ several fullapnge etc-on vi 8. Consumption l [a nuns: 0:8qu an Prevention. By Edward Plemr,}LD............,... tn WILLIA M BRIGGi-l, Pnbllsl'er. 20-3! Richmond It. West. Toronto A r-v‘“: awgm‘.‘ 4 c,- .â€" “I'M‘Vh fin,)~A’\/- rfifimeâ€"o..- a... . v 4-51..“

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