Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Feb 1896, p. 5

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,m.. ., Fouxn Dam IN Banâ€"We clip the following paragraph from the I’etcrboro' Time: of Mauday last, the 10th inst :â€" “ Saturday morning Mr. Dan McIntyre, who has been a resident. of Keene for years, was found dead in his bed. The deCeased slept alone, and when his room was entered yesterday it was found that death had come in the night. The de. ceased was about 65 years of age and was Well known in the village and in town. His wife and two sons, Messrs. A. A. and Malcolm McIntyre, reside in town. He also leaves two daughters, Mrs A. Weir, residing near Keene, and the other at Fenelon Falls." hlxruomsr YOUNG PEOPLE. â€" The Young People’s SIOIBLICS ot the Metho~ dist Church are very much interested in their conference gatherings which are to be held this month. Toronto Confer- ence Young People will meet in Toronto on February 27th and 28th ; Hamilton Conference will meet in Berlin on Feb. 25th and 26th, and the Bay of Quintc Cenference will meet in Belleville on Feb 18th to 20th. This is the first of tho Cinference Conventions bid, and great enthusiasm is being manifested in the preparations now in progress. The Methodist societies in this section will go to Belleville. Reduced railway fares are arranged, and the expectation is that 300 or 400 of leading Methodist young people will rally in the city. '\ ‘tquiries concerning the convention, 3‘ rogramme, etc., should be made to ltev. C. W. Watch, Secretary, Brighton. “ Toucan " Turrsa.â€" We see it stated that “Mr. La’l‘ouche Tupper, inspector of fisheries, Selkirk West, Manitoba, has shipped from the Selkirk hatchery a consignment of half hatched white fish eggs to the hatchery at New Westmintcr. These white fith will eventually be deposited in the Okanagan and other fresh water lakes ot British Columbia. This is the second shipment of white fish eggs sent to the Pacific Province, the first shipment of two million being made two years ago, and .successfully hatched." Twenty-five years ago M r. Tupper ran a drug store and courted the M uses in Bobcaygeon ; _ and being'nn out-and-out Lory, and pos sessed of some of the qualities for which The Great Stretcher (of whom he is a nominal relative) is noted, be long ago passed on to his. reward. The air of, Manitoba must be good for the viscera and conducive to longevity, or else doc tors are sometimes mistaken ; for in his Bobcayueon days Touche Tupper was understood to have something so dreadâ€" ful the matter with his inside that he couldn't possibly last for many years, but here he is yet alive and kicking, and no doubt abusing the Grits at as great a rate as ever. ...â€".-.“- 0 Mrs. John Peyton, of Orange, Va., will attain h r 100th birthday next month. She as a son 80 years old who is station agent on the railroad at a place near her home. He was ap- pointed agent forty-three years ago. About 400 French Catholics held a mass meetingr at Daniclson, Conn., on Feb. 9th and adopted resolutions not to pay one cent toward the church in any form whatever, until a French Canadian priest is furnished. They signed a circular to that effect and will have it distributed among the French families this week. Nogcnt sur Marne, France, has a town clerk who has tried seventeen times, without success. to commit sui cide. His latest exploit was to throw the office furniture at his fellow-officials, fight the people he met in the street, and try to murder his wife. winding up by drinking corrosive sublimate. The dictors counteracted this, and he is ready to begin again. A son of James McConib of Mono 'J‘owuship was haulin': wood into a shed on asmall sleigh. He got on top of (he sleigh to reach a rope that was hanging: from the rafters. Tho rope had a name on the end ; the sleigh slip- ped under his, feet. his head by some means got through the nonse. and he was burned in sisht of his younger brother, who gave the alarm, but assist- ance came too late. The latest wonder riportcd from Glasgow is a bicycle rider who has no legs and only one arm; he is only 13 years of age. very bright and active, in bpite oi his physical imperfections. A neighboring bicycle manufacturer agreed to make a wheel which the boy could ride. and he did so One hand guides the handle bar, and bars of steel lead up from the pedals to the short stumps which are all he has for legs. The death recently occurred in St. Bartholomew‘s ll ispital, London. of the colored lion tamer named William Beaumont. Whilst going: throuih a performance with the lions at the Agri~ cultural Hall on Christmas cve. he was attacked by One of the lions, which tore a large piece of flesh from his arm as wellu injured his spine. He was at once. taken to. the hospital, but symptoms very similar to hydrophobia mpervened, and he died unbloqnently in great agony. Great loss of life and very large des- truction of property have been caused in the northern part of Queensland by Great numbers The damage to property a tornado and floods. were drowned. in estimated at $2,500,000. Several coasting vessels are missing, and it is believed that they have either foundercd or been driven ashore and that all aboard of them were lost. A curious case of a soldier refusing to do duty has just been before a mili- tary tribunal in Germany. name of a private in an infantry com- pany stationed at Insterburg. He is the son of it landed proprietor. He said he was willing to do military duty six days in the week, but would not "Ides- ecrate the Sabbath.” He is still in prison, and will remain there until he changes his mind in this matter. BIRTHS. Knoxâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, the wife of Mr. James Knox of a daughter. m FENE LON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls Friday, Feb’y. 14th, 1896. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 75 to 78 Wheat,fa11, perbushel.... 75 78 Wheat,spring “ 73 75 Barley, per bushel. . 30 36 Buckwheat“ a... .. .. 30 32 Oats, “ .... 24 25 Pensc, “ .... .... 50 52 Rye, “ 45 47 Potatoes, “ .... 15 20 Butter,perlb............ 12 13 Eggs,per dozen.......... 15 ‘6 Hay,per 10.00 12.00 Hides...........-. 3.50 4.00 Hogs(live) .............. 3.25 3.50 Hogs (Dressed) ... . . 4.25 4.50 Sheepskins.............. 40 65 W001 18 20 Flour, family, Silver Leaf.. 2.00 2.20 Flour, best bakers’.... 2.10 2.35 Flour straiglttrolled...... 1.90 2 10 Brno, per ton...... 13 00 15.00 Shorts, “ . 15.00 17.00 Mixed chop,per ton...... . 18.00 20.00 NOTICE To DEBTORS. As I have sold my busi- ness to Mr. J. L. Arnold, and wish to leave the Falls as soon as possible, all parties indebted to me are hereby notified to call at the store and settle their accounts on or be- fore Saturday, the 29th inst., as after that date all remaining unpaid will be placed in other hands for collection. W. J. ELLISON. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 1211:, 1890. ORGAN FOR SALE. For sale, a very fine-toned si_x~octave Doherly Organ, bought for $125; will sell it for $60. The instrument can be seen at Mrs.Twomey‘s, Sr., Fenelon Falls. MRS. IIEELEY, Minden. Jan. 23rd,1896.-49 *For Sale or To Rent. THE LARGE FRAME DWELLING near the Pqu Mill, recently occupied by the late 11 W. Greene, with good barn, garden, well, cistern and other conveni- ences on premises. Will be sold cheap, or rented. Will also sell Household Furniture Cheap for Cash, consisting of a good square piano, a cook stove, heating stoves, bedroom sets, sewingr machine and other effects. Must be sold by the 22nd inst. For further particulars apply to W. S. SCOTT. Fenelon Falls, Feb 6th. 1896.â€"5l-3p In the matter of 56 Victoria. Chap. 21, and in the matter of Plan No. 100. of the Plans of the Registry 031cc, of the County of Victoria. TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made to His llouor Judge Dean, Judge of the County Court 01 the County of Victoria. under the provisions of the above mentioned statute, to close a lane in the Village of Fenelon Falls running south from Oak street to Water street and west of May street, :in the said Village, on Thurs- day. the 20th day of February, A. D. 1896, at 2'. o'clock p. m., at Dickson‘s Hall, in the Village of Fenelon Falls, at which time and place all parties interested are required to attend. Dated at Fenelon Falls this 8th day of January, A. D. 1896. ItcLAUGHLIN & MchARNID. 49A Soliciton for Applicant. 'l‘rott is the ' AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES Price US I.\' THE TOWNSHIPS OF SOXSRVILLI AND DIGBY, I.\' THE COCSTY OF VICTORIA. Thane will be ofl‘ered for sale by Public Auction, at Keys’ Hotel, in the Village of . Coboconk, on Thursday, the 19th day of March, 1896, at 11 o’clock in the forcuoon, by virtue of powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be produced at the sale, the following properties: PARCEL I.-â€"The south half of lot number [2 in the SH) concession of the Township of V Lsdies‘ Mantle Cloths, In all shades and colors, 56-Illt‘ll Somerville, containing one hundred acres more or less,save and except two acres, one acre being reserved in a certain deed of conveyance made by Alexander Adams to James Adams and hearing date the 22nd day of December, 1877, and the other acre being composed of that part of the lot as may be better known and described as commencing at the distance of two chains from the south-west corner of said lot on the southern boundary, thence northerly 5 chains, thence essterly 2 chains, thence southerly 5 chains to the southern boun- dary, thence along the southern boundary 2 chains to the place of beginning, the above lines being parallel to the boundary lines of said lot. Said lands being subject to the conditions and reservations con- tained in the indenture heretofore referred to between Alexander Adams and James Adams. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: About fifty acres cleared, having erected thereon a log house, frame burn and stable. There is a. young orchard on the property. PARCEL II.â€"Lot number 12 in the first concession of the Township of Digby afore- said, containing by admsnsurement 140 acres more or less. The following improve- ments are said to be on the premises: About 65 acres cleared, having erected thereon a log house and log barn. There is a young orchard on the property. TERMSâ€"20 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES, MACKENZIE dl LEONARD, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to R. J. LEROY, Coboconk. 52td NOTICE TO CREDITORS 01'Frnncls H. Magoo, an Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that Francis H. Magee, of the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria, Harness Maker, has made an assignment to me for the benefit of his creditors, in pursuance of Chapter 124 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, (an Act respecting Assignments and ' Preferences by Insolvent Persons.) A meeting of the creditors of the said Insolvent will be held on Saturday, the 15th day of February, 1896, at one o’clock p. m., at Mr. G. H. Hopkins’ Law Office, No. 6 William Street South, in the Town of Lindsay, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the estate. Creditors and others having claims against the said Francis H. Magee are here- by required to send in to me, Fenelon Falls P. 0., a statement giving full particulars oftheir claims and the nature of the secur- ities (if any) held by them, duly verified, as required by the said Act, on or before the lst of March, 1896, after which date I will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the trust estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which I then have notice, and that I will not be liable for the proceeds of the trust estate, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim I had not' notice at the time of distribution thereof! or a. part thereof. WILLIAM McAR'l‘HUR, Assignee, Fenelon Falls P. O. G. H. Horxtss, Assignee’s Solicitor, Lindsay, Ont. Dated this 5th February, 1896.--51.3 NOTICE. The undersigned having disposed of their store business in Fenelon Falls, hereby notify all parties indebted to them that they must call at the mill office and settle, either by cash or note, on or before Saturday, the 14th of March,as after that date the books will pass into other bands. McDOUGALL tit BRANDON. Fenelon Falls, Feb'y 3th, 1896.â€"31-4w. W J. BELL, Baker and Confectioner, Next Door to the Meat Mart, would thank the people of Fenelon Falls for their patronage since he started busi ness in the villng-z. My bread can’t be beaten Ill Canada. It is home-made bread. My candles are the purest in the market. Oysters cooked or raw or by the glass. Meals at all hours, hot or cold. J. BELL, FENELON FALLS. WWW w t A GOOD HAN in an e I your district to rep- resent the “ Foothill Nurseries of Canada” â€"-ovcr 700 acresâ€"the largest in the Do- minion. Position permanent. Salary or commission to right man. With the in- creasing demand for fruit, a position with us as salesman will pay you better than engaging in farm work. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School teachers! it's just the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, 14.3111 Toronto, Ont returned if goods are not right. CARTER. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, subject to change only M the goods are sold out. Look this lisv. through very carefully and compare prices. CARTER will be found doing business at the old stand in Lindsay. All wool Dress Goods, regular price 25, 35 and 40e., to clear at 15c. No. 1 special line of Dress Serge, 42-inch, very heavy . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . '30 3 “ “ Dress Serge, 36-inch, 32 shades.... 1‘5 3 ” “ Dress Serge, 44-inch, 27 shades...... 30 Beautiful line of Plaid Dress Tut-tans, nice for children .. . . .. . . . . . . . ... 15 Special line of Wrapperettc Fluunels, new shades . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . ‘5 Nobby Tweed Dress Goods, assorted shades, 41-inch. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 34 _ Ladies’ Mantles, some new lines, confined to us. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . 2 9:. o t I I V I I I I o I O IL. The Babies are crying for our nice warm Coatings, at . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . 50 Children’s Undervests in all sizes, long sleeves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 u n it it it u “unuuuuunuu 15 Ladies” pure all-wool Hose, in black, all sizes . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . l5 -‘ “ “ “ “ Eclectricfiuish ‘35 “ Hand Bags, combination leather and silk, also a Purse .. .. 25 " Companion, contains 240 articles, needles, pins, glove cleaner 55c 35 “ Underskirtiug, nice pattern, 38 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 “ Cashmere Gloves, all wool, any size, a snap at . .. . . .. 15 150 pieces of silk finish Velveteen, beginning at . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 15 375 Women and Children’s all-wool Hoods, any color, to clear . . 33 Lndies’, Gent’s and Boys' Fur Cups, this season‘s goods . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 2 00 Children's white fur Boas, extra long and large . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 25 Men’s white unlnundercd Shirts, all sixes 29 “ u “ “ special 50 “ Knit lop Shirts, the best shirt in this country, for. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 50 “ Flesh colored Undershirts and Pants to match, going at . . .. . . .. 25 “ Undershirts and Drawers to match, pure ttll wool . . . . .. . . .. .. .. ' 45 “ “ Scotch lamb wool, with German skirt, in small men’s, men’s and fatmen’s.................................... ‘ 50 “ Pure all wool Socks, white heels and toes, very heavy . . .. 10 1,40'1 Men’s and Boys' Winter Caps, manufacturers' samples, your choice 50 Men’s and Boys’ pure silk Tics, going at two for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Two pair Men’s elastic web Braces for 25 Ask to see our Men’s double breasted Cardigan Jackets . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1 25 375 Pair of Men’s Winter Pants, bought under peculia; circumstances, to go at 125 Men’s Tweed Suits, all sizes, every fit guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 Men’s Overcoats, at $3 95, $4.75, $5.39, $6.00, $6.95, $7.75, $9.75, $l0.50 12 00 See our Blizzard Irish ‘Frieze Ulster, plaid lined, mud‘ pockets . . . . . . . . 5 39 Children’s and Boys’ two and three piece Suits, beginning at . . . . .. . . . . l 95 Extra. good quality Pen. Jacket, plaid lining, we are selling at. . . . .. . . .. 3 95 Men’s genuine wombat Fur Overcoatsâ€"big snap . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 12 00 Job line of Factory Cotton, 34 inches wide, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 “ “ “ “ 40 “ “ “ 07 Gray Flannel in all qualities and shadeS, commencing at. . . . .. . . . . . . .. 10 Fancy Shaker Flannels, new designs, 5, 6, 8, 0, 10 and.... . .. 12i- Special drive in Funny Factory Flannel Sltirtiugs, pure all wool .. . . .. 21 4,] Heavy Canton Flannel, very fine warm nnp, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 Pure all wool navy flannel, plain and twill, 26-inch . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Big drive in ’l‘woeds, just the thing for boys’ wear . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 25 Genuine French Full-cloth, very neat patterns . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Extra heavy Feather Ticking, big bargain . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Special job in Table Linens, good quality, 54-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8-4 Plain unbleached Sheeting, very heavy 18 8-4’l‘will “ “ veryfine............................ 20 8-4 “ bleached “ linen finish...................... 25 Five-pound bunch white cotton Yarn, best make, all numbers . . . . .. . . . . 10 0 Five-pound bunch white carpet warp, “ “ will make 30 yds. carpet 1 O0 Five-pound bunch col’d “ “ all shades, “ “ “ “ “ l 25 Cream and white Lace Curtains, bound edges, 2.} yards long . . . . . . 29 u (t u u tt u 3 it u “NIH”. 50 Handsome white wool Bed Blankets, fancy borders, five pounds . . .. . . .. l 95 Very large gray “ “ “ “ “ “ . . .. . . . . I 25 Eagle B Bags, No. 1 quality, 16 ounce, seamless, per doznn . . 2 40 Apron Ginglmms, fancy border, beautiful patterns, 36 inches wide . .. . 10 36-inch Union Carpet, worth 40c., going at. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 29 Beautiful Hemp Carpet, new designs 13 Horse Covers, cut to shape and strapped 50 Ask to see the new American Batt.... 07 Kindly go carefully through this list and compare prices. The above is only a small list of the very many bargains waiting for you. Send on your letter orders. Money CARTER, LINDSAY. This Looks Like Poetry, 5 But. it isn't. At least it isn’t intended to be. It’s object is to catch your ‘ eye and inform you that we have bargains for you in Watches, Rings and other Jewelry, Fancy Chin-aware and Glassware, Pipes, Purses, Pictures, Perfumery, Stationery and Toilet Articles, Musical Instruments, Toys and Dolls, Bedroom and Toilet Sets, ' Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper and Window Shades. We are always ready To supply your wants in these lines At- rock bottom prices At S. N evison’s Bazaar, Fenelon Falls. Furniture, Doors, Sash, . ~â€"-â€"-â€"AND~â€"â€" UNDERTAKING, .W. M‘Keown’s , FRANCIS ST. WEST._ FENELON FALLS. .,A.A ,... Wm Mommy-h ' -4' ‘-¢P“w “we!” . A a ....A ‘A‘.’ - A- A -‘~<â€".â€"A'~ ......g...~.M.- 4-. at ..AaAnpN. 'QR"?! 1.3.3.": - A. ' .~ '

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