Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Nov 1895, p. 7

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l l 1 { ._.__ \. ,, _-,-#--_ THE PROP At the Rescue of Ir. leisure o Homing‘s Hills. ladly Crippled With edition and at Inlenu- snarrer for Yearsâ€"For Two Years Was Not Able to Do Any Work â€"ltr. Williams' Pink Pills Restores Him to Health. From the Shelburne Economist. The completion of the local telephone service between Shelburne and Homing’s Mills by Messrs. John Metcalfc and IV. H. Blarlatt, referred to in these columns recently, was the means of bringing to the notice of a reporter of the Economist the fact of the remarkable restoration to health some time ago of Mr. Vietcalfe, the chief promoter of the line. For about two years Mr. Mctcalfe was a terrible eufi'erer from sciatica, and unable to work. While not altogether bedfast, be was so badly crippled that his bent form, as he occasion- ally hobbled about the streets of Horning'e Mills, excitel universal sympathy. The trouble was in one of his hips and he could not stand or walk erect. His familiar attitude, as the residents of Horn. lug’s Mills can vouch, was a stooped our “ wanna» m a s’roornn posrrms.” position, with one hand on his knee. Mr. Metcalfe says:-â€"”For about two years I was not able to do any work. Local physi- cians failed to do me any good, and I went to Toronto for treatment, with equally unsatifaoiory results. I also tried elec- trical appliances without avail. I returned home from Toronto discouraged, and said that I would take no more medicine, that it. seemed as if I had to die anyway. My system Was very much run down and the pains at times were excruciating. 1 adâ€" hered for several months to my determi- nation to take no more medicine but finally consented to a trial of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strongly recommended by a friend. Before I had taken them very long I felt a great deal better, my appetite returned,’ and the pains diminished. After using the pills for some time longer I was able to stand and walk erect and resume my work, In the full enjoyment of health and strength. People who know me marvelled at the change,- and on my personal recommend- ation many have used Pink Pills. This is the first time, hawtver, that I have given the facts for publication.” On being asked if the sciatica had ever returned, Mr. Metcalfe stated that once or twiceastheresultofunusualexposure,hehad experienced slight attacks but he always kept some of the pills at hand for use on such occasions, and they never failed to fix him up all right. Mr. Metcalfc, who is 52 cars of age, is in the flour and provision usiness, and. as proof of his ability to do as good a day’s work as he ever did in his life, we may state that the most of the work connected with the erection of his six miles of telephone line was performed by himself. Mr. Motcalfo also mentioned several other instances in which the users of Pink Pills derived great benefit, among them being that of a lady resident of Horning's Mills. The Economist knows of a number of instances in Shelburne where great good has followed the use of this woll~known remedy. The public are cautioned against im- itations and substitutes, said to be “ just as good." These are only oflered by some unscrupulous dealers because there is a larger profit for them in the imitation. There is no other remedy that'can success- fully tako the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and those who are in need of a medicine should insist upon getting the enuine, which are always put up in boxes mating the words “Dr. 'Nilliams’ Pink Pills for Pals People." If you cannot obtain them from your dealer. they will be sent post-paid on receipt of 50 cents a box, or $2 50 for six boxes, by addressing the Dr. Willlains' Medicine 00., Brockville, Out... or Schenectady, N. Y. A CAR FAMlNis. Western Railways Short of Rolling Stock to .Vlove the Crops. Long before the date originally thought possible there will be a car famine 0‘ igautic proportions throughout the West. fietween January 1 and the opening of navigation eastern roads will have much more business otlcrod them than they can , ossibly handle. Certainly by December; , and possibly by November 15, Western ’ roads Will have every available car In use hauling grain toward Chicago, St. Louis or .' the South. The present demand for cam' in the “first is largely to market grain left? over from last year. Very few (3.115"! new corn have been received in Chicago and! the movement of this year’s crop wzl‘: notl become general until wall along in Dcccm- ' her. “’cstern lines can and operate ltlinut, 150,000 cars capable of carrying gram. Coupled together these cars would make a train nearly 1000 mics long. According to railroad computation, it will take il'is enormous train, running ly picceinral on‘ all the roads of the west, nearly or qu to nine months to haul all Iii-c grain to market. The only place in the country where- there is a genuine car famine is in Pennsyl- , vania. For nearly two months cars have. been at a premium and as much scheming is now done by the coal, iron and steel men for cars as they formerly did for cut rates. They are only too Willing now, not only to pay tariff rain, but are freely offering bonuses for cars to cllicisls wno can influence their movements. .~\; several . local points on its line the Lake Shore has a shortage of can and the Grand Trunk and Wabash are shcri in Chicago. . These shortages by no means compare wuh ‘ the (stains in Pennsylvania, and there :s' no danger of a mi famzno ui‘ blockade of trellis on eastern lines until January at host. MABVBLLED‘ The attendant surgeons put him A Bun-lo Boy Swallows a Harmonica Whueriayln: "The Irish Washer woman." Prank Smith a 16-year-old boy of Bufâ€" falo lies at the Fitch Hospital with a mouth organ in his stomach. He swallow- ed the instrument early in the night, and before the surgeons could examine him it had passed through the trachea into the boy's digestive organ. Early Monday night he and a number of boys of hisege gathered in front of John G. Avery’s saloon and grocery at 797 Abbott road. They were joking and wrest- ling with each other, when young Smith took from his pocket is little toy mouth organ about two inches long and an inch wide. He began to play on it. His com- ions were greatly amused. They asked him to play a lively jig, and they would dance a clog or two. Young Smith struck up " The Irish Washerwomen.” The boys were dancing with great vigor when they saw young Smith make signs to them to stop. He was greatly excited and beg an to turn pale. The boys stop and ran to him. in great agony. The mouth organ had slipped out of his fingers and had lodged in his windpipe. They hurriedly took him to a doctor near by, but the doctor was not in, so they started for the Fitch Hospital. On the way to the Hospital young Smith began to feel better. The organ had edged down into the windpipe and he breathed easier. Still 'he was decidedly uncomfortable. At the hospital he was laid on the oper- ating table and Dr. Parmenter was sent He was under the influence of chloroform while waiting for the doctor. Dr. Parmenter saw when he arrived that the case was a serious one, but all efforts on his part to locate the obstacle were of no avail. Probes of all sizes were' inserted into the boy’s windpipe, but the organ could not be found. He was of the opinion that the organ had lodged in the stomach. Popular Christian Names. An account has been taken in Austria: Hungary of the Christian names of persons in the Empire. The name of Francis heads the list with 1,834,000 then come 4,384,000 persons who rejoice in the name of John ; then Joseph. which numbers 1,085,000; Leopold has 584,000 admirers, and Weuces- laus 441,000. Of the Christian names of women, Auna' rules supreme in Austria with nearly 2,000,000 ; then comes Marie with 1,652,000 and Elizabeth has place with 1,260,000 admirers. WE -...â€"........-_»_. One day last week there was ajam of logs in the Upper Mississippi above St. Cloud which was estimated to contain 250,- 000,000 feet of lumber ; and a little further up the river there was another jam, which extended for almont twenty miles. ______o._.____. THE ONLY REMEDY THAT CURES. Ephraim ’s‘nllmnu, or lilerrlckville, “'as a Very Sick ilanâ€"lle Tried it Great Many Remedies, Inst (Inly Got Temporary Beliefâ€"South Aliieric in Nerviue. on Recommendation of III r.E. Errctt. Lum- ber alert-hunt, Was Tried. and Disease was In a Short Time liniiished . EDICINES for the sick are not ‘wanting. They are about as plentiful as mos- quitoes in Mus- kcka, and some- times just as useless and an- noying. But . , there isaserious ~ side to the mat- ter. Whyshould those who are broken down in health, weak and wearied, and nigh unto death often, have their con. dition aggravated by remedies that do them no good. Sometimes, as Mr. Ephraim Tallmau, who is a retired farmer, highly respected in the c mniunity, and now liv- ing in Merrickville, has said, temporary relief is secured. But the reaction that comes from disappointment is apt to set the patient back further than he was be- fore. The feature of South American Nerviue is its permanent healing powers. It is a medicine which strikes at the root of dis- ease, curing the deranged parts at the nerve centres, and these cured, disease cannot exist. _ Mr. Tallman found this to be the case. He says :â€"-“ Two years ago this fall I had an attack of La Grippe, and I have never been well since. My bowels, I may say, became perfectly dormant, and I tried a great many medicines, and got just tem- orsry relief. But it was very temporary. lr. E. Errett, lumber merchant. of this town, advised me to try South American Nervine, and I must, and can, truthfully say that I have received more benefit from it than from all the other remedies I have ever taken. I can honestly recommend it, as I consider it an excellent remedy. 1 know nothing better. I am a much better man since taking this remedy than for a number of years, and 1 give this testimony fn-ely of my own accord. wishing South American Nervine the success it deserves.” H Antonio Maximo More is at proson' sojourning in how York, when: his so“ i:= an elevated railroad umployc. I‘Iu ie now 87 year-1 old, and it is tummy years sincc he was deprived of his sugar plantations in Cuba, and was reduced from alilut-nce to poverty. ' As if by Magic. This is always the. case when Nervilins ls applied to any kind of pain: it is sure to disappear as if by magic. Stronger, more penetrating. and quicker in action than any other remedy in tho world,priin cannot stay when- it is used. It is just. the thing to have in the house to meet asu‘iden attack of illness. Mrs, Potter l‘a:iuer, .‘drs. Russell Sage and Mrs. Elizabeth Cody Stanton are :zzeri-sting themselves in a Inc-\‘tniulil. to erect a monument a: Sent-ca FsIEs, X. Y.. to Mrs. Bloomer. the lady who first. had the 1' courage todou inc:- garment that now bears her rams. Mr. W. hi. Carmen, champion bicyclist of t‘uumia, writes that he considers St. Leon the very best thing to drink while in general training. HIS EXTRA INTERNAL ORGAN. How Editors Are Treated In China. Nineteen hundred editors of a Path: per are said to have been beheaded. $1110 would shudder as such slaughter, who are heedles of the fact that Consump. tlon isready to fastenits fatal hold on themselves. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the efficient remedy for weak lungs,spitting of blood,shortneu of breath, bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs and Kindred affections. Stamps, La Fayette 00., Arkansas. D3. R.V. Pines : DearSirâ€"I will say this to you, that consumption Is hereditary In my wife’s family; some have already died with the disease. My wife had a sister, Mrs. E. A Cleary, that was taken with consumption. She used your “Golden Medical Discovery,"and, to the surprise of her many friends, she got well. My wife has also had hemorrhages from the lungs, and her sister insisted on her using the “Golden Medical Discovery.” I consented to her using it, and is cured her. She has had no symptoms of consumption for the past six years. _ Yours Very Truly. _ W. C. Roosas, M. D. Delicate diseases in either sex, however Induced, speedily cured. Book sent secure- ly sealed, 10 cents in stamps. Address, in confidence, World's Dispensary Association, Buflalo, N. Y. A Bridgeport, Conn., man suddenly be- came insane a few days ago, and his peculiar form of insanity is that he is living over again the horrible prison life at Anderson. ville, where he was confined during a portion of the civil war. Have You Thought of It? For four thousand years or more the world groaned, suffered, and fumed about Its come, for there was no positive reliefâ€"- no certain and painless cure until Dr. Scott Putnam gave to the world his great Corn Extractor. If there is sufi'eriug now it is a result of carelessness, for the remedy Is at hand. Try Putnam's Corn Extractor. It is sure, painless, and prompt. Beware sf substitutes. Miss Nellie Mur by is ro'cm clerk in a large hotel at Colorado Springs. She is said to be the only woman who holds such a position in a large hotel in this country, thou h in England similar positions are frequently helu by women. Oatarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, pui- . the cure. Soothins. cleansing. healing. A. P. '78 6. x-ntzc m Tired but Sleepless Is a condition which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be purified and eurichedby Hood’s Sar- sapzii'illa and this condition will cease. “ For two or three years I was subject to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the little I could eat did not dome any good. I read about Hood’s Sarssparills. and decided to try It. Before I had finished two bottles I began to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pounds In weight. 1 am stronger and healthier than Ihave ever been In my life.” JOHN W. COUGKLIN, Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparilla c Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood’s and only Hood’s. Do not be Induced to buy and other. e : 9 curesllllverllls,blilous- 3 ness.lieadache. 250. The Leadln ' No bokvr having ALL (-3,: 01.“ g unyllthdfif alrndt wort H! l rutoulo be without this lzr magma... « nor-saving machiv c. H. ’i‘. I‘IZNlilll'l‘ll. Monuqu turur. 7.1m SI Adelaide St, \l’.. Toronto. Ont. fiouotas sacs, Sluts, Gravel and “2.... roofer-s. metallic ceilings, skylights sheet llleiilliwglikpl's. wigglelnioeli’..'l‘oi-onto BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell astock or bu<incss of any description wrifc me. llisve had large ex Dul‘lf'l‘iilc in the Wholesale. Am selling bus.- uo was continually. Correspondence confided rial. No charge to buy&7.‘. .loux Saw, '2! Aduluidu Brut. 'l'oronto ‘ WEBB here I.- a snap ior you. Harris has umpie cloth pieces for quilts. Send $1 for trial lot. good value. 27. 29, 31 William St.. Toronto. lOl‘l flORIDA LANDS--Rertiaimed muck: udr ‘ Joining lake Apopkn: lico’tliiist part of State; no meaning. (homage. or irrigation; two or three props yearly; low prices: «my terms. it . J. r asrox. 203 Church at... Toronto. TEXTILE MILL SUPPLLCS Cotton and “'ouiiuu. Bust lTiigiidi I all Clothing. Aniline Dyes. llighgrudc 1.0K wood (‘hip5. Write (or quotaiions. ROBERT d: 00.. “St. Michael St.. Montreal. -.- Aâ€"vâ€"wâ€"u ~»-â€" ~-â€"-â€" ‘~â€"â€"-â€"- IF.”â€" Permancntly Cured. , by a strictly Educa- tional System. No advance fees. erto for THEON'I‘AIUO INSTITUTE. 65 shuts:- St Toronto ‘01! SALEâ€"~NEAR GRIMSBY» FRITIT 4 l“.-\ll.‘.l~:lOll. .‘JI-Ill‘ .~.i.:‘. ;.le: flurry “orb t'l(‘\rCll: c‘izh‘i-wn plinfw‘ '0 I‘ll '~ frmb; Mry \ti':n‘.cl.it:ll[ and unmisiii L ‘ ion: maria tin: ' - i!;\~lll worth at nine w " im- nr I‘llC than unv. iii-.ij: snap; moi'c quick. I... {fix 4:3. \VJIDILL Uni. cirru‘mr. o The great success of many misleading facturers of pure Chocolates on this WALTER BAKER 'l inier warning. of their name, labels, and wrappers. Baker 8:. Co. are the oldest and largest manu- the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker a. co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations Walter and high-grade Cocoas and continent. No chemicals are used In their manufactures. _ -' Consumers should ask for, and be sure that ' they get, the genuine Walter Baker 8!. Co.’s goods. 6: CO., Limited, DORCHESTER. MASS. Prevents Fluids from Bolling Over A German has invented a device to pre- vent any fluid from bailing over,sven on an open fire. It has a specially constructed perforated rim through Which the overflow Medical returns to the not. One of the benefits of this system is that milk can be kept boiling for a long time,and thereby sterilized milk, forming a uutritous and healthy food for babies, can be obtained. Eliililren sum. .from' taking medicine. They don’t like its taste. But they are eager to take what they likeâ€"â€" Scott’s Emulsion, for instance. Children almost always like Scott’s Emulsion.‘ _ And it does them good. Scott’s Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with the Hy'pophosphites of Lime and Soda. added to nourish the bones ‘ and tone up the ner- vous system. The way child- ren gain flesh and strength on. Scott’s Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. All delicate children need it. Don't be persuade to accept a substitute! Scott 6:. Bownc, Bollevllls. 500. and $1. '$.muwnns and we will show you how to make 33 a day; ab- soluwa sure; we furnish the work and teach you free; you work in the locality ._ where you live. Send us your address .3; and we will explain the business fully» remember we guarantee a clear profit 0 33 for every day’s Work: absolutely sure: Write at once. AddressD.'l‘. Morgandlfonagor Box A. 4, Windsor, Onto. Our-es Salt Rheum. Old Sores. Sore Eyes. Piles, Bells. Sore Nipples, Burns. Scolds. etc. GOR- YONCE & GERRARD 81's.. TORONTO, (ll-IT- ANADA'S Greatest Commercial School: C advantages best in the Dominion; stu- dents assistcd to positions every week : mode rate rates; everything first-class. Catalogue! and specimens of ponmaushi free. ’ SHAW a ELLIOT . Principals. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUN’S WIDE THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAIGKBT SALE IN CANADA. ~â€"â€"‘:m“‘l'i»IE SUN,” A Strictly gigxgggfi Sciiilgi‘m? dialogs}: '1' u . G. '1'. PENDRITH. Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide St. \V..T0ron.to. and Music Books ofevsry description. All Kinds of Musical Instrument; Manufacturers of Band In- otrumants, Drums, 8:0. Music Engravers. Prin- ors and Publishers. The largest stock In Canada to choose from. Getour prices before pur- chasing tlsewhere and save money. Stud or balaloguu, mentioning gory .t required. WHALEY. ROYCE 13. CO..Toronta CANADIAN SHORT STORIES. ULD MAN SAVARIN... AND OTHER STORIES, -uy_.. EDWARD WILLIAM THSMSON Cloth SLOO. Conranrs : Old Man Savarin â€"The Privilege of the Liinitsâ€"McGrath's Bad Nightâ€"Great Godfrc 's Luiucntâ€"Jl‘he Red-Headed “'ln- degoâ€"â€"' “he Shiniv 5 Cross of lliciuid~thtlo Baptisteâ€"The Bi 0 by Nightâ€"Drafted-A Turkey Apieccâ€"Grnndpa a’s Wolf: Storyâ€" The Waterloo cheriinâ€" ohn Bedellâ€"Ver- bitzsky’s Strutagem. PRESS OPINIONS. Montreal Gazette: “ Mr. Thomson has studied with equal success the French settler on the banks of the Ottawa or its utributarlea, the transplanted Highlanders. the veteran who has carried across the ocean all the tradi- tions of European battlefields, the Nor'woster who has become the ancestor of half-becods and is still a true son of uuld Scotla, the voy- ngeur and shanty man. the hunter and trap- pop, apd even the stranger that is within our go. .03. Saturday Ni lit: “ I wonder what one could say ' about t. is book that would Induce the intelligent reading ublio of Canada to greet it Willi the w‘nlrlw rid of approval that its merits deserve. . . . It is one of the few great books written by Canadians, and most of the stories are located in Canada." WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. 29-33.Rlcbmond st. West. Toronto I'Illlll IIIJIIIIIIIIIII'IlllllllllllHIIWIII-l'l’ll'llilll éTHAT TOFACCO ooucn u Smoke and chew, hawk and spill Thrpaf’s always irritated, consumption essnly started.» Then comes pale, bloodless countenance, glittering. resl- less eye and ever nervous movement of hands and feel. NO-TO-BAC is a Specific [or tobacco lhroaf even If you don’t wanf a cure. Take a NO-TO-BAC labIef now and then. What a relief in 'so-To-Bsc ‘ Builds up the nervous sys- Iem, makes new, rlch blood, 1/ â€"'usl the thing for the weak, nus; 5'», I...- man Io use now and them Get our book; read the marvelous record of recovery. You run no risk, for you can buy under your own - DHUGGIST’S GUARANTEE. Every drugglst Is authorized to sell No-Toâ€"Biic under absolute guarantee tocuro every form of tobacco using. Our written guarantee, tree sum do of No-lo-llzic and booklet called“ on't Tobaccp Spit and Smolto Your Life Away. mulled for the askln . Ad- . dress THE 5’1 LRIJNG REME )Y 00.. ; , Chicago Montrc:il.Can. New York. 64 i u s I l llllll IIII‘lllililillllliflmlllll’Ill'Idrill-Illllilzlflllil'lillil'lllI I “1'! ll casceRETs crisscross: I l l I lust:mmummmwnImnmsmwmmmwmmumnmmnma... a a Lililrlrl LA I its- Wholesaleâ€"VERRET, STEWART & co. MboasK‘riIL, DOUGAEL & coks . , Quality Unsurpassed by any n ,3..-’ . .» .;~.- ,_.. ,, .1 ROCK SALT mdfi?§’€‘lԤh’f&hlflla FOR STOCK Ti? .4 . MONTREAL and guinea - CARRIAGE VARNISIâ€"IES. Unsurpassed for Durablllty. Brilliancy and Easy Working. MONTREAL. rig)? ,g v_ ‘. . co m L30 TOOTH, ON 800, 1200 AND 1075. L. WATEROUS, BRANTFORD, CA:~.3A_Q,<=._ STIPATI 0 N. .1 *-m-.._.. m- A MUST SATISFACTORY Alli) HUMBLE CHAIR r POI LOG Jt-OKS, REFUSE CONVEYCRI, ZTO., ETD. LAI'LGE QUANTITY OF THIS AND OTHER BTYLEB IN 8706K FOR ELEVATING m, CONVEYING ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY BHAFTINO, PULLEYS, GRIP PULLEYS, CANDY WATERPOOF BELTINO 0E? OUR QUOTA‘I’IONB and NEW LINK-BELT CATAI OOUI .v. 1 AAAA AAAA . - v - w. ..-..â€"o-â€". We...“ “V-.-_..--- .A. . l I 4 A I l l I I i I I l I 1 I i l i

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