‘l‘ they went in the south Side of the river ’Miuutes of last meeting read and ap_ that can be mentioned ; pork is much. ‘ and muk a 100k a, part 0f the mute of proved. cheaper than usual. and excellent pota- . the proposed trench or ditch mend-(med The following accounts were ordered toes are being sold by the «plantity at . in tt)lieb(}-n:aetle of the 27th ult. as likely to be paid ; Thomas 393.0,, work on ‘ZOIdccnés bushitlhandal tar.lili‘t:l~ who. In to ‘ e ullt, parallel to the river, for the hook and ladder house, 3125; W, T, 3“. 31.3}! u “l 1* “l "fâ€""fl “be new“! . ’ passage of logs, so that navigation may Junkin, salary $12.50, postage 31 ; E. said ‘1‘" “‘ ‘ll'lt' I’l'c" “WV Will be“? y no lung“. be unpeded as ,t has hitherto Lansï¬cld‘ carting gravel, $350.; S_ New than any other crop he had raised this. ‘ I k W becn- “1 the great. annoyance and iniury ison, salary to date 321, paint for hook 5"“50'“ n t e . .of the public. Only for the rain. which and [adam- house 3126 meals ï¬n- 38"? Call and: see Mac's stock of {nib lllll‘lOSl COIN-“lillllly and rather heavily "-3 mpg ; pnles for side‘wulks Ovalllcou't'ingsislle and ill)?“ SEIUCtedd ‘ ’ack away that summer suit, that it may do for next summer. “"“l†“‘0 "5â€an were hem M" Hayes McDouunll. Brandon & 00.. police uni- Sloc.‘ cm 5° "l. 5"“ ""‘F“ 5' would have located a much needed road for-"L 32.9“ 1 bUllN’}Cl‘isI-"‘ l ""5 “Wk M" Hear}; 7- ‘ - which is to run from thiscnd of the A b'-l:tw to borrow 2 O fro he "‘3 PM “3‘ l "'9" “""“c"-‘fi ""0 “' “5 Bil/y a I/ mite? SIM/6t, swing bridge down to the Government 310mg.†Bank. Lindsayl’lfgr 2 mfgntths’ Ei-esl)l_y'lc,l'lull Clllurc'n, nnc|tn .\l._r . “.hnl.‘>“ and which Lhï¬ugh “c ess‘ .i . u ' , , . . - HUN 0†S "(HV “"140. Hill. (NIB I†1‘. 2 And be 111 style now and next year tOO. It costs no rather steep, will! riot be as mucch 3:92)"tilénillgeifllm szhngifut: 0:23 McDopgall’s. 'llnn til-a mentioned won. more to look well all the year around, and wear seasonable the one now travelled, and‘ will give a ’.,,...,;c...im, rm", we Fire Underwriters, manulflcwm'l by “wk 0" Bnmtfqrd. clothes. “ ’Tis not the clothes that make the man, but they coniidegnblv Shorter route folr vehicles Association was received and filed, and E'cdtlfenssuif 10“; :3": :::l‘“’:)l:t“"i'l'|(‘ZI'G’P‘ n , ,° - , ' - , totic suns ' ":g'. x ° . ' ' . I" “ H". i ’ H ' help._ If you will glve us a call We w1ll surpr1se you both The fn,,;‘\v‘i":paï¬gz'mhflitllliegllgngp “W °°“â€Â°â€˜l “dimmed Bul'goync's ammonia, Hill)!!! a fortnight- , "1 pmces and (luaht'y' I to the movements of the two M, P.’.- Fenclon Falls. Oct. 9th, 1895. MO‘ were ""“mllwi'ur'li by 0m†Bfua‘ l S. for Victoria appeared in last Tuesday's Special meeting at the call of chair- of Presmn "ml (ind 3'0†“cl†bug“ OPPOSITE JCS. HEARnys HARDWARE STORE. World - man Filzzerald. Present. Messrs. Sttnd- imam" 'lar‘: Ecluf'm'l“; YU'X'Y- l’â€l’â€â€œâ€œ:“. usï¬ It ' “ Mayor Sam Hughes was in town to- ford. Martin. Slaterand Fitzgerald. Mr. mm" (“lam m "nu" m "m’ w! m l day. and was Pretty busily engaged Sandfol-d wnsflPPointed chairman. m “'6 [Imminent “my, m chi-dc m. {our .. visiting the diï¬'orent. departments. lie I A hv-lnw to provide for and regulate Stave“ “2'â€de ihr'm‘lh a lmuse' and I Saw “‘9 Ml'ï¬â€˜m" "F RMlWflV-‘l and 0im- exhibitions. shows and amusements Was zihlaiidnliiiclltlicyc (Imlcrs h“. at [can ' l als in reference to‘thc establishment of introduced and road a ll'l‘st time on 1110- ‘ ' "‘u ‘ "' ‘ ‘ a new water course at Fcnelon Falls for lion of Messrs. Fitzgerald and Slater; LADIES’ C.A'.‘Lâ€""° trouble “lamina†s running logs. so as not to impede naviv read a second time in Committee of the :3, SALO,‘LU\‘;:S"I;II“3:333:22?†pummng ' j‘ . , gation ofthc river at. that oint. He whole without amendment, Mr. Fitz-. ' h, H . i . . i also urged that Steps be taker? to control gcrald in the chair ; read a third time. FASC“)IENI'1FI?I‘ rs ,bluyllly “(imam)†~ the northcrn'waters in order to regulate passed, and signed and scaled by the 0 ' _cm’:â€|".d,dth muF‘l-lr al‘blnumvllllln‘ a gentleman in conversation, referring to the trouble , the supply of water for milling and nav- chairman. The council then adjourned. :iiilf,llfin:‘f(ilm:: A): n:‘llmllmr'glfln;“a? he used to have in this respect. “ And I do not have to ï¬a-lloll-l'urmses' The May,“ “(l M" . - the Uuiiin Station at Toronto. A care- . i, ‘ . . . atlballn. M. 19., had a lengthy lnter- - Fonclon Falls, Oct. 12th. 1895. _ k k ,d I H d . _- I pay big puces for them clthei, even 1f leather has gone View with the Postmaster-General in Special nwcting at the call of‘chair- :05: lzlnrtfâ€,k 00c, “,I If", ‘,’,“.†“Vâ€? " up ï¬fty Per cent. reference to postal matters in their con- man Sandford. Present, Messrs. Mar- ml .0, ï¬lm k'IOM llilmud’ lighdmfsed’ . stitnencics. Major Hughes says that. tin. Fitzgerald and Slater. T .1 l..iut;or. {Z work on the Trent Canal is being pushed Moved by Mr. Martin. seconded by fog'nd that a“: {ugh lizccbxlllonlfljfyy I ahead rapidly. On the Balsam Lake )l‘r. Slater, That Mr. F‘itderald be d i , . 1,, -y i y " ‘_ ‘ ' section ever 400 men and teams are cm- chairman.â€"Carried. V an- S “i was all it" w it ca-nmLic to the 13 because I buy my Shoes ï¬lm“ ployed, and good pregress is also being \linutcs of previous two meetings Goff ï¬siil'clï¬fri‘llfiilï¬? SHCXOSS‘; ‘ made on the Pctorborough section. The road and a roved. - . ' " l "I. Minister of Railways and Canals is haw A bv-lawiuintroduccd by Mr. Martin, 1â€â€ “lodeâ€? 0‘ if?lous‘foigh'li?lll.elnt of ing plans and speciï¬cations prepared to borrow 8470 from the Toronto Fi- fullâ€: 80018;) ‘ ifs' ‘ c align“ Y“ V for the newlift locks.†nuncial Corporation, was read and m In}. it'lé,)ï¬l?lel mm a mm to '01- When Sam Hughes goes into. the passed. momma 1m (i g I , woods or travels by waterdie is nearly Mr. Lytlc addressed the council on [mm gï¬lï¬zcogglflintflfcligg alleging: _ I always accompanied by his trusty mile the question of depositing the debenture shop, peach," [rankâ€"2L ur a e a I l and his unerring aim. and by their money with the Toronto Financial Cor- “Am†Y Guymm E ___rplw,.e is a ' a; help he on Wednesday killed a icon, poration, and the council adjourned. rumor “aim, “mi, ., 1kg,†“inn,†. f ' l which, upon his arrival at the Falls. he puris 0,10â€; was fouad 5,.Gcml (jay, WWW 9W gâ€??? ‘0 ill"- Trml‘erl" Clerk 0f the A BIG YIELD â€"-Mr. John Daniel of scattctiiid on_ the grass at a certain spot l , “emf, “fridgwhz "appfl‘efld t° l’e Rosednle planted. lust stiring, sizg pota- on the Plains. with the view, it is sup. : . ,- ‘Gm‘ 3" w '†5â€â€ l ‘03 “x' “mm toes of the Mammoth Pearl variety to posed, of poisoning some of the live N ’ _ ‘ "t Pmcrbnr‘mi‘h '0 be smffed and a drill four rods long. and they vieldcd stock that pastor-u (hr-rimâ€. 'l'lm cum..- }. WITH THE PRlCl‘Is'In; $115011 gill-2:. GLT DRY GOODS i mOUMCd- 521 well-formed tubers, which weighed have at least a dozlm «lifi'vrcnt owners, A u ‘ LLD ‘ PA‘ D' ‘ ' 296 lbs.. or 1 lb. more than 4:} bushels. and it is hardly cruliblo that. any person Hay and Straw. What do you think of that? would be but] enough to run the risk of Prices are Tumbling right. and lett all over our Store, all for 3. reason. We want to STEM... AT THE HEAD. .A. Larger Stock to choose W from than all the others W put together. . . . . CLARK & SON. The l enitn t in Lille: IS DIRECTED TO MY STOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, it'lanuelcttes, Waterproof Cloaks, Umbrellas, Bed-spreads, Ladies’ and Cliildrens’ Vests, Babies’ Knitted Woollen Caps, Tani O’Shanters, Cashmere Hose, Ladies and Children’s Fancy Knitting and Fingering Yarn, Ladies’ Belt Buckles, Fancy Combs, etc , Wash Silk, Embroidering Silks, Kid Gloves, Cash- mere Gloves. etc. Thanking my customers for past favors, I respectfully invite- them to inspect my stock and get prices. McArthur’s Block, Mfg. Hamilton. Fenelon Falls. .o THEY SAY e. not scans ARE liar sate carom l FARMERS 1N NEED OF A GOOD NEW STUMPING MACHINE WOULD DO WELL TO SEE THOS. ROBSON BEFORE BUYING. THOS. ROBSON, FENELON FALLS. The iFenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Oct. 18th, 1895.. GO AND HEAR. HIM. Do not forget that Mr. Lauricr, the Liberal leader, is to deliver an address in Lindsay on \louday next, 21st inst.,. and that all who hear him will be de- lighted with his eloquence. even if they do not share his views. The speaking is to commence at 2p. m. in the skat- ing rink, which is within. a very few minutes’ walk of the railway station, " and the train will be held until 5 o'- clock. Rcturn tickets, good for two days, “'lll be issued at single fare at all the stations on the Victoria railway. Public Works. Sam Hughes, M. P., Captain Rogers. Chief Engineer of the T. V. C. works. and Mr. Hayes of Peterborough, a civil engineer in Government employ, came to the Falls last Wednesday on the steamer Empire, and, after a brief stay, went on up to Rosedale. While here Sons bromht in eight cal-loads of pressed hay, which cost them considerably less than they could-have boughtit for here. Straw, this season, is scarcer, com. paratively, than hay, and very little is being brought into the village. It is a pity that it. is not sold by weight. instead of by the load or “jag.†which is very unsatisfactory. as purchasers do not know how much they are getting for their money. Good bright straw. with nearly as much, pound for pound. as second quality hay; but the tronch is that it is drier and not as palatable. and cattle, as a rule, will only out enough of it to keep them from leeling very hun- gry; and the proï¬t on cithcra milcl‘. cow or any other animal is derived from the food it cats over and above the quantity that is required to prevmt it from losing weight. The remedy for the unpalatableuess of straw is the cutting-box, and the farmer who doesn’t own a. good big one to run by horse or some other power lacks one of the chief essentials to success in his business. It a ton of straw could be bought for six dollars and a ton of hay cost ten. the straw, cut up, dampened and mixed with four dollars' worth of bran and a fair perct-utage of chad in it, is worth ‘ .shorts or chop. the mixture would be worth far more than the ton of hay. as any agricultural paper that. knows what it is talking about will tell you. Cutting straw by hand is such hard and slow work that almost every purchaser of n small-sized cutting-boxâ€"uulcss he be a strong man and have plenty of timeâ€" somi throws it aside in disgust or gladly sells it to somebody else at a great re- duction on cost; and we cannot help. thinking that if some farmer in the vicinity of the Falls or some resident of the village would run a few stacks of straw through a power cutter he Could sell it at a price that. would pay him well for his trouble. Villageâ€"Gounod Proceedings. Fenelon Falls, Oct. 7th, 1895. Regular meeting of council. Present, Messrs. Fitzgerald, Martin and Slater Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed chairman. mâ€" Mrs. R. McDougnll has returned I | > _ {iron L ‘he fam‘kr†around the Falls l home with a well selected stock of full and "35'"? ‘9 L'el Miller m" muc“ for ‘llmrl winter millincry. and is now prepared to hay ? It i~ from nine to ten dollars meet the requirements of her customers. Psasox.u.s..â€"â€"â€"Conductor Ryley and his wife are at present visiting at. Mr. James Powlcs's in Fcnelon......:‘lr. H.. Paley went to Midland on Thursday of last week to visit relatives, and returned home on Monday accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Francis White, who will. remain at the Falls for a month at least, and probably longer ...... Mr. Wm. H. Church returned home last. week from Toronto. where he has been working for several months past. and has no present. intention of going back to the city. THE LEADING, most stylish and best made Corsets always kept. in stock.â€"â€".\Ira. R. McDongnll. UNGRATBFUL.â€"Tllc Evening Post 0% Tuesday last contains a oolumn-nnd-a- hall description of Benelux: Falls and its indthtrit-s, but the t‘xistcnce of thc Guzrtle is ignored. This is rather un- grateful. as our town contemporary takes a good many items of news from. our columns. and often fails to credit them, too. Will the Post permit us to point out to it that. it always misspells. the Liberal leader's Christian namcand that a person who is in business without a partner is not a “ firm." 3%" You can save money by calling on. McCullqu for your Fall Suits. LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS. â€"Last week Mr. Harry Austin took 400 lambs to Buffalo, and three Cill'lOildo (about 75. head) of cattle to Toronto. They all went from the Falls. and this wrck he teck a load of ‘30 cattle and 40 lambs from Cobocouk to Toronto. One would almost think that such a constant drain of live stock from the surrounding farms would soon exhaust the supply, but there are always plenty to be had‘ by parties who have the money to pay; for them. and meat in the village rc‘ mains at the same old prices. 152%“ Produce taken in exchange at Mrs.. R. McDongall’s. CHEAP Econâ€"It won‘t cast much during the coming winter to keep fami- lies that can live chiefly on pork. pota- toes, bread and beans course; beans, at their present price, contain more nourishment in proportion . to cost than almost any article of food. injuring several who had not offended him for the mere chance of having rc- vengl- on one who had. It is said that mine of thv Paris green was sorapud up, The “ staff of‘ life†is always eaten as a matter of" . . v»_~â€" m as. I“. -~.â€"â€"_ â€.â€"...._.. _. Tile" W" l" Lind“‘}'- “"‘l “"0 “‘95 “"3 ‘lLECTION OF OFFICERS -â€"Al 3 Tc- . and the remainder cavcrcd with sticks cent meeting of Trent Valley Lodge and stones, but, as none of it was sub- No. 71 C. O. O F" the following ofli- mitted to analysis. there is no certainty 5' . i“. :askiog from two to tour dollars more, 3». _ E from no l‘rason that we are aware of, except that they “Hill‘sâ€? WlSh ‘0 (59‘ cars were elected: William McKeown, as in what it really was_ i the Millie“ price paisxmc.’ am} some 3- G‘i Pm" Mairâ€. V' 6-; R: Mi Mn" 88" McCallnm, the unlv Fashionable ' conï¬nue cam“ ' for there is alwas Somethin New tum“; _ time ago there was a delu‘flm}. Since 03‘ l son, V. 8.. Sec; L. Dermot), Tress; TlllOl‘ in town, has just received his full g ) g 9 up v ploded, that llltl‘U \VJS gOlllg to be 1 Perduc‘ lb John [{nnx“V;grdcn; ' sl:(‘k of (ii-Oilâ€, which. are brilflg sold Ill l scarcely any L4y in this psirt of the} I)_ Chambers. Conductor; P. perm", przcca to suit the times. province. it is undoubtedly scarce in l C_ w, Burgovnc and J_ Aldous, Trus A Goon Al’l‘OINTMENTrâ€"Mt'. Wm. some localities, bl" there is l-lc'Hé’ or N tees; A. Clark, Jr., W. 'I‘. Junkin and Flt‘ldinl! "r Elllndt‘u has been ’{PPOlmeCE in Others; and some mac ago Howry &, c. w_ Burgoyne, Auditor-g, Police Magistrate for the district 0. wm. CAMPBELL.