Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Sep 1895, p. 1

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"swasrmwmmma . .,. ....._..w....,..........._._.......mvv~w-~w~ x. fifa‘h'r‘b'..y. _ . 3â€"..- __ _ amoral... at moderate rates. l’rol‘cssiOnaI Cards. MUSIC. $1558 3. maniaâ€"into Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- ulldC [Signed borough Lodge,” I-‘enelon Falls. re in 0 v e d his Drugl " Stone to the premisesi'w lately occupied by Mr. W. T. Junkin. LEGAL. I )ICLAUGHLIN & MCDIARMID, BARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay _ and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Rent-St, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls iOflice: Over Burgoyne 6; Co’s store. The ii. that. Aug. 215i, 1.895. SECOND DIVISION GDUBTl -â€"OF THE-â€" County of V'ictoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1895, conunencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon Friday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties ninst be served on or before Sept. 22nd S. Nnt‘tsox, E. D. llaxn, Bailiff. Clerk Feuclon Falls, July 10th, 1895. "1‘0 the Public. ' le ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,000,HUO and the same good policy. JOIIN AUSTIN, Agent. [1?]? Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and L‘alcdouian ofEdiuburgh. Capi- tal combined, $45,000,000. EN S URANCE. .\lr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Ant V’cry Loxvcst Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. 3&3” L‘leil‘]: PIiOPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. Fcnclou Falls Local Board of the People's Building and loan lss’n, 01‘ London, Out. ’1‘. Robson, President; Dr. if. H. Graham, Vice-President; J. '1‘. Arnold, Sec-Treats. ; .‘l. ll. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. McDongall. Valuator; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, M. W. Brandon, J. 1]. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amount each month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7% years 7 CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE Fenelon Falls office will be open every afternoon from arrival of train from Lind- say. 13%“ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. McLaucnun. F. A. MCDIARMID. M. H. McLACGHLm. A. P. DEVLlN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS. BARRISTER, kc. SOLICITOR ;FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at iowesfirates on terms to suit the borrower. Oflices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. nooun JACKSON, ' ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Of- fice, William street,Liudsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MONEY T0 LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at Five and a-half per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases olicitor work is done at my office, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell, Barrister &c., Lindsay MEDICAITIâ€"- ‘ A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., Szc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, â€".u. 3.,31. c. P. .t 8., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8r ACCOUCH- cur. Office, Colborne Street, Fenelon Ealls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,;\femhcr of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. R. DI. DIAS ON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario" Veterinary College, To- ronto, lSS-t ; R: M. O. V. M. A. Residence-Francis Street East, Fcnelon Falls. E. P. SDIITII, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office : Cannbrny, Ont. SURVEYORS. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH, West Site Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boats and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything u:<ually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call and compare prices. I will please you. Produce of all »~ kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. HOUSE, SlGN AND DECORATEVE castrate: PAPER-HANGlNG, ETC. ‘ The undersigned respectfully informs the residents of the village and its vicinity that he has returned to Fenelon Falls after several years’ experience in the States as well as in Canada, and is prepared to execute, 15' THE BEST STYLE axn A’l‘ MODERATE rmcrs, all work in the above lines with which he may be favored. .52.? Orders left at S. Nevison’s store on Colborne street will receive prompt at- tention. Chas. H. Meniscus. Fenclon FaIls, Aug. 7th, 1895.â€"â€"20tf H EADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR ileum Paper and Picture frames -â€"-15 ATâ€" w A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’ s Block, Kent-st.,Lind-say. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine‘Needles, Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. WPlease calland see my 50.Paper. BATTEN DOORS. J. T. THOMPSON, {1%, CARPENTER. Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. '1‘. R. Station, Fcuclon Falls. \VIRE DOORS. Boodling Revealed in One Parlia- , ment. Cost to contractors of works built by Lar- kin, Connolly 8:. Co. $2,184,259 aaw.‘ . A: '. . ,....y .-. ~~ , Cecil Rhodes’s Death Reported: N London, September 2.â€"A prevailed here to-day that Right lion. Cecil J. Rhodes, Prime Minister of Cape Colony, has died at Capetown. but no confirmation of the rumor can be ob- l'lllllOl‘ tuined in any quarters. )1 r. Rhodes has been Prime Minister of Cape Colony since July 17th. 1890, when he assumed oflice on the fall of the Spriggs )Iinistry. He has been very prominent in South African affairs, and was chairman of the British South Africa Company. When in England in 1891 he gave £10,000 to the Irish Home Rule fund. Editor Stead thinks that Mr. Rhodes is the third greatest Englishman, Glad- stone and Salisbury coming ahead. Rhodes Was something over ~10 years of age, and was estimated to be worth about S30.000,000. He was the younger son of' a Church of England clergyman, .weut to the Cape, made a colossal for- tune in the diamond mines, and returned to England. But that life did not suit his taste. He again returned to the Cape, went into politics, and was the master mind of that portion of the Queen’s dominions. Rhodes was emphatically a strongr man. In South Africa they looked upon him as their Bismarck. Full of ambitious schemes, of which he made no secret, he was English to the core, and thorougle an Imperialist. He planned a consolidated British empire, embracing the choicest portions of the globe. In this empire South Africa was to lake a leading part. One of' his recent projects was a telegraph line from Cairo to Cape Town, by way of Zanzibar and tilt' great lakes, and by means of the war in Matabelelaud he pursued his plan that the English might possess every inch of soil in the southern half of the. continent fit for the habitation of white men. A dozen years ago, at Kimberley, he stood before a map of Africa. He placed his hand across the interior up to the mouth of the Congo and the great lakes and said : “ All that shall be Eag- lish. That is my dream.” ‘ His dream seems to be coming true, for the English, under his leadership, are pushing northward, and it is be- lieved that. the Germans will abandOn their possessions in South Africa. The POrtuguesc can be driven out. Then the English flag will fly from the south- ern ocean up to the limits marked by Rhodes. There is no land beyond that line and below the Sahara for which a white man need care. In appearance Rhodes was a typical Englishman in every respect. He nei- ther spoke, wrote nor conversed well. His eminence has been gained without any of these gifts. - â€".‘.-â€" Canadian Cattle. Cattle shippers have now fully reached the conclusion that no hope whatever remains of a removal of the embargo upon Canadian cattle at British ports. Leading tnen in the trade assembled at Montreal on Thursday. Among them, besides the local shippers, were men from all parts of Ontario, and one from Manitoba. A resolution was pass:d asking Sir Charles Tapper to “ insi t that the Imperial Government. take advantage of the Canadian Government’s offer to send out at the latter's expense experts to free Canadian cattle shippers 1895. shippers now want the Dominion Cor- erumcnt to enter into a l‘CL‘ipl‘UCai arrangement with the United Stairs whereby quarantine regulations will so far removed that American cattle can be shipped at Montreal or Canadian at New York. If it can be shown that. the United States is quite as free f'rorri pleuro as Canada, there is no reasn why such an arrangement should not b:- made. American Cattle, we presume, would be quarantined as closely as p0.» sible in their p‘lSSltgo through Canada, and Canadian shippers could be trusted to preservq the higher reputation and selling.r value of their own stockâ€"Kiln;- ston News. - ..__..____ Rivierre’s Wonderful Record. The most talked of cyclist in Frauen at present is Gaston Rivierre, the ion-J; distance rider who recently made a new world's record {01‘24 hours. He covered 523 miles and 1,044 yards in that time, and the marvelous performance has given him worldwide fame amongr riders of the silent steed. Rivicrre is lookol upon as one of the most; remarkable riders in Europe. Five men, all noted riders. includingr Lewis, Lucas, Williams and Ramat. started in this race. and Rivierre's victory, coming so soon after l-Iurct's remarkable 24 hour ride of 51-1 miles, has created the wildest excito- ment among the long distance riders. Rivicrre, who is now the holder of the world’s record for BI hours, was born at Asuieers on June 3rd, 1802, and is therefore already over 33 years of age,_a fact which makes his perfOl‘lll- ance the more creditable. In ISSI he entered the military school at St. Cyr. but soon after he gave up the military career. About five years ago he took to cycling, and in 1893 was the first of the road racers in the Bordeaux- Paris. In 1894 he was the victor in the Lyonsâ€" l’aris-Lyt-us 1.040 kilometers race, and last year he won the 1.000 kilometers race at the Velodrome d'l-liver, on which occasion he beat the then 24: hour record by covering 403 miles. ” It’s Victory.” The Templar, the leading prohibition paper ‘of Canada, hails with delight “ the fusion of the forces of reform in the prairie province.” From an edito- riztl on the result of the recent; conven- tion in Winnipeg, which it heads “ It‘s Victory," we take the following: “ It will be just such independence and de- votiou to principle as this convention has shown that will save the politics of this country from puSsiug under the complete control of the liquor sellers.” “ The resolutions adopted show that. the convention has no further use for the old political parties and is thor~ oughly agreed to secure prohibition through the only partyâ€"the Patronâ€"â€" which has committed itself" to the prinâ€" ciple and pilicy of Prohibition. The: declaration of the )1 |lll[0llll :rovmn- nient’s unlaithfuluess to its l’roliihitin't pledge appears unanswerablc in the light, of all the facts known to us.” " No student of current events can fail to see that we or» 0': the eve of a complete readjustment of political par- ties and the adoption of new issuesâ€" moral and vital to the national well- being. Too long the political hucksters 2c. 3 day for 7* years and get. $100 JAMES DICKSON, C t to mun” 3 138 034 of the injustice under which they now havoc bane,“ “Emu,” 1,0,,“ and prop- 10¢. a day for :1; years and get $500 L. Surveyor, Commissionerin the Q. B., extractors. £06,321 ’9'53’575 labor, by satisfying the Imperial author. portly for the spells of oth'ce; and tilH 20¢. a day {or .g years and get $1,000 d . Cgpveéflcl‘fimfc R93‘denc": and “‘1’ Loss to country, after ' ilies that undoubtedly pleuro does not they am 1’90"}130 the “10010” Were 00“- LITTLE AND or'rna rtLLs run 9088:. '"9’ °” °“ 3' sdeductling fair vrqfits $700,000 exist among our Canadian herds." But will :0 We ‘1'!!!“ I Now. ll9wcvcr&.lhe . encca ’s commrssmns h‘ 1 t' w 5 intended mere] to morn sense 0 He 0 ecmrato ts owe me, mu, .. ttsresoulon a y H . mfii‘fgu'm)‘: gzyngrgnnmesmang a: DENTAL :zn‘Prglcfgmg BUN-‘8“ 50 000 serve as means of vindication. That and the responsibilities of citizenship the masses or the people do not save any- 0mm bri'd'g’c'gy' A's“: ' the British Government has deliberately arc-being felt by_ thonmnds heretofore ‘hlfigmmfl :Ifeggg’lilgseaggififi: ,jhuesi‘::dl:“°gf Dr. mums» Dun“: mated cost 122,000 and finally resolved to exclude gnnrtdias 'lgdjfiel‘eghgllo Wlll Insist upgnbn_ “3091-?- WI l'll' , - - Government commis- cattle on the hoof is cunsidere rave "NW" 0 t 059 ‘1““551033 W “0 "WOW" . . h - Extracts teeth without pain by gas (Vital- , . . . . . P _ _ lilliasetsfho'lt‘ilfisuir'vaif Elenfeiifi swenume ized air) administered by him for 27 years. 3‘0" 93mm“ 0‘ m“ 160 000 by certain circumstances. British farm- the purity and protection of the home, house, find ,1", man). my me rent, He studied the .gas under Dr. Cullen, of ipfiglilecgpft.m 430.060 ers have had a hard time mely ; the and therefore the,secnruy and prosperity FOR FULL PARTICULARS call on or .N'” Yak"? oggi‘SJM 919%:°§:::$‘3; L0" to c;,,,,',',',.‘ ' 270,000 value of their cattle has increased £2 "f llle “8"00- "' The Infil’flt’ndfll’. address nuyof the above named ofiicials,nt iggtiese ,‘ms 3,"; the 2:; :3 “‘6‘,” per Two revisions of 0,. m pm- head since gunndian came JIIIIIlttUU, .llun. Fem‘lon “"5- â€"39'l)‘r- no“ “Mom an accident from ’the gas. Voters’ Lists antler a were embargoed; they have votes. That -w--â€"â€"«o-~ ""‘" " "- " other pain obtnnders used. A good set. of “Wiesspmnchlse A“ 450:00‘) is the whole story. A protective duty 3, rht “six thousand men and 12-, 00;) H - 'k’lldDa . I . Ar . .. The “ Fellelon “lactic 1:332:geilflizhcfiuerfig‘ffgfiz SE; 8,0 £012"), “21’ 125,000 could not be Imposed in. it’l'ree trage 1,0,,“ w,” my“, part ,n the German is printed every Friday at the office, on third Tues“). “new womb. Ca” early Little Rapids Lock, coulliryv b5“ 53"”an rcbglcugfls ca" ‘3 army 3 autumn manoeuvres. the corner of May and Francis streets. and “can u ,ppogmmenL estimate 44,000 made to I o uty lustca . . COM“, The Duk of Dpvonsli d L, .i ‘ ' t ' ' ' _...._._._______....__ AWN“ COSi-u- 1’0"»“00 the British Coverunicrit, Liberal or e . g ' re a? m Sllbu‘unox 3‘ A “MR Ix Anv'ncg’ Unpaid claims 90,000 , Tory dues no, mm, ,0 know (ha, there 4 Wolsely are said to favor the introduc- or one cent per week will be added as '- “- “no”! "EnTlsT- Excess...... 246,000 ‘ i, "o'pleuro in Canada_ It is like the tiun of conscription into the British long as ilremnius unpaid. The human crown and Bridge work Tay canal, estimate” 132,660 S I I .d h w I “my, rnctised with success. Gas and all other ACNE! con-u-u 476.128 co“? "PM w ‘0 s“ e . as Open 0 C, o h d - d xi‘lvel‘uSh‘fl Rates- Enamel," for “Huang mm, 'imou, Excess 343,468 convtctlon, but. he would like to see the _ not as agree :to pay now em. Professional at business eardrum cents pain. A.“ «Amiga; Tumbeuer than Campaign contribu. mm who could convince him. The any of four million francs for the out perliucrcmf'wm- 0”““lҤ"m€¢m°““r the strange, for $8 00. Rooms directly lion recouped bysub- dock companies a; Brigg-1. pom have rz‘tgcs on the French missions lll Eu 8 “M: P" “no [or m 6’“ inwmon.’ “‘1 °PP°m° WOW" “0'0 “PM: “WSW” "dy w Lake St John latel ‘ :- out thousands of Wood: in UN”!!- 3 cents per line for every subsequent inset» ‘ Railway... . 25,000 . 3 p . “on. Councu b, We ye". 1,."- flu or. ‘ sL Chum branch of lairagea, etc., which they would not Reports from Northern Labrador show less. upon r'euonnble terms. H- HART: L- D- 5- the Iatcrcoloninl, l4. have done if they had not felt assured» an alarming number of deaths anion; Rum Iq- SETOP GOOD TEETH FORSIO. Gas miles, estimated be- that hereafter Canadian cattle are not the Esquimaux at Sale. 9. Moravian JOB P, I G . and WC“ “‘“Ebmcs 70" Wink,” e" “'0” 51301000 “"1 “WW3 to be allowed to pass on into the missionary settlement on the norlht'tn of all ordinary kind! “Milled “NHL ‘30? tmcling. Satisfaction guaranteed in all 5 Actual cost .... 1,750,000 imerior can" Ei_,h,y pawns, oucdhird of d“: ' . ' l ........ 1000000 .' . . .' ‘ . . . . “my and “ “Oder”. PET). gimp Maia? burial-13:51am" & Cn‘g “on 5 L0“ in km 4.1.... Havmg abandoned the notion of dorm; entire population, have died n'ttlun Lin ’ ' VWV’ lam}; my" Myanmar”, Lilla“;- l yuan loss $3,219,463 business on the old bum, the cattle pasttwo month; "A. v.- ->\-.‘ -14.! ~W\O do? ..

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