Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Aug 1895, p. 4

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STILLS A THE EAD. A Larger Stool: to choose from than all the others . put together. . . . . CLARK & SON. Our Chap Sale is a Susan! M THE PUBLEC ARE NOW SATISFIED WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. »' THEY SAY '- THAT noose ARE nor Si. easiest: ANYW'HERE. Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. CAMPBELL. gnomgngmmoame. ANewStook of AT S. PENIIALE”S. w Having purchased a good line of Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds, Surges, Cheviots,Corduroy, etc., I can supply your wants in the Suit line, and in Overcoats I have Beavers, Venetians, Mel- tons, Naps, etc, and always a stock of good black iVorsted on hand. Don’t forget my $16 Black Worsted Suit. People remark it looks as good as they paid $20 for. _A boy’s slick uztvv serge suit to order, $7. Good fit and satisfactlon guar- anteed, and rockâ€"bottom prices at S. Penhale’s Fashionable Shop, Opposite Jos. Heard’s Hardware Store. Furniture, Deere, Sash, â€"â€"--â€"AND-â€"â€" UNDERTAKING, ~â€"â€"ATâ€"â€"-â€"- W. M‘Kewmn9ss g FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. FARMERS IN NEED OF A GOOD NEW STUMPING MACHINE WOULD DO WELL TO SEE THUS. ROBSON BEFORE BUYING. THOS. BOBSON, FENELON 'FALLS. The Fcnelon Falls Gazette. Friday. August 16th, 1895. Lamentable Drowning Accident. The Lindsay Evening Post of Mon- day last gives the following account of the drowning of Mr. R. D. Thexton, the news of which was-heard with regret by the many residents of this village who were acquainted with him :â€" “ About 5.30 o’clock on Saturday evening last our citizens were most in- cxpressibly shocked by the news that , Mr. R. D. Thexton, coal and wood -merchant of this town, had met his death by drowning a few minutes pre- viously, near the brewery wharf. People flocked to the scene from all directions to verify the rumor, only to find doctors and others at work trying to restore animation, but without success. Mr. ’l‘hextou left his shop about four o’clock with Mr. Bert Smth to measure a scow- load of hardwood lying near his wood- yard, and after doing so he decided to prom the stem of the scow closer to the bank in order to leave a clear passage for the Crundella, due to arrive from the Point within a short time. With this object in view he went to the fore part of the scow with a pike-pole, while Smyth remained at the bow. Very soon the latter (who is somewhat deaf) thought he heard Mr. ’I‘hexton calling ‘ him, and hastening to the spot saw Mr. 'l'hextou floundering in the water. Smyth at once caught hold of a rope and essayed to throw the end within reach, but it was too short, and the struggling man told him to run and get a skiff that was moored to the Wharf :1 short diswnce away. Smyth ran for the boat at the top of his speed, and while returning with it heard Mr. Thexton’s call to “ hurry up, for God’s sake,” but when he reached the spot. the poor fellow had disappeared. By this time several men from Dovey’s mill and elsewhere had arrived, and the body was recovered a few minutes later by diving. Just as it was being taken from the water the C'rundellu came along, and to the in- finite regret of all Mrs. Thextou, who had spent the day at the Point with her children, learned that it was her hus- band who had been drowned, and her grief was pitiful to witness. Drs White and McAlpine were speedily on the spot, and as the body had been in the water only about six. minutes hopes were at first entertained that their efforts at resuscitation would be successful, but the slight fluttering of the heart at first noticeable died away, and at the end of an hour and a half’s hard work all hope was abandoned and the body was con- veyed home. Numbers of people had remarked that all day long the deceased had been in exuberant spirits over bright business prospects, and joked and langhcd with everyone whom he met. The sympathy of the entire oom- muuity will flow out towards the be- reaved wife, family and relatives. By of laudanum on the 7th inst. stating it was for “ horse medicine." The coroner in his address drew attention to the fact that the deceased had bought the land- anum himselfnnd had been in the habit of taking it for some time, and the jury, after being out for about half an hour, returned with the verdict “ that de- ceased came to his death by an over dose of luudunum on Sunday, the 11th day of August, but how and when administered there is no evidence to show.” Mr. Harvey was a tall, fine looking than in the prime of life. and his kindly nature and genial, jovial disposition made him exceedingly pop- ular. He was well known in this vicinity, and his untimely end under such melancholy circumstances will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Village Uouncil Prpceedings. Fcnelon Falls, Aug. 14th, 1895. Council met at the call of the reeve. All the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Martin. That this council purchase the hook and ladder waggon from M r. Dougald Sinclair for $25.â€"-Curricd. Moved by Mr. Snndford, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the followingr bills be paid: John Qniboll, gravel, $84 35 â€"â€"carting, 31; John Palmer, drawing Waggon from Lindsay, $3; Mansion House, meals for tramps, $3 ; W. Gold- en, drawing stones and poles, Ski; J. R. Graham, postage and stationery. 85.50; E. D. Hand, printing. 32; S. Nevison. salary. $30 ; Canadian Rubber Co.. hose bought June 4th, ’94, $205.â€"â€"C’d A by-law introduced by Mr. Fitz gerztld, regulating the closing of certain classes of shops within the municipality. and a by-lnw regulating livery licenses. introduced by M r. Sandford were read and passed in the usual manner. A by-law, introduced by Mr. Fitz- gerald, to regulate the collection of cur- rent rntes, was read a first time, and read a second time in committee of the whole, Mr.Fitzgerald in the chair. Moved by Mr. Sandford, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the general rate be 25 mills on the dollar for the current year. Mmed by Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Dickson, in amendment, That the general rate be 30 mills on the dollar. Amendment carried. Yeas, Fitzgerald, Slater and Dickson. Nays, Sandford’ and Martin. ' Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Slater, That the rceve, Martin and Sandford be a committee to have houses erected for the hook and ladder waggon and hose reel.â€"-Carried. The council then adjourned. Personals. Miss Nevada Parkin of Lindsay is the guest of Mrs. W. S. Scott. Mr. Jas. A. Gillogly of Lindsay was at the Falls on Wednesday. Mr. E. D. Orde and Mr. O. J. Mc- Kibbin of Lindsay were at the Falls on Monday evening. ' Mrs. Wm. Russell and her daughter Lily, of New York, are visiting at Mr. Wm. McKeowo's. Miss Mabel Scott, of Napance, is at the Falls for a few weeks’ visit to her brother, Mr. W. S. Scott, of the Red ‘Store. Miss Kirkpatrick of Kingston, niece of Lieut. Governor Kirkpatrick, is visit ing her friend, Miss Neelands, at Stur- geoa Point. ‘ Mrs. B. u, Wills, whose home is now at Montreal, came to the Falls on Tues day for a few days" visit to her relatives. Mr. Wills accompanied her as far as Toronto. Mr. R M. McKenzie, formerly a res- ident of the Falls. but now of St. Mary's, was here from Thursday of last week until Wednesday morning, when he l drove to Boheaygeon and there took the . . \. . . . the unfortunate accident Lindsay loses bO-‘t “‘7 Lindsay. EARLY CLOSING â€"â€"-The proprietors of an enterprising citizen, and one who; . i has done much to develop the town and l the “Hmâ€"'0 flows have [’05th “Oll'ces provide employment for the laboring 1h?“ they “'1” be ClOQC‘l CVCI‘Y evening. clas~es. The funeral took place today at 2.30 to Riverside cemetery, and was 3‘ very largely attended. Death of Mr. John H. HaPVey. except Saturdays, at 7.30 o'clock. and the council has parsed a hy-law making closing at that time compulsory. There used to be a difficulty about getting all i the merchants to keep an agreement to shut up at an early hour; but now Prices are Tumbling right and left all our our Store, all for a reason. We want to ggt Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. James Wagar has laid a new hardwood floorin the school house. The lumber is maple, and was purchased from Mr. J. Maundcr of Lindsay. Mr. John Willock has a very nice patch of crimson clover. It is rather a. curiosity, but is highly recommended for pasture. John is generally in ad. vance in procuring new seeds. ” Never venture never win " should be the motto of agriculturists. There have been several visitors in our neighborhood for the past few weeks, and amongst them we notice bliss E. Varcoc of Chicago. We Were very glad to meet with our old friend, and we hope that she may spend a very enjoyable time amongst. her old friends and have a safe return to that great city of the West. PREPARING TO Rmovs.â€"â€"Mr. H. J. Lytle is getting ready to move into the store formerly occupied by Mr. W. '1‘. Junkin, whose stock of drugs etc. he purchased some time ago. The new premisesâ€"in which Mr. John T. Thomp- sou Jr. is now busy making alterations and putting up fixturesâ€"are wider and deeper than those in which M r. L) tle is at present located, and in several rc~ spects more convenient. Bo'runasn THE BEES.-â€"â€"Thc change- able weather of the present srason ap- pears to have completely bothered the bees, which during the cold spell several. weeks ago commenced to kill off drones. and now are raising drones and swarm- ing as if it were June instead of August. The busy little creatures are of course governed entirely by their feelings, and will do unseasonablc acts in unseasona- blc weather. 3%” cm and see Mac’s stock of an; Over-coatings, the largest. and best selected stock ever sold in Fcnelon Falls. PLEASE Timurâ€"We have a number- of subscribers living at long distances from. here who are all more or loss in arrears lor the Gazette, and if they »will remit what they owe as soon as they read this, we shall take it as a great favor. A dollar is a small amount, and if due by or to a person is apt to be overlooked, which is probably why papers are not paid for more promptly and regularly than they are. The sub- scribers are all, we verily believe, “ as good as the wheat,” but they owe us. from two to five dollars. each, and if they remit before the end‘ of the present: _ month we shall have quite a nice little pile of dollars by the time partridge shooting commences. TIIE PULP MILLâ€"On Monday last: the pulp mill, which has been closed. ' several weeks fer repairs, re-commencod operations, but the machinery required so much cleaning and oiling, in conse- quence of the- length of" time it had. remained idle, that the first; batch of pulp was not turned out until Wednes~ day. A rumor to the effect that the pulp mill had closed, or was about to close, permanently- has once or twice: been current in the village, but how it; originated is unknown; and the fact: that. Mr. l’ngsley, the new proprietor of the mill, has spent some thousands of dollars in additions and improvements is pretty good evidence that there is no truth whatever in the report. 11%” The same price to every one at tho- lendiug Tailor‘s, one door below the barber shop, Fcnelon Fallsâ€"24. Tun Loos Adamâ€"On Tuesday last there was a Salvation Army excursion from Pcterborough and Lindsay to Fcnelon Falls, but instead of the Col- umbirln steaming majestically up the river to the looks, a drive of logs ob- structed the passage and forced her to land the excursionists at Greene d: Ellis’s wharf, which is so far from the town that. some of them hired a liVery rig to take them back to the boat. In theory and in law a canoeist has as much right to the river as a lumbertnnn, hut in practice not only ph-asuro lmnle, but steamers that are plyim.r for hirv. have to give way to every drive of logs the proud and haughty owner of which think~ lit to monopolize the stream from bank to bank. BIZHYINU 'rnr. Curâ€"Mr. Wm. Ken- nedy came from Bobcayueon to the Falls H 5?: AD QUARTERS l.\' \‘ltfl'illllA CUL‘NTY FDR Roam Paper and Picture Frames â€"- I S .\Tâ€" VJ’ A. (3-00 LWIN’S, 3.1km"! Block. Kent-st... Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Mtchine Needles. Alabastinc and mm Works Agency. Wl’leasc call and see my 5c.Paper. "363 Emotion. Neat. Cheap. Prompt. The Gazette Oflicc HOUSE. SIGN AND DECORATIVE lPAlNTiNG PAPER-HANGING. ETC. The undersigned respectfully informs the {residents of the village and its vicinity lthnt he has returned to Fcnelon Falls after Escvorll year-5' expericnce in the States as 5 well as in Canada, and is prepared to execute, 1x rm: nssr srrts no .\'r uonsnns lrmcrs, all work in the above lines with '- which he may be favored. 36" Orders left. at S. Nevison’s store on Colliornc street will receive prompt at- tention. Chas. H. Ilevison. Fcnelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1891â€"26“ Subscribe [or "flu Eucflo.’ those who do business later than the on 'l‘ucsday in the Government steamer time specified will be breaking a law Entpire. for the purpose of taking away the barge. with a boarding-house and crane thereon, that Inn boon lying above The Toronto papers of Wednesday L'lVO the particulars of the death of Mr. and can be fined for so doing. J'm" Hil‘rrim" name)" who moved w _ Mr. Joseph Heard returned home on that city wine time nuo from Coboconk, ; Monday 1%,, accompanied by his mph me canal since last gunmen AH the and opened a grocery at the corner of l c“. and niece. the son and daughter of. "WM maj,,,.i,y Dram. readers are awurcv Yong.) Street and ill-5km? nvmue' -Mr' Dr. Buffy 0f (I‘l'l'm‘ln. Who is how 0" i out about a quarter of a mile loin: Harvey n "W lars' W“ m the. Mi)” (if i Wt" hflllle from E'lill‘md and “in Wob‘ l and a hundred feet wide has been made taking lau lanuzu m domino pains in his ; nbl'y visit the pane within a few days. {mm a [mint new the mum“ of. the head" Md '0" Sinurilay "lghi mug: have i Mrs. Berry SP. 0" “CMUUWf Whose “14'. Scugng river to the lake, and the crane take“ an Overdnse' for he dbl “on wake den lllDCSS l‘lcard Went to CiliCaL’O is needed [0 place the buoys that next morning. and, although two doc- l on the 27th “1,? w”, bow”. when he.i mark the new channel, which not only ‘0” “mm can‘ld m at 12'3": he never i left. but at llel‘ advanced “.29 3 Tev‘mra' shortens the distance that boats have to regaineicouscmusncss, and died at 210 i “on to perfect health can hardly be travel, but is much easier found than in the afternoon The witnesses at the; the mouth of. the river. A drive or . hoped for. Gilmour's logs kept the Empire at inquest were Mrs. Harvey, her brother, l , mm _,_..d n" Jamps A“ Ci‘rl’ Who awswd m McCallum, the only Fashionable Greene & Ellie’s landing all night, but on Wednesday morning she got up to the bu’iucss‘ hm. {whet MR Adum H‘ t Tailor in town, has just received his fall the village and towed the barge away. Cnl- 3"" 3 dmggisvs “salsa” from 1 stock of cloths, which are being sold at. whom Mr. Harvey bought four ounces prices to suit the times. ..-.-- W- . ~-......... ., . .. A __.,_

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