Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Jun 1895, p. 4

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Wonderful Value in Carpets. A Larger Stock to choose W from than all the others W i s i ch in lime Saves Nine. orders for REPAIRS to FARMERS will do well to EXAMINE THEIR MACHINES before the RUSH of Spring work commences,and. givetheirr 2,000 Yardsfiood Tapestry at 300.. and" 400. per yard; Extra Heavy, the pecuniary results of his aqueduct lJ. Palmer be substituted for that of have not been realized. and his attempt. l Joseph Cooper as owner at lots do and to increase them by charging excursion. istssw cent each for a drink of water has excited much indignant comment in town and country, and impressed Mr. John Kelly, deputy mom of Verulam, so unfavorably that On Wednesday fore- noon he delivered an oration on the subject from the seat of his milk wag- gon,. while his horses wore imbibing flhid refreshment from Mr. Jackett's trough at the corner of Uolborue and Francis streets. No one can blame Mr. Jackctt, who cannot be expected to fur- nish water for nothing; but we agree with Mr. Kelly that itwill be a disgrace to FeneIOn Falls, as well as an injury, if it go abroad that a visitor to the village cannot get a cup of water with- out paying for it. The fountain at which the charge was madeâ€"or, rather, I 36, Fenelon Falls west.â€"Carricd. Messrs. Saudford and Slater entered and subscribed to oath and took their- seats. Moved by Mr Martin, Seconded by Mr. Sandford, That the asseSsment on lot west part 13. north of Francis west of Culboruc, be reduced SH 75 -â€"-(.".I. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. secouded‘ I by Mr. Sandford, That. lots 73 and 151, Fcnelou Falls west, be chanch from nonresident. roll to resident roll. and assessed to George Martinâ€"Carrie l. Moved by Mr. Saudford, scooudcd by Mr. Slater, 'I‘hat south half of lot 1, north of Bond west of Colborne, be- assessed to J. \l’. Fitzgerald at. $200.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the roll-as now . _..-.~ .....<.-.. __... um-» “mag. . t Thos. Robson . and avoid express charges revised be received and confirmed.â€" Carried. The council then took up general. business. Minutes of last meeting read? and approved. Mr. Dickson rend judg- , meat in Electric Light Co. vs. Fcnelon _' ' Falls. The auditors‘ report was laid. on the table. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :â€"â€"E. D. Hand, $13; For work on streets: Alex. Wilcon $5 90,. N. Valier 31.75, R. Wallace 31 25, L. B. Quigg $7.30, [1. Stoddart $12.10, W. Fountain 84, H. Redncr $2.50, 'I‘.. McKee S2 70, Jos. Donaldson 90c., J. Quibell 500., carting 500.; Napnncc Paper Co., timber, $3.85; S. Nevison, salary cto., $23.46.â€"â€"Carried. ‘5” Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Saudford, That the auditors’ reports he received and adopted, and' that the auditors be paid. $2“ for vil- lage and school accounts and $~l for the- put together. . . . . CLARK & SON. Commandant Booth, the head of the in Cheap. Sale is a. Success. _ . H Falls on Thursday of last Week, and delivered an address at night in the {Methodist church,which, though a very large building, was filled to its utmost capacity. The members of the Army in Fenelon Falls and its vicinity are more numerous than they were a year or two ago, but so many of them were unable to leave their employment that only about twenty were at. the station to receive the Commandant when he ar- rived by the afternoon train. As he walked up the main street at the head of his followers he was, of course, the “observed of all observers,” and he bowed slightly to every little knot of persons he passed on his way to the barracks, where he ate and slept during his stay in the village. He is a rather tall, very straight and well featured man in the prime of life, andshis plain dark uniform sets ofl‘ his good figure to advantage and gives him avery soldierly appearance. The address,.though earnest and well delivered, was somewhat of a disappointment, as there was scarcely anything in it that his audience had not heard or read before; but, as the Commandant observed, it was difficult for him to speak of an organization of which his father was the originator and with which he himself is so closely , identified. There was a collection at i attempted to be madeâ€"is opposite the McArthur House but on the other side of the street; and Mr.Jackett says that before he erected it, a month or so ago, he was under the impression, from a conversation he had with two members of the council, that they would favor a grant of $50 if the fountain were left unenclosed and free to all, but at their next meeting the council offered him $25, which he would not accept. Mr. Jackett has been unfairly treated by the farmers and townspeople who prom- ised to pay for the water and now refuse or neglect to do so, and we think the simplest way out of the trouble will be for the council to buy him out, if he will accept a fair sum, extend the sys tom, and assess those who benefit by it to the extent that is found nonessary. When the public fountain was erected in Bobcaygeon several years ago. Mr. John Kelly, who was then, as now, a , member of the Verulam council, moved cemetery acc9umS--â€"Qm'rwd- that the township grant 835 towards it, Tho 00mm” the" “dJWmed- and the motion was carried without, as â€" ‘far as we have heard, any grumbling by the farmers who lived so much nearer to the Falls that; they seldom visited Miss May Greene left on Tuesday to.- ’Caygcon. Here we have three inter- l spend a few days with friends in Peter- ' csted townships, Fcnelon, Verulam and borough. Somcrville, to ask aid from, and it is Mrs. John II. Howry, who spent the- not likely that either of them would re- winter in Michigan, returned. to the fuse a few dollars. At any rate, some Falls last Saturday. thing will have to be- done, as the Dr. Wilson,of' liindsay, flIIdIIIS-SI:‘LCI"~ present condition of affairs is very un- in-law, Mrs. McAmmond, of Rochester, satisfactoryâ€"even the carrying of keys made a short visit to Fcuclon Falls on. to thelocked boxes by those who have Tuesday afternoon. them being a nuisanceâ€"and it would Rev. Geo. W. McCall and Mr. F. A. be far better for the water to be com- McDiarmid left on Tuesday to attend? mun property than for squabbles to the annual Church Coul'crcncc at Picx arise through a private owner trying to ton, audovill return about the middle of. enforce payment andv'a whole lot of cus- next week. itomers eud’eavoring to evade it. Miss Minnie Clark, who returned on. w“ ____,__H-_ the 25th of May from Dallas, Texas, will- ~' leave to~morrow for 'I‘Oronto, to fill a. Batter Making position as professional nurse in tho- and loss of time. The Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday. June 7th, 1895. -‘ commandant Booth. THE PUBLIC ARE NOW SATISFIED WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. .- TH EY SAY -. 5 THAT 60098 ARE NOT SLE GHEEPER ANYWHERE. ,‘ Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WNL CAMP AN hWFlil. FALL Ffi Prices in Tailoring. S. PENHALE wishes to announce that he has secured a. new and well selected stock of Tweeds, \Vorsteds, and various other cloths, and good durable Trimmings, and is prepared to Personals. _. _._'__._._fi I - - .' . - Toronto General 1105 ital. . . . . the door and another at the close of the By.“ ,advemsmmnt 1” “other 00}? “,5 Robert, Games," and mo chi}, I do business wrth prices as follows: mph?“ and the connibufions thounh umn lb \Vlll be seen that the perlpatetlc ‘ - . ' . ' ' ' v 5 :3 dairy sent out by the Ontario Goverm dren and Miss Bella Cameron arrived. individually small, were so numerous that they must have amounted to a con TWEED SUITS, $8 AND U'PWARDS. meat ,0 instruct the farmers and far at the Falls last Saturday from Orillia. BLACK WORSTED “ $15 u .. PANTS, $2.59 n Worktnanship second to none. Cutting, etc., proportionately cheap, at the Fashionable Tailor Shop, opposite water fountain. S. PENHALE, FENELON rants. Furniture, Doors, Sash, _____AND_‘__. UNDERTAKTNG, W. M5Ke®mm9s, FRANCIS sr. WEST, FENELON FALLS. BUTTER MAKERS. itssrtsos or rm; . Travelling Dairy sent out from the Ontario Agricultural College, will he held, under the nu5pices of the East Victoria i-‘arrners' Institute, in (antlrray on Friday. June 7th : Omemee on Monday. June lt‘lth : Downcyvillc on Tues. day, June 11th : Dunsford on Wednesday, June t‘lth : Bohcnygeon on Thursday, Tiff-EMS CASH. _ .snn COPYRIGHTS. ' CAN I OBTA TN A PATENT T For n mmpt answer and an honest opinion write to El l’.\ .\' st 00.. who have bad nonrl nity years' eminence tn the patent business. t. mmunlca- tmn: strtctly confidential. A Handbook or X!)- rormanon conoemtns Patents and how to ob- trtn them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan- tdat and scientific Mots sent free. Patents taken tut-0min Mann 5: Co. receive siderable sum. The Drinking Water Question. The question as to whether the old Presbyterian church is to be purchased by the municipality appears to have been settled in the negative, as nota ‘word was said about it at the council meeting on Monday night, and in its place has arisen the question as to what is to be done about the supply of drink ing water brought down by Mr. Jackett from the spring at the head of Colboruc street. Owing to the fact that there ate very few wells south of Bond street, and that in some of those few the water is of an inf'criorquality, it was proposed some years ago that the council should do what Mr. Jackett has done, but a vast majority of the residents of the well watered region " kicked,” and said great deal worse) before they would submit to be taxed for what would be of no benefit to them; and, as the at- tempt to raise money by subscriptions met with but little success, the project fell through, and had water was drunk. or good water carried long distances, as before. But last year Mr. Jackett, who is of an enterprising and speculative turn of mind, figured out that he could make money by supplyith good drink- ing water to those who needed it, if the council Would give him permission to lay pipes underground alongr the side of Colbornc street. The required permis- sion having been given so readily and unconditionally that. many ratepayers found fault with the members of the council for their complnisancc, Mr. Jackett went to work and, in spite of all obstacles (including a lawsuit), brought his enterprise to a successful issue, and triumphantlyverifiva his pre~ diction that the water would run as freely in tvintt-r as in summer, and - a 1 er throuuh nd r l ' . . . . . R St sun m u cri’mu 'd pipes principles, while the butter ts collected careless to make even- a. fairl they would be hon-Jed (or something :1 ~ 'meresses of Ontario in the art of gilt- edged butter making will be at Fenclcn Falls on Friday next, the l’~1~th inst., and we cannot too strongly urge upon our readers, especially upon those re- siding in. the country,.thc advisability of attending. Fer some time past Cau- ndian cheese has been in very high repute upon the English market, but the very reverse is the case as regards Canadian butter;. and the difference is *a-ttribntable to the fact that the cheese is turned out of factories, where it is made in large quantities upon scientific from tens of thousands of farm-houses, the inmates of some- of which are too y- good article, while the inmates of others don’t know how. Of course, before butter can be profitably exported. it will have to be made of uniform quality in cream- crics (the number of which is rapidly increasing), but, unlike cheese. the quantity required for home consumption will probably always be made at home, as the necessary appliances are few and cheap and the maths operandi very simple; yet, from want of the knowl- edge imparted by the travelling dairy, farmers’ families all over the Dominion anoint their daily bread with barely palatable grease, instead of with butter fit to~set before a king, and that would not. cost a fraction of a cent more per pound. Go to the travelling dairy meet ing, where you will get a great deal of valuable information free of charge; if you don’t make use of'it afterwards it will be your own fault. l Village Court of Revision and Council Proceedings. â€"_â€". Fenclon Falls, June 3rd, 1895. Council met as a court of revision. Present Reeve Dickson and Councillors , Fitzgerald and Martin. After snb- l King County, Washington, U. S., and. will probany remain forsevcral \vceks.. Mr. R. J-. [-I'cnry, V. 8., left the Falls on Monday morning for Mono Mills,. Ont., where he will practice his profes- sion. He made many warm friends while here, and all will join in wishing him the success he so justly merits. Messrs. Edward Bell,Albert Broken- shirc, Thos. McDiarmid, Robert Men- zies J'r.. Albert Mcnzics,,Angus Founn, tain and Wm. Johnston, who left on. April 16th to accompany a drive of Rathbun‘s logs from I'rondalc to the Falls, arrived here on Wednesday forc- noon. All goods bought at M; McCallumls out free of charge ; a fit guaranteed and none but superior workmen employed. Exonusron.-â€"â€"Tho Maple Leaf‘ lodge of True Blues will” run a. moonlight ex- cursion to Sturgeon Point to-night on the steamer Columbittn. which will leave the Falls at 7.30 sharp. Tickets : Adults,25c.; children 150. All aboard! W CALL on P. McDonald, agent for J. H. Lennon, whose advertisement you will find elsewhere, for Tiuwnre, new and second hand Furniture, in fact almost cvérything in the line of Housufittings. LECTURE-LOO Monday evening, in Dickson's hall, the llcv. J. Tate Kitts. l’ionecr Medical Missionary to the intc‘ rior of North China, will deliver n. tlccp- ly in‘ercstin! illustrative lecture on “ Chit n and the Chinese.” For particu- ltrs rec bills. Admission 15c. and 100. 563‘” .\I. McCallnm has just received his second order of Spring goods, which urcy being sold cheap. 'I‘nn Ghontons 'l‘wnwrn. â€"â€" 'l‘hc Orange-men of the district have decide-l upon holding this ycatrs’ thlt of July celebration at Fenclon Falls. and if the ' Weather be at all favorable. there will no doubt be a big crowd in town. We hope the order for the posters will not be delayed, as is too often the case, until there is barely time to give proper scribing to oath of office, Mr. Dickson I notice They (mam to be rinmd and €g§W§$§Z§tfigfifif§fiEE§:§fl ; June 13th; would laugh at the attempts of Jack was appointed chairman. loirculatcd by the 15”, inst. 5t tholmcst’ LEN,“ .hmggayuinsmmamby "[5,? Fenemn Falls on Friday, lune ; Frost to prevent It. .\I)W, If the quull seconded ‘ lamest ctrcu anon of an screnunc It In the Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, t as, if it be not known that the celebra- . t , - ' ' l . . m$wsségaÂ¥ “gingham mfggrmgimh cohnmck on “and”, June ,7”, ; Kim pm (I‘m â€"-]HLII"'T“TSP dolkl‘trsâ€"wourtitlltlov if; M r. filfttjrtln, That. ash Mr. 37:91am i “on ,3 to take place at the Fans. cxcur, w apwigwx‘xéamh on! Iranian“ contgtin (beau- monnt on Tuesday. June 13th; llaliburton "3m ‘1'." ' “meat” PM 0! ,"S “"8 '2' m "’23" f not appear “7 c" ca 0 on' moon that thl to some extent conflict h.;;.,.£‘,,,°,'5 91mm“ unfit? o:h%.u&: on W. dnesday. June 19th; Minden on hit: “'8‘” am“ “It” the Pa'l" “"d P'wh' ta'e‘t deal a and MUNN 00.. Eur foul. 381 humour. " “ “ ' ' M. JOHNS. President. Wu. THURSTON, Secretary. Subscribe for ‘Tho Gazette. i l m““‘““* Adam” ‘ Thursday, June Will, 1395. , ‘ trs of these who go to where he has it on tap, everything would be lovely; but, his assessment as it appears on the roll I be confirmedâ€"Carried Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded unfortunately his anticipations as to ' by Mr. Martin, That the name of John with it may be arranged for. YOU CAN SAVE money by calling on M. McCallum for a spring suit. two doors south of the post office.

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