.r, HEALTH. §N-\\'\.\\~-\ w\‘\\\\. V\~-V Climate in Consumption. That climate has a distinct bearing upon all lung diseases no one will deny. \Vhat, then,is necessary in order that climate may be helpful in the treatment of consumption? This query is best anchred by a study of the disease itself. In Consumption, more or less of the lung substance is absolutely destroyed. This fact is doubly dangerous, not only because the amount of breathing area is appreciably diminished, but because the cavities are constantly liable to give rise to hemorr- huge. This being true, the consumptive needs an atmosphere that is sufficiently bracing, without being over stimulating. If the air is too rareï¬ed, the Circulation is immediatey quickened, with the result that more worlk is put upon the lungs, and the danger from both exhaustion and hemorrhage is increas- ed. Again, it is necessary to avoid a treach- erous climate, one that exposes the patient to alternate days of high and low tempera- ture,and also one that is perpetually damp. It is not so essential that the place shall have just such a temperature as that it shall be free from changes and dampness. liutno one can be expected to enjoy a climate for itselfalone, or to be contented to remain where the entire occupation consists in breathing the air. There must be something to render each hour of the day sufficiently interesting for the mind to be diverted from itself, and sufï¬ciently fatiguing to necessitate early retiring and insure sound sleep. Outdoor exercise should be regulated according to the climate and the stage of the disease, and while being quick and act- ive, should never be exhausting. On no account should exposure to the night air be risked. After all we have said about the influence, of climate in consumption, it is sad to kiiow that any beneï¬t which may be derived from achange of climate will accrue only to a certain few of those who are afflicted with LITERARY contains. Three Hundred Dollars Offered in Prizes BY THE DR. WILLIAMS MEDICINE 00., OF BROCKVILLE. ONT. The Above Amount Will Be Dlvlded Among the Writers or the Beat Five Original Storiesâ€"The Competition Open lo All Bonn. l-‘ldo Residents of Canada. With a View to assisting in the develop. ment of literary talent in Canada, The Dr. Williams Medicine (50., of Brockville, Ont., will award prizes amounting to $300 among the writers of the best ï¬ve short original stories submitted in the competition as follows :â€" For the story pronounced the best 3100 will be given. For the second best 875. For the third best 360. For the fourth best. 540. For the ï¬fth best $2. . The competition is open to residents of the Dominion of Canada, who have never won a cash prize ina story ccmpetiticn,and is subject to the following rules .â€" Each story to contain not more than three thousand words. The writer of the story shall afï¬x a pen name’, initials or motto to his or her manu- script and shall send with the manu- script a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the pen name, initials or motto attached to the story,and containing inside it the full name and address of the writer thereof. We impose no limitations whatever as to the nature of topic written upon, and the scene of the story need not necessarily be laid in Canada, although competitors must be residents of Canada, as above stated. Stories entered in the competition must be written on one side of the paper only, and when possible should be type- written. Manuscripts to be sent flat or foldedâ€" No'r ROLLED. All stories for competitions must reach the Dr. Williams Medicine 00.. Brockville, Unt. , on or before the ï¬rst day of July, 1895. and should be marked “ For Liter- the dread disease. No amount of breathing ary Competition.†sure air Will bring back any portion of a estroyed lung. No amount of money or sacriï¬ce Will restore the blood which has been lost by repeated hemorrhages. It is all-important, therefore, that we should appreciate early the character and Decision will be made as follows :â€"All stories submitted will be referred to a com- petent committee who will decide which are the best ï¬ve stories. These stories will then be published in pamphlet form, which pamphlets will be distributed severity of the disease,and the new relation throughout the Dominion, and each will which is thus established between the suff- erer and his environment. It is only while the disease is in its incipient stage that. any permanently good result can be expected to follow a change of climate. The Price of Health. Nature has made ample provisions for a healthy human race and it is the disgrace of that race that the dogs, swine and even wild beasts enjoy perfect health when man’s blightiug hand is not laid upon them, while he himself wastes under manifold diseases. Animals maintain health by following their inetincts. Man’s reason takes the place of instinct and whatever sound reason com- mends should be done, and whatever it forbids should be avoided. These two rules should be applied to eating, exercise, sleep, rest, work, dress, worry and other factors aiTecling human health. In eating. reason says, adjust the proportions of food and its quantity to the laws of body growth. Man does nothing of the kind but simply eats as it happens. Reason says, eat only when you are hungry, but man cats at mealtime whether hungry or not. Reason says few and simple viands only, and man multiplies their number and complexity to the inmost of his skill. When the stomach is overworked it needs rest. Man goniis it with stimulants and bitters and makes it work on. In the matter of dress, reason would clothe only for decency, adequate protection and such adornment as is not deleterious to health. The Chinese cramp the foot of their females and disable them for lifo. Civilized nations less sensible, cramp the women’s waists iuto disï¬gure- ment, and their vital organs into permanent invalidism. \Voalth is valued for the means of enjoyment. that it gives. Yet health fur- nishes a greater variety of keener and more lasting enjoyment than any other human possession. Benefits of Garglino: There are any number of proprietary an- tiseptics that are excellent for a gargle but many more simple agents are as good or better. One of the best is carbclic acid. A very weak solution of this gargled and held 3 in the mouth two or three times a day will; work wonders. Immediately after usingi one will find that the mouth feels cleaneruif Many of the common throat and lung troubles come from the lcdgmsut of diseasci microbes within the mucous membranes ofi the mouth. The free use of aniiseptics will kill those germs. Tragedies on the Banks. A frightful increase in the number of: drowuing accidents upon the Banks Newfoundland is reported this year, thel victims being principally French fishermen from the islands of St. Pierre and .\liquclou.£ These poor people fish in the very channel; of transatlantic sienmships, whoeo lookouls have no dihi 'iilty in clcar weather in seeing‘ z complaints. "f 3 miss. most contain a voting paper upon which readers will be invited to express their preference. The story obtaining the highest number of votes will be awarded the ï¬rst prize. The one obtaining the second highest num- ber will be'awardcd second prize, and so on until the ï¬ve prizes are awarded. The voting will close on the ï¬rst day of December, 1895, and the committee will then publish the names of the suc‘ cessful competitors and the order of merit. Unsuccessful manuscripts will be re- turned when stamps are sent for post- age. The ï¬ve stories selected are to become the absolute property of the Dr. VVilliams' Medicine 00., With their copyright in perpetuity. The decision of the committee and the counting of votes to be absolute and ï¬nal, and all persons entering the competition agree, by doing so, to accept the decisions of the committee and the Dr. Williams Medicine Co. as ï¬nal on all points what- soever. Correspondence in regard to unsuccessful LISS. declined, even when stamped enve- lopes are sent; any stamps so sent (for any other purpose than the return of the MS. at the time of ï¬rst sending) will be put in the poor box. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. will take all precautions to safe-guard MS. en- trusted to their care,but in no case do they assume any responsibility for ï¬re, accident or loss of unsuccessful MS. Authors are therefore advised to keep copies. The stories must be original. Any one sending copied matter will be liable to punishment for fraud, and a prize of S25 is odered to the ï¬rst person who points out the fact that any story passed by the com- mittee is otherwise than original, in the unlikely event of such an oversight occur- rin . Agll stories entered in the competition must be addressed to the Dr. \Villiams Medi. cine C0,, Breckville, Ont., and marked on the envelope “For Literary Competition." Fault Finding. The grumbler should have a corner to himself, and not burden others with his He spoils the companionship of life and deserves no public recognition. There is too much to enjoy and too much to do to waste time upon the querulous and the fault ï¬nding. Sunshine is what lsooioty needs, and the more we put it into cpcech, manner and deed, the sweeter and more insp‘ring becomes our association and influence. She Knows Her Business. Lady Cusromerâ€"Gracious, why do you 'make me such a plain bonnet? for the contrast ti Milliucrâ€"Entircly Get Rid osturalg'ia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that give. way only to the powerful name is; No remedy yet the small ï¬shing sniuks and keeping m†discovered has given the grand results that of the Way of injuring them. . . . , ‘ p I s v ~ ï¬shing is most >uccessiuiiy prosecuted in’ ‘0“ hunk!â€- nm the; invariably attends the employment of Pol- Ncrviline is a positive dazl: or foggy weather, or between 3‘ o'clock ' “W350 I" "HPN'VG Phillflifnd ouflhl W 00 a: u:;ht and 4 in the morning, the conse., kep‘ 0“ h‘nd “1 °V°ry I‘mllY- Sold ‘7"? queues bum; that large numbers of these: 'hu‘h 25mm" ‘ bud“ small craft are run down and their occti-I pants drowned. Instead of being taught: by experience to avoid the course of steam- ships. especially in foggy weather, the,I ï¬shermen of the little French colony havel circular. l H'MASTER UNIVERSITY HEARD FROM AGAIN. This Time It Is Hr. Hails-ulna S. Clark. 3. A. Professor of Modern languagesnnd Lllerullrc. Let Professor Clark,in his own language, in clearâ€"cut terms, and over his own signa- ture,tell of his experience with Dr.Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. †This remedy has iven me relief by opening up the nasal ducts and enabling me to breathe freely. The discharges are also less frequent. The powder is very easily applied to the arts affected, and it is very pleasant to take. The fact that the medicine is so easy and pleasant to take will, at all events, secure for it a fair trial. I know others who have used it, and say it is good.†Mr. Clark is the third member of the faculty of )lchlaster University who has had pleasure in recommending Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhsl Powder. One short puff of the breath through the blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder, diï¬uses the powder over the surface of the nasal pass- ages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes, and permanently cures Catarrh,Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, and Deafness. 60 cents. Sample bottle and blower sent on receipt of two 30. stamps. S. G. Detchon, 44 Church street, Toronto. Man’s Wants. Man wants but little here below, But ï¬nds it isn’t best, Because so many other men Are after all the res? Liberal Prlzus. Those of our readers who are of a literary turn of mind will appreciate the liberal offer made elsewhere in this issue by the Dr. Williams Medicine 00., of Brockville, Ont., who announce a series of prizes amounting to $300 for the ï¬ve best short original stories submitted in the competi- tion. The amount offered is, we believe, the largest ever awarded in a competition ofthis kind in Canada, and any part of it will be a liberal recompense for a story of the length named. We will be glad to hear that any of our readers have succeeded in capturing one of the prizes. An Oxford farmer has realized $800 for apples grown on seven acres of land. Climatic Influence on Health. It cannot be denied that the influence ol Ilimate upon health is great, and it is in recognition of this fact that physicians send patients suffering with pulmonary diseases to great distances for “change of air.†But when the suï¬erer happens to be too poor to act upon the advice his lot is hard indeed. But it is not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery can b: had at any medicine store, and to it thou} sands whoae cases were considered desper. the owe their lives. Up to a certain point in the progress of rJonsumption, Dr. Pierce’s Golden‘MedicaI Discovery is a positive remedy. But delay is dangerous with Consumption. In all the conditions that lead to it, the “Discovery†is the remedy. With severe lingering Coughs or W’eak Lungs, nothing acts so promptly. Every disease that can ba reached through the blood yields to this medicine. them. For this, and for every other form ders, and all chronic Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affections, the “ Discovery †i it is always in favor. you to buy ? Don’t you believe it. A. P. 763. 7 . Don i. F0 rget that when you buy Scott's Emul- sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott’s Emulsion cannot be sec. ret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. Consequently the endorse. ment of the medical world means rowel/ring. Scott’s overcomes PVastz'ng, promotes the making of Solid Flex/z, and gives Vital Strengtlz. It has no equalas a cure for Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Wcak Lungs, Consumption- Scrofula. Anaemia, Emaciation. 2'32. \Vasting Diseases of Children. Scott& Bownc, Believille. All Druggisis. 60c. It 31. PARMERS here is a snap for you. Harris has Ramp." czoih pics-es for quilts. Soul 25c. for trial lot. good value. 27. 29. 31 William St.. Toronto STAMMERING KSWESER’ 531.3“ onal System. X0 advance foes. \ rite fa THE ONTARIO lNSTlTUTE. 65 Shuts: 8:... Townâ€. H ‘ Magical Apparatus. Lair TR I G K c~t European and .‘Lmeri' I can Xuvull.iu-,C.lnl Tricks, kc. Our large i‘uldil-guc r’ltltL. F. E. Kern I‘ricl. and Novelty (‘4)..157 Church SL.Toronm I Iibonl. Write for mun-1L Om. WAmn- Forth-r. inc-s cacheâ€"sluice! Rooks“ gala PM.“ sins-um prioor tonne winn- Irltzl. mm. M an. ranâ€"'Mi oto cANAou srmv The Mechanics’ Institute building in n.0,, 2...“...01. issi And 1353. London will be sold by auction. Charlatans and Quack: snzcrml‘upon an agitation to have thcf Han long mm: their vocation on the sui- steamships keep out of them way and; faring pedal! of the people. The knife has change their route They are anxious, it? niwmorialiae the ule-crniiients of Jherj the conviction shaped iuolfâ€"dhore's no l marnlme powers to compel ocean susmv curve. Pntnom'l Painless Corn Extractor £31,,“ “My Green Rom“ provu on who! slender but: public opznmn nice-i. Felt. Tar. Rooflnz often rests. If you rude: from com: get the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Bold everywhere. slop: to some distance south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, although their :o'xrs-c would than be materially lengthened. d to the quick; caustic lpleCAthll 9 [.003 UP YOUR OLD LETTERS and old collections of stamps and got the me he“ mush Brice for them from c. A. "campus. 4 Main St. F... Hamilton. Ont. G. DUTHiE & sdii'é appears, to have the French Government; ave tormented the victim of corn: until isnu,5heet-Meta1.Tue&GravelRooterl Sheet Me'al CeilinR-i. Terra Cotta Tile. Red. Slate. Metal Cor- itch. Etc Cuban. Downpipes. &C.. supplied the trade. Telephone L938. Adelaide a: Widmer Stu. TORONTO. The Scrofulous affections of tho lungs that’s called Consumption is one o) of Scrofula, for all blood-taints and disoré the only remedy so certain that, once used} Can anything else be “just as good †f0: Rosinaâ€"For Making in. Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam's Root Beer Wk.........one bot. Flaiochmann's Yeast.................halt . a. Sugar ............... ....~...........two pound. ‘lnkewurm Waur.........-........two 31mm Dlseolve the sugar and yeast in mg ‘ndd the extract. and bottle: plwe In a warm lane for twenty-four hours until is ferment; lacocniocnvben ltwlllcpcnsparkllng ad shalom. m tooth-oer can bc obtalnodlualldn' “mnomtnuandlseont bottle-u mkshvoandï¬ngnnons. Tobacco Destroys Vitality. Nervous system paralyzed by nicotine means lost manhood, weak eyes, and S general albgonc look and feeling that rob! life of its pleasure. Tobacco is the root of many an impotent symptom, and NoJI‘e- Bac a guaranteed cure that will make you strong, vigorous and happy in more ways than one. No-To-Bac guaranteed and sold by Druggists everywhere. Book, titled “Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St“ Montreal. Catarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, pool. tivc cure. Soothinc. oleansinu. healing. '2 W :SKIN. _- ._|v ., I.“ ‘I . . . CURES“ CON 3" {RAlnopl .iNoI'ccs ticket «ima‘s'sg . . Enlist-snags, T258955“ "léiï¬unfla crown-E x ho N... ' I J3. ' ' " ; An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 250.. 500.. and $1.00 per packago. Samples free. K0 H0.3s.‘rs°.§hi°li"..it'&§ Rois ‘ K Roy; Cigar! I’m Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than “BBB HSY,†They cost 50. but I get sax of them for a quarter. I You Don’t Know \Vhat real enjoyment is if your liver is .- u : gish, your bowels-x irregular or your bitol charged with impurities. St. Leon M 11-18. “'ntcr givesa healthy stimulus to all lines organsand imparts health and vigor to tno' entire system. 813. Leon Mineral Water 00.. Ltd. Head onlcc. King St. West, Toronto. Branch. 448 Yongc St. Foid ‘iv :11! l'iâ€â€˜!ll Vuln “oil ~--< KNiTriNeMacumg, ON LY * $1 0 rmmmwunsrmcs LIST, marscorms‘mssm. ' I Thistsicoon ran 3 92,5:«531'0; ELMAN BROS. N125. I . cacaocvowupur. ;_. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN’S BAKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. s,» FISHING TACKLE. . i Finest Stock Ln 9. Province for 8-11 kin“ . FL-hlng. ‘ All Lancevvnod Trout and Bass Rods. fine .2 ‘ ish. for $2.50 Best Rubber and Plated Multiplying and r ; Chock Easels from $1.00 up. i Enamellod Lines In host Silk. for Trout and i Bass, 31.00 and 81.25. ‘ And every other requisite for the ï¬sherman at best prices. Lacrosscs. tine Double Gut ............... .l 25 -- Boys " '- ..... 15 g Footballs from .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 50 i Headquarters for Sporting Goods. ' THE WIGHTMAN SDORTING 80903 00. ‘ am Si. Raul Stroct. Montreal. “l 3 WALTER BAKER 85 60. The Largest manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRAD! CDCUAS Mill CHBCUlITfS i i s ‘5. ,2: “manuutmmdm HlBHEST AWARDS -.- tourism Industrial and F00“ . EXPDSITIONS. ln ElllilDBaml America .a, '» ' UnllkumIDuthmnom in, . , flu or other Chemicals or Dyes ‘ I \ ed in u of their re anti Tum delicious BREAKTAS COCOA fl am ,nnndsdubkudmlmflmmcutnm COLD IY GROCERI EVERYWHEII. unmanned Toastmaster. "IUSKOKA RESIDENCE FOR SALE. 1 Situated in the famous Muskoka-lalu region. 120 miles north of Toronto; one of the ï¬nest properties in )liiskoka; cottage. with veranda all rou nd; a large sitting-romii. run- ning ncroas the entire front of too house: bay Window with wide upholstered seat; boat house, with large room in upper part: Ice- hcuse. steam-launch. 31le foot. coat $1.250, with Roberis' patcntsntety bollcr; row-aud- sail boat, canoe. steamboat wharf, nll convcn‘ fences: tho holle is furnished completely; veranda rocking-chains, 1::unge. tableware. John Bull rango and all cooking utensils. cic‘ spring bed=, mattresses. refrigerator. ice for season. wood for stcain'luiinch and the large ‘brick open fireplace in sitting-room. as well as tiniple supply for cooking-nian for season- , everything nearly new: only been in use shori time ; the house is situated on Lalto lloasonu, right on steamboat. channel: price 860; terms to suit; Won't rent. S. Frnuk \ ilson, 73 Adelaide street west. Toronto. (Tau. duo ‘OIEOJOL 1111 ‘00 0338 N008"! ‘sucws 311118 3!“ '03“ aluminum) idvns v 'uotpaios .inc 'mciiascd 11?“ lg '50 40) 9.10 29;}. so; 9 tog-3 so) suctioouoo I Kay 'oog ,, ' ' ' satiation )saug ‘Sllx g â€"s ,, ‘aog ,, $10100 psuossc out; ‘suejog 51â€"3 ,, 'nog ,, pcuossu isaug‘smnjuclag â€"E ,, BJOROHOH 2-; asomxird 'xaw ‘mnjiomdosl ‘ouiA encirch â€"-,g '009 'umiuriog p.393 teams pus ,, KAI '31“an 'is 'ti ‘vissona -.i! ‘nocc I uoiiaanog mopugM ‘009 "sepnuoq Kmoqqsoao 'sasog 9 â€"o ,, 'oog ,, ' amospurq 's‘eparqiuow 3 â€"{) ,, ‘aog ,,SJOiJvamonszoojas‘seuqvq 9 â€" I ,, 1309 so; ‘pauosss tsaug ‘snjoipvlg gtâ€"g 'oN mo Iv utmin in 11:40.11 /0 «Inan "Lt stuvid one some '009 u! surnames JUST OUT I FOREST, llKE AND PRAIRIE. Twenty Years of Frontier Life in W( slcrn Onnnda~ 1842‘ 15.62 By REV. JOHN McDOUGALL, With 27 full-pogo original illustrations by J. E. Laughlin, CLOTH, $|.OO. The writer of th is captivnl log book has spout his whole life on the L‘nnndiizn frontier. and almost wholly among the liidiuiis. Ilia r01 vices to the Govm'nmt-nt during 'le llpririll); of 1885 are yet fresh in the public mind. Ills pages teem with cxciiing u(l\'ciilul'i:, and present a grapliidportrailure of (Le. condition of things in our l\0l‘lliW(‘Bl- during iIlO ilfiics and six- ties. The illuniraiions are superbly done, and the original design in ink and gold on tho covcr make it Q vn-ry handwmo book. Ask your Bookseller for it. or write direct .‘-o “'ILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher, 29-33 Richmond St. West, Toronto CADA'S MUSIC HOUSE Music Publishers,Manufacturers and Importers OF EVERYTHING MUSICAL SPECIALTIES: Our ‘ Imperial ’ Band Instru- ments. Guitars, Mandolin. cs. Banjos. Harvnonlcal, and the Latest Music Publi- ’ cations. 347' Don’t purchase until f you see our prices. - Stud for Catalogue: mriitwnmg good: 7(- qmyrif. W! WANT TNI ADDRISB 0' EVERY MUIIO TEACH!†AND BANDMAJYIR "I OANADA. WHALEY,ROYGE&BD iss YONOE STREET, TORONTO. - CANADA THE SNOWBALLWAGON _ as raw The above out calls your attention to tho famous SNOWBALL WAGON. ‘If there is no agent in your locality. wrlk direct to the house. Buy a Snowball and you will always be happy. It I: the best value in the market. SNOWBALL WAGON CO. GRANBY RuéBERs Better this season titâ€"4 ever. Everybody wants My Every dealer cells then. They wear like Iron. . .-«~u~.-.-4.....'-...-.... .Amgh14JWM.~..ï¬:-. _-M2\l._.n.-w .1. 4 .a‘.-...â€"a~ in.†“My A ,a‘. “""M 2.