Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 May 1895, p. 5

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I” _"' “â€"""‘ T \.>"*» CORRESPONDENCE. 7'. ti..â€" Hh'tar qr'tfw Penelun Fills Uncut. . l ‘ . >tn,â€" l 'I'hure are two old proverbs which ', retol: “ Ansvh-r no; :t foul occur-ling to his, t'f‘y, led. than also b: like him." and} " .\ .vv:r .1 {Nil are irding to his full)“, lest lm he Irv wile in his own conceit." 't is in tin» spirit of the latter that I would en- croach upon your space to say a “'nl'll in reply to your c .-. rt-stmtxdcnt “ Listener.” First. he Would do Well in l‘eiilcllll):t'lllg that the l’rvsl-yterians can attend to th-‘ir on n busine-s without any gratuitous advice from him. It' be have any business of his f own to attend t i. he llml better direct his i attention towards it. for he is certainly! wasting his energies in Concerning himself! about Presbyterian ail'iirs. He seems also I to be quite solicitnns about the affairs of the village. Now. he may possess his soul in peace, as the village is in safe hands. With Mr. Dickson as metro, and with such excellent men around him, the village is secure. Should they buy the old I’rcsby- terian church, they will do so because they consider it a good investment. I am quite satisfied that they know a good bargain as well as ‘ Listener," and that their reputa- tion for honor is equal to his, if not better. Perhaps it Would be a good move to place the affairs of the village entirely in his hands, as he knows so thoroughly what ought to be done! The villagers would like to know a little about his own affairs befor: doing this, especially when there are so many better then. He is, however, I'HZI in his own estimation, and that counts fora good deal. “ If the present council dare to purchase," etc. Fear and tremble, ye councillors l This tuan speaks with :ttithorityl Oh, whch can you find him, that you may confer with him? And the result of it all is that his threats fall like water on a duck’s back as far as Presby- teriaus are Concerned, and the council too. The Presbyterians law»: sold their church, and there is a 1mm: fiJe agreement to that eti‘ect. “ Listener " to the contrary notwith- standing. It is a pity that he hours so much. You know people stufl' creatures like him. _ He has, moreover, the audacity to accuse a wry respectable citizen of being long- uccked, simply because this gentleman can rise above the grovclling j::tlousy burning in his own bosom. Now, this quasi gentle- man,“ Listener,” has doubtless two very long members. His tongue is altogether too long, as, apparently with the greatest case, be can reach out to the affairs of his neighbors and defile them. To speak in a metaphor akin to his own, he could lap water from the bottom of a well. His ears are also far too long, else he could not hear so much. It appears that he could fill the whole paper with what he. hears. He must have some connection with the long-cared quadrupcd not renowned for brilliancy. He can kick thoughâ€"and bray. Look out, Masons and l’resbytcrians! He has also a very high opinion of the villagers, when he thinks that a petition could be secured for the ignominious pur- poses named. Me forgot that there were a few Masons and Presbyterians in the vil- lage. lie is certainly neither, judging from his capacity of mind and soul. It is remarkable the petty opposition manifested towards the Presbyterians in their efforts to provide themselves with a comfortable place of worship. Surely this is not returning evil for evil When the Methodist church was built some 18 years ago, did the Presbyterians show a mean, contemptible,jealous spirit? They did not, but cordially extended their financial and moral support. They may well be proud of it. May they always continue to show a maguanimous spirit towards a sister church. It is degrading to the cause of religion to see such a spirit as is manifested in this village just. now, and finds expression through “ Listener." RESIDENT. May 2m, 1895. All goods bought at M. McCalIum's out free of charge; a fit guaranteed and none but superior workmen employed. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, May 24th, [895 Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00 Wheat,Scotch or Fife 88 to 90 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 85 88 Wheat, spring “ .... 85 88 Barley, per bushel. . .. . . .. 45 48 Buckwheat “ . . . . . . . . 38 40 Cats, “ 34 35 l’ease, “ . . . . . . . . 55 58 Rye, ” 48 30 Potatoes, “ .... 25 30 Butter,pcrlh............ 11 12 Eggs,pcr dozen.......... 8 9 Iiay.per ton...... 8.00 9.00 Hides 7.00 7.25 Hogs (live) .. 4.50 4.85 Hogs (Dressed) . 6.00 6.25 Sheepskins.............. 35 75 Wool I8 20 Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 2 30 2.50 Flour. best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 2.50 2.70 Flour,strnightrolled...... 2.20 2.40 Bran. perton...... . HOO 16.00 Shorts. “ . 17.00 19.00 Mixed chop. per ton . . . . . . _ 22.00 25.00 COURT OF REVISION.‘ Notice i: hereby given that the Court of. Revision for the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF FE/VELO/l/ FALIS, will be held in the Council Chamber ini Jordan’s Black, in the said village. Manday, the 3rd Day of June. 1895. at the hcur of ‘2 o'clock p. in. All partirs ' interested will 'a'x'e notice and themselves accor iiugly, govern 3 N_ ll â€"Tt:e Assessment Roll is now on . filt‘ at the Clerk's Uliit‘t‘. where it titty be examined by all interested. W. T. JL’NKlN, Village Clerk” Penelcu Falls, May "Mb, 1585. T l N no GGY AND AIIARNESS FOR SALE CHEAP. The undersigned has for sale very cheap for cash a first-class Top Buggy. Harness and new whip Will l-.- r‘JIKI separately or together. This is a bargain for somebody. W. C. FELL, Cameron P. 0. May I5tIi,1895.-â€"l4 '2.’ Q GIRL; Ill-VI L 14 E COURT ORREVISION. The Court of R.‘Vi$iott to revise the Assess ment Roll of the Township of Somerville for the year IFS?» will be held | At Burnt River, on Friday, May 3ist, 1395, commencing at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon. The Assessment Roll fur 1895 is now on file at my otlice, where it may be examined by any person interested. SAMUEL SUDDABY, Clerk. Burnt River, May 6th, 1895.â€"13.2 A GOOD MAN in l your district to rep- resent the “ Fonthill Nurseries of Canada” â€"over 700 acresâ€"the largest in the Do- minion. Positim permanent. Salary or commission to right man. With the in- creasing demand t’or fruit, a position with us as salesman will pay you better than engaging in farm work. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School teachers! it's just the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. West Side Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boats and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right.~ My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call and compare prices. I will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN; Postponed Auction Sale OF VALUABL E FARM PROPERTIES IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF BEXLEY AND SOMERVILLE IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. There will be sold on SaturdaY, the 1st day of J une, ’95, at. eleven o’clock in the forenoon, at Chir- paugb’s Hotel, in the Village of Victoria Road, by virtue of powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be pro- duced at the sale, the following properties: PARCEL l.â€"Lot ten in the seventh conâ€" ceasion of the said Township of Bexley, containing two hundred acres, more or less. The south half and the east. half of the north half of Lot nine in the said seventh concession of Bexlcy aforesaid, containing 150 acres, more or less, except half an acre sold for school purposes. Lot nine in the eighth concession of the Township of Bexlcy, containing two hun- dred acres, more or less. The Southeast parts of Lots three and four in the Front Range, North-West Bay, Township of Bexley, containing 227 acres, being all of said Lots except one hundred acres off the north-west end of said Lots, and bounded on the North-west by the straight line passing directly across said Lots parallel with the boundary line at the North-west end of the said Lots. And the south-easterly point of Lot num-. D 9 her two, Front range, North-west Bay, 3111- sum Lake, commencing at the intersection of the North Shore of Balsam Lake, with the lines betwoen Lots two and three, thence Northwesterly along the line be- tween said Lots two and three, 7 chains and 96 links more or less, to a post, thence south 4 chains and eighty links, more or less, to a post planted on the shore of Bul- sam Lake, thence easterly, along the shore of Balsam Lake, to the place‘of beginning, containing one acre, two rods and twelve perches, more or less. The following imprOvements are said to be on the premises: On Lot 9 in the 8th, Lot 10 in the Tth and on part Lot 9 in the 7th. there are about 250 acres cleared, hav- ingcrected thereon frame and log dwell- ing, log burn, frame stable, frame and stone stable, two old barns. There is an orchard on the property. On parts Lots '2, 3 and 4. North-west Bay, about 130 acres cleared, having erected thereon two frame barns and frame dwelling house. PARCEL ll â€"Lots 14 and 13 in the eighth : concession of the Township of Somervillc, containing 230 acres more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: About 80 acres cleared. hav- l . ing erected thereon hewed mg dwelling. cedar post barn. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase a money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance. terms will he made known at the sale. JONES. MCKENZIE .0; LEONARD. S ‘licitors. Toronto Street. Toronto, Or to R. J. LeRoy. t‘nbnc-mk, . McDougali .tt Brandon, l-‘euclon Falls lProud, But Not Stuck Up. l CERTER Is proud of his big stock and low prices. If you want to buy goods at very low pr1ces call at Carter's Store, Lindsay, and you can buy as many goods as you can carry for about. $5. buys for CASH and sells for Gasmand can afford to sell cheap, for he takes no risk with giving credit. come send on your letter orders and they will be shipped same Satisfaction guaranteed, or goods can be returned. day. ‘. He If you cannot. personally Black Cashmere, 47 inches wide ......Ouly...... .... 25 Ladies‘ Capes, all colors...... .Special . . . . . . SL4?) and 2 25 Linen Table Cloths, 56 x 72...... . .. ....Fringed, white . . . . . . . 1.00 Linen Table Cloths, 56 x 7‘2 Fringed, colored border 95 400 Sample Parasols ...... .......... ...... ...... .... Half Price Men’s and Boys’ White Unlanndered Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 29 “ BeautifulSiIkTies . . . . . Two for............ 25 Cotton Towels, 25 x 45 Colored Border...... 10 600 Men’s Hats and Caps, this season’s goods, bought in a very ’ peculiar way, to be. sold at half price to clear. Yard Wide Factory Cot-ton . .. . .. . .. .... Three Cents . . .. . . .. 03 Handsome Fancy Colored Flannellettes Heavy Cotton Shirtings . . . . .. . . ....ASnap.............. 0!) ............FastColors.....-.... 05 Good Bleached Roller Towelliug...... 18-.lnch 05 White Apron Muslius noon... . . . . . .New Patterns........ 05 l,‘-00 Y’ds Beautiful l’rin ts, light and dark. . .Fast Colors . . . . . . . . . . 05 72-lnch Cotton Sheeting .. Fine Quality Table Linen Ladies’ Black and Colored Gloves, all sizes. .4 button length. . . . .. Ladies’ Fast Black Cotton Hose Ladies’ Fancy Trimmed Undervests. . . . . . . . .. All Sizes . . . . . . All wool Serge Dress Goods . . . . . . . . Heavy Wool Tweeds...... .... .New Patterns.... ................BigDrive.......u... 16 Inches............ 20 IO ............Finc Goods.......... 05 05 ........33Shades............ 25 25 For further particulars apply to ' 1,000 Yards New Spring Veilings . . . . Cream and White Lace Curtains. .. 40-Inch Apron Giughnms . . . . . . . .. . Art Muslins Draperies .. ......Wide Width.......... 10 ......BouudEdges 29 .....Nobby Patterns 10 ......NewDesigns......... 07 1,500 Yards Job Dress Goods . . . . . . ....All Shades...... .... 12% Men's Heavy Cotton Socks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assorted Colors . . . . .. 05 Men’s large size Flannclettc Shirts . . . . .. . . . . Collar attached . . . . .. 1?} Good Feather Ticking ....IIold Water.... 08‘ Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lace Trimmed . . . . . . ‘39 “ “ “ Drawers . . . . . “ “ 25 “ “ “ NightRobes.......... “ “ 45 “ “ “ Skirts . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..Tuckcd.............. 50 White Bed-Spreads, fringed ....Largc Bed Size...... ' 95 55.0 Yards Silk Ribbons ...... . .. . .. . Good Large Hair Brushes... . .. . Nice Clothes Brush . . . . .. . .. . .. Ladies’ Fine Leather Purses ....n- ....Assortcd Shades...... 02 ...Sure Cure for Dandruff 20 ......Very Neat Shape 10 ......Niceand Nobhy...... 05 Men’s White Shirts.... . . . . . ......Laundried to Wear.... 50 Pure Linen Table Doylies . . . . .. . . . . . . Two Pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces . Men’s All Wool Socks .. See our New Shirtings .. .. .. .. . 42â€"Inch Blue and Black Serge . ... . . .. Ladies’ Spring Jackets Beautiful Cotton Dclaines . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchiefs . . . Boys’ Suits...... .. Men’s Tweed Suits Men’s Wool Tweed Pants, . . . . .. . . . . . Very Heavy Cottonade Pants . . . . .. . . . Hemp Carpet...... We have the largest stock of CLOTHING an and at. the lowest prices. to sell close, and we do so every time. Lindsay on a. $5 purchase. The only way t you with BARGAINS! BAR CARTER, - - - OIII'I u-noa. c.- -~-...-.. ......Assorted Shapes...... 05 .......NewStyles.......... 25 ......RibbcdTops.......... 10 ....Regular Price 150. 10 ....Good Quality.......... 20 ...The Latest Styles...... 2 75 ....Nobby Patterns........ 05 ..Fine Patterns.... 2 for 05 ....SpringStylcs.......... 1 75 ....Good Linings.......... 4 50 .....Well Mudc............ 1 00 .....Pntent Bttttons........ 50 .....WideWidth 10 d MEL ’8 FURNISHINGS in this County) As our terms in buying and selling are cash, we can afford We can save your fare and expense while. in o prove it. is to try, so we are waiting for GAINS ll BARGAINS l ! l Store painted Red and White. “ Never Have ' Poor Shoes Now,” Said a gentleman in conversation, referring to the trouble he used to have in this respect. “ And I do not have to pay big prices for them either, even if leather has gone up fifty per cent. 77w Reason Why is because I buy my Shoes from W. L. ROBSON.” .30 Cash ' Sale AT MRS. R. McDOUGALL’S. The leading patterns in Spring and Summer MILLINERY. The latest novelties in trimmed and un- , trimmed Hats and Bonnets. My Ribbons, 1 Flowers, Laces, Veilings, Straw Trimming, Jet, Feathers, etc, are the choiCest selec- tions to be bad. Always on hand, the best made CORSETS, such as the French model Long Waist, D. I: A., Ala Reine, C. k 1)., Corinne, May, ‘ Louis Magnetic, etc. ‘ Thanking my many customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and hoping , to merit a continuance of the same in the l future. ' , MRS. R. MCDOUGALL, 2 Doors North of the Post-office. FOR SALE, Lot containing one quarter of an acre, lwith house and stable, on Francis street ‘, west, opposite Gay!" oilice, Fenelon Falls, 5 for sale cheap. Apply to WI. A. Laxnznr, , Room 9, Fortune Block, Main street. Winni- l peg, Manitoba. 5-3m. p-.-__. .. SPRING MILLINEBI. WALL PAPER. Window Paper, Fancy Goods, Fancy Work, Materials for Fancy Work. Toys, Etc. STAMPING DONE. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. INSPECTION INVITED. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. MRS. EILELEY. 2,500 Yards 2-ply Union Carpet, yan ride, 300., 400 and 500. Dnndas & Flanelle Brothers, Lindsay. I HAVE OPENED A BRANCH. OF MY IN THE MAYBEE BUILDING on Lindsay street, where at all times will be found In. stock of new and second- hand Furniture, Tinware, Etc. I can assure you prices will be found away down. Any person desiring anything in this line will find it to their LINDSAY BUSINESS advantage to call on my agent, P. McDonald, who will be pleased to show you through and give you prices. JAS. H. LENNON. BUSINESSEHANGE. W. J. ELL son, SUCCESSOR TO Mr. George Rutherford. begs to inform the residents of Fenelon Falls and its vicinity that he. has as good, new and well selected a stock of GROCERIES AND BOOTS AND SHOES as any merchant in the village, and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Re- member that. '“A New Broom Sweeps Clean.” and that - A NEW BUSINESS MAN MUST give people good value for their money if he wish to attract and retain custom, of which great truth the new business man now addressing you is well aware, and will govern himself accord- ingly. Call in and nee if you can’t do as well with him as with anybody elseâ€" or even a lectle better. Wliggs, butter, vegetables, ctc., taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Store in Cunningham’s Block, one door south of Mr. Campbell’s. W. J. ELLISON. Fenelon Falls, April 24th, 1895. HEADQUARTERS. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR. Room Paper and Picture Frames â€"IS ATâ€" W A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dvo Works Agency. W‘l’lcase call and see my ac. Paper. « I Some lllllg New TO THE LADIES 0F FENELON FALLS AND VICINITY. A New and improved System of Garment Cutting, known as the De La Morton French Per fection Tailor Systcmmcknowlcdged by all leading tailors and dressmakers who have tried it to he the best in the world. It can be adapted to any style of dress, from a. tailor made costume to the duintiest even- ing gown. Seamless waists cut by the same system. Ensures a perfect fit. Dress- making done in all its branches. No extra charge for new system. MRS. l. A. CALDER. McArtbur's Block, upstairs. Entrance next door to Mr. Robson’s store, nearly opposite the Post~0tfice. '1‘“. 4.1" r. ,5 .u My: .z It;

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