Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 May 1895, p. 7

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2H4,- J».szvs:cot... N. a... v.- .. fl,-~./c.»~..w_wmma-m.m .vam an .. ..:- aft”; lag the most obstinate cases of shoes dis-’ e one especially incident to women, that on first introducing these now world-famed ' Lilli-ill guitars Di BROAD DAYLIGHT. â€"-â€"- thereafter, they were sold under a positive 0:26 Real Living Picture fleets guarantee Oi 8“in onfl're satisfaction. in Ano‘he,’ every case of a disease for which they are recommended. So uniformly successful did --- they prove in curing diseases, derangement: "hst sac Took tor a l‘plrll Was Her and weaknesses of women, that claims far Friend. the return of money paid for them were Ghana don't walk in broad daylight, exceedingly rare: but,siuce the manufactur in Congress. Any womm anywhere, no matter how serious her case, no matter how despondent she may have become. no matter how many remedies have failed to relieve her, no matter how many docton have been bullied by her easeâ€"any such woman will, by simply writing to the Doctor, receive, free of charge, the most overwhelming proofs that her case is not beyond hope, and that relief and cure are in all probability within her reach. remedies in relieving and permanently cnr- sensed then in the State Senate and later that for three weeks I could not lie down inbodatdl. I had aterrib'le cough:ifl fact, every one thought Ihnd consumption. and nothing gave me relief until I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, using two bottles of each. They cured me and I have had no return of the dteadiul cough since. and that has been two years now, I have had good health ever since. "I am in possession ofa copy of the Com. mon Sense Medical Adviser, which I would not part- with for anything.” ‘ l l l l _ .- .._____.â€"__..._.._._.__..__.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" W WALTER BAKER 8:. 80. the Largest Manufacturers of PU RE, H ch GRADE CDCUAS AND CHBCULATES On this Continent. have real"! " HIGHEST AWARDS tenth-great industrial and Fllllll EXPDSITIDNS s. ’ ad er, when a worm,“ and. heuen‘ sud. ers and proprietors of these remedies can; _ I: . run]; confronwd by ‘M “find “,6 my. new refer to thousands of noted cureel oum 90'000 GBATZFUL “mm “Half” cmsb' ‘ :91; l E A . l I mourned a dew .ho ,3 .pt w expel-hm” a ezieoted by them .in every part of the land, i like those here printed, from the ladies Ed‘nrd F F % t D “me t I r; “r 3 ll cf "an. amnion u,“ in" down in the and in many foreign countries, they believe named above, 'are on file at the Invalids' PRO“) m h .‘U EYES: ' b.3332] F03"; ‘ " , , -â€"-â€"- I “Gunny. this past record a sutfictent guarantee of Hotel and Surgical Institute. “enrol: 2"“ éri'm‘ , SYN”, wife “Anon .--.;_ ,' ,Jgngl‘gaané‘rfiifim'nmtfi {. ‘ ' “ " ' ‘ ' o.” “ used in anv of thrir ‘ In a case like this no amount of presence ‘l‘el' 8’9“ “5“” ‘3 cumll‘m 38m“. and. of mind or self-possession can ward off the ‘lieFFl0T0y “NY “0" re“ their 013"“ '~'° 1h” l mingled feelings of astonishment, fear, joy confidence 0‘ fl“? “melted “may “P0n libel? ' and curiosity that will render a woman PMt recordo T99” l5 "Neely “ neighbor- "mrmflmy [ongufibkd- I; ,5 only Bf‘er hood or hamlet in this broad land of ours, 9 again seeing the cherished smile of greet- in W5!“ ‘71“ no” he found 00° 0" more! ing, after again feeling that there is tbrob- Perm“! Who have been Cured of distressing l biug life beneath the dainty glove, and and 0le dangerousdiaeuses. by the medi- .fw, “gun hearing he, 0,", name Spoken cmes to which we referâ€"Dr. Pierce’s Gold- in the ever familiar voice, that this strange 9}] MFdlC‘l Discof'ery and Dr. Pierce‘l ‘ "union "mm". bavorite Prescription. TH! STRANGE MEETING. The meeting of the two women whose pictures are here given, shows that every- . day life furnishes experiences as thrilling is those that come to us only in our wildest dreams. And the fact that such meetings occur every day points a moral that every ' woman in the land should take to heart. Here was a woman in the prime of life, pursued by that sentinel which seeks its victim. among her sex alone. From a living picture she became, in less than a year, a wreck of human wretched- iicss. From despondeucy to despair ieemed but the remaining step, the last step. m-it LAST FAREWELL. Overcome by the presentiment that pre- cedes a lingering death, she asked to be removed to her old home in the West, and spoke what to all seemed to be her last farewell. In the very paper that chronicl- ed her departure the doomed invalid found four letters written b Mrs. William Hoover, of Bellvllle, .: Mrs. Caroline King, of New Boston, 0.:Mrs. S. A. Mon~ roe, Baltimore, Md.; F. F. Sargent, of United States Artillery School, Fortress Monroe, Va. These letters are printed below. They told how cures had been found for cases like her ownâ€"cases of "female weakness” and shattered health that had almost capped life away. \Vith no more hope than that which prompts the drowning man to catch a strawâ€"for she firmly believed herself incurable, just as 9 h l i d tens of thousands of women believe them- Best uhbcr and Plated Multit) )‘ 118 an e'v ' . bl -â€" he i llowed the adv' N00 a Cheek ltcols from $1.00up. i i cs incurs e s 0 we a . Tr d l t . Enamclled Lines in host Silk, for out an contained in these letters. The result is q ______ Bass “Ionandslfié. be“ mm in the Wmmm’a 0W" w‘mls' ” 1“ $ >. go a i e - an o - 1: an o a. And evo'ry other requisite for the fisherman as less than five months,” she writes, “ I '5 -- e g 0.5 2‘3 : 3533 E 3352‘ be“ Prices- $1 25 returned to my friends in the East, as well 05 all ‘5 a E etiggg G :8:- ':_£‘_‘.0 Loci-pegs. gins Dc‘i‘uble 15 “d “was in My and mind and “8 hnPW t s or 33252386332 58%? swastika... ..... 1 a and free from pain as any woman in the 5' IL agis‘s‘a‘ififit m cg. Headquarters for Sporting Goods. world. I had ained iiearl thirt cunds b > ‘o 'c' 1.: I: -° ‘3 c, o in weight andgwas so chansged itiyfaze and ‘ 33§§§ :ggg THE WIGHTMAN SPORTING GOODS 00' form that when one of my dearest friends as .3 2;; 525 h ,5 L a o l; 4.03 St Emu. Street. Montreal. met me in broad da li ht she almost faiut- IE 1' c ““ 9°“- 'â€"‘ = = B 9: E ,,_--__ __. . ed, for y s a 3 351-7532;? 2785 “.5535 _ '50 0 pandas sin camaradsrmr “SHE Bin. svsu ME DEAD." 1.: H 1; an a, m :3. o 5: , 93 o: l $ t. u-u l'elwmtii i831 an 1853. iho adds "I hwe my whole life and = 2 gigs fig 2 g F: 55% ‘ Lcfiox {JP $031K OLDILEILFERS} M'td 0‘: ‘ . ’ . . a: HE a“ . [- .=.; >. no eclionso Bumps tint. gut it: no 164 can happiness to Dr. Piercee Golden Medical . Q) 3.: ‘33 3‘3": 5552 P- 33 6‘53 8 rice for them from ‘ c. A. NEEDHAII. Ducovery and DOch were“ Favorite suits or SKILLED srsoiams'rs. my feet. only a short time, and now I do all > gig-:1 g g 35 : 3'8 3’ g g = 33-36 G 964 Main St. FL. Hamilton. 0m. . . a . I... _ 5.... _ .â€" l’rescri tion which cured me after doctors . . . "LY Wm'k for my family 0‘ fiVB- My 1113th {3 c, :0 m5 5 8“: ’l '8 3-75 2 "w"- "avel Pbuhv. massage elewicity hué Doctor Pierce and his start of skilled 2”] had a very bad cough for a long “ma, W, (-5 ,5 :6 CE-fis Sf: 53': a: 5 55 mg Permanently cured {mlod'm oven'bmefib ,n ’ ’ specialists. forming the Faculty of the She wok v0“, 001d“, Medical Diacovéry Ix E21135; g g 5:; a: s u c4355 “0 Is by n strictlv Educsr This womu‘,s cue ‘remarknme as it may Invalidg' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at adad i8 now'we” and happy.” \ 0 § 839.2. 3013 ’ 2:56: & “Jelmyste'i‘nfiml‘loona'rd‘vfipg 113%?“ \Vrite M seem is not an exceptional one. Thousands Buflalo’ 2" Y" are M a” time“ Feady t0 STERH my CURFD i c: 63% 5 E g :%§ g '5 “Shut” 83%:333‘1‘9. d {h d3 of ‘uat such cures have been reply m latte” from women suffer“)?! "0m M (w -- f 3‘} B , m 25 5236.6 3'53 '3 I: 3- 33 all: 8 i __.______..._,__-___ flw __ _ ,_v_____ “n ‘luun_ J. b I H obstinate, complicated. or long neglected , ‘. rs‘ “0”?” ing' 0 ‘ ell osmn’ “3': 9-5: g F1522 5: s. o"'.° '5 Mngim‘. Apparatus, Lair in 6‘ Ol‘y 55310 y $1886, 88 Gill-lie diseases and H weaknegaes ,, and can be ad‘ 5010:,“ Co” Oh“), xvi-mag ; u I Will always L BEE :55 g o a: a ‘59"; B g, I G C‘L European .uul Anni“. WWW] ""m’dlf’s {9" Women 5 Pawn“ dressed or consulted M ’thab institution recommend Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- | c O: 3 _g are 4 233229. I can I\‘ovwlics.Curd Tricks, ‘ d'sorders and diseases. ' tion it cured me h ll othe d' ' 84:61.3 :5 $114 a o a h: .cs Etc. Our large catalogue lilhl-Z. F. E. Kart: l . , w en a r me wines +4 as a... . . __ V , They are always glad to offenfree of charge, . .1 d ‘ 1:3 5 .5 g? g a“ 3 5 a .o r: 9 = ‘3 l‘riclt and .\i)vclly Co..lm Church St..’l‘0r0nta WHAT WOMEN SHOULD KNOW- such suggestions as will not- ouly hasten ml 8 ' [Far Len ysursk; “Shred “3‘?” g E'U EDE c: °-=.§'g-u d 3" tog-53.2; â€"â€"- --_- ' Every woman in this country ought to the cure, but make it permanent. 'msely dconl‘lnfelllc‘: mfi "lghyour met; '2‘?” R) a 23 523:? :5 :4 2'5 5; E 9'35: ' an“, WAN-mn_ know that there is an institution in this Where a local physician is called upon an, mun. re'le ’6 059'. ms 1mg one 0 t 8' :EI’EEE: 12;? SE = :'E'§ 3 “I: 3 °"" F“ a” 13m ‘nd Imam“! 9! 3008! AM couutrv where diseases peculiar to their to treat one such case, Dr. Pierce and his I terduemg {Gulf m3 “me e eve? momm’ é Q) “3:2 5535 an i: 3 :fi 3': “be”: m C&%“* “I 31"” “d "1000' term. sex hnve for nearly thirty years been skilled specialists treat many thousands, nude? my liflllénk .8' Prezenbt 0 & Lyelve b‘o §28335e§ 3': l: E20123 ‘ min. mwfseiuksuwiiudns wan“ ' made a specialty by several of the and a lifetime practice in this special field Pong Doy‘hj ,, t "n n m t’ e e“ me "mm a (u '4' aflig m 513:: 55': £3 :2: {z ' physicians and surgeons connected there» has made them experts in this special field m t' a wor‘ ' u] a. 52:32:} ggfiéugg 53:54 3 i G D i E & with. This institution is the Invalids’ of practice. There is no experimentingmo A COMPLICA'I‘ED cass. I as h? 5 w: £5.53st 2 c t: g s Q . I Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, physical patch-work,and no promises made] Mrs. S. A. Monroe, of 315 S Register a Eg-figfi g 5 § :53; .3-3 Lg? Slate. Sheet-Metal. Tile a: Gravel Roofers N. Y. In treating .thousauds oi cases at which. cannot be fulfilled. Their record of 1 Street, Baltimore. Md., writes : “I had a S 5:, 23:33.23 3?, 5% '6 '3? or“ Sheet Metal 09mm" Term Com, rm R that famous sanitarium, .there have been cures includesthou'sands of. cases in every been ailing for a year "or more, being :3 2.5 3" mg 3 :Q SE.“ 8 5.9. :2 [31301; 3nd Green Roofing Slam. Metal dig: perfected medicines which form a regu- Mate. Dr. Pierce s standing at home is troubled with ‘Female “'sakness’ and _ 3:: E28 9; 5:8: 2.5 :3: , ices. Felt. Tar, Roofing Pitch. Etc Gutters. lar scientific course of treatment for these such that the people of Buffalo have, time v leucorrhea, when I took a severe cold l "‘ ",2 7.3.. 2‘s: :: E i! :32 E: I ownplpes. 8tc.. supplied the Ira-de- ’ - ' ' ' ' < 8 .38 F 9 NH (8 9° .9 I a prevalent and most diaries-1mg ailments. and again, tendered him the highest. public which settled on my lungs, and I had a "‘ ” "“ Telephone 1936. Adelaide aWidmer Sta. severe attack of asthma, which was so bad MR%RQ£:R§§M TORONTO' So positively sure and certain are these ‘olllces within their gift, be having repre. Mrs. William Hoover, of Bellville, Richland Co., Ohio. writes as follows: “I have been a great sufferer from “female weakness’; I tried three doctors; they did me no good ; I thought I was an invalid forever. ButI heard of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and his ‘Favorite Pro- scription,’ aud then I wrote to him and he told me just how totake them. Ilcommenced last Christmas and took eight bottles. I now feel entirely well. I could stand on speak too highly of Dr. Pieroc's Favorite Prescrtptioudt having completely- cured her of a serious womb trouble of long standing. She took five l‘ottles altogether, and she has borne a large, healthy child since. There has been no return of the complaint. “She only wishes every poor, suffering woman should know of the inest-imable value your ' Favorite Prescription ' would be to them, and thanks you, gentlemen,from the bottom of her heart for the benefit she has received.” The brief talk on woman and her peculiar ailments given above is continued in the great doctor hook described below : GREAT DOCTOR BOOK FREE. When Dr. Pierce published the first edition of his great work. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, he an- nounced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.50 per copy,he would distribute the next half million free. As this number of copies has now been -o‘d,he will, in accordance with his original ofl‘er.distribute,absolutely free(the receiver merely to pay for packing, customs duty and postage,“ stipulated in the followingcoupon) 500,000 copies of this most coniplete,interest- ing and valuable common sense medical work ever published. In a single year this book will save more than a hundred times its cost in any family. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. No man or woman, married or single should be Without it. It must be distinctly understood that not more than one copy will be sent to one family free. We Give Away ewmvwvwasv Heâ€"” Don’t you think there is consid- erable danger in letting a woman who . . , . cares for you know that you love her ‘3” Ina (.ompauy of Artistsâ€"' \\ hatis them She__,, I think there is considerably more SPRING SMILES. between laughter and tears 1" “ The nose, dunner in lean) , her know mm, on don’t » dryly observed Vivier. “a . 5 y .‘ ,3 __u , H ,c mke me to be ‘ The first time I heard that: played, Miss one . ho you won ‘ u . Ethel. do you know, I was completely ‘2»). W hat would you Lake me for? ' Heâ€" carried mm)”. it Indeed ! “my, how u 1"" bum" 0" wome‘ _ I ldelightful i If you'll sit nearer the door, Tommyâ€""Pop .what Isis iiovuiarsong ? ’ l iir.‘ Berthe, l'li Play it over again.” Tomuw'a “with” 0"" Phat. “flimdil A Bond of Sympathyâ€"Mrs. Hicksâ€" 38” “Ck and “red 0f hemmg‘ , “ This paper tells about a hunting dog Billy, the Goatâ€"“ That manuscript 15mg; has formed a strange attachment, for In“ “0 1"“ 'l"°“ "‘0 “’1 “If”! PM!"H I‘m“ 3 an old hm. How do y0u account for-that? ' I uyâ€"“ Yes, earest; that’s called writer’si Sueâ€"“l am afraid papa was very angry when you asked him for me, wasn’t he, Jack, love?” Jackâ€"“Not. at all. He asked me if I knew any more respectable young men who would be likely to marry your live sisters, if properly coaxed." “I supppose you want the lady’s name engraved inside. sir ?"said thejeweler, after Tilliughast had selected an engagement ring. “Oh, no.” replied the careful young man. “Just put inside, ‘To my heart’s own treasurc,‘ or 'Ths star (.f my life.” “I dou'tlike hash," remarked the musical boarder at breakfast. "It is not rhythmi- Cold in ths shsad. Nasalbalm gives in- stant relief 5 speedily cures. Never falls A. P. 762; 811 :2 “mg DOIHHJHD lil' \Vll‘ll RIIHI’VIATIB”. A Norwood Citizen Praises American Rheumatic Cut-South “'llliam l‘i-gg. Norwnod Ont ' " ': inn: could i ardly walk, was n'enigfymdgtlt'blclfi up with rht umuiism. inrouurod three bot» l9; of South Americnn Rho-lunatic Cure from W luitlicri’uril. druguist, of Norivood. and found it the best and quicke~t scling medicine I ever saw. The first dose guvc relief. and the three bottles completely cured me. I have had , n M r' “ionâ€"H Probnbly may we huh cal.” “Maybe not," replied the landlady, neither ache nor pain from rheumatism since .. tramp. setters. ’ as her eyes emitted a balei'ul fire, “but you i ' ‘ Mr. 11â€"“ If you get my coat done by \Verhear and read of many men wi11a1w“ys find one word Lo rhyme with You Don't Have to SWeap arr baturdi‘y I shall be forever indebted to p “ h?“ “"11" ‘5 like film? it, and that word is cash.” 1 . . iVoui.” a’ilorâ€"J‘ If that is the case,it wou'ti litika ago»: a man sihoaest Revenge __De B5nn_,,l down think mysntgsipgfifio:gz£%izn;g cg Atgll‘lcfulture io ( one.’ iat c never too a Hit. ‘ v . ‘ . . w e "no," { that the Gumbys liked that chalIinQ-dish tobacco yum” cure. “We kno'w of mwy Nellâ€""if you really liked a young man, "How do you like your new teacher. what would you do if some day he should " Willie ‘3" “I’m afraid of her, mamma. She’s kiss you suddenly. against your will 3";sn awfully swell." “Does she dress very llelleâ€"“ He couldn't." {stylishly 2" “Does she ‘3 Mamms, she could .\Irs. Belleficldâ€"“ Mrs. Oakland has a l 9‘“ 3")“ l“ Hillier “119 0f the sleeves 3” great secret." Mrs. Bloonilieldâ€"“ H, no ! i “Do any of you women believe in advanc- wo gave them for a wedding preEent." Mrs. De Emuâ€""Why not 3” De Bonnâ€"“I met Guiiiby to-day, and he inVited us around to eat something they were going to cook in it.” - The Cheerful Idiotâ€"“I notice," said the cases cured by No-To-Bac,one,s prominent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years : two boxes cured him so that i even the smell of tobacco makes him sick." i No-to-Bac sold and guaranteed by Druggists l everywhere. No cure no pay. Book free, She can't have 2" “Why not 3" “ If she had ed women '1" shouted the car conductor, lscicmific boarder “that they have succeeded sterling Remedy co" 37‘ st. pa“! 8‘ pulling his head in at the car door. “Yes, she would have told it to mo." ,, . Noddâ€""Our nurse girl has just had ai “'6 d°tq rcpl‘e‘l 1‘ woman "ommg on to a terrible fit of sickness." Toddâ€"“ Yes 3 i “’39- "w'm We" "love forwm‘l'" What was the matter 2" Noddâ€"“ lfy llllS-l Mrs. Chucwuierâ€"”Wllm did the doctor in making very fair bread from wood.” “I suppose," chipped in the cheerful idiot, as he saw an opening, “that it would be more lpalatable if spread with a little logjsm." l Montreal. - harder to do wrongâ€"Gladstone. ' Good laws make it easier to do right and ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ an Their delirious BREAKFAST COCOA ts aw pure and soluble, and mm less than as «at a up. GOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERI. HALTER BAKER & DO. DORCHESIEKHASL lCAUTlON Owing to the enormous sale of our famous “ Something Good ” Cigar , ,Other Manufacturers are putting on the imarket interior goods under this name. A poor article is never imitated. therefore “the fact that "Something Good" is being Md the extract. and bottle: place in y lane for twenty-four hours until it fermen 1 en lace on Ice. when it will open spartan, oounterfelted is a guarantee to smokers that! is the best 50. Cigar on the Market. In purchasing see that our trade mark (The Snowshoe) and firm name are on each i‘ox. no other is genuine. Our “ Something Good" brand is registered and an one soiling other cigars under this name wi be prosecuted. Empire Tobacco 00.. Montreal FISHING TACKLE. Finest Stock in ilk...Provlnoe for all klnm a Fishing. All Lancewood,'l‘rout and Bass Rods, line 33: ish for $2.50 Recipeâ€"liar Making a Delicious, Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam’s Root Beer Extract.......-.. nelschmann's Yeast......'..........h?3f,:gst= ar.. .. ............................twe pound. ewes-in Watcr.......,..........two gallon. Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, awnrm and ellclous. The root beer can be obtainedlnan druI .mmoerystoreslnwitndkfi cont bottles to make twoand the “Bonn. take she took some medicine she was gomg , say you’d better do for your cold, Josiah '3” “Do you not sometimes 1mm soulful! A 31:113.)- op- Tm; 1413 "‘3. togive to the baby." i.\lr. Uhllg‘i’Mcr""He mm “1° l° ““k" “ yearnings which you long to convey in Trivvetâ€""Miss Flop claims to have made “lShlL‘aD-' 31“ Cllugw’“"r (SWMlY ’0' words, but cannot ?"asked the sentimental cured of Plunerm or the 393“ “0 “Yes, indeed,” replzed the young smmh.rmg Spa by Dr’ Agnew". 1,00u refusals of marriage. lilccr-â€""’l'iiat’s : l‘°"°d,l"ula that “2 : hm “7" “we one Of lgirl. Cure For-the Heart-1t Always easily explained. When young Callow i mm?“ . .at ' . . m“. "1 W“ once “medially “Mimi! l0 B911°V°3 “1 8° Klimt”. asked her to marry him, she replied: ‘ N0. i \} “us‘lorlhâ€" ‘ eu' w°“' we" ‘ 1‘ “us send home for money and I didn't ill-V8 $116 and thus Bums Thou" & lhomd um". no 2., yisu t Billie Brown. Howare you old man, , price of , “legraml't ‘ and” C” LN" Th b . u n - . :anyway 2" The late Billie Brownâ€"“l am‘ . ’ . _ _ _ e a ove cut calli- your attention to the 1 uses, said the sharpmosed girl, 5 "DO you ‘hmk “‘5‘ “1 “U” Pu“ 1"“ it. Welswport. Pa writer "I have used twc ._...V._'.'ls Brit '1‘ u. OTHER ~ Mr-W. H. Mummies. msmberol rs GJI . ‘uot Billie Brown any longer. I am \lr. 3 ° famous "that will take the wind out of her skil "E ~- b- A - IOVVn feelings into his work "' asked the b’JmC“ of Dr Miro"! Cure for the H ' w . . .. . . ' . ! .. . ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I - can ant " W by." asked the tiuii)‘ erl. “ don't You :' 3 ml“ me x haw married am“ “1 “hi I‘m-"‘8 W“'"““- “T0 be “"0.” WM the In" W“ "mle “"05 0‘ Fulfil/“inn 0‘ If there is no agent in your locality. write x met " . . I I ' ' ‘ . ~ . .' rentv. "I so ole " she went on thou - “mun”: 0' ‘h‘ bu" “4 mm'm': 'W’l“ girthoodheau...‘ \ on have a bad cough. , huh-i. “mavglgvhy' some of Lhe “0'0, hufhr‘y I took ill bottlesof earsaparilla. but it fail” direct in tho house. Buy a Snowball and you . I vmv pacr man." “ Here's the latest thing in minutes "5 " ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ma am ; durin the Due weataer of last wuek l"l‘ wrrn ' ' ' .. ~ . :hl snchn than em in C( l:‘. l v v . v - . u . ~ . . ll :it I foal Site :tmw :naL.g y [N m 9‘0“ "‘1‘" “ ‘I'Ox ‘ 0‘ case. I believe. “id Sludge, ‘ ill-1! ' woolen ilannels. an’ new l'm sulfurin’ do! one that could he waited would be latter ; consequemu :12: funny; '8 \Vhatrllukt‘e iii-f. so, my --\\"g.\- are you so sure 3" Fanuvâ€"“llecuuse . organs 3 son . cuss :its jegzapm' tau cvers- mv riisbaul down" smoke ; and if it was: Doctorâ€"V0 Oh no ' uothin hi . , , ~ .. t . . . . , g .it bad 2 wry dealer sells them. They wear like I"; be up to date and say take the wind out of: Jogging Jen).__.. Yeg‘ , in any way to relieve me. ldo not think tin will alivay- be happy. it is the host vrt'uc- in "m "‘9 dil‘l" = " “ '“flme‘l “36’9"”! I made do mistake of takin' all me sanitary l eggs", "'2’? .0 my field“ . , Lucy :single)-â€"-" Do you think it is organs A“ Right NI)“- P‘P‘. ll '1‘ WW“ O‘Neil M the Wicked to smoke, dear ?" Fanny (married); Young \Viicâ€"Don't you think my bus- ‘hlng "I." '0“. i“ R“"“)‘- ' ‘ incite-l i'i.: sure ‘r... would do it. loooking. her tires 2" L {fellnws make their skies like numb 5d vaineofthe butt-l cure cmbe ostimatrd. l the market. centre of the earth, would: : w: in: all _-|,\';~., deer, I‘m sure it isn't. Lucyâ€" ’ band's ill health is due to weak digestive Battier this season thm ever. Everybody wants thr I l

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