Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 May 1895, p. 5

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Burteh’s Big Show. Our bill-boards announce the appear- ance of Gm, Burtch'o new sensation at Fpnnlon Falls on Wednesday, .‘lay 22nd, and. {min the excitement the large bills have caused, it no doubt will be greeted with large crowds at both performances. Even the small boys are suing their pnuiics. that they may witness the big sliox, The large tents “ill be pitched o:- the m-irket square. No doubt the BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE CHEAP. The undersigned has for sale very cheap for cash a first-class Top Buggy. Harness and new whip. Will be sold separately or together. This is a bargain for somebody. W. C. FELL, Cameron P. 0. May 15th, 1891â€"14.”)! SOMERVILLE Proud, But Not Stuck UplWhy’ P c .A. R 'I' E B Is proud of his big stock and low prices. If you want to buy goods at very low prices call at Carter’s Store, Lindsay, and you can buy as many goods as you can carry for about $5. He Why not buy your House- hold supplies where they can be had the cheapest ? Read the following LIST OF PRICES ~. , -. ...... 5:. w.“ ...â€".....L...‘. . - . .... . - iaâ€" ‘di'tr Width? 8 busy day {0' COURT OF REVISION, buys for CASH and sells for CASH, and can afford to sell cheap, for -â€" AT â€" H“. one on ‘a s.-â€"â€"x ‘. ‘- . . ,. . ' u a 2“ V *L The Con" “Revision ,0 mm the A5393? he takes no iisk With g1» ing credit. If ) on cannotopersonally ‘ CORRESPONDENCE. ment pouhor the aligning Slonliderville come send on your letter orders and they Will be shipped same , ‘ ,0 Fa”, am,“ or e ’8‘" ' m e ‘e day. Satisfaction guaranteed, or goods can be returned. __ i I) tOI' 0 an: n - ' ' ' Sm,_ River) on mama-Ya may 31$ti Black Cashmere, 47 inches wide .. . ... . . . . . . Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 “2) 13:32:: S'o'a‘fi“ ' ' " ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' " . . . . commeuc-n ,t 10 o’clock in me f0 enoom Ladies' Capes, all colors...... . . . . . . .Special . . . . . . $1.45 and 2 25 . “ ' 3 I have been listening during the last Th. Q o; g i R l I. . r m Linen Tfible Cloths, 56 x 72 Fri" ed, White . . _ . . . . L00 2 Big Bars of Soap._..... 25c. 3 few days, and bark! what have I heard? L ‘Ls ~5mem 0' f r ‘395 '3 "0W 0“ e . . g 6 Dozen Clothes Plus Inc . . we“ .uat so much "In I {Var m report it a, my office, when, it may be examined by , Linen Table Cloths, 56x 72...... . . . . . Fringed, colored border 95 20 Qua” Di 1 P 20 ' i i ’J .. . . . ‘ , ,-. 400 Sample Pamsols . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half Price sl “n . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ """ c' 'l- all lest I should weary on with its length 3“) Perm“ m 9" 5‘9‘1‘ . 14 Quart Fl P l 13 5 t . - y ’ Men’s and Boys’ White Unlanndcred Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 “mg m ' "‘ " c' ' i but the following are a few of the remarks SAMUEL SUDDABY, Clerk. “ Beautiful ink Ties Two for 25 10 “ “ “ ...... .... 100. g l -.”‘° 9'28 “"f’ “ “if” .“'S Bum Riven Mar 6th. 1891â€"13-2 con... To... 25 x .5 .:::::'.:::::'..:::::. Commuters-12:32: 10 6 “ “ . “ 80- .: : Ilfiége 3h ,gc'zfond's: ’°.tc°b"e3:t:r ihaflg: 2‘; "' MT 600 Men’s Hats and Caps, this season’s goods, bought in a very fgapcis 0313'“ 2’, ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ 5c' , {. "Xe “GK, .2: of?“ b0 'd e .n the same A GOQD,MAN m peculiar way, to be sold at half price to clear. 1 D0?“ 6“ Panel a "" 10c“ . . 0“ -” ‘1?" f“ e 0” ' . . 9 3'0“? district to "I" Yard Wide Factory Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Three Cents 03 oz.‘ "p9 and saucers 60c' 2 way. ‘ bonnexllor Jphn was against IE. resent the u Forum“ Nursems “Canada” Handsome Fancy Colored anneueues A Snap Ob Looking G1asses.... .... .100. and up. ; “4‘0!” 110d l’wsllylermnif {"11 ll|°_‘own-' â€"ovcr 700 acresâ€"the largest in the 00- Heavy Comm Shimngs t n Fag, Co'l'o'r's ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 05 Bedslends .... $1.00 ‘ l u Gold-ii is out Will) a petition praying the minim], Posirim permanent. Salary or Good Bleached Runer T‘s-vveu-idé: : . . . . . 18 [non . ..... . 05 Kitchen Chairs. . . H u 250. named to purchase the old building commission to right man, y,me the in- White Apron Muslhs ‘ . . I . . . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' New Pattéh‘}; ' ' ' ' ' "' 05 Bedroom Suites . . . . . . . . $10.00 “Tim” "cellp'e‘l by the Presbymngns ” Naming demand {01‘ film, 3 P05ition “’l‘h 1 woo Y’ds Beautiful Prints .light rind .Fast Colors . H u 05 Mattresses ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ $250 and up “ “ell, Golden is not a Presbyterian.” us as salesman will pay you better than 73b1,,” Comm Sheeting ’ . . D _ _ . _ t 'Biw Drive )6 5 I- No, lbut bde czn stretph bhisb neck lofng engaging in farm wurk_ Send us your Fine Quality Table Linen . . . . . . . . . . 6f,”de . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Also a full line of I. eaingi to rin' out o t e ottomo a 1' ' d -” b l , . , --..........._..... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . Cllllrll. He knows if the old church he 353.1102;de thingy? ‘ScliZoI‘Iehgherbol‘vitg 11:23:23» ggllgidnilges’ an lzes'ii‘hutdon dengthnun Greekery, veg, Forks 'and spoons, purchased and movedto the market Square just the thing for you during the summer. Ladies, Fnzcy iiirimmed Underves't's"" x1198”: S ‘ ' ’ ‘ ' ' ' 05 Bedsteads, Bureaus, Spnng Chairs, M m” “kc” 3.“ n 30]) of ‘lmwmg smld Wrm for Panic'flaw- All wool Serge Dress Goods...... Shadeslixr . o . . . . 25 Tables’ Lounges’ stoves and ‘3 $53,335:" ditffigffififl “33:; STONE s WELLlNGTON, Heavy Wool Tweeds ..... . ..... . .Now Patterns.... 25 Stovepipes. , "Ember of 5:: Dunc” “like In“ 8mm .,, 14 3m \ Toronto, Ont. 1,000 Yards New Spring Veili‘ngs . . .. Wide Width. . .... .... 10 3a“ A good Wardrobe for Sale cheap r i. U, .9 i u e cure a” preh ,erians Ex Cream and White Lace Curtains. Bound Edges . . . . . . . . 29 â€"â€" WIRES-Info} "l Bud enough :o-ll'nk politic; W t Sld r :O-Itifll iAproIn) Ginghams... ... .. . . . . . . . Nobby Patterns . .. . .. 10 _ Am, 3mm; 01: .â€" . ‘. ., ‘ rt us ins raperies . . . . . . . . . ...........NewDesigns......... 07 {filth "l'ffl‘c‘f"gl,,‘:§,‘322,:“,‘, I.” 8.. gggseag l e 0 6' 1,500 Yards Job Dress Goods . . . . . . . . .. . ...All Shades 12.} SECOND'HAND n :n'ifiimonlqisl‘em :ounc“ fl‘nyhow Vbeat Men's Heavy Cotton Socks . . .. ...... . . . . . . Assorted Colors.. 05 m ' s 7 S M d .-t h . . . Men’s large size Flanneletto Shirts . . . . . . . . . . Collar attached 12'} co" .3?“ ,exnem {"1 “1' gm m 0 t .0 At thls tune I deSlre to can Good Feather Ticking . . . . . . .. ...Hold Water 08 Carpets! Stovcs’ and Other mle council in 04 by howling about the electric tt t- t Ladies. White Cotton Chemise' " ' ' L T - 29 bought by light company and the low rate of assess- your 3* en Ion 0 my new ,, u ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ "" ace nmme ' ' ' ‘ ' ' . “ Drawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 25 he; swam sumsanu shoes. u u . .. JAS. H. LENNON, r'w:t e i on ie - s .. ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ““" ofi;,,,,,,',‘,,.,,: aims,“ ,g;,‘;;‘f,:, assess- which has been selected With W21 B d“q d“ f PM? ----- o ~-~~-E“°l<edé-é~s- 5° Auction Mart, - I . ie an rea , - ' ..... . - pep, um, gm, ,1; great and styles Si. scarf.“ assume: 3: LIN Ds A Y ~. A ‘ I ‘ . . ......‘IOOOOIII - ‘ - o o o I a .. . ‘ piggy thosoémmilhl: tying; :ndy 35:31:; Win be found all fight. My Igloodclliatiige IgnirlBrushes.... .. . . .. .... ....Sure Cure for Dandruff 20 _ . i, « ; , - - ice 0 ie . . . . . “10-, the P’lfml'le 0f the “11?”! W“ W’I‘flng» StOCk 0f General Grocerles Ladies’ FintasLdi‘atlflier Purses .. ... . . H 3”.“ “’“S "‘ m"? “(the ’g'"3’ em "w is the best that can be purâ€" Men’s White Shirts-.... ......Laundried to Wear.... 50 iese men would like to buy the old church Pure Linen Table D0 ,lies Assorted Sh“ e 05 from me PrGSbylerZMS-frgm themselvesâ€" abused, and my Teas speak Two Pair Men’s Elasdic web. New Styles p B. I u" 25 ..â€" touhelp the collar along-k " for themselves_ Everything Men's All Wool Socks . . . . . . . . Ribbed Tops . . . . . . 10 “‘m Sl'rl’r‘sed “" D”: Sont says one‘ D See our New Shirtings . . . . . . . . . Regular Price 150. . ... 10 “ It’s not Dickson’s fault,” says another. ‘- Dickson is against such a measure, and thinks it is a. disgrace on the name of his church, but dpes not like to say much, be- cause he would immediately be accused of selfishness, having a hall of his own." Now, Mr. Editor, I could fill a whole column of your paper with this kind of " round town ” talk, but let us come to the point. If the present council dare to pur- chase that building for a town hall they will call forth the indignation of nearly all the ratepayers of the village, excepting those who are at present looking through colored glasses, and will certainly violate their declaration of office. How they can have the audacity to purchase from a com- mittee made up partly of themselves is more than I can understand. But it is said that Mr. McLeod has taken the church off the hands of the Presbyterian. All right ; it‘ he has let him keep it and make the best of it. He is a practical man and supposed to know what he is doing. But I may just say right here, that many think that that has not been a genuine deal, but done in order to work a fake on the town with the present council. But you may say the council have been petitioned to purchase it. I care nothing for petitions as a general role, because if some ratcpayer ofinfluencc, or a first-rate fellow, were to get up a petition to hire a man to cut the tails off all the dogs in town, or build a temple for )liihomet on the market square, he would get signatures to it right here in Fem-Ion Falls. Why not buy Dickson's hall, if they are bound to get one 7 It is larger, can be used for conCcrts, entertainments and troupes, and in that way produce a revenue, has a basement. which easily could be fixed for it lock up, and is just as convenient to the front street as the one in question. I lay, let it. drop. Yours, km, LISTENER. May 15th,1895. cobRT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF FE/VELO/V FALLS will be held in the Council Chamber in Jordan's Block, in the said village, Monday, the 3rd Day of June, 1895, at the hour of 2 o‘clock p. in. All parties interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. N. B.â€"-The Assessment Roll is now on tile at the Clerk's office, where it may be examined by all interested. W. T.JUNK1N, Village Clerk. Penelon Falls, May 7th, 1895. 'EbbisTor REVISION. TOWnship ol Fenelon. Notice is hereby giden that the Council of the Township ot Fenelon will meet for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of 1895 At the Village of Glenarni. on Tuesday, the 28th day of May. 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m. Parties desiring to appeal must file notice of their intention with the undersigned not later than the tub day of )lsy,or their appeal will not be considered. H. J. LYTLE, Clerk. I-‘cnelon Falls, May 7th, 1895. usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call and compare prices. I Will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. Postponed Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES IN THE TOWNSHIPS 0F BEXLEY AND SOMERVILLE IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. There will be sold on SaturdaY, the lat day of J nos, ’95, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at Chir- paugh's Hotel, in the Village of Victoria Road, by virtue of powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be pro. duced at the sale, the following properties: PARCEL l.â€"â€"Lot ten in the seventh con- cession of the said Township of Bexley, containing two hundred acres, more or 1955. The south half and the cast half of the north half of Lot nine in the said seventh concession of Bexlcy aforesaid, containing 150 acres, more or less, except half an acre sold for school purposes. Lot nine in the eighth concession of the Township of Bexley, containing two hun- drcd acres, more or less. The Southeast parts of Lots three npd four in the Front Range, North-West Bay, Township of chlcy, containing 227 acres, being all of said Lots except one hundred acres off the north-west end of said Lots, and bounded on the North-west by the straight line passing directly across said Lots parallel with the boundary line at the North-west end of the said Lots. And the sontli~easterly point of Lot num- ber two. Front range, North-west Bay, Bal- sam Luke, commencing at the intersection of the North Shore of Balsam Lake, with the lines between Lois two and three, thence North Westerly along the line be- tween said Lots two and three, 7 chains and 96 links more or less, to a post, thence south 4 chains and eighty links, more or less, to a post planted on the shore of Bul- sam Lake, thence easterly. along the shore of Balsim Lake, to the place of beginning, containing one acre. two rods and twelve perches. more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: On Lot 9 in the 8th, Lot 10 in the 7th and on part Lot 9 in the 7th, there are about 230 acres cleared, hav- ing erected thereon frame and log dwell- ing, log barn, frame stable, frame and stone stable, two old barns. There is an orchard on the property. On parts Lots 2, 3 and 4, North-west Bay, about 130 acres cleared, having erected thereon two frame barns and frame dwelling house. Putan ll â€"Lots 14 and 15 in the eighth concession of the Township of Somerville, containing 250 acres more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premium Abont 80 acres cleared, hav- ing erected thereon hcwed log dwelling, cedar post barn. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day ot sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES, MCKENZlE & LEONARD, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to R. J. LeRoy, Coboconk, McDongall «it Brandon, Fencion Falls 42-Inch Blue and Black Serge .... .. .. Ladies’ Spring Jackets .. ....Good Quality.... 20 ....The LatestStyles.....-. 2 75 W. J. ELLISIN, Beautiful Cotton Dclaines . . .. . . .. .. Nobby Patterns . . . . . . . . 05 Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Patterns.... 2 for 05 Boys’Suits . . . . . .........................SpringStyles.... . . . . . . 1 75 SUCCESSOR To Men’s Tweed Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........G00d Linings.......... 4 50 Men’s Wool Tweed Pants . ..... . . . . . . . . . . Well Made . . . . .. ...... 1 00 Mr. Very Heavy Cottonade Pants. . . .. Patent Buttons. . .. .... 50 Hemp Carpet...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We have the largest stock of CLOTHING and MEN’ and at the lowest prices. As our terms in buying and selling are cash, we can afford to sell close, and we do so every time. We can save your fare and expense while in Lindsay on a. $5 purchase. The only way to prove it is to try, so we are waiting for you with BARGAINS! BARGAINS ll BARGAINS 1 ll LINDSAY. Store painted Red and White. SALAEL COMPETITION. lst Prize, $25. 2nd $15. 3rd $10. 4th $5. 5th $2. 20 Prizes of 500. each. The proprietors of “ SALADA” Ceylon Tea offer to school children the above Prizes, competition open until the lat of May, for the best poem or rhyme, the initial letters of the lines reading downward to compose the words “ SALADA CEYLON TEAS.” The poem is expected to be the result of the child’s own thought, the name, age, addross and school to be appended to each poemh also a. card out of a package of CARTER, - - - 10 Prizes of $1 each. SALADA Ceylon Tea. Mark envelopes “SALADA COMPETITION.” judge Compositions, taking it altogether out of our hands. 5th prize poems, with names and address, will he published in the newspapers. P. C. LARKIN Sr 00.. Wholesale Grocers. 25 Front Street East, Toronto. W. L. ROBSON. Sole Agent for Fenelon Falls. SPRING iiilLLlllEH‘l. â€"â€" WALL PAPER. 30 Ilays’ Cash Sale AT MRS. R. McDOUGALL’S. The leading patterns in Spring and Summer MILLINERY. The latest novelties in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets. My Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Veilings, Straw Trimming, Jet, Feathers, etc, are the choicest selec- . tions to be had. Always on hand, the best made CORSETS, such as the. French model Long Waist, f D. & A., Ala Reine, C. .t D., Corinne, May, Louis Magnetic, etc. Thanking my 'many customers for their 5 liberal patronage in the past, and hoping to merits continuance of the same in the future. MRS. R. MCDOUGALL, 2 Doors North of the Post-office. FOR SALE_ Lot containing one quarter of an acre, with house and stable, on Francis street west, opposite Gentle office, Fenelon Falls, for sale cheap. Apply to Wit. A. LAIBBRT, 1 Room 9, Fortune Block, Main street, Winni- ‘ peg, Manitoba. 5-3111. . . Wide Width . . . S FURNISHINGS in this County, An independent literary man will The lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Window Paper, Fancy Goods, Fancy Work, Materials for Fancy Work. Toys, STAMPING DONE. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. INSPECTION INVITED. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. MRS. iiEELEY. begs to inform the residents of Fenelon Falls and its vicinity that he. has as good, new and well selected a stock of enocenies an noors Aim suozs as any merchant in the village, and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Re- member that “A New‘Broom Sweeps Clean.” and that ' A NEW BUSINESS "A" MUST give people good value for their money if he wish to attract and retain custom, of which great truth the new business man now addressing you is well aware, and will govern himself accord- ingly. Call in and see if you can’t do as well with him as with anybody elseâ€" or evens. lectle better. WEggs, butter, vegetables, elc., taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Store in Cunningham’s Block, one door south of Mr. Campbell’s. W. J. ELLISON. Fenelon Falls, April 24th, 1895. um... 10 HEADQUARTERS. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Rum Paper and Picture Frames -â€"Ifl ATâ€" w A. GDODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-st., Lindsay. Artisls' Goods a Specialty. Machine needles, Alabastine and Dvo Works Agency. WPlease call and see my 5c. Paper. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. â€"_ Fenelon-Falls, Friday, May 17th, 1895 Reported by the North Siar Roller Mill 00 Wheat. Scotch or Fife . . .. 80 to 85 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 80 82 Wheat,spring ” .... 80 82 Barley, per bushel. ... 45 48 Buckwheat“ .... .. .. 38 40 Cats, “ 34 35 Peace, “ 55 68 Rye, “ 48 30 Potatoes, -“ 25 30 Butter,per lb...... . . . . . . 13 l4 Eggs,per dozen.......... 8 9 Hay,per ton............. 8.00 9.00 Hides............. 5.00 6-00 Hogs (live) . . . . . . .. 4.50 4.85 Hogs (Dressed) .. . . .. . . . . . 6.00 6.25 Sheepskins.............. 35 75 W001 . . . . . . 17 18 Flour, family, Silver Leaf” 2.10 2.30 Flour, best bakers' . . .. . . . . 2.20 2.50 Flour, clipper...... 1.70 . 1.90 Flonr,strnightrolled...... 2.00 2.20 Bran. per wn...... ...... . 14.00 16.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 l9.00 Mixed chop, per ton. . . . .. . 22.00 25.00 a .4..~.v~' a 0 may, . Vl-

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