Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 May 1895, p. 5

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2,500 Yards 2-ply Union Carpet, yard ride, The trial of the mulatto girl Clara Ford for the murder of Frank West. Uh! softlv calling. gentle voice of Death, . - V . I . c w “ho stays our busy hands and stills our Wipd m .Pdrkdalc on OCtOber.E,;lh as . L‘ H. b D A mum, Ihm l 1d tn. T r0 to at. 10 ocock on Who listens to no plea, no passionate, Saturday maht, and resulted in a ver New? ! dict. of " Not Guilty.” There was I'm“; dying “PS: 01' “1039 the? hold “109‘ ; scarcely any evidence against her cxoept de‘“ 3 her own conichion, which she said the TI. gas m part from those we love at an; i detectives coaxed and worried her into I A Sudden Call. l:~_-: 0er when death comes with a sudden making, and was utterly untrue from C I beginning to end. A 11-} it. s the mother from her little one _..__â€"_. â€"â€" "l‘Es harl. indeed, to say -- Thy will be done." We wet-p with those who mourn across the 5*“; Townshi of Fenelon. They have our loving, heartfelt sympathy; l p i A's-l In our lips the earnest prayer will rise For our dear sister's peace beyond the skies. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township ot Fenelon will meet for Oh, Death! be mercifulâ€"when we shall die the Revmon of the ‘Essessmem Snare us the time to Say a last good~b_veâ€" R0” of 1,890 To bless our darlings whom we love below, At the Village of Glenarm, on Tuesday, Ere from this world of partings we must go. the 28th day of may, 1895, [whim 13,, ,x m 1895“' L' HEARD' at 10 o'clock a. n1. Parties desiring to ‘1‘ ‘ ’ ' g" ‘ p ’ ' appeal must file notice of their intention «m with the undersigned not later than the A NEW PAPER.__“'3 have received i 14th day of May, or their appeal will not the first and second numbers of the be “unswemd' Iluntsville Enterprise, 8. new paper published by Messrs. Leigh and N05- worthy, the former of whom hails from Limi<ay and the latter from Bowman- vilie. Huntsville, which was almost nhliter‘ntwi by fire in April, 1894, has been already rebuilt, chiefly with brick, and is increasing so rapidly in popula- tion that the proprietors of the Enter- ].rt'svz thought there was plenty of room in it for a socmrd paper, and we hope they may not prove to have been mis taken. ’l‘heir sheet is the same size as the Gazette. well printed and contains a good deal of original matter. YOU CAN SAVE money by calling on M. McCullutn for a spring suit two doors south of the post oilice. A Boox TO THE VlLLAGE.â€"â€"A few days ago Mr. Jackctt opened the earth above his water main near this end of the canal bridge and inserted an iron pipe with a curved top and a tap, and chained a small mug thereto, in order that all who desired might drink; but some of the boys who went to it wished to gratify their mischievous propensity as well as to quench their thirst, and so wrenchetl and twisted the pipe that, no doubt to their great delight, they sprang a leak out of whiolt the water spurts into the lace of any person who happens to lean over it while turning the tap. We don’t know whether Mr. Jackett is making tnoncy or not out oi' his aqueous venture, but if it isn't prol- itable it ought to be, for the supply of spring water to the centre of the village is LI.‘l€lttu.\'lt7tl.;‘L‘tl to be a great hoon,nnd no one \vould now be willing to do with out it, even if it were not so cheap as it is. 363‘ M. McCallnm has just received his st-c md order of Spring goods, which are being sold cheap. HAVE YOU HEARD that we carry the largest variety of Fine Shoes in the county? We mail any Iadies’ tine shoes prepaid from SI upwards on receipt of money. Men, you can easily save 25 per cent. on coarse and fine Men’s Boots by coming to our siore. JOHNSTON it: SISSON, lst Door East of Daly House, Lindsay H.J. LYTLE, Clerk. Fenelon Falls, May 7th, 1895. SOMERVILLE COURT 0L REVISION. The Court of Revision to revise the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Somerville for the year 1895 will be held it Burnt River, on Friday, May Sist, 1895, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. The Assessment Roll for 1895 is now on file at my office, where it may be examined by any person interested. SAMUEL SUDDABY, Clerk. Burnt River, May 6th, 1895.-â€"l3.2 ., susmssgpnrttcr. i’. J. ELI. Sill, SUCCESSOR TO Mr. George Rutherford. begs to inform the residents of Fenclon Falls and its vicinity that he has as good, new and well selected a stock of ‘ GBOCERIES AND BOOTS AND SHOES as any merchant in the village, and will sell at the lowest. possible prices. Re- member that. “A New Broom Sweeps Clean,” and that A NEW BUSINESS MAN MUST give people good value for their money if he wish to attract and retain custom, of which great truth the new business man now addressing you is well aware, and will govern himself accord- ingly. Call in and see if you can’t do as well with him as with anybody elseâ€"- or even a. {cutie better. {,2}? Eggs, butter, vegetables, ctc., taken in ext-hangc for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Store in Cunningham’s Block, one door south of Mr. Campbell’s. W. J'. ELLISON. Fertelon Falls, April 24th, 1895. Why 9 \Vhy not buy your House- hold supplies where they can be had the cheapest ? Read the following l)IhJD. Cusnnausâ€"At Fenclon Falls, on Tues- day. May 7th, Lulu June, youngest child of Mr. David Chambers, aged 3 years and 2 days. -.... _. _ .4. I-‘ENELON FALLS MARKETS. l’cnclon Falls, Friday, May 10th, 1895. It’ypo'wj by (he North Star Roller Mill ('0 Wheat. Scotch or Fit'e 80 to 85 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 80 82 “'lwtlt,$pritlt1‘ “ .... 80 82 . a Iltrlcy. per bushel. . . .. 45 4S Buckwheat “ . . .. 38 4o â€"â€" AT "- this. “ . . . . . . . . 36 3? reuse, h ....... . 55 5S ltyc. “ . . . . . . . . 48 30 k . Potatoes, “ . . .. 25 lluttcr. \er lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ‘ â€""‘â€"' '_ Eggsduir dozeu‘u'” H” s 9 2;?1‘0Ollliq... .. . . . . . . . . . . .... 31’s. lliiv. per ton ............. 8.00 10.00 li,’ ‘i‘r’ 0’ foil; ---- - ----- - 3; '~ ludcs ‘ . ' n . u. u I . ‘ ‘ o ' 5.00 6.00 .: lllg‘ llurswot L 0313).... .u . . . . . . -00. n ,,. pvz) 45,) 4.35 0 Owen Lvlothcs Itns . . . . . . . . lt‘c. . ' . I O .... .. 6.25 2“ Qlllll't DISII ptlll . . . . . . ..-... 20C. “12‘s,,gki5: 75 H Quart Flaring Pail . . . . . . l'lc. Wool .............. l? 18 13 f; ;; --------- - 1;:- lour. t'untilv. Silver Leaf. . 190 2.10 , . ‘ "H" _‘ ' [Elnora bcst bakers" . . . . . . . . 2.15 2.35 3 Papers 02m)?” ;.',"' """ II’IC' Flour. t‘liltpt'l’ ........... . 1.00 1.3.0 1 901- '10“',1”,“{= 6“?- Flour str:ii-'lttrullcd ..... . 1.50 2.00 1 “My “‘1‘” m“ “WC”: ‘- Brv, ,p \r to...” I 14.00 16.00 Looking (IIBSSGS. . u s... .IUC. fllltll Ill‘. sri.‘.i.~.‘ ~‘ .‘IIIII '33:. 17.00 19.00 Il‘f‘ls‘m‘ls """ " ------ 5,1,2? Blixcd chop. I)“. ton . ‘ ‘ n . . - 23.00 ,hlIClleIl Cllllill‘b: ... - - o. . . o . . . . . ‘ -«IL. Bedroom Suites . . . . . . . . No.00 Mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 and up Also a full line of Crockery. Knives. Forks and Spoons, Bets-tends. Bureaus, Spring Chairs, Tables, Lounges, Stoves and Stovepipes. W A good Wardrobe for Sale cheap COURT OF REVISION. .\',):icc is hereby given that the Court of iii-vision for the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF FENELO/V FALLS will be held in the Council Chamber in Jordan's Block, in the said village, Mmday, the 3rd Day of June, 1895. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. All parties interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. â€"- ALL Ktsos or â€" SICCOND-I-kaNl) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Carpets, Stoves. and other truck bought by JAS. H. LENNON, A.nctiou )Izu't, .. LINDSzXX’ .. .\'. B.â€"Tho Assessment Roll is now on file at the Clerk‘s oflice. where it may be examined by all interestcd. W. T. JITNKIN, Village Clerk. Pent-Ion Falls, May 7th, 1835. 300., 400 and 500. CARTER Is proud Of his big stock and low prices. If you want to buy goods at very low prices call at Carter's Store, Lindsay, and you can buy as many goods as you can carry for about. He buys for CASH anti sells for CASH, and can afford to sell cheap, for he takes no risk with giving credit. If you cannot personally come send on your letter orders and they will be shipped some day. Satisfaction guaranteed, or goods can be returned. lack Cashmere, 47 inches wide . . . . . . Only . . . . . . 25 LadieS' CaPES. all colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special . . . . . . SL45 and 2.25 Linen Table Cloths, 56 x 72 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Fringed, white . . . . . . . 100 Linen Table Cloths, 56 x 72 .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Fringed, colored border 95 400 Sample Parasols . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Half Price Men's and Boys’ White Unlaundered Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘29 |‘ Beautiful Silk Tics . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Two for . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Cotton Towels, 25 x 45 Colored Border . . . . . . 10 600 Men’s Hats and Caps, this season’s goods, bought in a very peculiar way, to be sold at half price to clear. Yard Wide Factory Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Three Cents . . . . . 7.. 03 Handsome Fancy Colored Flannellettes . . .. A Snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Heavy Cotton Shirtings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Fast Colors...... 05 Good Bleached Roller-Towelling...... 18 Inch . . . . . . . . . . .. 05 White Apron .‘dllsil'lS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Patterns.... 05 1,200 Y’ds Beautiful Prints, light and dark. . .Fast Colors . . . . . . .... 05 72-Inch Cotton Sheeting ......Big Drive...... 16 Fine Quality Table Litton . . . . . . . ..6‘J. Inches.... . . . . . . . . 20 Ladies’ Black and Colored Gloves, all sizes. .4 button length.. . 10 Ladies’ Fast Black Cotton Hose . . . . . . Fine Goods.... 05 Ladies’ Fancy Trimmed Undervcsts. . . . . . . . .. All Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 All wool Serge DressGoods . . . . . ...........33$hades............ 25 Heavy Wool Tweeds . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .New Patterns.... .... '25 1,000 Yards New Spring Veilings ....Wide Width . . . . . . .... 10, Cream and White Luce Cnrtains.... ....Bound Edges . . . . . . . . ‘39 40-Inch Apron Giughams...... . . . . . . Nobby Patterns 10 Art Muslins Draperies . . . . . . ....New Designs . . . . . . . . . 0‘7 1,500 Yards Job Dress Goods ....All Shades . . . . . . 125‘ Men‘s Heavy Cotton Socks . . . . . . .... .. Assorted Colors...... 05 Men's large size Flannelette Shirts . . . . . . . . . . Collar attached . . . . . . 12} Good Feather Ticking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold Water. 08 Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise...... ....Lace Trimmed . . . . . . 29 “ “ “ Drawers . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 25 “ “ “ NigbtRohes.......... “ “ 45 “ “ “ Skirts...... ..v.. . . . . . . Tucked . . . . . . . . . . 50 White Bed-Spreads, fringed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Bed Size . . . . . . 95 500 Yards Silk Ribbons . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Assorted Shades . . . . . . 02 Good Large Hair Brushes . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Sure Cure for Dandruff 20 Nice Clothes Brush . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ......Vcry Neat Shape 10 Ladies’ Fine Leather Purses ......Nico and Nobby . . . . . . 05 Men’s White Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Laundrietl to Wear. . . . 50 Pure Linen Table Doylies..... . . . . . . . ......Assorted Shapes...... 05 Two Pair Men‘s Elastic Web Braces . . . . . . . . New Styles . . .. . . . . .. 25 Men’s All Wool Socks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbed Tops . . . . . . . . . . 10 See our New Shit-tings . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Regular Price 15c. . . .. 10 42-Inch Blue and Black Serge . . .. . . .. . . . . Good Quality. . . . . . . . . . 20 Ladies’ Spring Jackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Latest Styles . . . . . . 2 75 Beautiful Cotton Delaincs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nobby Patterns . . . . . . . . (:5 Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Patterns. . .. 2 for 05 Boys’Suits . . . . . . . . . . .......SpringStyles.......... 175 Men’s Tweed Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Good Linings..... . . . . . 4 50 Men’s Wool Tweed Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well Made . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Very Heavy Cottonade Pants . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Patent Buttons. . . . . . .. 50 Hemp Carpet... . . . . . . . ..................WideWidth.......... 10 We have the largest stock of CLOTHING and MEN’S FURNISHINGS in this County, and at the lowest prices. As our terms in buying and selling are cash, we can afford to sell close, and we do so every time. We can save your fare and expense while in Lindsay on a $5 purchase. The only way to prove it is to try, so we are waiting for you with BARGAINS! BARGAINSII BARGAINS!!! CARTER, - - - - - Store painted Red and White. SALADA COMPETITION. Isl Prize, $25. 2nd $15. 3rd $l0. 4th $5. 5th $2. 10 Prizes of $1 each. 20 Prizes of 500. each. The proprietors of “ SALADA ” Ceylon Tea offer to school children the above Prizes, Machine Needles, Ambagfine and L , a competition open until the 1st of May, for the best poem or rhyme, the initial letters of the lines reading downward to compose the words “ SALADA CEYLON TEAS.” The poem is expected to be the result of the child‘s own thought, the name, age, addross and school to be appended to each poem, also a card out. of a package of SALADA Ceylon Tea. Mark envelopes “SALADA COMPETITION.” An independent literary man will judge Compositions, taking it altogether out of our hands. The lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th prize poems, with names and address, will be published in the newspapers. P. C. LARKIN 8t 00.. Wholesale Grocers. 25 Front Street East, Toronto. Dayg" . AT MRS. R. McDOUGALL’S. The latest novelties in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Buntets. My Ribbons, Jet, Feathers,etc, are the choicest sclec- I A. I ER- tions to be had. W. L. ROBSON. Sole Agent for Fenelon Falls. The leading patterns in Spring and Summer MILLINERY. A Flowers, Laces, Veiling-, Straw Trimming, Always on hand, the best made CORSETS, such as the French model Long Waist, D. 5; A., Ala Reine, C. .‘t: D., Corinne, May, Louis Magnetic, etc. Window Paper, Fancy Goods, Thanking my many customers for their Fancy WOI‘k, Materials for t liberal patronage in the past, and hoping to merit a continuance of the same in the Fancy Work' Toys! Etc' future. MRS. R. MCDOUGALL, â€" 2 Doors North of the Post-odice. PRICES To SUIT THE TIMES. lXSPECTlON INVITED. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. MRS. rifiELEY. F012. SALE_ Lot containing one quarter of an acre, with house and stable. on Francis street , west, opposite Gazrm oilicc, Fcnelon Falls, ' for sale cheap. Apply to Was. A. LAMBERT, Room 9, Fortune Block, Main street. Winni- peg, Manitoba. 5-321. BATTEN DOORS. living prices. Durdas & Flarelle Brothers, Lindsay. Proud, But Not Stuck Up. IIorscnlen, Get 1'0111' ROUTE BILLS PRINTED AT THE “GAZETTE” orrrcn in the best style and at the lowest price. WIRE DOORS. J. T. THOMPSON, Jr., CA1? I’ENTER. Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. T. R. Station, Fenclon Falls. WEST SIDE STflilE . . . Everything usually found in a. first-class Grocery Store in stock, and have Just added a complete line of ladies and gent‘s BOOTS AND SHOES . . . . and will be pleased to have you call and see us. FARMERS, bring me in your PRODUCE. G59. MART". David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls Blacksmithingu allits diil‘ercntbrnnches done on short notice and at the lowest Particulnrattcntion paid to horse-shoeing. Give me n calland i will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. LINDgAy_ HEADQUARTERS. IN 'VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture Frames â€"IS ATâ€" w A. GDODW‘IN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-st, Lindsay . Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Works Agency. WPlcnse call and see my 5c. l’apcr. t, " ADE :7 COPYRIGHTS. ‘ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 9 For a. Mompt answer and an honest. opinion. write to URN 6c 00., who have had nearlvflrty year-a" experience In the patent. business. Communch- tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In.- formatlon concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent. tree. Also a catalogue of mechan~ tool and sctentlt‘lo books sent free. Patents taken thrpqgh Munn & 00. receive speclnl noticetn the racwntmc American. and t; us are brought, Widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid aper. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has bytpar the largest ctrculntlon or any scientific war in the world. 83 a year. Sample on ice cent tree. Building Edition monthly. 8 .500 year. Single cognac, 2.; cents. ’Every number contains bcuu- t1 ul plates. in colors, and p’botogrn he of new houses. with plans. enabling utlders 0 show the latest dost s and secure contracts. Address MUNN 00.. NEW YonK. 301 Bttosnvuv. Srmt' .irg liar: TO THE LADES 0F FENELON FALLS AND VICINITY. A New and Improved System of Garment Cutting, .known as the De La Morton French l’cr fcction Tailor System.acknowledged by all leading tailors and tlrcssmakt-rs who have tried it to he the host in the world. It can [be adapted to any style of dress. from a ‘ tailor made costtrmc to the dainticst even- : ing gown. Seamless waists cut by the Same system. Ensures a perfect fit. Dress- making done in all its branches. No extra charge for new system. MRS. I. A. GALDEII. McArthur’s Block, upstairs. Entrance next door to Mr. Robson's store, nearly opposite the PostpOIECe. ..~ .W-a «no..-,.a..».a’~w«v- '

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