Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 May 1895, p. 4

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2,000 Yards Good Tapestry at 300. and 400. per yard; Extra Heavy, 500. Wonderful llalue in Carpets. .A. Larger Stock to choose M from than all the others W put together. . . . . and loss of time. The ’Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, May 10th, 1895. A Good Outlook for Farmers. . . 5 Within the past week or so we have heard at least a dozen farmers say they never, in all their experience, saw a more favorable spring than the present, and one of them, an old resident of Fenelon, said- that there was grass on his land which had grown six inches in two days by actual measurement. Spring set in late, but there was a long spell of exactly the right kind of weather for ploughing and seeding, and, just when they were needed, came abundant show- ers of rain, accompanied by an unusual degree of heat for so early in the season, and the result is that vegetation is as far advanced as it generally is by the end, or nearly the end, of May. Up to date, therefore, farmers are almost as well pleased as if they had had the ordering of events, and some have ex- presscd the fear that the outlook is too bright to last, and ruef'ully remark that such fine weather so early in the year is generally followed by June frost; but let us hope that this year will prove an exception to the ruleâ€"if rule it really be, which we are strongly inclined to doubt. But, apart from the crop pros- pect for the present year, there is en- couragement in the general outlook. for wheat is steadily on the rise, and, though it may never again reach a dollar a bushel, it is not likely to fallâ€"at any rate for some considerable timeâ€"to the wretched price it sold at a few months mm. In addition there is a scarcityâ€"â€" taking the continent overâ€"of horned cattle, and not only beef but other kinds of meat will be somewhat dearer than CLARK & SON. THE FIRST or run Seasonâ€"'J‘hc little steam yacht Norma 1803/, of Lind- say, which came up to the lower lock last Friday night, was the first boat to visit the Falls this season. WEggs and produce taken in exchange at Mrs. R. McDongall's milliuery store. Bors son AI)0Pr10N.~â€".-\ny person- desiring to adopt a little boy from :2 to 6' or 8 years old can, by applying to Rev. C. TV. Watch, Brighton, Ont., hear of some very bright little Canadian boys, suitable for adoption. 0n Chopin is a Success l THE PUBLIC ARE NOW SATISFIED WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. .- THEY SAY -. THAT EMDS ARE NOT SOLD GHEAPER ANYWHERE. Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. “WBELL. Ail AWFUL FALL TB Prices in Tailoring. S. PENHALE wishes to announce that he has secured a new and well selected stock of Twecds, \Vorstcds, and various other cloths, and good du able Trimmings, and is prepared to do business with prices as follm‘vs: TWEED SUITS, $8 AND UPWARDS. All goods bought at M. McCallnm‘s cut“ free of charge ; a fit guaranteed and none but superior workmen employed. Tun \Vnneros.â€"-â€"Don’t forget that the chling sisters are to give tllcll‘ first entertainment in Fcnclon Falls- next Monday evening in Dickson’s hall. The programme is a good one. and, judging by what the P'rcss says of the ‘young ladies, they are wall Worth hearing. Call and take advantage of the cheap sale at Mrs. R. McDougull's. FENELON Assassnsxr ROLLâ€"Tile roll for 1895 has been returned to the- clerk by the assessor, and is open for inspection. Any person desiring: to ap- peal against the valuation of his prop- erty must do so on or before the 14th of May, or the Court. of Revision may .rcfusc to consider the same. By refer once to our advertising columns it will be seen that the Court of Revision will be held at Glcnarm on the 28th of May. Mac has the best selected stock ofsuitings in Fem-Ion Falls. Tun QUEEN'S Blowoutâ€"For some : years past the Queen's birthday has not been celebrated in Fcnelon Falls; but the probability is that on the 24th inst., which falls upon a Friday, there will will. not at present be lighted by clcc- Village Council Proceedings, " I I tricity, as there are enough trucks to __ l ‘ take all the lumber that will be cut Fenclon Falls, May Stb, 1895. 1 c i during the night without unloading any Council met at the call of the rceve. of them. On Wednesday a machine Present, Messrs. Dickson, Martin and called a “gummer” arrived, and also Slater. Minutes read and approved. I some small piping, but there are some. Tenders for plank and cedar were 1 large pipes to conch steam from the received from Messrs. J. A. Ellis and boilers to the mill and two or three E. Lunsficld, .‘lr. Lansficld's fora lim- I small machines for the box factory yet itcd quantity of pine only. to come and may be here any day. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by ‘i .' Enough of l-Iuwry 3: Sons‘ logs to make Mr. Slater, That John A. Ellis's tender FARBIERD “111 do well 5,000,000 feetarcjust above the sorting for plank and cedar for sidmmlks ho to EXABIINE THEIR jack at tlie mouth1 of the river across acceptcd. Pine plank at $10.50, hum. , Cameron ake, am, if necessary, some look than]; $8.50 cedar Shhâ€"Carried. BIACHLN ES before the of them could be got to the Falls before Mi. Suudl'ord, entered and took his- r“ .' a. . - the end of next week. scat. BL bH 0f SP1 In? W01} Applications were read from S. Nevis commences,and give their New Buildings. son, F. Northcy, A. Northey, Waile- ‘d “ f ‘ REPAIRS t __ Intosh and S. Corbett for the posrtlou 01 91¢ 01 ‘ O For sever,“ years pass building has of Constable. Mr. Dickson reada reply been almofl at asmudsml in Fc‘uclou from the Minister of Railways and Fans‘ but this season them will be Canals to his communication rc fireball. . “ erected several dwelling houses besides Moved by M"- Mamul 39°01’de by and {tVOld express charges the fine new Presbyterian church. the Mr. Slater. That the council meet as a site of which 0,, Coworm street. is now Cournof Revision on Monday, the third nearly ready for the foundation walls to d3? 0‘ June 9““: “t 2 P- mâ€"C‘U‘Vlt‘d- be commouéed. The church is to men. The councd thou adjourned until the sure 30 x 50 feet, with an orchestra 13th 0f 3133': “5 730 P- m- 12x1~1 feet at the back, and a hand- some tower at the south-east corner. The walls will probably be of while brick. as it appears that red brick of sufficiently good quality is diflicult to obtain within a reasonable distance. Mr. Alexander McLeod, formerly of this village but now a resident of To- ronto, has taken the contract for 83,600, and the church is to: be finished some time in October. 0n the north side of Francis street west Mr. E. R. Edwards will commencc at the earliest possible moment the crec- tion of a new house in place of the one destroyed by fire on the night of the 17th ult. The main building will be 22.x28 feet, a story and a half high, with a one-story kitchen and pantry 14 x 28 feet, the whole on a stone foun- dation with a collar under the kitchen It will be a frame building, brick veneered, and Mr. Geo. Littleton is to do the carpenter work. On the south side of Louisa street Mr. ’l‘hos. Lane is at work on the foun dation walls of a new house for Mr. J. Twomey. It is to be 22x28 feet, a story and a half high, with a one-story addition 12 x 28 feet, and a collar seven feet deep the size of the whole house. It is to have a bay window in front and is to be brick-veneered. ' On the north side of Francis street east Mr. Thomas Poulsom. is putting up a two-story cottage. fix 27feet, with a lean-t0 addition 14x 26 feet, under which there is a small cellar. The foundation was finished a week or two ago by Mr. Thomas Lane, who is also to do all the other work in his line, and the carpenter work has just been cem- menced by Mr. Thomas Littleton. The outside is to be veneered, but not; until next summer. l J! ’24 x u u 56 they are at present until the supply On the same street, but a few rods ,, - - _ H . I BLACK WORSTED H shall fully equal the demand. With further west, Mr. Thomas Lane has 2:,“v?fi:§’e‘:.:°:£°'i,i&a2.:iii glohhdhiz better prices for their wheat, and live nearly finished the foundation of a F q I y‘ H house for Mr. Wm. McIntosh. It is to fond of sports as tho rcsrdcnts of any , - . other place in the Dominion. The bc a onc-and-a-half story billldlD': . f. l . .. . b. 20 x 26 feet, with an addition 13 x 26 preparation 0 t '6 preg'mmne mm a ‘0 feet and a collar under the kitchen. hands' and we can Baldy predict that 0” Bond Emma west Mr Lansfieldg, 'when. finished it will be a good one. double house will soon be finishnd and W Just arrived from Montreal at Mrs. ready for the tenants The eutim‘ build_ R. McDougall's, the newcststylcs in Spring- _ . 0) 36 f d h If millincry. "lg 15 “f x ect’ “ ‘9th .3“ 1“ a BAD SIDmVAIJcsâ€"Thc sidewalk on high, With a lean-to addition .3x48' fit It. ._ to be Goth I t ‘d Francis street. cast and on the south w ' . '5 sm p.83 e'e 0" side of Francis srrcct West want sccio g thcoutsrdc and marked off into blocks, I. h .t. , n , .ke I ‘1 to. In the former several planks arc- w 3°, '1 “elvofici’gi’ m“ "I: 8;)warmM'oug‘“ higher or lower than they ought to Le, ii.cli§1.1§.“li.o£ $3203.52; twill; render“: “M” “We ‘0 “"9 P°°Ple ‘ . . . . after dark, and th1 latter no.r it whole building, but Mr. Inkpin did the b ’ i t 0 ‘ ad is demo the lasterinu b Guzcltc office, is slantin;r towards the maioury“ D p '0 y crockâ€"as it has a fashion of doing day s work. ,. . . . vcr car when the frost comes on of The above buildings, With a small 0 yy t . the groundâ€"and should be propped un. on.L'st°r-Y. house. Whmh M“ John MC' Remember the old adage, that “ a stitch Kmnon is putting up at the extreme ' ' , . ‘ n end of Francis street cast, and one m “me sales mne‘ about the same size which Mr. John T. ANY PERSON dCSiring fl fashionable Thompson Jr. has commenced on Limp suit of clothes should call on M. McCallnm. say street. near the station, are the only SUCKERS-â€"F01‘ several days past a ones we know oftbat are actually under nu'llbu“ 0f 1110'} and boys have been way, but in all probability there will busy from momma unpl law us who soon be others to add to the list, “Jigglng ” for suckers in the lower loci: and its vicinity, and several thousands, must have been, taken. As the unfor- Personals. tunatc fi~hes come struggling out of their native clement, impaled on one or more of the banks that form the “jig.” the sport appears Very barbarous; but some of those who practise it don’t care whether it is or not, while others assert that it isn't a quarter as bad as it lanks, as the victim-R being.r cold-blooded and having very little brain, mun be as destitute of feeling as Darwin saws earthâ€"worms are. At the commence- . mcnt of the “run " a good tunny of too suckers were caught with dip-nets, the use of which was promptly forbidden by the local fishery inspector, though whv,wc do not know. as we have always understood that suckers. which are hardly worth cooking. live almost m- tirely upon the spawn of the more now able kinds of fish, and that, can~ '- qucntly, it is advisable to destroy them by every possible means. 38' Two apprentices wanted, to learn dressmaking. Apply to Mars CALDER. near- ly opposite the post-office, up stairs stock, with cheese factories and cream- cries springing up all over the land, and with the purchasing power of a dollar (as far as the goods they have to buy are concerned) much greater than it was a few years ago, the farmers' pros- pects are certainly improving, and if they will only have the sense at the approaching Dominion election to rid themselves and the country of' the trade policy that robs them to enrich a favored few, all except those who are their own worst enemies will be able to throw off the load of debt and difficulty under which they have labored and so many of their class have sunk during the years that have elapsed since the pres- sure of that policy began to be felt. Workmanship second to none. Cutting, etc, proportionately ch \ap, at tho Fashionable Tailor Shop,oppos1te water fountain. S. FENELON FALLS. ’l‘l-lllllS CASH. Furniture, Doors, Sash, -â€"â€"â€"AND-â€"-- UNDERTAKING, M‘Keown’s, FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. AA MONEY 1'0 LOAN. VVVVVV l have recently had a considerable. P “Hugh li-nitcl sum of money placed with A me for loaning on Llrms at LAUNDR Y . I-‘ive and u-hull‘ per cent. J. Jones, Agent. . . _ . - Shirts, Collars. Cuffs, Tics. Table Covers, H165- a‘lx‘ordlllg W'secum.“ 15" "'9" m?“ Pillow SlipS. Curtains. Shams. Shades, slut-Etc: work is done at my othccgusunng; Spreads. Blankets and Stair. Linen u 2 speed and moderate expenses. ' " ‘Nearly Ready. Since our account, a fortnight ago, of the progress that had been made towards getting tbc red mill and the box factory ready to commence opera- tions, a great deal more has been done, as there are about sixty men kept busily at work, and the preparations are now so nearly completed that, if no unex- pected delay occur, a trial start will probably be made by the end of next Miss Elizabeth Austin left on Wed- wcek. When we were over on Tuesday nesday for a visit to friends in Kin- taking.' a look around, the brick walls of mount. thcboiler-housc were so nearly completed Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dcymnn loft last that the sheet iron shanty roof is prob- Saturday for a visit of a few days to ably on by this time, and some altera- relatives at Pcterborough. tions in the railway track near the mill Mr. Henry chzin, School Inspector Were being.' made. A. telegram bad just for West Victoria, paid his semi-annual been received stating that the yard official visit to the Falls this week. locomotive would be here by next week, Mr. Samuel Swauton of Toronto has and it is expected that the dynamo will been at the Falls since Friday last, and arrive by the 20d), though it Could be will remain for a few days longer. done without for awhile, if necessary, Mr. E. B. Munn of Mindcn and Mr. a~ the mill is well provided with the J. C. Boy of Kinmount were at the large coal oil lamps made especially for Falls on Wednesday and Thursday, and it last year. The dynamo will be at attended the Masonic meeting on Wed- work very soon after it comes, as the ncsday (stoning. E] d d . machinery to run it is here and the Mr. harles ' war 9 relurnc on Banister Mi, Lindsay fofiggdfig electric wires have been strung and the l Thursday from Bellevillc, where he has Monday, April sash. and every second Mou- lamps put up in the mill, box factory, i been attending the business college. He ' " ll Subscribe for the “Gazelle. W. Parties iris-“Eng to borrow on these terms sh'rz‘.«l no: noisy to make application. 1. mg: amounts of funds. at slightly higher specialty. Allan S. Macdonell. day utter. Satisfaction guaranteed. oflicc, etc. Though two gangs of Opur- ‘brought home a diploma, which he AAAAAA atives will be employed and work will i succeeded in taking after ten weeks'l VV go on night and day, the piling ground 1 close study. s- .‘l . ._.. W. -w w._......._ -...

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