Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Apr 1895, p. 5

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ml . s n E :v «'nr'czammmfifiv “‘ r Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Lindsay. 2,500 Yards 2-ply Union Carpet, yard wide, 300., 400. and 500. y ' ' or. The main building is to not say was a sound policy, as the rent bx. .45: ‘37 feet, two stories high. with , P3"! “mild have 90'“? 8 long W3Y_‘°“‘“d3 ‘ ‘ paying interest on a loan to build a reâ€" “ cmmze mo{' and the “when m" be ’ spectnble hull ; and now are we, on the eve 14x21 feeti one awry high, With a of good times, to oblige the Presbyterians cellar benenth. It Is to be a frame by takingawhite elephantofi’theirhands? building, brick veneered, with a neat hricklaying and plastering are to be done by Mr. Thos. Lane, the carpenter; work by Mr. Thos. Littletnn and the‘ painting by .‘Iessrs. Arery 5; Chambers. 0- Not much! Let the good people of that veranda}, in from" The mam“ work, 1 church make the very best of it, but it‘s , not going to be our town hall. CITIZEN. _A._.___4 DIED. SPRINE NOTICE 2 Dzvuu.-â€"-An Fenclon Falls, on Tuesday, The following applications have been received by the Inspector for Licenses for April 9th, Frederick W., son of Mr. Peter A whale twenty feet. long became , 08.?th aged 3 month5 t"Id 7 days. stranded at. Brigantine Beach, and was caught alive and shipped to Atlantic City, N. J. )liss Niora Walton, postmistrcss at. Argenta Ill., was fined $50 and costs l'nv- opening a letter addressed to Edward Six, hcr sweetheart. Charles E. llazen, of Peeks Mill, P. .-\.. while hunting coons, fell into a hole in which a. black hear was lying. Haz- en scrambled out and killed the bear. Governor Morill, of Kansas, has Worked every day of his two months as governor from 7 a. in. until 11 p. m. his salary for this time has been 8500. and he has given $700 to charity and paid $200 for board. Lawrence A. Jacobs, of Boston, has been sentenced to four years imprison- ment for perjury in swearing that prop- erty worth $100 was worth $5,000. Jacobs was :t straw bondsmsn, doing business in the Boston courts. Horatio Wilbur, a respected citizen of East Livcrmorc. )Ie., died Thursday, aged about 80. He never moved from his birth place, yet had resided in Mas- sachusctts and Blaine, the counties of Oxford, Kenncbec and Androscogzin, and two towns, brought about through nets of the Legislature. He had six new teeth. which appeared after he was 70 years old. Thomas H. Hill, of Philadelphia, whose 100th birthday has just been celebrated by his friends, does not ap dear to be more than 70, and is in full posscssion of his faculties. He has lived under all the presidents of the United States, has been a republican from the beginning of the party’s existence, and took an active part. in the “underground railroad." - CORRESPONDENCE. We have been requested to publish the following 2-â€" Lindsny, 0nt.,Mnrch27th,1895. Mn. Jons QUINN, Fenclon Falls. Stu,â€" We nrc instructed by Peter Moffutt to bring an action against you for slander- ing, in that you charged him with huving killed it diseased beef und sold its carcasc for meat. We require you to publish in the Fcnelon Falls (v'uzelie u. letter of retrnc- tiou und apology without delay; otherwise we shall bring an action agnin~t you. If we do not hcur from you this week under- taking to do this we shall bring proceed- ings the following week, as our instructions are positive. Yours ctc., Mclsrvnu dz Srswan'r. The above letter from a prominent law firm of Lindsay was received by me last week, and it you will allow me u brief in your valuable journal I will try to give you a short statement of the case from the beginning, and leave the public to decide who should retract and apologize. One evening- lust full I chanced to visit the farm of Mr. Robert Cooper, Fenclon, my hrothcr-in-lnw, whose Iund joins that of Peter Mot'fatt on the west. During the evening Mr. Cooper expressed sympathy for his neighbor’s loss, he (.\1r. Mofl‘utt.) having hnd a fat hccf sick from, it was supposed, nn overfcetl. Now, it. is fair to the several men who also were sent for to assist in the slaughter that they did not dream of the hoof being Slld. The next day us I was in the village I saw Mr. Molfatt with beef for sole, and, remembering the story of the evening before, [ rcmnrked to n. bystander, “I wonder if that is the beef that I heard my brotltcr-iu-luw speak of being sick the day before.“ I appeal to you, Mr. Editor, is it right thut I shall be accused of slan- dcriug'.’ I ask, if the beef was tit for food why did not one of our village butcht-rs buy it and give the poor people of the town the benefit of cheap beef? Th-‘y nrc judges of beef. and hono'uble men, and no doubt considered the moat door at any price, as it may yet provc to Mr. )10tintt,ns it is rumored. and not without a glow of truth. ' thut tth hect‘wns dead when a neighbor, l who was sent for. could get a knife in its ’ throat. JOHN QI'INN. To the Eli'th oft)”. Pardon Falls (:.l.'1‘l(?. Sin,â€" 1 have just road the proceedings of. the village council. and find that one of the I rue-ISllrt'S puSso‘d at tho lust sitting is u , motion moved by Mr. Satndt‘nrdâ€"a good! Presbyterian and member of the building committee, too.l thinkâ€"and seconded by Mr S'atcr, that Messrs. Mnrti-t. l-‘itzzerald , and the r"cvc be a committee to :tttcn-l the. ' sole of the Presbyterian church in view ot'i purchasing it for n town hullâ€"all goodé l’resbyterinns except Mr. John Slater. The idea! What does this corporation What with the old church. anyhow ? The council have not [been petitioned to build a town hall, und wh-n we get one we hope it w:ll be something worthy of the place and not a thing like that. 9 consistent, gentle- men! What do you think of your position â€"-u committee to purchase from a com- mittee constituted partly of yourselves. This town will not have it. “'0 have done _ tor years without a town hall, which I do FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Feuelon Falls,Friduy, April 12th, 1895 Reported by the North Star Roller 111']! Co Marc}! 7 Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 65 to 70 Wheat, fall, pcrbushel.... 60 62 Wheat. spring “ .... 60 62 Barley, per bushel.. .. . ... 45 4S Buckwheat“ .. .. 38 40 Oats, “ 35 36 Pensc, “ . . . . . . . . 55 58 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 39 40 Potatoes, “ .. . . . . . . 25 30 Butter,per1b............ 12 13 Eggs,perdozen.......... 10 11 Hay, per ton...... . 7.00 8.00 llides ...........u 3.25 3.75 Hogs (live) .. 4.25 4.40 Hogs (Dressed) 5.00 5.50 Sheepskins . . . . . .. 35 75 Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 Flour, family, Silver Lcaf.. 1.70 1.90 Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 1.00 2.10 Flour. clipper . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.35 1.50 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.60 1.80 Bran, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 17.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 19.00 Mixed chop, per ton _ 22.00 25.00 Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell by auction on the premises, on Saturday, the 4th day of May next, at 2 o’clock p. m., lot No. 3 west of Colborne street and south of Francis- slrect, Fenelon Falls, (the Presbyterian church and lot.) one fourth of an acre, more or less. Terms cash. There will be a re- serve bid. JAMES DICKSON. Fenelou Falls, April 11th, 1895. 9-4w. 3 0 Days’ ‘ Cash Sale AT MRS. R. McDOUGALL’S. The leading patterns in Spring and Summer MILLINERY. The latest novelties in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets. My Ribbons, Flowers, ancs, Veilings, Strnw Trimming, Jet, Feathers, etc, are the choicest selec- tions to be had. Always on hand, the best made CORSETS, such as the French model Long Waist, D. J: A., Alu Reine, C. & D., Corinne, May, Louis Magnetic, etc. Thanking my many customers for their libcrul patronage in the past, and hoping to merits. continuance of the same in the future. MRS. R. MCDOUGALL, 2 Doors North of the Post-office. . Why .9 Why not buy your House- hold supplies where they can be had the cheapest ‘2 Read the following LIST OF PRICES THE AUG‘ILIQN MART. L’Brooms 25c. 10 Bars of Soup . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. 25c. ‘2 Big Burs of Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. 0 Dozen Clothes l’ins . . . . . . . . 10c. 20 Quart Dish l’uu , . . . . . . . . . . . 20c. 14 Quart Fluring Pail . . . . . . . . . . He. 10 “ "' “ . . . . . . . . . . loo. 6 “ “ “ 8c. 3 Papers of Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. 1 Doz. Lead Pencils . . . . . . . . . . 10c. l Doz. Cups and Saucers . . . . . . 60c. Looking Glasses . . . . . . . . .10c. and up. Bedstends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-00 Kitchen Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Bedroom Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 and up Also it full line of Crockery, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Spring Chairs, Tables, Lounges, Stoves and Stovepipes. 38‘ A good Wardrobe for Sale cheap â€" ALL £15175 0? â€" SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Carpets, Stoves, nnd other truck bought l-y JAS. H. LENNON, Auction )Ixu-t, on o. the License District of East Victoria. for the License year 1895 and 1896. Rum or Lxcsxss E U anx Rscmvsn. MUNICIPALITY. Nuts. February 28 Fenelon Falls Henry Brooks Tavorn “ 28 Fenelon Falls John Aldous Tavern Fcnelon Falls Jeremiah Twomcy Tavern 18 Bobcaygeon Sena A. Goulais Tavern “ 20 Bobcnygecn Garner Hunter Tavern I “ 22 Omemee W. E. Holden Tavern “ 25 Omemee Thomas Jennings Tavern » â€"‘ “ 1 Somerville D. C. McRae Tavern . “ Somerville Gilbert Scott Tavern Wlndow Paper! Fancy GOOds’ :: SSmErvtflo gharlislpunbar govern Fancy Work, Materials for m rm 0 oscp owxe avern February 28 , Bexley Sarah Ann Pattie Tavern Fancy work‘ Toys’ Etc' March 30 Bexley William J. Chiran Tavern 3 lg 1Is‘enellou D. McIntyre Tavern .â€" cnc on Lucinda Tsmblin Tavern “ 27 Fenelon Elizabeth Simpson Beer «Wine PRllggigngg§TI§$§rg§ms :: 30 . Fenelon W. H. Simpson Six Months _______ ' ...9 Digby Donald McIntyre V .l‘avern EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. JOHN SHORT, . INSPECTOR. THE LAW AND Of this glorious country compel every man, woman and child to be clothed ; but the law does not say where you shall pur- chase or What price you shall pay, and if you are wondering I I l where you will go to buy Dry Goods at the very lowest price Just read the following price list and you will be convinced that CARTER, OF LINDSAY, justaddedacomplete line does sell bright new goods at a. much lower price than others 0f ladies and genvs are asking for fire smoke and water goods and ever customer is treated with thé same courtesy; the pcior man’s3dollars are SHOES . . . . as good to us its the rich. and will be pleased to C Aâ€" R T E R 7 S have you call and see us. ONE PRICE ‘CASH; DRY GOD I FARMERS bring me in G S STORE your PROD’UCE. Lindsay, April lst, 1895. MRS. risELEY. Everything usually found in a. first-class Grocerv .. Store in stock, and have Yard Wide Factory Cottons . . . . . . . . . ....Threc Cents .... .... 03 Handsome Fancy Colored Flanncllettes . . .. A Snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Heavy Cotton Shirtings.... . . . . . . .. ....Fust Colors..... . . . . . 05 Good Bleached Roller Towelling . . . . . . 18 inch ...... 05 I I White Apron Muslins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Patterns. . . . . . .. 05 1,000 Y’ds Beautiful Prints, light and dark. . .Fnst Colors. .. . .. . . . . 05 72-1nch Cotton Sheeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Big Drivc...... 36 Finie Quality 'I‘uble Linen . . . . . . 621uches...... . . . . . . 20 ' La ies’ Black and Colored Gloves, all sizes. .4 button length.. .. .. 10 I Lndies’ Fast. Black Cotton Hose ......Fine Goods.... 05 m r Ladies’ Fancy Trimmed Undervcsts.... ......AllSizes...... 05 s, AllwoolSerge DressGoods...... Shades...... 25 General Blacksmith, Hem'Yg/o‘pl Tweeds . . . . . . . . . . . . .New Patterns........ 25 F - t F 1 F 1,000 or chwSpringVeilings ..........Wide Width.......... 10 - . ne on a Creaml and White Luce Curtains . . . . . . . . . . .. Bound Edges . . .. . . .. 29 S ’ e S 40-1 A ' ................. ' ' 1,500 Yards Job Dress Goods . .. . . .. . ...All 12 (1.096 0“. Short "mice and at t-he mmi Men's Heavy Cotton Socks . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . Assorted Colors . . . ... 05?: mung qucfs' Paftlculm'attenltllongfildffi Men’s lnrgc Size Flaunelettc Shirts . . . . . . . . . . Collar attached l2} horse's “’0ng WP me a c“ a", “ 1 Good Feather Ticking . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Hold Wntcr.... 08- gunmnteesnusmcuon' lid-I)" Lndies’ White Cotton Chemise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lace Trimmed . . . . .. 29 "" “ “ “ Drawers.............. “ “ ...... 25 ‘ u u 0 Night Robes.......... “ u 45 FOR SALE‘ “ “ “ Skirts . . . . . . . . . Tucked 50 I ' ' . ' . .. . .. . . . . . . _ ,ot containing one quarter of an acre Bgd‘gil’i‘mqfh fnnged - - - - - - - - - - Large Bed Size . . . . . . 9:) with house and stable, on Francis strcci . J or s l Ribbons...... . . . . . . . . . Assorted Shades . . . . . . 01’- west, opposite Gazette cfiicc, Fenclon Fulls, Good Large Hair Brushes... . .. . ...- . . ..Surc Cure for Dandruff 20 for Sale cheap. Apply to WM. A. Lamnzu'x‘, Nice Clothes Brush...... . . . . . . ......Vcry Neat Shape .... 10 Room 9, Fortune Block, Main street, Winni- Ladies ch Leather Purses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nice and Nobby . . . . .. 05 9,; Manitoba 5-3m- Men’s White Shirts . . . . . . . . .... ......Luundricd to Wettr.... 50 p " ' ...â€" Pure Linen Tnble Doylies . . . . . . ......Assorted Shopes...... 05 Two Pair Men‘s Elastic Web Braces . . . . . . .. New Styles . . .. . . . . .. 25 BATTEN DOORS. , WIRE DOORS- léfen’s All \Vool Socks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbed Tops.......... 10 J cc our New Shirtings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Price 150. . . .. 10 42-1_nch Blue and Black Serge .... . . . . . . . . Good Quality... 20 J. T. ‘ . w ’ r.’ Ladies’ Spring Jackets . . . . . . ......The Latest Styles...... 2 75 CAII‘Pli‘er‘ I‘R' Beautiful Cotton Delsincs . . . . . . . . . . . . Nobby Patterns. . . . . . . . 05 Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Patterns. 2 f0 05 Easy Chair-s made to order. Boys’Smts....., . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . ..Spring Styles.... . . . . . . 1 75 , . , v, I, , Men 5 Tweed Sluts lood Linings ...... 4 50 llorksltop on Lindsay Street, Mar t 0 Men’s Wool Tweed Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well Made . . . . .. .... .. 1 00 G. T. R. 811111011, Fcnclou ‘01”. Very Heavy Cottonade Pants . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Patent Buttons. . . . . . .. 50 Hemp Curpet...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....Wido Width 10 Local and travel- The above goods at such wonderful prices are only to be had lgii’ditiiii at the Cheap Man’s Store, opposite Ontario Bank, store front NURSERY STOCK. we guarantee satis- ptuntcd wlnte. The above are only a. very few of the “cm” ‘0 ""pmsenmm” “"1 c"“°’"”" - . . Our Nurseries are the largest in the [)0- very many bargains we have wattmg for you. minionâ€"ovcr 700 acres. No substitution CerTElna - - .. IJINDS A 17. , SALA‘DIL COMPETITION. terms to whole or part time agents. Write us. lst Prize, $25. 2nd $15. 3rd $10. 4111 $5. 51h $2. 10 Prizes of $1 each. 20 Prizes of 50c. each. STONE & WELLINGTON, Head Ofiice, TORONTO, Ont [W The only Nursery in Canada having testing orchards. â€"38-3m. HEADQUARTERS. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR The proprietors of “ SALADA ” Ceylon Tea. offer to school children the above Prizes, g competition open until the lst of May: forthe best poem or rhyme, the initial letters of the lines reading downward to compose the words “ SALADA CEYLON TEAS.” The poem is expected to be the result of the child‘s own thought, the name, age, â€"13 AT-â€"- fldth‘OSE and school to be appended to each poem also a card out of a package of 7 SALADA Canon... ’ w A. GOODWIN S, Mark envelopes “SALADA COMPETITION." An independent literary man will .83, ck Kong“, Lind”, . Judge Compositions, taking it altogether out of our hands. The lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Baker 0 ’ , y Artists’ Goods 3 Specialty. 5th prize poems, with names and address, will be published in the newspapers. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dve P. C. LARKIN 80 00.. Wholesale Grocers. Works Agency. 25 Front Street East, Toronto. W. L. ROBSON. Sole Agent for Fenelon Falls. WPleane callundseemy5c.l’sper. '..A ..-s‘.

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