Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Feb 1895, p. 5

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Tm Ar B.tnnow.â€"-There was a tea A Bovth Dcrncrrvz.â€"For a. long at.Baddow on Wednesday night, but, time past a private still has been in owing to the intense cold, nobody that , operation in the township of Stanhope, we know of went from the Falls. and, consequently, we have no report of the proceedings. Gor Ilsa DtrLoat.t.â€"â€".\Iiss Nio, who has been studying for some months past at the Loretto Convent. Lindsay, re- turned home on Saturday last. having finished her course and obtained a dip- loma as short-hand reporter, type writer and book keeper. Parmesanâ€"Ah. Geo. Lytlc, of the Lindsay Watchman. was at the Falls on Tuesday and paid the Gazette a fraternal visit.....\Ir. J. A. Gillogly. General Agent of the Sun Life Assur- ance Co. of Canada, was in town this week paying a death claim to Mrs. Po- cocke of 81,000 on the life of her lately deceased husband. Sr. Janns‘s CllUltClI.â€"-Rev. Carl S. Smith will preach morning and evening on Sunday, Feb. 10th, at St. James's church, Fenelon Falls, and at 2.30 at St. Peter's, Verulam, on Missions. Col- lection for diocesan missions. A good attendance is requested. Rev. W. Faro- cOmb will preach the same day at Cam- eron, Cambray and Lindsay. Amino-marmoâ€"The Toronto Mail and Empire have amalgamated, and a paper bearing both titles will henceforth sing the praises of Tory principles. The Empire never paid and was a white elephant to its stockholders who will no doubt be glad to get rid of it. The death of the Empire is the subject of a clever cartoon called ” The Wake ” by 8. Hunter in Wednesday's World. CARNIVAL.-â€"-The second grand mas- querade and fancy dress carnival of the season will be held in the skating rink next Wednesday evening, and the man- agers will spare no pains to make it a success. The rates of admission will be as follows: Ladies and children, 15 cents; ladies in costume free; gentlemen 25 cents. Season tickets suspended for the night. For list of attractions and other particulars sec posters. 'I‘nn PULP Minnâ€"After a few days’ idleness, owing to the breaking of a coupling, the pulp mill resumed opera- tions on Monday morning; and it is to be hoped that a long time will elapse before another stoppage occurs. There is some talk of adopting an invention by which the expense of making pulp will be very materially reduced. but as the machinery, which is made in the States, is so costly that the duty on it will amount. to three or four thousand dollars, it is not likely to be introduced until the question whether it will pay or not. has been definitely settled in the. affirmative. Twm CALVEsâ€"Last Monday a thoroughbred Holstein cow owned by the McGee brothers, of Fenelon, gave birth to twin bull calves, which at last accounts were doing well. The Messrs. McGee (Alexander and Robert) ac- quired the Hall farm near Powles's cor- ners about six years ago, and it soon egan to be. seen that they had good heads on their strong bodies, and were working in a way sure to lead to success. At the last municipal elections Alic. was nominated for the Council, and made a very good run considering that he is a young man and not known to many of the electors outside of his own neighborhood. “ Don't You Think Those Cheap? Men‘s Long Felt Boots, $1.40. Men's ()vcrshoes, “50., 75c. and Due. llov's Overshnes, 500., 650. and The. Mt'ii’s \Vtml-lillt'tl. Rubbers, 50c. Women‘s Felt. Gaiters, 650. All winter goods likewise regardless of cost at Lind- say's Leading Shoe Store, Jouxsrox J: Sissox, Lindsay.” A COLD SS.\P.â€"-Sevcral times towards the end of last week the appearances known as “sundogs” were seen in the akv, and many persons said that they indicator] a thaw; but they seem to have indicated the very reverse. for sometime during Monday night there was a sudden drop in the temperature, and next morning Mr. Wm. lamphell’s new registering thermometer showed that the mercury had been down to 18 degrees below arm, while the one at the posn-oflice, which is in a more exposed situation, was :34 below zero at 7 a. m. During the tiny the cold grew more intense ; Tuesday night was worse than the one preceding it; and early on “'ednesdny morning two, at least, of the village thermometers were down to 30 below zero. Next morning when our villagers get up they found that a welcome change had taken place. the temperature having risen about 1‘3 degrees. and since then it has gone .up considerably higher. The cold at dill"- erent points during the “snap” was simply frightful; at Duluth it was 40 degrees. at Rainy River 4‘3. and at Saginaw 65 degrees below zero. A man who came to Fcnelon Falls from Bob caygeon on the stage on Tuesday morn- ing was very badly frozen. humorous deaths by ireexing are reported both In the States and Canada. and as some of the men of the neighbor. hood imbibed too freely and frequently of the product, the women were natur- ally anxious to have it discovered and suppressed. With that end in view a detective was set to work. and hunted and spied in vain ; but'what he. couldn't do was done a few days ago by a cow, who accidentally obtained access to a quantity of high wines or whisky and drank so much that she became literally dead drunk. Our informant did not ascertain to whom she belonged, but whoever owned her skinned her, cut her up and sold her to the foreman or cook of liowry S: Son's lumbering shan- ty, a few miles away in the adjoining [Own-Ship 0f Sherborue. Whether the beef produced an exhilarating effect on the men who ate it, and whether the illicit distillery has been found and dc- stroyed or is yet in operation, are inter- esting points upon which the villager from whom we obtained the above in- formation could not enlighten us. An OWL Gammonâ€"On Saturday, January 12th, Mr. Thomas Junkin of Verulam found the remains of a hen which some predatory bird or beast had killed and partly eaten during the night, and. as it was suspected that an owl had done the deed, one of the boys nailed the hen and a steel trap close together on the roofof the barn. Next morning 'the‘bait was there but the trap was gone and no one expected to see it again ; but on Sunday. the 26th, Mr. Junkin \vent over to visit his relative, .\lr. Lancelot Patterson, whose farm is about a mile from his own, and who, soon after he got there, asked him whether he had lost a trap. Mr. Junkin said that he had ; and Mr. Patterson, taking him to the cellar and opening the door, showed him a horned owl, with the trap and chain hanging from One of his toes, and told him that he had found the bird in his barn, looking longineg at a turkey, the previous Friday night. Mr. Junkin released the owl, from the trap, took him home and offered him the remains of the hen, which he greedin ate; and on Saturday last, when we heard of his capture, he was apparently in good health and spirits, and not at all lame from lugging around his heavy load of iron for a full fortnight. Two hundred :niners’ families are reported to be starving in East Green- ville, Ohio, a quarter from which help has not hitherto been sought. A speci- ally urgent appeal wiil he issued. “ Remittance men " is the term ap- plied in British Columbia to sons of Englishmen sent there to learn farming. “They go about in knickerbockers, big shoes. cloth caps and eyeglasses. paint- ing things red as long as their remit- tances last. For two weeks before the next cheque arrives they keep quiet, because they have no money for making a noise.” A judgment for heavy damages has just been given in a case where a little girl contracted a cold resulting in death, on account of the seat which she oc- cupied at school being exposed to a draught. The trustees paid the dam- ages out of their own private purses. As this decision will form a precedent for future cases, it is likely to accomplish more than bushels of reports from H Inspectors. Smell ill liilil * deli-eh a TO THE LADIES OF FENELON FALLS AND VICINITY. A New and improved System of Garment Cutting, known as the De La Morton French Per- fection Tailor System,acknowledged by all I loading tailors and dressmakers who have tried it to be the best in the world. It can be adapted to any style of dress, from n I tailor made costume to the daintiest even- I ing gown. Seamless waists cut by the , same system. Ensures ‘a perfect fit. Dress- making done in all its branches. No extra. charge for new system. MRS. .5. A. CALDER. McArthur‘s Block. upstairs. Entrance next door to Mr. Robson's store, nearly opposite the l’ost-Otiiee. 653‘ APPRENHCE WANTED. fellâ€"inn 0F THANKS. 1 W. H. HILL. ESQ, ' Peterborongh, Ont., , Dist. Manager Sun. Life Assurance Co. Dsaa Sin.â€" I desire to express my smcere thanks to you for the very prompt manner in which run settled the claim of one thous- and dollars on the life of my late lamented husband, Charles J. Pococke, who died on Jan. Hill, and who was insured in the Sun Life Assurance Co., the cheque being hand- ed to me on February 3rd. MRS. S. J. POCOCKE. i ‘A bl} ....CAETER.... Has fully decided to let his large and well assorted Stock of Winter Goods go at first cost, 50 fififiE-BYE PRGE‘E‘I‘. Former Price......$ 4 85 Present Price......$ 3 75 “ “ 550 “ ” ...... 400 “ “ ...... 625 “ ” ...... 4 75 “ “ 7 75 ” “ G 00 “ “ 9 00 v " 7 1’0 ' u u 950 v v 750 “ ” ...... 10 00 “ “ ...... 8 00 " “ 12 75 " “ 10 25 Former Price. Present Price.‘ Men's Wool Overcoats, S 4 95 $ 3 00 (I U (I 5 3 “ All-wool Ulsters, 7 95 4 95 u u n s s as WE REBATS “ “ Freize Ulsters, 10 50 6 50 y (t I: (I It 6 Men’s All-Wool Tweed Ulster, 12 00 7 95 ” “ Irish Freize Ulster, 15 00 9 00 5 “ Freize Ulsters,best quality, 17 00 10 00 “ Tweed Pants, 1 50 l 00 “ “ Suits, 6 75 4 50 l “ “ Suits, 8 75 5 95 BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT FIRST COST. hâ€" Former Price. Present Price. Hopsncking Dresses - - $15 00 $ 8 75 All-Wool Cashmeres, - - 27 . 18 Black Cashmere, - - 27 20 Habit Twill Serge - - 35 20 Single Fold Dress Goods - 30 to 50 125 11 Wool Flannels, Plain and Twillcd 15 IO 1 S All-Wool Plaid Factory Flunnels 30 21 5 Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves 25 15 Ladies’ All-wool Cashmere Hose 35 25 Ladies’ All-wool Winter Hose 30 20 Children’s Grey Persian Lamb Caps 3 00 1 95 F . Silk Handkerchiefs 35 25 S White Bed Blankets, Wool 2 50 1 95 1 Grey Bed Blankets - - - 1 75 l 25 Horse Blankets - - - 70 50 Cotton Shirlings - - - 8 5 Heavy Canton Flannel - - l3 8 St Heavy Feather Ticking - - l3 8 ap e All‘Linen ’l‘owelling - - 9 6 j All-Linen Towels, per pair 15 10 (l I: H _ (t tt ll _ _ 30 20 Lace Curtains, per pair - - ‘ 60 39 Et 16oonnce Grain Bags - ' - 3 2f) 00 85 1,600 Men’s and Boys’ Sample Cups 75 to $1.25 50 Men's All-wool Socks - - 17 10 We have purchased largely in Men‘s Silk Ties and Hand- kerchiefs for holiday trade. Handkerchiefs direct import from Japan. figmflur shelves are loaded with the latest and most fashionable goods, and at prices whiclficannot fail to please. - ...... GARE? 44 IiEN'F-ST.. LINDSAY. “a Real y Good Cup of Tea. 1 Is not only comforting and agreeable, but it is also very beneficial to onc's health ; but for years past Canada has been noted for the poor class of teas used, which have a bad effect upon the nerves. , During the past few years. in fact, since " Salada " Ceylon tea has been introduced, Canadians have shown their appreciation of fine tens. It has been been admitted by eminent physicians that no tea is so free from harmful qualities as Ceylon tea. and no Ceylon teas are so beneficial. as well as delight- ful, as “Salada.” which is sold in lead packets, thereby preserving all the delightful fragrance that tea has on the estate. “Salado.” tea can be ob- tained in Fenclon Falls only at W. L. ROBSON'S 5'». : .MAVM A ‘\ -» " ..â€" . '1’ 7 w .u ,3. V. . , v c. ...-OI... ...-o...- .no-cnna Inuit-o.- oooon-oo councoooo ....o-oao onus-.... ...-nono- ......... ......"u; l BATTEN nouns. | J. T. TEOMPSON, J12, CARPZENTEli. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. WIRE DOORS Fenelon Falls, Friday, Feb’y 8th, 1895. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Wheat,Scotch or Fife .... 63 to 65 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 60 Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Wheat, spring “ . . .. Easy Chairs made to order. B‘mci’ Peritbuihel'm 35 37 ’ Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the Buckwheat .. .. V ‘ 0,1,5, u 30 31 G. T. ll. Statlon, ltcnelon halls. Pease, “ 50 5'3 lye, “ 0...... 35 3 ' 25 30 no. one- Potatoes, “ P116 West Side Store. Butter,per 14 15 ngs,per dozen.......... l3 14 Hay, per tou...... ....... 6.0? Hides . .... .. 3.130 3-9 The undersigned beg; to can the fluen- Hogs (live) .. 3.80 3.8:) “on of everybody who lives in Venom" Hogs (Dressed) .. .. .. . . . . . 4.09 5.00 Fans, 0,. who ever comes to it, to [he met Sheepskins . . . . .. . . . 3a 61) um, he has opened n carefully selected “'001 . . . . . . . ... 1.? ll stockof Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 1 Ga 1.80 , Flour, best bakers' . . . . . . . . 1.80 2.00 Flour. clipper..... . . . . . .. l.35 Flour,straightrolled...... 1.00 . l ‘ gilltqucifm ' 17.00 and Helen streets, and hopes by cutlrlrsy' Mixed 'chm,‘ D9,. to" i . . . _ L 20_00 23.00 fair dealing and reasonable prices to secure the custom of all house-keepers south of the river and coax ever u few from the other side. FARM PRODI'CE of all klnds taken In exchange for goods or paid for In cash if preferred,nud the highest market prices allowed. 58" A large quantity of TELEGRAPH POLES and other wood studs WANTED IMMEDIATELY. If you can do it while longer without buying new BOOTS OR SlIt)ES,wnit till you see the stock that will soon arrive at the West Side Store. GEO. MARTIN. Penelon Falls, Oct. 10th, 1894.-â€"35-lyr. Siva“ 1.14;; STEER. Came on to the premises of the under- signed, Lot 31 Con. 7, Fenelon, about _the middle of Deer mhcr, n. lied Steer, yearling. The owner canhave it on proving property and paying charges. JAMES WINDRIM. Fenelon, Jan. 30th, moiâ€"hr THE ‘GAZETTE.’ $1 PER YEAR. .L.SUBSGRIBE NOW... | hmy Groceries and Provisions V_ ounce-Inngoon-.....uoeonn-o...‘sono~~uooonoocod . Z, _ coco-on.-anon-...ooo-snouoou-n-o.....nnoo-unont " u.cuonocon~~o.......--......snot-~s~~oqnnno~iou# ' I l terms to \\'l;t)l(' or part lime agents. ...-o...-ounoQI-nuuonuuonno-cc-uv coo-u-noctonoo. unto-aouoo-on-oocsuc...-oo-onoonvnun-connec-oun. mgnglflgnv uauoflolbucilAbloogocotcinnhntQ§IOIIIIO‘nucitllfir ...-oooounuuo......nnouoosc.o-onnooou-uo-nuvn-ID ......EIANc-g Goons..." o.".....-no..-..oounce-..ooo-nuoouuunuonnnonooo ans-0.... ......oo-cn...noooouo-ooeo .....ocoohucouneonate-ooOo-uooiooIIQOOOOIOOOUO coo-tncuc-onoouon u . . n a no-o-uuvs ......pAmcy “7033...... OQI‘I‘IQOOOIuIOIOOOOOQI oucncluuloottlhtnubeouo. a... unooooounoo~ ...-nu...cans-nou-...-on...ouoouooooou-ao-oo-ou- noose... .. no... canon-c couoooossnouo-o-nno-n a...-onus...-nono-uo-nnno-nu-o-unosoooo-ooaacooo ......WALL PAPER...... canon-oouo-o-oosono-nono......oaooouuo-o-ococnco ...-I-oonounoonnoouncounnun....ouoco-nwo-none... INDDW summit... IOItOOOOII-coouoo a:colon-nono-loouilooooootili. III....a‘oo-DIOIIOb.0000...Il...l00»ulu|uullfiowo - STAMPING DONE . cooobUl-IQII-Iolonoocoeotnooglltt‘ooouuAODIICOI. cocoon-on "neon.....nu-on-no-uuooo coo-scone... ......MRS, HEELEy...... Incl-blonllcoooouooolOahu-OICo-colul-I- ...-noon. Iihloootofitnotuhl~out...-OooulollooooIoouooOIOIl ...-nonunoooo-o...-onuo-unou-n ...-onnnonooono-o concoct-nuances... voice-Q0!call-OOIIIOOIIDOIOOII o...no...n~o Qua-colonic.Ico-IO-gonuocnnuuo,oolloo COPYRIGHTS. ‘ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For A promrpt answer and an honest oplulou,wrlte to III) N tit 00.. who have bad nearl fifty years’ experieneeln the patent business. mmunlca- tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook or In- formutlon concerning Patents and‘how to ob- tain them sent. tree. Also a catalogue of mechan- lcal and scientific books sent. free. Patents taken through @1an 8'. 00. receive speclnl noticeln the Scientific American, and I; us are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the Inventor. This splendid npor. Issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated. has by oaths largest circulation or on scientific wor 1n the world. $3 a year. Samtp e cgples sent free. Build! Edition mon hly, .501) year. Single no 183. 2. cents. Every number contains beanâ€" tl ul plates, in colors. and photogrn ha of new houses. with plans. enabllntz ullders 0 show the latest deal a and secure contracts. Address MUNN 00.. NEW YORK. 361 BROADWAY. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fettelon Falls Blacksmithingin nllits differentbrnncbes done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular-attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me u calland I will guarantee satisfaction . ....SADDLEs.... ...-TRUNKSuu ....VALISEs.... ...Avpâ€" idle hidd‘i’b ....KENTâ€"S'IL,.... unLINDSAYung EVERYTHING BELONGING TO THE SADDLERY AND HARNESS TRADE CONSTANTLY KEPT [N STOCK. REPAEPNG DONE ON SIIOIITESE NOTICE. $mwt~mmommo¢wwcwwcm I; :5 NEATLY PRINTED AT D The ‘GAZETTE’ FFISE. VMW‘r-VCGWW Local and travel- linl! SA? I’lSllllS?‘ to handle our Ilardy CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. We guarantee satis- faction to representatives and customers. Our Nurseries are the largest in the Do- minionâ€"over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal Write r" u ‘. b STONE J; WI-Il.Ll.\'(;"l‘l).‘i, llead (Mice, 'l‘UIlUxTO, Ont £33" The only Nursery in Canada having it: mug orchards. ~38-3m. nonsense-reins. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR an Paper and Picture Planes â€"â€"18 ATâ€" I w A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block. Kent-5L, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabaxtine and D70 Works Agency. WPlcaso call and see my 5c. Paper. hawâ€"nu.” ., . 1 l

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