. . .Aflnmszna. a VOL. XXII. .â€"__.. TIIE Daily Wamï¬ï¬‚. will help you to put in these long winter even- ings. It is ONLY 25 GENTS PER WONTH. Subscriptions for it, as ' well as for. the daily or weekly EMPIRE or MAIL, received by E. 5'. LYTLE, FENELON FALLS. SECOND DIVISION COURT -â€"-0l-‘ ‘I‘IIEâ€" ‘County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON MONDAY, FEB. 18th, 1895, oommeneingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Thursday, Feb'y 7th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Feb. 2nd. E. D.Haso, Clerk 8. Nansen, Bailiï¬'. lenclon Falls, Dec. 19th, 1894. '1‘0 the Public. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security 01 $26,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,A_r/ent. fl“ Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian ofEdinburgb. Capi (:31 combined, $45,000,000. IN SELLANQE. Hr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all elasSes of property At Very Lowest Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. I." FARDI PROPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. reunion Falls Local Board or the Penple’sBuildingandlnanlss’n, Of London, Out. 'I‘. Robson, President; Dr. H. H. Graham, Vice-President; J. '1‘. Arnold, Sec-’l‘rcas. ; N. H. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. McDougall. Valuator; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, M. W. Brandon, J. H. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small nmounteach month where It will be safe and yield you good returns in 7;: years? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE !c. a day for 7% years and get Slot) 10c. a d Ly for 7.5 years and get $300 80c. a day for 7.} years and get $1,000 a LITTLE .\.\‘D (il-‘l‘I-IN FlI.I.S 'l‘lll-Z PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay for rent ? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- tliiug out. of their earnings. just so long will their $‘I(".«lt:i_tl'$ go into the hands of those who do S:|\'i', :ttlil THEY are the capi- talists. This is why the few own the houses :lllll the many pay the rent. FOR l"lll.l. l'.\l:'l‘lt7lil..-XRS call on or address any of the above named oilieinls, at Four-Ion Falls. â€":lu-iyr. The “ Fcnelcn Falls Gazette †ll printed every Fri-lay at the attire, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRII’ILLK Hi .t YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one rout per \\'\‘t‘k will he added as long as tin-mains unpaid. AAlvvz-t Easing: Ilutcs. Professional or business cards, 30 cents per line ,vcrnnnu-zi. Camel advertisements, 8 cents prt‘ line for the tirst insertion, and I cents per tin-‘ {or every subsequent: inser~ don. Contracts by the your. half year or lcs<, upun reasonable terms. JOB P?..INTING or all onlimn kinds rxecuted neatly, cor- nctly end at Illi'tlt‘iflll' prices. 2 s. u. nun,†I'ropn'clor. opposite \\'0od's store depot, Lindsay. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1895. Professional Cards. MUSIC. MISS THISTLETIIWAITE, who has studied for years with the best teachers on this continent, and has passed the required examinations at the Toronto College of Music, will giro Lessons on Organ or Piano, ALSO VOCAL LESSONS IF DESIRED. For Terms apply at Mr. A. Sutherland's residence, Francis Street West. LEGAL. MCLAUG HLIN 8:. MCDIARM ID, ARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Olliec: Kent-St, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Oï¬ico: Over Burgoyne & Co's store. Money to loan on real estate at lowest. current rates. R. J. lIchGuLm. F. A. MeDuamo. M. H. MCLAUGIILIN. A. P. DEV LIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, the. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lOWest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Otlices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, die. or- ï¬cc,William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MCINTYRE & STEWART, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Ofï¬ces over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. MCINTYBE. T. Srswanr. MONEY TI) LOAH. I have recently had a. considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at Five and u-halfpcr cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my oflice, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell, Barrister &c., Lindsay MEDICAL. "~â€" A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgcon,&c., 8m. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington trect, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, â€"-u. 3., u. c. P. s 8., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON (in ACCOUCH- cur. Ollicc. Colborne Street, Fcnelon Falls. Dn. H. H. GRAHAM, GRADUATE of the Universityol Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot Eugland,.\lember of the Col- lege of Physicians A: Surgeons of Ontario. Ofï¬ce and residence on Francis-St. West Fenclon Falls, opposite the Gazattc ofï¬ce. ~ I?†M. DIASON, ‘ ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, lSSl» ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fcnelou Falls. P L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the (2.13., . Conveyancer, kc Residence, and ad- iress, Feuclon Falls. EIiTAL. infusions, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Evtruets teeth without pain by gas (vital- izvd air) :idmiuisterrd by him for :7 years. [lo siudird the gas under Dr. t‘olton, of va York, the. originator of gas for (Xiraet- ing lrctlt. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 186,“? per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for $10. W Dr. A\'eelauds visits l’cuclon Falls (McArlhur llouse) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment. ‘5]. H. GROSS, DEHTIST. The brauliful Crown and Bridge work practised with surccss. Gas and all other unmsthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artiï¬cial Ted/I, better than the average, for SS 0ft. Rooms directly 11. mar. 1.. n s. f, SET OF GOOD TEETH ror. Sm. Gas i A and lot?“ anaesthetics for painless ex-l trotting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all‘ branches of dentistry. Otlice ever Fairweatber & Co's storc,l nearly opposite the post-ofï¬ce, l.;nd=a; . u---m¢~_w“ ‘rrw'v' -~ ~ RENE _ - - - - AT - -- - THE SthCATE SIRE. W MGDOUGALL, BRANDON & Co. beg to announce to their numerous customers and the public generally that they have secured the services of Mr. J. J. Townley (lately with Mr. R. Taggart), and purpose in future conducting a ï¬rst-class Tailoring business in connection with their gen- eral store. A large and well selected stock of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted and French Pantâ€" ings will arrive in a few days. Reserve your orders until they are opened out. Mr. Townley’s reputation as a cut- ter is well established throughout the district, and by em- ploying none but ï¬rst-class workmen, using good trim- mings and material and selling at right prices, we hope to merit a large share of the public patronage. All Tweeds purchased at the Syndicate Store will be out free of charge. ‘ Our Mantles, Dress Goods, Underclothing, Gent’s ur- nishings, etc., is now complete for the winter trade. Call early and get ï¬rst choice. ' Men’s Fur Caps and Overcoats for the million. We are now showing the ï¬nest; stock of Men’s Long Boots, Felt Boots, Felt Socks and Rubbers, Shoe-packs, and Men’s ï¬ne Foot-wear, ever opened out in Fenelon Falls. Our Ladies’ Boot and Shoe Department is full of staple goods at rock bottom prices, as well as an endless variety of the latest novelties in style and ï¬nish known to the trade. . See our Ladies’ Imperial Kid, Congressâ€"no buttons, no laces, and the neatest ï¬tter 1n the market. Our Teas, as always, lead in regard to flavor and price. New season’s Fruit at old fruit prices. Prompt delivery, cleanliness and moderate prices are features we never forget 1n our grocery trade. Everything in the line of Crockery and Glassware. Don’t forget to buy your Sleigh Robes and Horse Blan- kets from McDouga , m in it it I WILL SELL REGARDLESS OI“ COST ‘ FOR ONE: WEEK My entire stock Of Christmas and New Year’s Cards, Fancy Goods, consisting of Comb and Brush Cases, Perfume Cases, Jewel Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar and Cuï¬â€˜ Boxes, Fancy Chinaware, Dolls and Toys of all descriptions. GdhlE EARLY sac SEWRE BARGAINS AT S. NEVISON’S BAZAAR, In the New Brick Block. Fenelon Falls. l I l N O. 52. Her Heroic Death. A NURSE REFUSES TO LEAVE HER PA. TIENT IN A BURNING BUILDING. CLEVELAND. Ohio, Feb. 2.â€"'I‘he Deaconesses‘ Home. Jennings avenue, was burned yesterday. The ï¬re started in the basement, and before it could be extinguished four of the fifteen patients in the house and hospital were dead and the building was almost entirely destroyed. Minnie Bauinor, one of the nurses, appeared at the upstairs window and implored those below to assist her in getting out her patient, William Aylmer, one of the burned men. For a moment the brave woman stood look- in down into the crowd below her, and then duty triumphed over her desire to be saved. The smoke was pouring from the windows above her, and her white, startled lace appeared as a picture in a. frame of darkest ebony. Then she turned into the room and she was seen no more until her blackened form was carried tenderly from the building shortly after. .+ An Important Decision. The Supreme Court of Belgium has just given judgment in a case involving the right of a husband’s ownership of his wil'e‘s legs al'ter amputation. A surgeon who had preserved the leg of a, lady patient in a jar ol Spirits, labelled with her name and the particulars of the case, was sued by the husband for the return of the severed limb. The‘ surgeon demurred, admitting that the plaintiff had proprietary rights in the leg while it termed part. of his wife, but argued that the leg, in its present. condition was the result of his (defend- ant’s) skill and the work of his own hands, and that he was clearly entitled to keep it. The court heard long argu- ments pro and con, deliberated a fort.- uight, and ordered the delivery of the leg to the husband. Jack Dempsey Insane. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.â€"â€"_Thc last. chap- ter in the eventful career ol'Jack Demp- sey, the once invincible middleweight. pugilist, has been reached. [-10 is new a physical and mental wreck, though his friends are trying zealously to con- ceal his real condition. Dr. Ward, of Coney Island, states that the pugilist’s mind is unbalanced, and he can only hope to revive his shattered faculties by good medical treatment and careful nursing. The physician states that. Dempsey is likely to do himself irrepar- able injury if left alone. [10 deï¬nes the cast! as melancholia. superinduced by worriment and drink. Dempsey is now conï¬ned to the home of his brother Martin in Williamsburg. .o-o-o A Murderous Assault Case. OMEMEE, Ont., Jan. 2.â€"About five miles east of here last night Thomas Foster, who had been staying with his friend, Andrew Faulkner. lately. took up an iron poker and struck Win. Faulkner over the head and laid him out. He then went at Andrew and laid his skull bare in four places and pounded away unmercil'ully at his arm and shoulder till life was ahnOst extinct. Then he left the house. li‘nulkner's sister got word to another brother named Samuel, who procured medical aid and then he went to Lindsay and swore out a war. rant. Foster was lll'l'CrlCIl by County Constable Short and taken to jail. An- drew lt‘aulkncr's candilion is serious. Foster is now in Lindsay gnol awaiting his trial. He says the action was com- mitted in self defence. ~--o-o -â€"~â€"- Farm Products lglplder the Wilson 1 I BUFFALO, Feb. 4_-â€"'l‘he customs re- ceipts at the port of Buffalo lilrJnnnnry, 189-1. were but $43 933 ; for January of‘ this year they were $63,396, an in- crease of 819.462. In. almost every instance where the duty has been dimv iniuhcd the importations have nearly doubled and in some cases they have iucrraso'l to even a larger extent. This is especially true with Canadian barley and foreign fabrics. Barley is now being shipped here in innmmu: quan- tities. Other Canadian farm products since the new law went into I . n-(‘t have found a demand in Bullnln mrrkctn. Live stock. including sheep. lambs, cat- tle and some horns. contribute to the influx of taxable goods from across tbq border. '“wwrrj-re'rgï¬ywri‘rw ‘ I: ,r .. a one diuretic. r ..:~':;~*1r«."-;=" '- y.