Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Nov 1902, p. 8

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-v- 'i‘flqu-qvx-A-M -W m. 1...“- .,- I i ........ y...- W" -..... eeéééas Travelling in our own magnificent Pullman sleepingtuaml dining ears. LEd.’ E. Davis’ ' MAGNIFICENT SCENIC 'PRODUCTION OF . . . . . "UNCLE - ' TOM’S CW - i “Unbm Tom's Cams" never grows old. There runs through it a vein or pathos peculiarly touch- ing and sweet It speaks the universal language of the heart. It reflects. like a prism, the inner- . most phases at human emotion. It is more than as play; it is a moral classic. It argues for two of the greatest themes that can engage the mindâ€"â€" human liberty, and immortality of the soul. It 18 so pure that its touch 'alone is chastening. Like the kiss of a child, it conquers by the very innocence of its breath. In the character of Eva, at is unique. Who does not cherish in memory some sweet. angelic child who seemed to touch this earth only as a transient visitor who passed away with the dew oi childhood's morningâ€"too ,good. too pure, for us? “Was there ever u. child like Eva? Yes, but her name is written on grave- -Btones." This good old play is unique because it is the only one that pertrnys that character. The «scenery is excellent. In the river scene, one sees the floating cakes or ice slowly moving down stream. One can see, in the splendid perspective of this scene, several miles up the frozen river, and the undulating snow-clad hills on either hide lie like drOWSy sentinels in the soggy winter .day. new plantation scene represents a typical Southern home, with its mansions, its log cabins .and its cotton-field It is the sunny. sunny fionth. \ It is a warm, mellow. beautiful scene. “in some in this most nictureseue drama. 4,. «D- CHAINS, CHARMS, BRACELETS, CUT ' STEEL Britten. Foot of Kent Street. D. PRIOR, Agent for onenus, gPIANOS, SEWING MACHINES and flflSSEY-HABBIS FARM IMPLEMEHTS. We guarantee good goods at reasonable prices. Call and see our instruments :and machines before buying. fihop opposite Post-office, " ‘FENELOR FALLS. nears asuen ll teasers arenas rare. I tobacco-acumen» I f IIIeII GRADE JEWELLERY 'â€"-â€"... In Gold, Silver and high grade Rolled Plate. All new productions. , ' “#42:; OCHâ€"«o I , "file 6512’: Cal/Fr 1 People 40 THE LARGEST ' COMPANY IN THE WOBLE .â€"_â€". has, perhaps, taxed the skill of the artist II the mechanic more than any other spectacle l which the stage can boast. Indeed, it is notflal tery to say that the "Beautiful Gates Ajar." i depicted by this company is one of the most en trancing spectacles ever seen. The scene oped with a mass of clouds, through a rift o: whi‘ is seen a passing group of angels bearing Uncl Tom to heaven. A large “gloria” of iridescent splendor is brightly twinkling in front. T11 clouds disperse, revealing Uncle Tom with angel escort before the golden gates, ’on either sided which pmsed upon magnificent pillars inlali with pearl and gold, stand angel sentinels witl expanded wings. Change follows change Numerous angels appear from out the fleet" clouds which now surround the scene like a ha] of glory. In the deep center a sudden movemel ‘ of the clouds is seen, and like a morning star like the central jewel in acrown 0t diadems, sun rounded by whispering angels, little Eva. wnti beckoning hands, smiles down upon Uncle Tom while the beautiful gates slowly open to the great city that lies beyond. It is a splendid sight! see. During the interval of this exquisite spec tacle the mellow minors or an invisible choir rd faintly upon the ear. and the curtain deseeufl upon apioture or the imagination that a loath to call unreal. " i .Lnfssnmcsc"rn's "Lowe‘s- erann HOUSE, .‘ennnnenennns, one: near our, nor. 25m. ADMISSION 25 and 35 an-rs. Leer AT THIS. GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line or goods, just received: Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound packages (East Brand); Fine Filiated Currants; Selected SCARF PIN S, Valencia Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Crosse & BROOCHES Blackwell’s Peels; Soft.shen Almonds; Shelled Grenoble Wal‘ PENDANlI’IS nuts; Shelled Almonds. , CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will ofl'er special value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy Goods, Lamps etc. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest stylesmoney can buy. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, also a. nice line of Ulsters and Overcoats. These are only a few of the lines of new goods just placed in stock. You are invited to take a. close look through the stocks and compare prices whether you buy or not. Our 250. Tea is immense value. JCS. McFARLAND. wâ€"W‘ BY COMPARISON ONLY can you judge either goods or prices. SPECIALS AT CAMPBELL’S THIS WEEK: men’s Underwear; 100 pieces to sell. A big reduction in price on every piece. - CHATELAINES. Bros... Jewellers. LINDSAY. WE REPAIR WAGGDNS AND BUGGIES. If your wheeled vehicles need repairing of any des- cription we can do the work as well as anybody in the county. We can repaint your buggy and make it look like a new one, or will sell you a new one and takeyour old one in part payment. Chambers & Palmer. [INDSAY MARBLE WORKS. Baht. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- 25 and 280. all-wool grey Flannels, special . . 22a. 6 pieces Flannellete, stripes and checks. Regular ' MEINTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble price 80. Special - o . . . . Be. \an granite. . . . E51 imms r m a _ n k. d 6 p1eces yard Wide Flannellette, plain colors and 0 I “met”, “Bk p y g m °"“ m 9 °‘ 8 tr es ; extra good value at . . 9 8, incl, Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Manna 100 yds. single width all wool Dress Goods in brown, 'Piem’ em" “ Si’ec‘my' , grey, green, red, navy and fawn. Regular prices Beinga practical workman all should 11 to 300. Sellin DOW for . . ~ 1 . ' scehisdesigns and compare ’prices before P g '0’ & 15c- as good and purchasing elsewhere. NEW FURS JUST ARRIVED. WORKSâ€"in the rear of the Market on prices as 101V 31$ at any Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house stars 333 town. 1 Pt. CHAMBERS " _day and Saturday evenings WM. CAMPBELL. n r n 1: GT 0 at. SOCIETIE’lfig Fâ€" 1 NIGHTS OF TENTED =MACCABEES Diamond Tent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArihur's Block on the first and third ,Tuesday in each month. (has. Wise, Com. C W. Buusorns, R. K. ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Trent-Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street west on the first and third Mondays in each month D. Bnoxsnsnms, N. G. J. T. THOMPSON Js., Sec. L O.L.No.996. MEET IN THE ORANGE ' hall on FruncisSt. West on the second Tuesday in every month. J. J. Nsvnsou, W. M. F. J. ALDOUS, Rec-Sec. m NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTER-S. Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArihur’s Block. D. GOULD, Chief Ranger. Tuos. Ausrm, R. S. W CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, Fcnelon Frills Lodge No. 626. Meets in the Orange Hall on Francis street west on the first Thursday of each month. Tnso. Jov, Chief Ranger, P. DsYMAN, Sec. / CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FEN LON Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. P. C. Bunonss, Leader. R. B. SYLVESTER, Secretary. M A F.AND A. M., G. R. 0. 'THE SPRY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month,on or before the full of the moon, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. F. A. McDIAnmn, W. M. E. FITZGERALD, Secretary. “MEâ€"rm“ CHURCI‘IES. N BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN ST REV. . Ben}. Davies, Minister. Preaching servnces every Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Bible Class and Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Praise and re er se- ‘ Thursday at 8 p.m. p y “we on M METHODIST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. John Garbutt, Pastor.- Sunday service at 10.30 a. m.and 7 p. m Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epworil; League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Pm er meet' Thursday evening at 7.30. y mg on N ST. ANDRE W’S CHURCHâ€"COLBO RNE Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Servrces every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Pra er me i every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. y 6 mg N iALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRACKS ON Bond St. Westâ€"Capt. Kivell l; Lieut. Jago. Servnce every Wednesday, Thursâ€" at 8 p. m. and on Sundaysat l l a. In.,3 p. m. and 7.30pm. W T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leary, Pastor. Servnces every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m N T. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET Eastâ€" Rev. R. MacNamara, Pastor. Servnce every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Bible class ever Thu ’ at 7.30 o’clock. y "(my evemng “h . Sealer free in all churches. Everybody znmtedto attend. Strangers cordially welcomed 5““ MISCELLANEOUS. \_ _.-â€"..,.__. URL [0 LIBRARYâ€"PATR P Librarian, Open daily, ICK KELLY, ed, from 10 o’clock a. m. til OST-OFFICE‘â€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- ter. Open dail SI d from 7.30 a. m. to 7 135m m ays excepted’ . Mail oiu closes at 7.35 a. :11. Mail going flagella? at 11.25 a. 111. Letters fol‘ registration must be posted half an hour previous to :11 time for closing the mails. e % NEWSPAPER LAW, 1. A postmasteris re u' by letter ( q “ed to directed to his ther he has sub- bio for the pay, name or another, or wine SCl’lbid or not, is responsi 4. fa subscriber orders 11' Is stopped at a certain time, “13131er ‘0 b9 llBlleI‘ continues to send, the subscbe pm), bond to pay for it if he 1 at w ' takes it o post-oflice. This proceeds upon theuégduhl: o. ‘3“. ~ . ‘ wage. was. .4 I

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