BIG SURGEON’S FEE. ;30,000 are. Treatment of Lolita Armour, of Chicago. Speculation as to how large ,a. fee Professor Lorenz, of the University of Vienna, received for operating on of the . . . .. ‘t . . v _ b Chlcago m‘lhonane' may be Set ï¬e Clothing is worn more in the wash Lolita Armour, daughter rest, says the Chicago_’l‘ribune. received $30,000. This announcement :omes from Dr. John Ridlon, one of :he surgeons who assisted at the operation. The :ludes the services of Professor Loâ€" renz’s two assistants and also , the titer treatment in Chicago and in Vienna when the plaster splint is re- noved. The Armours will visit Proâ€" 'essor ‘Lorenz in Vienna. in May, L903, it is expected. Until the visit is made and the splint removed the iltimate result of the operation canâ€" iot be told, and no accurate foreâ€" :ast can be made until the child has ised the hip joint for at least six nonths. “We may reasonably expect,†says Dr. Ilidlon, in an- article in the cur- jent number 0f the New York Medi- .. M- Wham“... he. tester irls37rss enormous fee in- m... ~ .... .c... . No Danger:- ' Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Ofï¬cial Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, has proved by analysis that “ Sunlight Soap is'a pure and well- “ made soap, and has a thorough “ cleansing power, without danger to “the clothing or skin." than in use where common soaps are used, and the hands are liable to eczema. Try Sunlight Soapâ€" Octagon Barâ€"next wash day, and you will see Prof. Ellis is right, No one should know better than be. 222_ stretched and torn subcutaneously until the head could be freely moved about in all directions. Then fessor Lorenz seized the thigh just .above the knee and, abducting, flexâ€" ing, rotating and adducting, lifted the femoral head into the acetabulum u The click of replacement could be readily heard, and the jump seen and felt as the head passed over the cotyloid ring. in place, the thigh was carried ill-'to extreme lateral abduction, and in Then, with the headi a~~W~ “iiâ€"Whitlhw EN In this position the hamstring muscles were stretched by straightening the knee many times- .. _ -. “The child was then clothed in smoothly fitting stocking from the ankle to the ribs, raised above the Itable on a. pelvic, rest‘with a low Istool under the head and shoulders, and the ~ fixation dressing applied. The leg washex’eduon the knee, arid the thigh on th-e"body. to a right angle and abducted to the transverse plane. of the body. ~From below the knee to above the waist the patient was wra; pod in many layers of sheet wadding to the thickness of an inch, and this bound smoothly down by an ordinary unbleached muslin bandage,- over this the plaster P1.0_ of paris was applied.†+â€"â€"-â€". WHERE MONEY IS EATEN. . All kinds of remedies aroused by '10 Chinese to cure choleraflbu't the strangestwhich has come under noâ€" ltice so far is this; the patient atâ€" !tacked with cholera ChCWS up a llulanl‘ of large “cash,†the old ones ,of better days, when they were made [large and of copper. ' mm. his new or new. assists. ,William Henry, the Celebrated English Medical Authority, Experiments on“ Himself with Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and (lives the Results. Englishmen are proverbially lo take up new things. They cling" to the old till the new has been- provcn beyond a doubt that it is pound in its every principle. But once they have passed on it, and passed favorably, it. goes forth. to the genuine value world bearing a ‘stamp of that nothing else could give it. And from that time lorth that new, thing, be it a thought, a fabric orla, remedy, bears the hallâ€"mark of sterling worth that nothing can destroy. WHY CANADA IS PROUD.‘ It is for this reason that Canada has now cause to be proud of her advance along the walks of science. For an English authority one of the highest in all England, one of the highest in the world, has declared, and declared as "emphatically as man can do it that Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a. Canadian discovery, is the' one, remedy that treats diseased Kidneys as they should be treated, and efâ€" fectually and permanently them. AN EMINENT AUTHORITY. William Henry is the name of the English scientist who makes this statement. He is known, respected, and followed in thousands of Britâ€" ish homes, for as the author of "‘The Penny Medical Library†and kindred words he has talked medical science in simple words to almost the entire British family. And William Henry makes this statement con- c'erning Dodd’s Kidney Pills, because he has tested Dodd’s Kidney Pills thoroughly, because he has given Dodd’s Kidney Pills the most thor- ough and practical of all tests, he has used Dodi'd’s Kidney Pills himâ€" self for Kidney Trouble, and has been cure-d by them. .' Nor is this eminent Englishman mild in his expressions of the satis- faction he feels at the result proâ€" CUI‘CS duced by this remedy. "Do'dd’s Kidâ€"'he was so troubled with Gravel that llplalnt’v Do'dd's Kidney Pius- Wm Pm cal Journal, “that‘the result will be EOOG- By good result is meant either a real replacement or an anâ€" terior transposition of the femoral head which corrects the shortening, flexion deformity and lordosis and gives 'a secure resting place for a false jdirit.:' ' Describing he actual Dr. Ridlon says :â€" , “When the patient had been'fully anaesthetized, Dr. Lorenz seized the right thigh. near the knee, flexed the thigh strongly on the abdomen, and pressed firmly downward, stretching the soft parts at the back and be- low the joint. He then, with the 1:); operation, flexed to a right angle, strongly gabâ€"i llucied it, sawing against the upper part of the abductor muscles of‘the thigh with the ulnar border of the hand until the fossae which appear- sbovc and below the upper insertion. of the abductor muscles when they ï¬re put on the stretch had disapâ€" peared and the thigh, could be abâ€" ducted to the plane of the table upon l whilh thevpatient lay. During this stretching process, the pel-ws was firmly held by the assistants. “.A sheet‘ewas then passedbetween the child’s legs and its ends were fastened to the head of the table to make a fixed, pomthagainst which to pull; Both assismiits now seized the limb and pulled downward with a heaveho motion, while Professor ‘ Lorenz pushed downward against the greater trochanter. When- the head had been pulled down to, or,bclow,. the acetabulum, the thigh Was . "£1111 flexed. a wedge shaped block placed beneath the greater trochanteric reâ€" giOn for a fulcrum to play over, and the thigh again strongly abducted, oxen beyond the transverse plane of ‘the body. I “In this way all i the soft parts. slowe Author of "‘Tho Penny Medical Library†. “As a. Kidney remedy i would back Bodd’s Kidney Plile against all the drugs in the Pharmacopmia.†~â€" ney Pills is certainly a wonderful remedy,†he declares. “As a Kidney remedy, I would back it against all the drugs in the Pharmacopaeia." William Henry ‘has of course watching the working of Dodd's Kidâ€" ney Pills from a. scientiï¬c stand- point, ard he affirms they are alike right in theory and practice. He says of the theory : KIDNEY TI-IERAPEUTICS. “I had read one of the Dodd’s Kidney Pills pamphlets, and could tell from it that the discoverer of Dod'd’s Kidney Pills had really studied what I may __call Kidney Therapeutics. I Saw that he was on *the right track, cleanse and ' tone up the Kidneys, and they will not only get rid of the uric acid, but will prevent it accumulating. ‘ is his argument. I take it, and iis a, sound one. This soundness has been strongly proved in my case." Mr. Henry goes on to relate how . ‘u- K' WILLIAM HENRY, In caseswhere ln‘onchitis has beâ€" come chronic from want of proper treatment in the earlier stages, there is nothing so good as Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburg Breast Tea, in [conjunction with which is strongly .advised the use of St. Jacobs Oil as an outward application along the front. of the'throat, from close up under the chin to well down to the ltop of the chest; the one remedy as- sists, the other, and- as intended, !they work in complete unison. The wonderful penetrating power of St. Jacobs Oil enables it to reach the adhesion Of ‘ foreign matter which lines the bronchial tubes and which emakes breathing more and more difï¬cult. As these adhesions become inflamed and enlarged, St. Ja'cObs Oil causes i away, such adhesion to break making expectoration easier and more. free. Dr. August Koenig’s lIIamburg‘ ,Bi'east' Tea, drank slowly {and very hot, soothes and heals the ‘parts, is comforting and quieting, ‘stops‘ ithe‘ cough and relieves the breathing. - This manner of treat- ment (and "there is no other two iremedies-that/KV’ill work together so {successfullm reaches the difï¬culty lfrom‘the outside and the inside at ithe same time. « St. Jacobs Oil reaches the roots of tlie'adhesion, and assists Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburg Breast Tea in clearing them; then both remedies act in unison in healing and curing. The, above remarks apply with equal force in cases ‘of .aethina,.c1'oup, whooping cough, enlarged tonsils ,and all bronchial affections- .Every. lfainin should-1 have St. Jacobs Oil and Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburg Breast Tea always in the house in order that they may be promptly used in the ï¬rst stages. Often the maladies develop "with wonderful irapidity. and complications take lbimling the femur to the pelvis were‘place with equal suddcnness. the Was often unable to follow 'his ‘literary callingâ€"he could not stoop or sit, and so could not Work. The pains in ‘ the back and' loins were excrutiating. Another marked symp- tom was bladder irritation. He also ‘. had heart “fluttering.†He was de- pressed, irritable, and subject to bad dreams. He was frequently op- pressed -by a drowsiness he mind not throw off. RESULTS OBTAINED. He tried all sorts of things- for his trouble, medicines old and medicines now. Some gave him temporary re- lief, but that Was all. Then he tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and he gives the' following results of his- experi- ment : " (1.) Before I had finished one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was perfectly free from uric acid, my Water being quite normal. _ “ (2.) Three doses brought a great improvement, though 1 Was extremely bad before taking the ï¬rst one. - “(3.) Every one of the symItoms I have mentioned, ' as well , as the violent headaches which I had forgot to mention} had disappeared. “ (4.) Though it is now six months since I took the last dos-e of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, ...‘there is not now a trace of uric acid in my urine,fl,_notâ€" withstanding that my' diet and mode of life are just the same as they al- ways were." WHAT IT. MEANS. This, in brief, is the experience 0; William Henry, perhaps England’s greatest andbest~known medical au- thority. It puts the stamp of genuâ€" zine worth on. Canada’s greatest medical discovery, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. This, added to the testimony of the thousands who have been re- lieved and permanently cured by. Dodd’s Kidney Pills, mustconvince even the most sceptical that Canada ’s’oan'ds hi the front rank of medical That research, and that 'chief among - the Sta-ills. rust, it,remedies she has furnished the world Won t waSh ’Clothes- [stands that sure cure for Rheumatâ€" ism, Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, and all othu‘ Wasâ€"y Calf’s~foot jelly, tripe, and rice are the most easily digested of all foods. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. When traveling you should bear in mind the road and the trains will take you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most comfortable manner. "l‘hc Grand Trunk service excels in both par: ticulars ronto to l‘Jontreal, Buffalo, New York. Detroit and Chicago,flwilli ï¬nd the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, _ handsome-Y ICafo Parlor and- Dining _Cars'serving meals "a~ la-- carte.†The-night: trains carry Pullman sleeping cars t‘p' all above points. You can leave Toronto for Montreal and east'_ at 9 a. m. and 10. p. in. for Buffalo “and New York at 9 a. m., 4.50 and "6.15 p. m. and to Detroit and Chicago ali- ff.35 a. m., 4.50 p. m. and 11.20 p. m. .Tickets, reservations, etcâ€, city ofï¬ce, northwest ‘ corner King and Yonge streets. " ' “ - ‘ . One woman always PQYS-I‘lmore at- tention - to ‘what‘ another --w0man has on than to What“_she‘ says.» Mlnard’s Liilmenlihg lest-,llaiillulurelr Highblowere'fllfy first daughter married, a? poet, my second-an artist, and my third a rich mercliant.'_' Dimâ€" bletonâ€"“And which", couple isflthe most fortunate ?,'-' “Oh, the first him of thema-They are. supported by the husband‘of .the third.â€.." v '- Fully nine million Indian subjects are now more, or less acquainted with the English language. The language most spoken in India is lllindustani, by 82 million people. lBengali is the tongue of 39 million. - forms of .Kidney , (30m. soon as we geta good cook, dear, I 7 “I’ll come.†that, Spraius, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, and passengers from Toâ€" ‘ _ly supply cf'codjliver oil. all die yearly by violent deaths. (Kym I†JIM W a 4/ 1W 5549/ a e Out of the earth's 1,500 million in- cashier _ . A.â€"“Is it true that your habitants 'only 500 million live in has eloped with your daughter and. houses, more than 700 million re- a large sum of money?" B.â€"-"It is side in huts or caves, and the reâ€" i true; but he is an honest fellow and main-der have no permanent habitaâ€" ; means to repay me. He has already tion of any kind. returned me my daughter." KW, lrnEI-mwm » ‘ .- ..» w†1.. vu-‘v? «(um i lilurd's linlmeni for Rheumatism. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. , 'lenLlemcn,â€"'.l‘hcodorc Doi‘uis' a » I . 1v . v - ' 1| 0 customer of mine, was completely .350ltfï¬â€˜lélfvbféï¬ggisï¬ï¬ogln cured of rheumatism after live years.- T-{mnmfom ‘ †A ‘ 1 . 1' of sull‘ering,.by the judicious use of: ' D h MlNAllD'S LINIMENT. ' - The above fact C'll'i be veriï¬ed ' by I o ’ I ’ l ' l . . ' 1 v 1 v 4 I ‘ writing to him, to the parish priest; ME“! 8 or any of his neighbors. .. .. . "I. ' A. COTE,‘ THE MOST POPULAR nsnvirnios Merchant, St. Isadore, Que. v ' May 12th, 1898. CALVE GARQLEG TOOTH POWDER. Preserves the teeth. Sweatens the breath. strengthens ,the gums. and 6,- United THE DAY Iâ€"IAD ARRIVED. “George, dear,†said Mrs. Darley to her husband, as she poured out the tea the other evening, “I drew all my money out of the savings bank toâ€"day and went shopping with-it. I spent every penny.†_ “Ilut, my dear," protested George, an ant Pill “the understanding was that our _ a b H n , - . _ , _ i can in y encrsved, American s‘lvll’l’gs were put by £01 ‘3‘ ralny le:er, shut wind and long run, day, ' heavy b.ve1 crystal, stem wind.- stcm mt, regular 16 size, fully guaranteed, a genuine good timepiece. A great largam. Order now. Sent by mail post pa. d. Addwss. “Precisely; and my dear boy' will remember that to-day was one of the rainest days we have had for sevâ€" eral months." ' - - If yonduivo one on more carldads of good Potatoes to. offer, quote us, or if you.l put your price on if! we will place it to you. l‘low’s This l Dept. B VIM SUPPLY CO. 11 ’ Hamilton, Grit. We offer One llundred Dollars Reward for any case of Uatarrh that cannot. be cured by Hall’s Untarrh Uurc. ’ ~ . v i“. J. CHENEY 6:, 00., Toledo, 0. M We. the undersigned, have known 15‘. .J. ,Chcney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all If you have any i : . .‘l business transactions. and financially Willpay you to 5111. able to carry out; any obligations made _ thenh Demand 1 by their firm. ' good. “ l ‘al‘lh'i' aâ€. 'l‘itllAX Wholesale Druggists, _ . ‘ ' 0' . '3 01 all kinds of pro4 ceï¬gianmknt3 duce so.iciiad. Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINNAN & iviAltVlN, Wholesale Druggists, ’l‘oledo, i) Hall's (.‘aiarrh Cure is _taken inter- :ially, acting directly upon-the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. i‘estlmoi.ials sent free. I'rice 75c. per bottle. Sold by all (lruggists. Hull's Family Pills are the best. The Arise}! commission 00., Limited, TORONTO. MEWS Wilfl'l'lifl Sillf'iliiefaélitll l‘on and South A ricau “’ar. Bert payin agent: . Ining. Write for terms. UADERWOOD 8L NDER-i VHOD. 6‘) Adelaide St. W" Toronto. Ont ‘ M/OOD 8 Wow. Espesvmg,‘ sea. moses Ease? - iGB' emu eraser: resume _ ONE TRIAL WAS ENOUGH. Man (to a large employer of 1aâ€" bor)â€"“Want any hands this morn- ing, sir?†‘fWhat' have you been used to?â€-- “Making myself generally useful 1n - _ . n To send for our Com... a large factory n plete Sheet Musla “ 9†' i Catalogues and Who for. - Specia Rates. “For the Government, sir.†“Have you a, good reference?†“I was seven years at the place.†- “Take a seat; I think I’ll give you a. trial.†- ' ' “No, thanks. a trial I got seven- mo‘rning. ' ' \Vc are equipped to supply ever Music Teacher in anada. feathers limits lttllldtlia 356 MainfSireet, lSS 'chgc Street, ' \VINNIPEG, ISIAN, TORONTO, OF T. last The last time I had years. :G‘oo‘d -â€"--â€"- . " ’ I ‘â€" ,, ,- j, , a..- omlnlon use Steamshipe Montreal to Liverpool.‘ Boston to Liver- ‘- , pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. - ' - Large and FasLStcnmshipa Su erlor accommodation for all c asses of passengers. Ba cops and Staicrooms . are nmi ships. Special atteniimihss been lven to lhi Second Saloon and. Third-Class necommo silos. F0! . . , H H rates of passage and‘ell particulars, uppiy to any agent am, gomg . to give a dinner. All oftho Compener .- . u . ' 'c ' A ' ( . Richards, Mills'k Co, “gut: lephml hm lmslba‘nd’ .qumI 1y ‘ 17 StateSt..Boaton. Monkey Brand Soap removes- all dirt or tarnish .â€" but, “Now,†said Mrs. Bridely, “just as D. Torrance k 00.. , Montreal and Portland. HAVE A @OGEE EJEQE-HT -â€"~-BY US] NG-â€"â€" standard American Wicks -â€"-â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"- Sarnia Lamp ï¬ll. Wholesale Only. _ risers siren-ones. .- » SAMUELnoGERS-ERES.TOR6NTO.. stiles cleanse. " ' rm made up Goods Suits in Cloth, Velvet, sun ‘ ensues sends Lisiussr removes all 'hai'd, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood S :ivin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny. titles, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. VVar- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure eveijkiiowiiq ‘ Sold by all, druggists. [Rheulivpn fjbetween 90 and 100 million :codfiish are used for the yearâ€" , . for Our Sixty Years. , Aw, OLD 1an WELL-Tami) 'REMEDY. - Mrs Winslow‘s SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It soothes the child. softens the gums, alluys'nl’l'pain, cures "wind colic} and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is plca~anb to the lach. Sold by druggicts in leverypart of the wor’d. Twenty-live centsa‘hotlle." Its value is iv'calciilnhle., Be sure and ask for Mrs.‘ Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and take no other kind, to equal it if done by the BRITISH AMEBlGAH DVElNfl 00., Montreal; W! trusttrsri' '626 per million. of,»13rit_ish,~ people Min-ails. linlment; Cunt-Li i Deck IIaIl-Jâ€"i‘Goo‘d 'afternbon,‘ our . 4 Miss Annex. Going for a walk?" I~ hope I-'1nay accompany you?†~ .Miss m" ‘ Annexâ€"“Yes. -'Dr; Sargentsays we, must-3 always walk;_’5vith some object, . and I suppose you will answer» the purpose. †I. ‘V:.-!K':¢I¢W for you to call Deposits may bemade and withdrawn 'by'mail. Interest at The Canada'Pei'manent ‘ 3 and Western Canada, ' *Mortgage Corporation, _ Toronto St., Toronto. “w w'r c 1154 5;.» or I‘m-s and all valuable house Hangings. nothing - with us if it is not convenient flutters 'Sdlilllï¬d ' i 0 per'snnum’is remitted tw‘ee. .‘ ~ .- .- . a. re; 1‘ or comp untied}! not_ . - - -' 2 , desired to be withdrawn.