In 32 months-theBoers and their climate slew 21,942 British pleople. ï¬g, Every 32 months strong drink slays 320,000 British peop e. Fawkesian-_anniversary; but it is his duty to enforce the laws of the munici- pality, and if he had not done so he would certainly have been blamed by others. His position is by no means an enviable .one, and, whatever In- does or dccs’nt do, he is almost sure to have somebody “down upon †him. The Cause of Dyspeptie Pains. Improperly digested food usually forms gases that. cause a. painful distention ot the stomach and pressure against the heart. This results inninch pain and distress. but Nerviline will relievelthe distention, dispel the gas, and cure the dyspeptic pains very quickly. Polsbn’s Nerviline is really an excellent remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cramps, Summer Compiaint ands-ll Stom- ach and Bowel Troubles No household is _ ‘ , complete without Nerviline. Try a 25c - 4 v ‘ v . " ' 4 2 Even an expert may bottle. Sold by W. H. Robson. Rsrsnnsnun Mommaâ€"A refcr- be deceived by an Irm- tation Goodyear Welt. endum campaign meeting was held in r .. .-.« the basement of the Methodist church Many shoes sold as GoOdyear W at the Fenelon Falls Bargain Store For the next Two Dionths. m GREAT SALE ill to make a quick clearance of the goods have decided on a Slaughter sale for the next sixty days. So be on hand Satur- - day morning, Nov. 15th, as the goods are to be sold at clear- ing prices. Read ovar list of some of our goods, which may remind you of your wants. 115 yds black Dress Goods, reg. 25 at 30c. per yd. to go at . . . . . ".200- 82 yds. black Dress Goods, reg. price '45c. per yd , to clear at...... 306- 130 yds. black Dress Goods, reg. price 50c. to go at .... .. . ... . ...37§c- All our lines of$l black Dress Goods to go at...... .n... . .. .70 55 75c. Our $1.25 black Dress Goods to go at ...... ......'....95c. & $1. Colored Dress Goods thatwere 25c.tor...... .... ...... ...... ....20c. We ï¬nd our store too small for our big stock, and in order 2%? on Tuesday adftprnocn. dArraglgement: , r ‘ the lumps, threads, tacks and discomfort of Colored Dress Goods that were 30c. for ....20 & 25c. were comp etc or t 1e ism utlon o - , W "“""'"_" Colored Dress Goods that were 35c for 25c. , , which they are. 60 ladies’ ready-to-wear Dress Skirts at all prices, to clear at wholesale price. I; to or. e l' cra‘ure, workers were a â€" : ...â€"-â€"â€"â€" , , mP “"3 u ‘ P :- .' Even the dealer who sells them to you likely 18 ladies’ ready-to-wenr Tailor-made Suits, all strictly new and up~to- pointed to assist in getting out the vote in the village and also in the adjoining " 1 as‘not bought them for real weltsâ€"even he can- d I 1 ' f F lon and Verulam town- - " t 1 t '11 b "'â€" "' . ("'3' t9 8° at “711° es“ ‘? cost' portions 0 ene . . no a ways e y appearances. 220 pairs Ladies‘ Corsets, Lakies’ Gloves, Collars, etc. Womens Cotton, . - Wool and Cashmere Hose at all prices. Ladies’ Undervests. Wear “Slater Shoes" and you will get nothing else but Goodyear Welt shoes, because no other mslof shoos but Goodyear Welts are m mSlater " fï¬ory. Be careful that you get a real “ Slater Shoe" with the slate frame on the sole-gr the liningâ€"the Words “The Slater Shoe †and the priceâ€"nothing more. Sold only by “Slater Shoe" agentsâ€"453.50, ships. Several public meetings will he held next week. but the dates are not yet decided. We are glad to ï¬nd from campaign notes that the prospects are encouraging throughout the Province. GOOD Spearâ€"M essrs. Wilfred J cw- ell and Bidwell Burgess got up early last Saturday morning and went to Goose lake, oï¬' Burnt River, with their guns. in less than three hours they Flannellettes,‘Grey Flannels. Colored Dress Plaids ; Ladics’ Underskirts, Blouses and Wrappers. ____________________.__â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" LADIES’ JACKETS. Large stock of Ladies’ Jackets. Everything to go in this line. Also Ladies’ Winter Capes and Wraps. LADIES’ KID GLOVES. 750. Ladies’ black and colored Kid Gloves for ...... .... .... ......60c‘ g $1 Ladies’ black rnd colored Kid Gloves for...... . ...80c' $1.25 Ladics’ black and colored Kid Gloves for...... ...... ......$l.00- were home again, accompanied by nine $5.00. “The Slater Shoe.†ï¬ne 2:; ducks, ï¬ve of which were shot - " ' S t SO‘LADIhES' $31291);le d $1.2 by“ ' ilf†and theother fourb “Bid.†,m . , 0 e“ ‘ 9°†‘5‘“ c: ' a“ '_5' 3‘ They are going again before 1031,13; and / 'c’zzfl"%ï¬\ A CHOICE SELECTION or FURS ALSO TO BE CLEARED our- one of the “ ï¬rm †has promised us ‘ __..._._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘â€"-â€"â€"-â€"--â€"- 4%- that, if they have good luck, we shall (at (out. \‘k (:rknrm V .. l l " . 3" ' have an opportunity oftesï¬ugtheflavor - > k - ‘ ~ « - I - Slaughter Sale of Mans and Boys Clothing. 3 l Beginning Saturday, Nov. 15. 50 Men’s long Ulster Overcoats in Tweed and Frieze. 35 Boys’ long Ulster Overcoata. 40 Men’s and Boys’ walking Overcoats. 115 Men’s and Boys’ Tweed Worsted Suits. All to go at onequarter off the regular price. Moe’s Pants, Men’s Overalls; every line to be cleared. MENS’ AND BOYS’ FELT HATS . to be cleared out. The price will be cut right down. Men’s and Beys’ Cloth Caps, Fur Caps etc. Men’s Gloves, Mitts, Top Shirts, Underwear, etc. til}- oi Goose lake ducks. There must be plenty of ducks this season, as Mr. David Merriam and his brother shot forty of them in Balsam Lake one day last week. J. L. ARNOLD, Sole Local Agent. EStra’fatfle' The Mutual Llfe, of Canada, Game on to the premises of the under- a- 1 r ‘ signed, lot 8, con. 3, Somerville, about the p Siaéggaalaiis;§,f2ï¬thggrgngfg°flï¬agg.‘n middle of June, three yearling Steers and six-able style of policy issued. one yearling Heifer, all of mixed colors» The owner can have them upon proving TH 03. MARK, Agent, Feneion Falls property and paying charges. RICHARD BOOTH Somerville, Oct’r 29th, 190n. 38-4.‘ Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Apropos of the coming of Davis’ Uncle Tom’s Cabin Company, Mrs. Stowe’s great- est work, a. short' history of the original cabin may be of interest. The people about Nachitoches, La., have long insisted that Robert McAlpin was the original Simon Legree. His house and plantation were the only ones ï¬tting the description in the book, on or near the Red river, and he the only man in the state who “ ï¬lled the bill.†He was intemperate and merciless, and died before the war, leaving a memory for brutality that is even now mentioned with horror. On his place lived a faithful old negro, sold from Kentucky, who suffered everything but actual torture to death, and Mr. S. Chopin, the present wealthy owner of the estate, has preserved the cabin with great care, in the conï¬dent belief that in time it would become an object of natural _ curiosity. The cabin is of cyprus logs cov- “r cred with cyprus boards, and sound as when built, some forty years ago. It is presumed that Mrs. Stowe used the novelist’s priv- ilege of combining the experience of sev- eral negroes in one, but, simply as a relic of the old slave times, the cabin will present great interest at Twomey’s hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. 25th. Admission 25 andl35c. Why do I wear “0. R. Co.†rubbers ‘2 Because they ï¬t propâ€" erly and wear better than any- other rubber shoe in the mark-â€" et. you cannot aflole to be without a pain if you value We have about 15 pieces of Hemp and Union Carpets to clearout. Also » about one dozen ends of Tapestry Carpets, running from 8 to 25 yards in each, to be cleared at Wholesale. if you want Carpets now isyour - chance for a bargain. All must be cleared out; , w‘ ., Every person is cordially invited to attend MISS WASHBUBH’S OPENING of FALL ‘MILLIHEHY on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29 and 30. The very newest and - most fashionable effects in Price 25 cents“ Fall Millinery, such as Mo- 535.5?“ only at ROBSONS Drug hair; Velvets, Felts, Ap- I Taintr.oduce,,we will give-youths plique, Ribbons, etc. etc. ' .mtbox forgo cents' An. assorted stock of Hobby Ready-to-wear Hats. m n , u a a . now open for inspection. 0 H I c K E u s wanted for export. A WWe Tï¬ant your Chickens alive or dresssed. . p . e wi pay the highest CASH PRICE for. Eltllel“ on Full 01‘ Part Time. all. the plump birds- offered. We sendshipo- Are'you satisï¬ed'with your income ? Is: ping crates tree. your timcfully occupied? If not, write us. Enquirefon-ppices and-datesof delivery We can give you Employment by the month from Joseph McFarland, Fenelon Falls, 01‘.‘ on good terms or contract to pay you well write M0,,†to Produce taken in exchange at market prices. R. B. ALLAN & GO. i ill 3 w The Cheap Gash Shore. Fenclon Falls, , m“; ;.~,,ï¬mï¬i~,,’é. IF IT’S A STOVE I " ' ï¬ you want, whether acook stove, .box stove or any other kind of stove, a visit to our store will. repay you.. You. may think that. ' THERE’S: LOTS OF†TIME." "yet before winter, but sometimes it requires.q,11ite.v_ a while for a. person. to. decide just what stoves 13 will. suit lii’m best ;; and the more time you take to decide, the; more likely you; aret‘o he‘satisfi'edi A I r with. thegresul-t. of your decision. l FENELON FALLS MARKETS. ’Fcnelon.Falls,,Friday, N'ov. ï¬rst, 1902.; Reported by the-North/Star Roller Mill 00.. Wheat,Scotch. or. Fife .... 68 to 70 GUNS and AMMUNITION of ' the best makes in; Wheat’mu.’ perbuSheL.†3'2 6; for such business as you secure for us at Wheat, Spring Mun-u ‘ 6 . DUNDAS 8; FLAVELLE BROS. ' “Mâ€... - odd times. We cm lo both male and feâ€" . y ‘ ‘ . gtigglï¬ggiriinéheluu I.“ male representati‘vribs.y The next three 5311“ Lindsay stock... Wecan. ï¬t you up £01. the. WOOdS 111.ï¬1‘.Sl5.' . 03,3} ‘4; H" U“ 29, 30 months is-the very best time to sell our dass Shape... . ‘ pause, u. "MM", 35 67 goods. No deposrt is required; outï¬t is. ‘ , Rye, u. u“ I H. 45 47. absolutely free. We have the largest nurs- ~ I ‘ t I ‘ Bommes, n. 65 70 cries in Canadaâ€"over 800- acres; a large a The NeW' Iâ€"Iard’ware Store-9. ' Butter, per lb............... 15* 17 range of VfflWble new specialties. and all . I: . g, Opposite-Inhe- Post-011190. Eggs p8,. dozenuum. “H 14 15 Our stock. is guaranteed as represented. , _ i vayou want to represent the largest, most P _ w HEADQUARTERS for. DAIRY“ SUPPLIES Hay, per. t0“-............. 0. 6,00 600 popular and best known nursery, write us. Hides “"" It will be worth your while. W. McKEOWN’S Hogs (litre). . . . ... ........ ... 5150' 5.85 I Hogs (Dressed) .....,...... 6.50 7.33 Stone & Wellington. I V BGBf-uuu 5-00 6- “oassns’scnsarssr anagrams.†. r . Sheepskins . . . .. 50_ 75 39.3m. Toronto, Om. Wool? 7 Flour, Silver-Leaf; . .. ........ 2.00 2.20 Flour Victoria 1.90? 2.10 It Flour}, Family, Clipperâ€... 1.75 1.95“ J... G. McKaygle &' Cm, BUSINESS, and. will carry a; large ARE You? Como: Bran erlOO lbs .s... 90 1:00 I Sharia:J “ “ . ....... ... .. 1.00. 1-10 (ssrasmsnnp 1879;) .up-tO-da-te stock of p ' r "r 1.10 1.20 * = . . , Z , , Mixed ChOp ,_ BANKERS, urmtuie. E) . Am. also prepared to do. all kinds of ________________'._â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" FERELOH FALLS, -- GMT. I am prepared to supply. all? necessary material pnor". “I; DeSIIâ€"BEBG» ents- TheBank ofBritish North America - - -~ ommmmowemmm Ag _ ' Carnage Making, for House- or“ Barn build-ingot reasonable prices v- i SPECIALIST; trnï¬sggatiial np-to-date banking business Repairing, and and it will pay. you to. consult me befbre buyingf. ' 5‘ Repamtmg. Planing done on. short notice by ï¬rst class. EYES TESTED‘ FREE OF CHARGE Current accounts with merchants and He has always a full assortment 0f ,Spfic‘ business men opened on the usual terms,_ tacles and eyeglasses {OLGWPY descnl’ufm' and careful attention given to the business of defective sight, and guarantees came of 0,“, customers, '~ tion to ever one. . - Salish“! y Deposus Received. .' eh Consultatlon_ Fre Deposit Receipts andCSavings Bankbocks He will be M Fenelon Falls from “f'er‘ issued on account of the Bank of British noon on Monday, Dec- “tufmm "0°" 0“ North America, Toronto, and usual rate or- Dnc; 3rd ; at Scott’s hotel, kmmount, from interest allowed. Thur‘dny. Dec. 4th until Dec. 5th; at the R'ockland House, Bobcaygeon, from.W,ed- W. A. Bishop, nesduy,,Dec' 17311,.“nï¬l-lm’ 13m. Aeting Manager. and to make workmen. DOORS AND SAS‘H’. W Planing done on.‘ short notice. F... SANDFORD. .5 i UP-TO-DATE. JOB‘, PRINTING 8-» Gainer? AT. THE “GAZETTE†OFFICE: