Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Nov 1902, p. 4

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Subscribe for the “ Gazette,” $1 a year. The 1i uor traffic takes from the q and returns them iii licenses only $555,158. _ econ aws FOR sATunnAv surrealism gin [53M WOW WITHOUT A PLOW. ill Eli’iilill ~ f “'ELL WITHOUT A GOOD PLOW. lflll lilll'l. llllM PROPERLY _VVITHOUT TWO GOOD FLOWSâ€"A SINGLE AND A GANG. Vile have succeeded this week in buying a complete set of Dry Goods samples from a large wholesale house at a great reduction in price. These samples comprise Ladies’ Jackets, ladies’ Gentlemen’s and Children’s Winter Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Girls’ Wool Hoods, Toques and Tame, Ladies’ Underskirts, Men’s Top Shirts, Print Shirts, Neckwear, Ladies’ Belts in all the newest shapes and styles, Shawls, Fascinators, Bath Towels, Babies’ Bibs, Mittens and Bootees, Cushion Tops, Men’s Caps, Tweed Pants, Overalls and Smocks; in fact, samples of everything usually carried in stock in an up-to-date wholesale house. These we have bought at a price which enables us to ofi'er them to the public at about half their regular value. Space does not permit us to quote prices here, but we invite you to call on Saturday and be convinced that we can save you money. V N 0 old shop-worn stuff, but up-to-date, seasonable goods that are needed for the coming cold weather. W. BURGOYNE. I SELL THE BEST THEY MAKE. THOS. ROBSON. i'l‘lic Fenclon Falls Suzette.â€" Friday, Nov. 2151:, 1902. - The Big Store. . FARMERS’ INSTITUTE usermes. The annual meeting of the East Vic .toria Farmers' and Women’s. Institutes will beheld here on Friday next, the t A no u A RT E R3 FO R .__, A R R ‘ 28th inst, The farmers will meet at 1 p, m. sharp in Dickson’s hall, and their ' ' ' wives’ and daughters’ meetin will 0 en at 2 p. In. in Twomey’s lullng The gro- ' I ' lcecdi‘ngs at each will be much the same as usual, and at the ladies’ meeting an instructive address on “Contagious Dis- cases" will he delivered. by Dr. Graham. :The joint meeting will commence at C L. *9 i In our tinware. department all kinds of job- work is promptly attended to. ,programme- of addresses and vocal and instrumental music has been prepared. Members of either Institute will head- mitted: free upon producing their tick- ets ;. others will be charged fi've cents. See 'our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing out. We" bought everything befOrev the large advance- which has taken place in hardware the last few months, and will give our customers the benefit of it. Try us. Home Again. Our village sports have all returned 308; HEARII. and this year the amount of venison they brought with them. was rather be- low the average.’ Messrs. Whissile, Ed- wards and Robson, who formed a party by themselves, got four deer and a fine bear, coming twoAyeare old;.which latter was shot by Mr. Whissile. people who delight in “feeling” a newspaper reporten, and- if they can gammon him into publishing something that isn’t. true, their happiness is com- plete. The first yarn we heard about the hear was that it and George tack- eld each other, that he got the brute . down and, while it was under him, man- ‘aged to despatch it with his rifle. This was too much for even. our oredulity, so we made inquiries and finally got at the . truth, which was, that the bear wasdis- . wavered in its den, that Mr. Whissile ‘ . stirred it up until it opened one eye, and then fired a shot that went through his victim’s upper jaw and out at the . ;top of its head. The fact is, the poor 3 ‘brute was murdered in bed, and died before it had time to discover that it was “ a bear with a sore head.” The ,skin was rather small but in good con- dition. and its new proprietor sold it for ,312. The others from the Falls and kits vicinity get less than a dozen deer amongst them, which was hardly one .each all around- The biggest was shot :by Mr. M. H. McCallum, who,per eon- tra, lost all of his five hounds; but he has already heard where-one of. the-lot is, and will probably recovcr‘the major- ity of them. REMOVED. ‘ I ' have removed my Dressmaking business to "the .prooms’t‘ov'er Miss: Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street ‘Entrancegggdocér between the two red steres.“ " APPnEancEs wan-ran, . MRS. M. I}. GAL-DER Furniture and. ‘ Vudertaking. MM Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- " _, ,5 rlages that are Special “ p. Elaine. ‘ Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom- Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line of , Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing- a Specialty. . If you are in need of a Sew- mg Machme be sure and see my styles before buying. Fenelen Falls. :2. DEYMAN, Village Council. Fenelon Falls, Nov. 12th, 1902. Council- met at call of reeve; all the :members present except Mr. McGee. Minuteeef previous meeting read and japproved’. Mr. M cél‘ee entered‘ and took his seat. A Moved. by Mr. Austin. seconded by Mr. Sandfoi‘d, That the solicitor be in- structed‘ to write Mr. John Pugsley, giving him until the 20th inst. to com- ' ply with the terms of the demand made upon him, and in default of compliance that action be taken. to- forfeit the lease. â€"â€"Carried. Personals... ., Mr. J. J-. Nevison took a business ‘ trip to Lindsay on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Max-rs, of Toronto, was at the Falls, visiting his relatives, from. -F‘riday last until Monday. \lirs. James Jewell left, last week, for a few days' visit to her daughter, Mrs. Butcher, at l’ctcrborough. eople of Ontario in a year $18,842,779, 7.30 p. m..in Dickson’s hall, and aâ€" fine ‘ :home from the happy hunting grounds, -. .There are , Mr. Bert Totaney left On Monday for a business trip to Kinmount, Min- den and Haliburton, and returned on Wednesday._ * . Mrs. W. S. Perry, of Saginaw. Mich- igan, is at the Falls, accompanied by two children, visiting her sister,,Mrs. ’ 'F. H. Magee. Mrs. '1‘. H. Dcer and her daughter left on Monday for Sand Point, about six miles from Arnprior, Ont., where Mr. DeOew has been engaged for some time past building a stave factory. f Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the Gtttctle.) This has been a'vcry wet sense". and everyone know; that rain will produce mud, and, as we are gnot blessed with sidewalks here at Powles' Corner, the ed with neglect of duty, andhe is also charged with depending on the public to support him and his family. One of the trustees of the church makes these ignorant and untruthful statements. There is no Christianity about any per- son who will make such statements. There is no person on the face of God’s earth who can keep a church perfectly clean under the circumstances stated above. Two-thirds of those who attend the League every Wednesday night go more for curiosity than anything else, the mud into the church, If those who are finding fault had come as near do- ‘ing their duty as the caretaker has, the basement of the church would not be in the condition that it is. Children who have a natural color in their faces turn send small children to; the 8.8. have protested against the neglect. Money has been. raised from. time to time to not done ? name-home last Monday from the North- west. They seemto like the country well, and will probably- go- back next spring. ’ The boys say it is'hard to get free grant land. ‘ The wet weather still: continues, and some farmers areal'most idle, the ground being so wet that they cannot- go on to 'it. The thneshers find it very disagree- ablemoving, and sometimes get stuck ;in the mud. ‘ ‘ Miss J. Kelli. of" Bhry's Green, has been visiting: her cousin, Miss Mary ,. Fell. here- ’ The social last Wednesday night shoved the proceeds of‘ the fowl supper oway up.te 3.962 The basement of the {completed now. “ Uncle- Tom’s Cabin ”‘ Again. -â€"-â€"â€" -Gabin.”‘ The dramatization of Mrs.Stowe's what the grade of: excellence may be. The Davis.GOmpany is said to give the bestpro- duetion of the play seen in Fenelon Falls by the famous sisters themselves. The characters of Uncle Tum, and Marks are ably presented, and the large corpsefi'colbred singers and dancers, binodhonnds, etc., give a-realism- to the performance. formation scene formsa fitting close to the whole. Admission. 25 and 35 cents. cheap for cash, two coalstovcs and one wood cook-stove, the property of Rev. Mr..Farncomb. Apply to E. Bell.. To Cure 8. Gold in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinlan-Tablets. A-ll druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E; W. Grave’s signature on each box. 250 Era SPECIALIST.~â€"~Prof. J. ll De- Silberg, the celebrated eye specialist, will he at Eenelon Falls from afternoon :oi' Monday, Dec. 1st, until noon on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd. See advertise- ment in another column. Do you wear rubbers ?, If so, buy rubbers with. a: reputation. a century. Fit and“ style speak for themselves. Man Boo'rs AND SHOES.â€"See Mr. Nevison’s advertisement on our. eighth page. He has opened out a choice-as- sortment of boots and shoes, which he says are as good as any in town and will be sold as cheap, and: we have-no reason to doubt his word. Tuscasamnamâ€"M'r. Sandford has requested us to correct the statement, (given on good authority) in our issue of the 7th inst, to the effect that the new creamcry would: be closed from. the end of'December until about. the first of April, as it is to be run continuously, as far as is now knowu. It is turning out from 300 to 400 pounds of butter every alternate day,,the. number of pat.- in ass lfl'i’fl m m. 1‘" Assamâ€"châ€" caretaker oi the church has been charg- . and they all have to stop. right out of .' blue in cold weather; and! parents. who; complete the basement,~ and why is it. Mr. M. Day. and’ his brother David‘ church» will surely be overhauledand. E‘d. F. Davis has secured possession of Twomey’s hall for Tuesday evening, Nov. 25th, in order to give the Fenelon Falls publicanopportnnity to see his spectacular and mammothvproduction of “ Uncle Tom’s historical story has ever been afavorite with the women and children, and- theyalr ways 30 to see the performance,.no.matter~ in a long time. The organization is headed. Eliza, Little Eye. The comic and mechanical , effects are good,.and the picturesque trans- Baacams IN STOVES.-â€"For sale, very ‘ “ C. R. Co.” rub- , bers. have-stood” the test of half Ptl, $18,287,521. was is steadily increasing. and the pres‘ ent indications are that the creamery will be a decided success. ‘ They Take Weeks. Ordinary remedies sometimes take weeks to even relieve cases that Gatarrhozono cures at once. Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes now and again and it cures n cold. Inhale Ontarrhozone five minutes four times a day and it cures stubborn coughs. Inhale ()utnrrhozmte five minutes every hour and We guarantee it will cure anyone of Cat- urrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung or Throat Trouble, Deafness. It is very pleasant and Convenient to use, quick to relieve, and certain as the hereafter to cure. Large size, complete, price 31; small size 250. Draggists or Poison 00., Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. THE NEW CHURCH.â€"Mr. Alexander Mchcod has finished his contract on the new church, which does him and the workmen employed upon it a great .dhal of' credit. lie was not to provide seats, as the first intention was to use those in the church on the hill; but new ones, which will cost 3400, have been ordered from the Globe Furniture Company, of Waterdalc. and they are to be here by the 30th inst. As stated in our last issue, the new church is to be formally opened on. Sunday, Decem- bcr S sthe Gen and thlogrks Oil'thglilold-~ Laxative Bromo-Quinine'l’ablets cure arcold - in one day. No Cure,.No.Pa-y. Price 250. SCHOOL. REPORT.â€"- Weekly report of ‘seniondeptw south ward. J‘r. 3rd class, Grammar, total marks 100. G. Two- mey 97. M. Wilson 85, M.‘ Scott 7.9; E: .Boyce 7.4, li’ls..0urti_s 67}, J. Quibell 6’3, ’At Carley 65‘, J. Minore 59, P. Pulcy 57. H. Welsh 55, M‘. Lansfield 46, R. ,Bnrgess 25,- 7W. Allen 13. Sr. 2nd class, Literature. G. Davies 85, D. Minore 80, N. Davies 78, B. McDon- gall 72, G. McFarland 71, E. Stinson 65,, A. Barry 58, P. Duggan 56, G'. l “ton, teacher. ,most tasty and best constructed rubber shoes in Canada. If you value comfort and Wear insist on your shoe dealer supe- plying you with this brand. :with a painlul though not serious acci- dent, last Saturday, while he and Mr. Bidwell Burgess were cutting some wood at. Mr. Philip Burgess’, on May street. i'l‘hey were using a cross-cut saw, in the teeth of which a “sliver” got stuck, and, just as Mr. Jewell was in the act of removing it, his companion set’ the ,saw. in motion, with the result that the :thumb of Mr. Jewell’s right hand was- badly torn and the third finger slightly. who dressed the injuries, which will keep him idle for a few days.. The Penalty of a. Fast Life Is paid by an irritable condition of body.â€" and mind, by exhausted energy, poor digest» you must and. will live the killing. paee,. 'ofi'Ferrozone, a wonderful tonic and recon» structor. Ferrozone is a. blood maker, a nerve strengthener, a heart and brain in» vigorntor. Itcreates appetite, insures per- fect digestion and undisturbed sleep, re- stores the vitality and strength lost by ex: cessive living, very quickly;. Eon-ozone will dovyoucinestimable good, trysit: Brice- 500. per boxer (theme for $2.50, at drugs gists, onPolson 00., Kingston, Ont: Sold: by, W: H. Robson. BAPTIST' ANNIVERSABYsIâ€"The Fen-- elon Falls Baptist church anniversary. was held on Sunday and. Monday last” Tandzit was in eVer-yzway.a.sucecss.. En 'cellent sermons were-preached, morning:- and evening. by. Rev- L. St. Hi1ghson,. ,of Lindsay,.and special music-was ran-4 dered. by the choir. The fowl. suppen- {on Monday evening in. the-vestry was- partaken of by a. large number-of'perm sons fromdowu and country, and they, were delighteth with- the number: and? variety of; the good things providedz. gAl’tcr'supper the chair. was-taken by the Rev. B. Davies, pastcnofl’the congregate tion, and addresses wore delivered by..- ‘Rcvs. Macnamarn, Sinclair, G'arbutt and Hughson. Rev. Mr. Johnston, of‘ Lindsay, was present, and offered up: the closing prayer. The cash proceeds. of: the anniversary amounted; to.$70. An EXplanation.. “'C‘. R. Co.” rubbers: are rubber shoes MADE. IN CANADA. by the Canadian Rubber Co. FINED.-â€"Ninc young, lellows-appearedi before Col. Deacon in. 'l‘womey’s-hall on. Tuesday. aftternoon, charged. by Consta- ble Brock with having, on the night of' Nevamber 5th, too exuberantly. mani- fested their Protestantism. by letting ofi'i' fireworks and doing other things forbid- den by one ot our-village by-laws. Two. of the accused, who pleadedguilty, had. each to pay a firm which, with costs,, amounted. to $4, and the trial of the others was adjourned until Tuesday- next. Of course Mr. Brock. is blamed by a. good many people, who think that. he ought not to have prosecuted the: boys for having a. little fun on. the. Guy. lM‘cGall‘45‘. M. Adams 40. E. M. Hero I "a C. R, Co.” rubbers are the I' ACCIDENT.â€"-Mr. Wilfred Jewell met . lacerated. He went to Dr. Graham,_. ion, unstrung nerves and brokenslecp. If‘ better. keepinrmind the sustaining powers . ) ., p n i I raggaâ€"mama? : an; QKJZh:::a..nru . A. .,. «‘1 312$

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