Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Sep 1902, p. 8

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Turk '-;-' ""'*'ia;;ea:'< u... l i Warm Weather? iris at Ca mpbeli’s. SWY all.“ ¢°i°>°¢°°°°° ‘ V; '3: _ A. Clearing in-rilfi‘uslih‘s. A fine range in cream, .pink, blue and \vliite'gi‘O'uiitls, __ “with floral designs. Regular price 100., selling for 83. A. Clearing in Blouses. 'We have yet a. fine "assortment. You may - have your choice for 25 percent. off regulanprices. T 78.patterns left‘yet of those fine Scotch Ginghams in red and white, blue and white, pink and white checks, _ and a few fancy stripes. Regular 12% &. 14 ; clearing fer 1%?- A Special in Gotten Hesse. We have in stock 25 doz. Cotton Hose of the kind 'we used ~to~sellat 2 pairs for ~25c. 'They are full sizes, a perfectly fast black, wit-h seamless feet. We sell - them now at 3 pairs for - - - For anythingr you are wanting in Summer Goods give us a call, and we will convince you that we can supply your wants at prices not easily duplicated. cats is we a stove as tassel-s 1 you want, whether a cook stovefbox stove ‘or'an‘y other kind of stove, a Visit to our store will repay i ‘ you. You may think that Ifyour wheeled vehicles need repairing of any des- cription we can do the .f 1 . ‘ - . . , V , ' work as well as anybody, ‘ yet be Ole Wlntel’ but. sometlmes 1t 1‘eqmres clmte .p} in the county. .-a while forwaperson i‘to<"c'iecide just what stove . will suit him best- anda'tlre m ‘e‘ ' “ - I“ ~ â€" We can repamt your . . :_ t. 01 tlme you-take to dec1de, the more likely you are to be sat1shed with theriresult of. your decision. bugg and make it look like a new one, or will sell you a new one and take your old one in. part payment. ' tinnitus & Palmer. EUNS and AMMLEHW’EQH'Of {the “best makes in stock. We can fit. you up for the woods in first i. -. class shape. ‘ A“! W The New Xial'dwval'é St ' > WED: Opposite gtixe Post-OLEYI‘iee W HEADQUARTERS for DARBY SUPPLIES. ‘V . D. PR9 R3, ass véon cosine re oasi- ; POSTERS. DODGERS, BILL HEADS, more nnans, ' ...SE'§§E§§€E l’fiflfifiiifiES and I am prepared to supply all necessary material for House ,or Barn building at reasonable prices, V'-'MASSEV‘H5:EEESH and it will pay you to-cbnsult me before buying, LETTER HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, .1:an IMPLEWEWYS- , Planing done on short notice by first class STATEIVEENTS, PROGRAKIWEES, workmen. GIRCULABS, BLANK NOTES, ' We guarantee good goods at F reasonable prices. ENVELQPES, . RECEIPTS, ETC}, ’VJEDDING INVITATIONS, f; EYEEDIGRIAL CARDS, LADIES’ VESITING CARD“. ~We have lately” added a stock of type and stationery for printing Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc., and can turn out first class work at reasonable prices. . Q 7 : a " , F. efliisfiFQQQ. - Call and see our Instruments 1 . and machines before buying. . Shep opposite Post-office, FENELEE FELLS. - M\Y1L‘l‘.l,1902. . cute and see sampies. W 5‘ @azette” @iiiee. . 1'4. I I v . i - :33 7 '. .;.\J a. Esta I f I i g v 0 a Secess in Toronto, Ont. o o 326 W. R' h v' . Y. EGAN, Specnailst, no. 539,1ioi‘331’i3.5t f“ ----.§EGQND “135538! EQURT Francis Street West. . -"OF THEâ€" ' County of Victoria. lhe next sittings of the above Court will be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenclon Falls ON MONDAY, OCTOBER l3ill, 1902, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, October 2nd, will be the last day ot' service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, September 30th. ’ E. C. EDWARDS, E. D.HAND, Bailifl“. Clerk .. Fenclon Falls, July 8th, 19;;2. GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. _ . ' 1, We desire to call your attention, to the following line or goods,just received: . - - Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound packages (East Brand); Fine Filiated Currants; Selected Valencia Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Cross'e & Blackwell’s Peels; Soft-shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble .Walâ€" nuts; Shelled Almonds. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will offer special value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy - /‘~ ///1. p :- THE MOST RELIABLE and Successful Authorityâ€"Greatest success in the treatment of Hernia ’ p. (Rupture) Varicocelo (False Rupture) of all known agencies in modern times. He who makeaa specialty of one department must certainly be more experienced and capable than thoso having' ' “ many irons in the fire.” Don’t put oi‘f your case, believing it to be simpleâ€"Remember neglect often proves fatal. Have your case attended to now, and thus avoid danger. Stop wasting time and money elsewhere but come to one whose life-long study has taught him what to do. Do not; despond or be deterred from seeking further advice, or because of repeated failures consider your case incurable. Because others failed in your case you have become discouraged. This is the very E, F , F Eu ass . w. '82 . - , a. g: 1:. r; _ s. . tune you should consult me as my reputation has been made in curing ho eless so-cnlled cases. Elli a. a a £11 LADIES suffering from Navel or any form of Rupture should no? hesitzitc in boiling their case attended to at once. Everything strictly private and professional. M0 I‘H ERG â€"Look to your childrenâ€"Now is the time to have them cured, while young. is printed every Friday at the oiiice, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 ..$l.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. - Atdvortising 13:11:05. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the lirst insertion, and :1 cenls per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and at moderate prices. satisfactorily arranged, no reason why youshould not consult me at once, during this visit. There is no other alliiction to which man The universal tendency of these conditions is to glow worse and more complicated-leading to im- Don’t allow them to grow up handicapped in the race of life, with rupture. MY CHARGES are within reach of all, the poor man as well as the rich. Terms can be m ‘ - n MEN OF ALL AGES SUFFER I V 3 fl 8 E from this terrible affliction in some way. ' L i B is ireir that so completely unflts him for the mamaâ€"IIIâ€" duties or pleasures of life as Varicocele. potency, nervous dehility, wasting, stricture, lumbago, sexual exhaustion, etc. Do you intend to allow this insidious affliction to sap away your vitality? It is doing so now and if not checked will 51-. result in the above conditions. . N 0 matter how serious your case‘inay be, time afflicted, or the fail; ure you may liave‘cxperienced in trying to be cured by medicineâ€"free trials, or Electric beltsâ€"my BiOtOlllO system wul care you ; the-\vlormyb value return to their normal condition and hence the sexua organs receive proper nouns unen 18 parts become vitalized and man] owcrs return. No temporary benefit, but a PERMANEN l‘ bne. N O OPERATION necessary. Ni), detention from business. if you have had. the usual experience ou have no doubts eat 1 ums . L. .1, still larger quantities of time searching for the relnedy that I offer yoii horozlrge 3 0: money and I SPECIALIST WILL VISIT: Listsav, Benson House, sept. 25, 27, 28. rarities sans, Monday aftel‘lioon and evening; Tuesday all Goods, Lamps etc; ‘ Boer nan SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can buy. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suitsaalso a, nice line of Ulsters and Overcoats. ' These are only 'a few of the w goods just placed in stock. You are invited to take a close look through'the stocks and compare prices whether you buy or not. a _ Our 250. Tea is immense value. lines of ne E. D. H A ND, Proprietor. JCS. MGFARLAND. GilliganSim Simmer) day until 2 p. m. 15133378 only, sameness as as mess Gensuit Specialist Early. “@a ‘MEINLEN, - se'eeeaseees t our srnnr. «:3..â€" ‘ OCTOBER last. ‘J. G. Fa'icKeggie '& 00., (rsrwtlsnan 1879.) BANIKERS, t er GHAEELAINES. ' * Brown. Grizzly and renews FALLS, - our. . W, 3 v Agents: TheBank of British NGitli America. Blah mam‘g’wan HAND MADE’ -\ n‘cneral rap-lo-date banking business To Mbnt'real 0.1‘ New York My 1 “Assam, for choice patterns or low a They are USEFUL Curl-ant accounts with merchants and prices in ' SD ! business iron opened on-lhc usual terms, and careful attention given to the busmess oi‘our customers. WALL. PAPER. life have them here now for your selection. - 'NOTI. COSTLY. A LARGE NUMBER or PATTERNS TO ' ' SELECT FROM. . ‘ will keep you warm. Come and see them. Deposits Received. and Savings Bank bovks Dvrnsilnm‘l‘” A large stock of Horse' issued on account of the Punk of British . 3mm. America, Toronto, and usual rate oi Blankets, Trunks, Valises, GUGD’WIPH’S, A ~ ’ .0 i . l 7- ?“Wm‘. ""‘md‘ etc, always on hand at UNDSAYs ' Bfltton Bros Jewellers .’ . I w. A. Bishop, ,NEXT To “ ' Acting Manager] Harrison’s Harness Shop. l SIMPSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. Foot at Kent Street. @@@@@@W

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