- M Ernoms'r -' ANNIVERSARY.‘â€"- The Tc‘Cure-a. Cold 1n one Day anniversary services in connection with Take Laxative Bromo Quininc TabletsmAll the Fcnclon Falls Methodist . chum], druggists refund money if .it fails to cure. will be hard 1M5 ya", on Sunday and E. W. Grove’s signature on each box. “A good cause AUDITORS’ REPORT. l'vl’onllay. October 12th an l 13th. ’tcv. .â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"'â€"â€"â€""‘â€"'â€""â€"" k n ‘ GiWV. l‘lcndchon, of Cambridge St. Estray Iâ€"Iouna. ma esas’crong arm. :‘1 â€"â€"â€"~ The School Treasurer 1n account with Union School SCCllOD " The Makers know- ing first that every Methodist church, Lindsay. will preach on Sunday at. 10.30 a‘. m. and 7"‘p. m. Game to the premises of utbe subscriber, on the night of Sunday, the let inst., a No. 3, Fenelon Falls, for the year 1901. 'J, . w. .1. “w £§?;?ltl::o€xl;bejcbtc:;om 3‘?†1153:: large black and white Hound, with a good~ \ ’ __ h 1 d . - r ‘ deal of Ian on .his head and wearinga new '- , ' ' ' . ; 19L! Snbï¬cr, “ What the pulpit has. a leather collar. The onner can have him JRLQOI‘ 1 To bruénce on hand ' D1. V , $ m 59 pair is wort ' rnzht to expect from the pew.†' Special by proving property and paying charges. ‘ 30, C‘ash ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' H3 '2, a {med value, through music by thechuir at both services. JOSEPHJACQUE. April . 10 n. "I, L: 2'30 (,0 . . . lil‘dndn‘y eveningr supper will boserved I‘cnclonl‘alls, Sept. 24th, 1902.. 3 . “ " “~ Township of"Fenelon i‘or1900I: l . . . . 308 00 . their price on if, the basement. 0, the church, from 5 May 22 _50 00 nlclncl{, after which the ReV. G. , “ II-I-O--on-------uec.n.... . . . . . . . . ........ 921) ‘ 7 . n u 1- ' ""..0000‘I'C'..’cb o o u n . u n ~ c c n I I o u a I 000‘. a \l . Henderson Will (i’éllvel‘ his celebrated 1 fl 5, fl 0 Oct_ 14 newsman, gram, 139 00 “The-Slater Sheer" lemme “"“lk‘d' " wm'km'si loafers and “ Cash. balance of 1900 levy 256 49 . ' -- 'eronkcrs.†A‘spccial musical lprngram - - - 8 H I K E N S ' ' " “ “ on 1901 ...... 23 51' 'I ‘ will ,also be renamed. Admission to a ’Jec. 28“ “ - 5177-28 " Supper and lcclumlzï¬Ã© chudmn 15c, wanied expflï¬u» " “ ~ Reazin’s order, perrF. McD'ougall’T . . . . . . . .... 100 00 ‘ - , 600d)?“ “RI-"ad? . _ ,. ' " . 1 . . Cashde.T.Junkin,Ver’1’mlcvyfor1900,3111 Nov ’00 66 00 II . THE MCORDURU?" ROAD,aâ€"Aï¬ the We want your-Chickens alive or dressed. u u u 19n1,30mNov_’m 57 50.. J L ARN Ln S 1 I ,1 A†{negating of, the village council held on “17c will pay the highest CASH PRICES f0? “ “ by Go. Treas. for-lenv’g& comsclasses 275‘ 00â€"$2823 53 g ' ' 0 ’ 0 e 100“ Sent" August 6th, Mr. Austin moved and Mr. a l the p ump buds offered. We send slup- 1901 Or. I I ping crates iron. I . Enquire for prices-and dates of; delivery. McGee scoonlid, that $25 be OK ended -- I , - - ' . . ‘ ~ I L ' . H p .Apul By cash paid B.H.Maybee,sala1y...... .... ......$ 129 00 , R'.‘S.Rowland, “ 100 00 m" Fmqu Street .005: ffmn ‘Idhn Mc‘ from Joseph McFarland, Fcnelon Falls, cr- ‘ . .' . ~ W ‘ , i . l ‘ g“ .13, . , i . r-r ’% Kin-non s to Mrs.- Tag._,.irt 3 house. . 'l-he write at once to u 1:113: $2: :, - The TRENT VALLEY NAVlGATlON 00., .. motion WM carrmd “'“lmut Uprn-‘Mwn. DUNDAS & FLAVELLE BROS, u in!†iiIii'flm’ u r“ ‘5 I LIMITED- - and the work in accordance with it has I 5 9m. » Lindsay. ,, M35? 1,, L ".lglmm’“ ' ' ' ‘ †' ' ‘ ' " " ' "' :6 2- ~. _ d , . f _ d, jss Iacmven, o6 Zn been .cuminence. no plecc 0 H32) 1:. 31,53 Bel], u “...â€..H." 18 75 I 4 ' upon which unprovmnents are being,r fl . p u Mrs. Warren, H _ u†H... .-11 25 , -, . .,-..u;_. ,. made is known as the .“ corduroy †or . . . . June 30 13. H- Maybee, †125 00 I - r ' . . u'saWdUSt H road, boca use. at; least half VSVéIl'J‘Ilie 2:87;“ I; Igowland’ I. I I I 'I I I II I ' II I I I. 130 (0?) PTI’ I n . . . - - : ,' :iss 1e 5 ?;:l;é_;10?Ԥa§lfls. more :31 less. Of It; Exgï¬aï¬agï¬wyretummg until u - Miss Iï¬gimm’ “V "I." I“. H†“u†62 50 P -r ' , r.“ ‘3, ‘ “0:13,: 5‘}? ° S‘ffl‘l’» 3“ , . 35 N“- 3°“" ‘9†“ Miss Bellinghnm, u ........ 56 ’25 June lst to October 1%. ins 1331' was l“ n 029. WHOLWCV": V “ Miss Macniven, “ ...,........ ........ 56 25 . B I . I. ‘ originally covered with sawdust from RETURN “MS To “ ' I ’Mig‘ls Be“; “ - 18 75 Sï¬fï¬ggï¬ï¬‚mtlxe S JrlnI flcItId PIII‘nI the "ï¬ll, owned any “he. “IdAHhu‘lS‘ that ',._ linesâ€"rim, _ . . _ I _ } ( I u . Mrs. “Tm-pen, H‘ . . c . . . . . v . . . . . a . . . g. 11 25 Lindzay arrive 8 40 u u .5 30 “ stood -. nearly Oppmine MIR rl-aggartvh“ Esfécgna: >Y00rmggafx Oct. l‘ I ‘“ . ... . ... ... a «rave 1100 u u 5 45 u ' The logs have. been removed and. the E1?“ ------ . a . 1‘ ' -) ’ ‘ "" i- ' a Sturge‘m Pt “ 1210 P-m- “ 6 55 “ . _ Anola _ . I _ _ _ I pnAibm-t" r MISS Nle, ‘ .................... (5 00 301,0“. 6 n . 115' u u 810 u around home now a wad deal drler Myosomin Maclcod ..... } $30 “- Miss Ingram, H . 62 50 ‘~ g 0 '3", J than itcnrlglnully was, a road of brnkon - ‘ calgary u r miss Bellingham,“ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 56 25 ' Saturday’s boat will await evening Toronto. -~ stone of cvmcidorablc thickness is being ginscarth .. . Rsti PEEL... } u I Macniven, “ . ... . . u . . . o n .. . .n 56 I 25 tnun- Meals served on board. made. I When it is ï¬nished. waqgmis 353;}? SIIraLhc-ona†“ ' ‘ M153 Be“: “ . . .. . u. ng - - ~«'_' 13 7?. » :Fenelon Falls agt., D. Gould, telephone : . ' “ Mrs. Warren, “ ........,. .....'. ...... > 12’ 2‘01 ’- exchange». Will be able to 9:0 that way to the houses . . . Dec 30 B H “hybee ,‘ , 125.00 _, ‘ beyond. and m R-ntllbun's ,,§*‘2;t‘ ff“ org“? Orkghï¬z‘mn SW“ u .E iiinom’, u ::::'.'.::'.'.'.'. 68- 75: _....__.... instead ni‘ around by the boumlut‘i'. k 'l ‘me’ In at†a“ “3' “ Miss Nie, “ 75’ 00 -‘ I > which will save a loner distance every For Pamphlet smug WWW-1:)DM‘PICHIMS: “ » Miss- Ingram, “ . . .. . . .. .. 6‘2 50 ' ' “'lPi and Farmers who come to the to the. “camsio‘l‘md'u†‘I‘Mlï¬c ag‘mt’ ‘ missxflllqghami: '- - - - - - ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " †' NR ,, . _ h I. __ . .. ~ ~ ‘ lSSiflClllVel’l o . 3"â€3 13»? “mt. mad dmmg "Mb"? . A- 14- NOTMAN- * “ » Miss Bell, ’ H .‘ ....... 18 75 a ‘l U W' ' “mes mil 1‘0 ' ..Ongcr have to dodge In, Ast.Gcn.Pnss.Agi,1KingSLEastfl‘orontm ,;. >1! .‘ , Mrs. Warren, “ . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 11 25 and out to avord stumps and stones. . p . . , Jan. ' .. EKILBSJoz'Slalp, wood .. 32 ï¬ght, @hamhga‘s ~ . â€"â€"‘â€"‘â€"‘_â€"'â€"â€"â€"__' . J V, v ' ......g...III-.......I..'. . - '~ ' ‘ G Martin account : 7 95 . . . , 1 . y y o o - - ‘ v . a . , .. _ ‘ BLAEԠR’IED‘ _ 2 MW > . W ‘ W a Memw . March» 9 . John Martin, wood. . 46 75 IS pl‘flla‘ef‘l ’Oflfl‘1’1'J'fl“ Pfol’l‘, "Egg EAoEâ€"WINDRIM.â€"â€"At the Methodist Par- ' ~ ,' A “91 1 r I x,- ~ .- . q . . d t 23 75 55W {‘“C --“râ€â€™â€œ" ‘â€g ,Cmmll.‘ “ll 1 ‘- -A ' . , 1 l \\. T tannin, balance. of .alaiy to a e.. u,“ [m d B , ,. T q ,. nonagc, Lindsay, by the Rev. Mr Henderson, _. u -F.‘J. Kym. “gleam,†‘ ' . _- . ' _ _ . _ . _ . _ u 30. f u b {‘11 H ‘Al- 8 l‘)1\E~a 130â€! Mm 019 ' on Wednesday, September 24th. Mr John g “ I-l.'Puley,IaccouInt ..... ......... 25 and Wm“ _ ‘_ R-. Earle. to_i\liss Maggie Winxirim, both of May 9 i H Linncy, pri‘nting..‘. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 Estimates pmmpnv given on all kinds 0, “19 lO‘VHSlHD 0f Somcrvme- ‘ l I ‘ “ C Lev, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 2 17 cemetery work ' a GRAIi.\.\i-â€"-'Aus'i‘1x â€"-At the residence of I55: 0, _ ' “ I S. Sharpe . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . l 50 ‘ _ the bride's parents. Feuclou Falls, by the I y .I June 30 F McDougrall...I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 16 05 Marble Table Tops, ' Wash Tops, Mantle - Elev. Otto C. D. Klaehn, of Dcsborough, . " , Sept. 11 Kennedy, Davis & Co , account . . . . . . 2 88 Pieces, ctc.,~',:t specialty. Out, the bride’s brother-in-law on \Vednesr , 13 J: T..Tliompson work . . . . . . . . v. . . . . . . . . . . ~ '50 , , , ’I ' (lay, September 24th, Mr. llobcrt John I L " ' 18 V G; Barry _ I _ . . . l I . u , _ ' , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , U _ 93 1 Being a practical workman, all should 3 -G-i:1ham, of Kinmountw to Annie Alzina, ;_ ‘ ' I “ Kennedy,Davis 85 00., lumber.... . 3 ‘13“ 59° “‘5 ‘leS‘gns “mid cumlmm Prices berm"? ‘ . eldest daughter ot‘llr. John Austin, Warden I w Aug. 23‘» _ G, McFadden, painting, . . . .. _ . H , . . , 10 00 purchasmg clsrwnore. 'of the County ofVicloria. V , , ‘ ' ' “ “ uu-uu G5 00 W 7p m__ 1 ... ,, _ .. . ' g,w,m,,G3[_HUGHES,_ At the Rncmry .. ,GOLD,ScIL\/ER§§RA$S, i: Sept. 18 V R. Rutherford, work .. . .. . . .. 2.1 00 , C hfgtiflln t m E?“ Of 'th",N‘1‘(:l‘°1. " , , 1 ICKLECOPPER GLASS 13 ,.~ . , 6 00 am 11 no st , oppomtc the ,iacmnn hon“ " -._.1elon Falls, by the Rev R. MacNam tra, MARBLE :wm-D‘b-w-s . ’ G.“’1353,\.\:01‘l(. . .. .. . . . . .. I.'. .. . . . . .. . . .. . (niWVedncsdnY, September 24‘1HMP. George ‘ :I r I ‘tt Gr. l],SStié‘, water. . - . . .-.. . . . . . . . . n o . - . a 3 00 ~ Edward Citvanagh, of the township ol‘ Som- , .L ‘ , - D00. v. W. Jeffrey. work .. .' . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ 1 4. u.- “ , i; . o0... er'v‘illc,‘ lo Miss Margaret Hughes,“ . the 4 Cr. '3 l . 3GP“??? Work - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- I I _ township oqulwny. ' - ' . ou' ,nccoun V _‘ ,_ ), I~ - ,. 7 ‘31 "or - “ G. McGee “ 295.. 1 ,, I - , ' or ,..’§â€â€˜,§";‘.,.8,3“k.{:ï¬%;"j§§‘,{};e,§§§ t1§t%l:f,‘;g' P1 1“? N" (50,315" †John JoneIs, work ....... . 3 50 . Lveiy 1381801118 001 dially ‘ _ p D ’ , ‘ , V , . , 1 . l ‘ v ‘ L :I‘ . _ I . - i ‘ V . . f on Wednesday, September 24th, in- wn. $33,?“ °“ 3 “ ROB m 5 Dmg, Z‘,_ ‘ “0‘â€?ng 33mm“ A‘Mm' “ccm‘m ' .; minted. to attend- linm llilcy to Miss Mary Campbell. both of T I I 1 h 1.9,, "1.; IRE-{)ngolqi‘c’gdn't‘ ' ' " ' ' " ' ‘ " ' ' ' "‘ 4 .90 ‘ ~ “3:. the townshi ) of b‘euelon.. 0 lllll'm "00 “"3 W11 give 3'01†0 I.'I f‘ ‘ ' ‘ I ' ' - I' . - A ,. . . u I I' 'â€"____1____________________._ ï¬rst box forgo 0611133. g g’lclieltilliaters-H """"""‘ """ i) I .5 .v Dmv- ‘ 3,. ' g u R' shill":::::-'.'.;:'.°.'.'.::‘.:':: 12:: 21:: 2 17 or . ’I .- Joannaâ€"At Haliburton, on Wednesday-,-: I I †W, T.IJIIIunl<in, salary». . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 37". .50 y _ , i _ - “, Cash balance on hand ..... _535 Ellâ€"$3823 53 September 24th, John J. Jobbitt, conductor on Gr. T. R., aged 40 years. __________. _, _ ' 335::{W Audited August 1211'], 1902. J. 0- IEITZ(}ERAIJD,} Audnors‘ on Il/hmday and :TIIGSClfl-y, sermon FALLS MARKETS. E w,“ F- J- “ERR, ‘ f 'i- 4, ,5 V J ‘ : x r . m Fenclon Falls, Friday, Sept. 26th, [902. il‘ï¬yï¬' SM . ' Wm ï¬sï¬Ã© $@Iï¬ Re.crud-1y£.’au~1\'crtlz Shirl-3554197» JIM Co_ a F 53; Q? 3“ _ mi. , scotch or Fife 68 1 7oI pk’lï¬ggï¬ya (33:3 1 , , . . . q o - The very newest and ߠ.1 “bwhel'm 60 " .. a ,5, W. The School l‘reasurer 1n account With UnlOll'LCllOOl Section . , . . . . - Wm“ "“ JP ‘ 02 is?» 1 a most lamiouaole cï¬â€™ecus 1n .. “‘“W‘. Wâ€? h g0 62 W "* ‘U‘ "2 W’ V" W ‘ N0. 3, Fenelon halls, from the 01st day of December, F 11 XI“, ‘ I, Barley-Ire" “3 e 5 3S . v; 1:11 man . 3m 9 ,- u- ‘l‘t lucry. sucii as p. 0-. I‘ucl-zwheat“ 38 40 it, EM E. "n" , 1901 to the 1st. da of Atwust 190 . V - , 6mg, ,,_ 26, 27 F “Egg. E E in ..m I V 2 y I o 7 1 ham.) .Vel has, Fits, APT~ .. w -- as FNI"¢_. _ _ » . - . Pulse, “ 6° 0" Dr, I pllque, 3tibbons, etc. etc.~ Rye, “ 43 45 ‘33 9‘13 1903- Poratoes, ,“ I .... 35 40: I' - . . u Jm 1 '1‘) ("1:11 balance-on hand from-1901.... 535 91 I 1 assorted ctr (31' of ' . Butter, per 1b...." 15 ‘ 17 3nd “ilnlcftl’lly ta’ If“ 1 ' (Cn‘h from Village Treasurer 594 73â€"31130 (3,, A1 ‘ "’ "’ " ) ‘ Egg‘, )cr dozen...... 13 14. on u )- or. a :e s (K . I ’ v ' Elas’erer L011 . . . . 5.50 6 50 . ft 1 n I L Q 0 II ' I Cl . Really Its-Ellegu: gulls I Hides . 4.50 510 111111 ldb. - Jan. ByIcash paid S Sharpe 21 no“, Opun for insnnct'o Hogsdive)................ 030- 660 ., . a; u - W Siovous.......... . . . . . f" 0 . '1": ' 9“. Hugs (Di’csscd)’....'..I 050 7.50 AF,“ 0150 Plepm‘cd to do ' C.\Visc. ...... v n no . . , . um . . . . . . . ..... . 5m V (5.00 all kinds of ' . » C Kcnst - - - . - . 0 '12 _ ' _ _ . phpopskinsuunuHH.H_ 25' 50 ~ I . 1 g ' Iv Jos.Iâ€"leard..........................,....:.‘3’ 6 Z7 I I Wool 7 12 Gamma Mgr-ring“ March 20 ' r. Sandford...... . 17 ..53 -. . . . .. . ,_ Flmll'y RllVOP Leaf u 2-00 Z-Z‘ll 26 E M. Horton Zn - .. . r Flour,-Virt0ria 1.00 2.10 ““ “ llliunic ingram.... . 20 i=0 Flour. Family, Clipper.... 1.70 1.90 H Minnie Ingrnrn...... ------ --o- ’39 59 Bran, per Wt) lbs . . . . . . .. . 9;“) 1.0;â€) “ , Martha Bellingham :6 2‘3 t H Shorts, “ “ 1.00 1.10 and to 1119159, > “ Lottie Mncnivon 09 20 a. 0 Mile Chop “ 1.10 1.20 » u Bessie 7:3 00 . Ju'athmnvr-x‘z’ (l IIIIZIIiu§YbeeII' ... "HI" ..n ...... .....I igxI I II ' ‘_ .ï¬ â€œ Mrs.Warren..................u--.--- _|’ I Law“??? EziYflmmâ€"E Fr. 5..†Tim: .. ml u Miss non...... ..... . ,1815 ~ , ~' . ELM. 2.39M 3:599 ., ,laï¬naasï¬ ï¬ning; @I' l “ Samuel Brolicnshirc .. .... .. . . ...... '1 l5 ‘_ an a“! u-floq . , . . . ...-nil 2 [-0 The greatest living adviser, will be at the '4 ELVIS nQEBWI" l Mn} {hgémpc . . . . . . . . . . 1 go ' Mansion House. Fonclou Falls, on Monday, . N a . i A . . . . . . .... .... .... .... .... '_ 1.. ' .- . - ,. ‘. ». v 7 mu. [lortou.......... 68 7o . DrIIptI -III-III’ IlIlIII “III- IIIIIIIIIII (m6 “LOI‘I « ~>II ‘5 ‘ , if 9 June 2“ BBSle Nie . . . . ...... . .... -. ...... ...... 75 00 Dunlop Cushion Heelsâ€"wearlikclcathcra lour cairn-at lite read like au)opcn book by 0 U0 j. t); o ,, M. H. Henderson . , , _ _ . , ...... 7t 25 ' _‘ givewu aï¬m, foothold and you can wan: the ‘ll:‘<,‘exlIllll Sewn“, 0f [almlstry‘ No I I u Louie Macniven ...... .... , , .. .... .. .... 56 25. “Ifar withoutgrowingwenry. Samplcpair,50c.. ’ Cllonp li'lUnIS, lull". :l Mam statchicnt Of facts. “ MMMM Bellinghflm I†I“ I - i . U H H . “I. 53 ’25 Aushoemakers. or “The direct. ltnsinoss. marriage, all affairs, troubles, H B'†“me 125 00 ’ _> h _ I ‘ “mil-hm ill healih, changes, lstuits and ,, NI": “RIPâ€, II'II TH" 11 25 (-vory matter ot' interest is dealt with in a ' _ u 33:11“ "" ' "" " ' ' 18 75W. N0 HORSE sh0uld bcwlthoutthc :‘ i‘liLS : -, Xv , ‘i ‘ _ ' - I “ragga- ‘ ............ . . . . - ...-ota~o---- I 21.2.1355:- ,.::‘..â€â€˜;‘TS‘1... 3.“. 3.123%..1‘ltlfo’l ! "lie, alum†“jâ€: July 2 1;, chkw------ igg DUNLQP , Mme La chlc» whose enormou‘ ex icricnco llfur l‘“ “VS-39“ l7"0 l5 0‘ ""N Joml‘mhv 1†I - . 0y ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' " " ‘ " ' "†U“ ‘ 6‘ and WM; â€f‘ Hum. Olmme 1101.50 (1:31 Wm, i Canada last year. Every safe and rle- “ “1. ll. Stevenson .. ..... ..._... .. .... .. u 21: “w in,“ intlicm} “mum of life Do you gimme Swlc of Whey issued. a hécliougall, Brandon &.Auslm . 11 ;5 They prevent lapping hmmcq primed -' - u'.‘ .' . a . n ,_ .. I. “ . arr'.............. . . . . . . .......-. _ s -â€"( i_sâ€"â€"s (x w_ls.h tn “ m l†11h: 3 “Mlle Ale 5011.511“; 5 THOF . . l'Enll'glIl i‘ï¬ll S U ST Shurpye, H, _ _ ,, , , . , . .. . .. . ..... ... ... l 75 tendOnsâ€"cmckcd beefsâ€"balling and caiikcrs. lllcmll: "fI {11050 “‘lth Whom 3'0“ {we denlmg- ‘ I I ' “ \V T Junkin . H . _ . H O _ . . . . H 17 50 Sample sets sent direct. Any blacksmith can ’ D‘o things go wrong and get lWlSl.C‘tl ? Have fï¬â€"â€" “ G ' .b 11 "" " ' 2 00 _ putthem on. you enemies? Are there troubles in your ' “ C'Igmï¬f "" ' ' " ' "" " " ' ' ' 'N 50 . WRITE. FOR CATALOG _ social married life? If so, it Will be. LAKE‘fVIE‘iN BUILDING LOT “ . J'Aelizen'n'c'd'; "" """ "" 3 50 I ' ' perfectly plain m lime La chle. who for w, .. n 7 -’ . ‘- ' ' "' ' ‘ ' ' "u" I I n 35 h D ' C I years has been the accepted adviser ot' he“ JALL†1. 3‘1‘ 2 ‘3 T C 0. . _ llmufmfls' P†"{It deSPmrlemIc influx. .1101 N0 Hi B‘H‘il strrrt West, Fcholon ~ I I “ Cnsh bahincc on hand... ...... .... 54 44â€"31130 ‘34 LIMITED ' l ' 13"?) 0Ҡ.l""‘m‘ l "? “my lmmn'"? m‘ Falls, containng Oneâ€"half an acre, more or --'"â€"â€""â€"' TORONTO " being tldVlSCd' by it_. Lawsuits, husmcss less_ APPLY to Aud.ted Auntâ€, 8m 19 2 J. C_ FITZGERALD _ 3 changes, marriage, dworca, all that relates l THOS' ROBSON' . l o. 3 ~ ' u ~ F. J. KERR ’} Auditors. . ..a tune can be.told- Fee 500-... , _ . ' ’ L 00le Depot for Dunlop Carriage Tires I ;‘ '..,n._n,f ‘o‘w'lqphmvs ‘~,-,’,,Vv-imaw_, -:“;sr€i~;cw§rr‘ar€$r’~qd~tr’ 1% 5... :w'““i¢“ “in; I; ~ y" a:- cr“;'.:_