. . ~ 91"., . ........ an... l], , ; ‘71""‘"â€i:{v.'b =;-.. l .â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" " ‘ " ‘ â€"â€" “ ’ ' -‘ ' ‘ ' v- *1 ‘4\ . , l ‘ Glmlflentina - . - - - "unallqu TttANKserr-NG- DAY.:â€"â€" Thursda‘yy. ' D°uble 1.3mm“Weflwesmm“ï¬lm October 16th, has been ï¬xed upon as: 1,1, . E, ioéeflpml: . . .. . ...-..n-L-hm_‘1‘and Thanksgiving Day. It will be the sec- ,3. " I ~ ‘ “ 7 Beyond the Gï¬Ã©ag‘ggggg'ï¬gum,â€smug oud day of- the agricultural show here; ~ =5. l "" A _ I The Vultures .. .. ....Merriman and,i"as is hopeless to expect. that the ~ ' Hold to Ransom. . u . . u . . . . nuForestel’ stores will be closed,-wc suggest that the - , The Mystery of Clasped Hands. .G.‘Bo.othly next day, Friday, be observed as“ 1,01. , if - Shila McLeod.t. . . .. N . . . .... . . . “ ida as scarce] ' .1“ bod from the . , If yew-want. The Fighting Troubadour. . .. . ... Gunter y' . ‘ _) t y y .ï¬ -. ' The surprise Empty Romuuuu a country Will bein town on-that day. The Outlaws .. .,. . . . . . . u. . . . . Armstrong; Personals. Ringing in the Ears: - This is an unfailing sign of Ontarrh, and ' if not checked will ultimately result/Jinx deafness. The simplest remedy is‘Oatarrh- - ozone, which, if' inhaled a few times daily, prevents the catarrhal condition from . spreading. Catarrhozone quickly stops the - ringing in the ears, head noises, gives perâ€" - mancnt-rciief; to catarrhal deafness. For ' Catarrh‘in .any part of the system, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Lungor Throat Troubles, . Cntarrhozone is a speciï¬csâ€"and is guaranteed : to permanently. . cu-re'or your money backs. ' On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, we will have aspecial Bargain Day. ‘ Big reductions in. every department : Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, tool Binder Trina alienâ€"pg got-to THOST; retro-ll; Mr. William..Cam.pbell left. on .Thurs fdayzfor Montreal:~ ' - ' Miss May Heard left on Monday to attend the Victoria Road fair. . Miss Moran ,. of; Bellevillc,~.is‘ visiting ‘Mrs. Garbutt at the Methodist Parson- ‘-.»“4‘<..â€..‘ '- ~ u . .7. ,,.-_.~ :- ,t ..,.r .,.>... ~-umm;-=v.a~fï¬m:m~._. ,. _, .. _. ._.. .. a if, ,, a. M x '4 ' I 3 age. l mm a.. a». ' , 5' ' , s , . ' . a. W . . , _ . ,-, i lugâ€"jinn tookâ€"n -. Ml. GGOIfâ€"IC Regen, 0i. Pdlt Hope, IS Large Size-2st, trial srze Zoe. Drugglsts or - 1 W is at the Falls visiting his .nephew, Mr. N..C..Po1son & 00., Kingston, Ont. Sold: v ,_ ' i '. , . , ‘ p .. » , John Quibcll. by W- H' Robson" l: We ï¬nd. W3 have to do this 1n order to make-’ FLYWflflTH! ~ ' Rev. Otto.» Kshlelln-,~ of "De‘sborough, THE . EAL; SHOW.‘.’-â€" Thle f Fienelon - gr. w ‘ " Oot., has been at the Falls since Thurs- Agricultural. ociety's anuua . al show at l room for new Fall Goods. BRAHTFBuD,. any 0,. last week. . ,5 mb, held h, “,9 _d,,,,,,g Wk 0,, _ I ' RED STAB Miss Eliza Welslr,of'-Rbchcster, N.-'Y.'. Wednesday and Thursday,0ctober15th . ,, early and get ï¬rSt' Gil-10106" I ’ has been at the Falls, visiting her rela- and 16th. . Last†year .«the, printing in » MBGDRMEGK- . ï¬ves, since Saturday, , connection with itzwas donein Lindsay ;.; W. E - Mr. John dean, of Ops,.has been this year it: was all given to the Fenclon-t ‘j' . '- y . . 1- °, : mitiughis brother-Air. William Jordan Falls Star,»\vitho.ut. the Gazelle being -_ g a I l A“ all) pl Ices tllajc W111 at theill‘a'lls sitico Saturday. , allowed to tender for it. , Iii this isn't t, Three Store-S" defy Colnlmtltlon- Miss Vina Ellis was at Lindsay frOm unfair,-wc don’t know what is. y. ,‘f i I Tlml'Sday 0f 1‘15†Week “0m MOUdaYa SCHOOL ltEPO-n'r.v--Jl'.Althclassmorth . ‘i, , _ visiting her friend, Miss Strp‘ddard. ward; Spelling. value 100: N '-\Vilson , if. " ' a w "17"" Mr- George 07Leary. 0F: oroutorwas 100, 8. Ellis 100.. V.’ Church 100. V. The Fenelan F‘l‘us G‘umje' on a visit to friends and relatives at the Sum-pt, 100,- N_. 11,13,†93’, [g Mm, _ Paints, Gite, Wall. Faber, Ellipsis, etc. ' arrived at the Falls, on Sunday 'ing, several. residentsstarted for ~Il‘riday,TSept. 26th,. 19 Old; Fatal Railway Conrad? _â€" A-littlc after midnight on Saturday collision bytwhich two men were, killed and two engines and about ï¬fteen box- cars were smashed to pieces. occurred pn the Cu T. Rt. about, three miles west of Cambray, and soon after the news morn- the Ella Austin and Miss Falls from Monday until Wednesday. Mr. William Barclay left on ,Wed- nesrlay for Lindsay, having secured a position in one of the tousorial establlslr ments in that town. My, and Mrs, Fred Meteali'e' le‘l‘lion 98, M.’ Marshall 98', \V 'Maybec 96, U. . Bï¬Mason 94',"W. Church 94-, . Monday to visit ship of Mal'iposa. turned on Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs Mr. Henry Grmham Graham Jr., Mr. John Austin, Miss .-Allnie G-l'allain,. relatives in the town- Mr. Metcalfe re- Alexandcr .Mor‘rison, . Dnugall 96, G. Graham 91:. T. Calder '94,-‘..W-..'Chambers 94,. P.‘Nevison 92, north ward; Spelling, value. 100: E. Pearce 100-, S. Warren lOOuB.’l)undas Shane 96, K:.Junkin 92,‘ M. Austin 90, R. Mc- MuSmith 32. ‘ . p' . Nervous and Sleepless: M: Hall 92, G. Mark 84.4 " Sr. 3rd class, , Gee 80‘, EJUlarke 76, M. Robson 74,-. _ _ F. ‘Ke’ast 70', \V.’.Shauc 70.‘ RJKn'oz-I : Sm. Mr. Henry 54am .McK‘endry 42,-J. Hedgins 4.0, . fl all of Ki'nmount, were at the Falls on There-is just one-cure, and that is plenty scene of~ the accident, about 151milcs from here. The cause of the catastro- l “'0le5 in our tinware department: all kinds of job". work 18 I _ _ ’ _ _ day attending their l‘elatvaS ot food for the blood and nerves, which- is -. )1‘1‘1v t lledt. ., - - ‘ ~ 1. O npt a tel C O phc Was the breakinv in two .of a grain “'Oddlflg- ' . t BfStg‘Lplliaed m F§PP$Z°?°’ “mt†Wh‘fh “0 ‘ U . . ‘ 3‘ M . " , y 1 I,“ --1‘_ pp F; Hawkins‘ of 00 um er nerve omc or s rengtl pro- . “‘1Ԡ00"“ “my {mm M'dland to Belle" 111" any It“; ducer is better; Ferrozone promotes healthy ' Cleveland, Ohio, left for home on Wed- nesday after a visit of about a fortnight to their nephew, Mr. Peter Deyman. Mr. Hawkins, whois On the. staff of the Cleveland World, took with him several photographic views. and being deeply digestion, which results in improved nutri- A tion. The blood grows rich- and red, fur- . uishes stability to the entire system, and -. the store of uervcpforcc and energy in- creases daily. A rebuilding of the consti- - tution, new spirits, health and strength, all come: from the use of Ferrozone. This < ville, whiclr. was .i‘ollowed [bylanothen both trains being what are called 'i‘donblc headersâ€-â€"-that is, drawn by two engines. The loading train was. ,‘orought. to a standstill and : conductor 'tlFoloy- ran back to stop the one that-was See our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing out._ We bought everything before the large advance which has taken place in give our customers . zs‘ntrm‘tt 4' 'Â¥'Z7£‘P<‘('4.‘é TE‘:':~¢""HF.'?H“~ """ï¬wvwnt-rz' hardware the last few months,- and will the beneï¬t of it; Try us. -', I" have removed the two red stores. 'fZMwQW‘q-me‘ wee-W business to. the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street Entranceâ€"--d00r between aprnnnricns warmest; . ,2 MRS. IVE. E. campï¬re. . Tl'ollowing. The three men on the ï¬rst lllll’l'CS-‘ied by llle~Fllllsan its..su"mun‘l‘ marvellous renovator is sold by druggists . m.- my; '- of the two engines that weredrawingjt 'lngs,as_ well by tho but ï¬sh Cflplm'ctd for'bOc. a; box. or six boxes for $2.50_ By..- 5: ï¬dhga l‘lmlle‘1 and ShVCL‘l their [it-es; but. ln its lmmed-late yielnlty, Will do his. $131115 g‘rol‘pr liplipntz 00., lengston,.()nt. “owing to a dense fog, the engineer, beet toboOm it at'a summer resort; V" 3 -' .- 0b=011'- ,: James Di Swanton, and the ï¬reman, ' FA'I‘FAL. ACQEDENT A'I‘ LINDSAY.Tâ€"- < 5i \Villiam lf-‘alconer. on the socle engine, Powles’_ Corner. Ml" “ “I‘ll-m l‘wsers elm-Sb 50“. 0f '34?- - 3, in“, ¢§§§évï¬géaw did not slie Foley’s signal. and werevboth - _â€"â€"- p _ _ ' {alllgtuoff’lllsu Olit'll‘d‘lfyyl‘ias Ell-“$02? ' ' g" killed. illa'lconcr \vasgot out soon after (Correspomlcncc of the Gt'zctte.) = 81 fat W lklâ€™ï¬ â€œ30‘ “:5†‘m l ‘9 TI“ 1-) .-t i :1 , the arrival of an~aux1hary train from A, few “.c'e’ks Cam) we mentioned. that Vâ€, f ‘0’“.3)’ lel‘mml-Z; “I 035 z Lindsay. but was fatally injured ,and- Mmlvmiam; Cooper h'ad 'leased. from says - . {11- Rogels) “ill†‘l'lls'ellli’ 03’0 ‘/. :2†“le ("ï¬re-few minutes. 1'10 was a Mr. H. \V. Johnston the farm illehad as a“s_e9“°“'m‘?l “‘“3‘ ?“‘l““"""‘â€: “3; l; :1 young unmarried. man from Bellevillc. puréhased from ,Mm James Pdiy,,,.d_ plug 30â€â€ lealfs “1 a grill" 0‘“ that “N * ( ‘ where his relatives reside. and went all Mr. Cooper hag, given up the farm to been. brought in from the wreck abput ( ' through the South African war without Mr. Johnston Ma has purchased me ï¬lmel} "mmles Pl‘GVl"'l‘Sll’- 1" Ol'dԠl" l l rec‘ï¬vln‘: so "‘“Gh “5 a Salami" I E‘l' Byers farm for the sum of $3 000,'aud do thls ballad L0 '9"? heme?†'t'wn hos l ‘ cars, which-were minus their couplers. _ ' my Dressmaking Turn/situate, and ï¬ndertalsing‘. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Specie-ill ligature. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. 0 94M 0-50 I} I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Selv- 1ng Machine be sure and see my styles-before buyino‘. Tension falls. M Subscribe for-the “Gazette,â€, $1 :a, yearn. found until 1 f 5W‘WW‘ †f†l gineer Swanton,’wimso body was not son of Mr. and Mrs. Williamsslvnlltou of Fenelon, ions. miles>=.from-..t.il'e Falls, and has several relatives in the village. He was about 32 years-'old'and was married three years ago but there are no children. As his wife came from Peterborougb,_and intends to return p. m. on Sunday, was a ' has already commenced ploughing. . , Mr. Edward Bc’acock has purchased a farm of 100 acres in the township of Ops for $4,800. We learn that there are good buildith on the farm and that- it is only four. miles from Lindsay. Mr’. B. willhave- one more crop here in'Fenelon, and we hope that not only he, but all the readers of the there to live, his remains ware buried anmsflmy have another good amp in in the Lakcs‘lllc cclnctcry In that town. y 1903“, Wï¬ï¬‚e Speakin" about crops, “,0 ' n Mr. William Swanton, of the Halls, who went to Lindsayuon Monday morn- ing, says that ho saw.both- the bodies and that he hopes he may- uevcrseesuoh -a sight again. His cousin’s neck. was broken and his legs were brokenin six.- " places, and his Lf'a'co had been fairly _“ cooked †until it’b'orc no rcscm'blance- l to a human countenance. Of course he was killed ill an instant; but his com- panion, Falconer,- must have suffered fl'iglltfully, for. though he was alive. when taken from the ruins of the on nine, and even stood ‘ up and spoke a few words, the ï¬re had 'burued’a great hole through which his intestines could be plainly seen. ._. . New Books at the Public Library. The following new books have been received at the public library: The [louse with Green Shutters. .Gr. Douglas The Way of Escarle . . . . . . .. . . . . G . Travers Scouting: for Bllller . . . . . ....Hugcus Where Love is King . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Mabray 1 Love, the Harvester .. . . . . . . . . . . Pcmbcrtou The Giant's Gate...... “ The New Merchant Service . . .. I“. T. 131111011 The Mississippi Bubble .. . . . . . . . . .. Hollgll Policeman Flynn . . . . . . . . .. . . . . E. Flower- Thc Pllnnto in Future . . . . .. .. . . . Merriman YoungMistloy... “ The Traitor‘s Way . . . . .. .. . . .. . . S. Yeats Where the Sugar llaplo Grows;.\[ Tcskey The Battle Ground .. . . . .. . . . . E. Glasgow 1 The Credit of the County . . . . . . . . .. Norris A Gentleman ot France. . . . . .. S. Weyman l The Cromptolls .... .... .... M. I. Holmes The King‘s Highway . . . . . . . . .. A. E. Barr. Jan Veddrr‘s Wife .... . . . . . ... “' Master of His Fatc‘ ...... .. “ A Rose of a Hundred Leaves. “ The Squire f Sandal-side . . . .. “ Out ot‘the West . . . . . . . . .... .-.....Higgins At Sunwich Port. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. JaCOb's The \Vooing of Wistaria..;. ....Watanna Shacklett_...‘._..,._... . ...... . ..... W. Barr might say that, Mr. Beacock seeded about 75 acres last spring. and it‘ took ~Zit‘liï¬pollnds'of' twine to tie 70 acres, the remaining Eve-acres having to be drawn into the barn loose. This ismsupposed to be the heaviest crop that ever grew on the land‘asin‘ce it was a forest.- The entire crop of grain will 'total nearly- 3,,000 bushels. ' Mr. Lewis Robe is giving up farmingr here, and-intends to go to Manitoba next spring. r11 as the threshing machines are very busy just now, it is remarkable how happy the farmers are i'eclille‘. Next year the school trustees only intend to have one- teacher. They are going to exercise a little economy. V Mr. Alex. McGee has had a man busy for some time making cement floors in his cattle stables. At present we do not know of one case of' sickness in the Whole section, and we hope that this state of affairs will coulinue. Mr. \V. Chiddley, of Mariposa, has leased Mr. William Hamilton’s farm for a term not exceeding 99 years. This will make tWo uew-‘comcrs into this sec- tion next spring, and another one or two are expected. This world is not standing still. .W P.\L.\IISTRY.â€"â€".Vllnc. Lachlc, who : professes to be‘ able to tell you all sorts Jof things by examining the palms, of your bands, will be here on .Monday next and remain for a week. See ad- vertisement in another column. ' Stops the Cough aud Works Off the Cold- to harvest - the harvesting is‘ail'do‘ne here, 'and,‘l Rogers failed to-obserre the shunting engine, which came along and shaved s. the cars-together, ‘jtllii‘llllli the unfortu-.. nate fel‘low’s'head so badly that he died : a few minutes later.†RUPTURE SPECIALIST Commaâ€"IF: you are suï¬'tlri rut iroln hernia (rupture) - or~varicocele (false rupture). in deciding,r when and where to take treatment due not forget that.tho records ot'J..Y.f Eran, . specialist. of 'l'Oronto, shew that sooner ' or later nine-tenths of all cases must come to him for a cure. 'l‘his noted '. specialist will again visit. Ftenelon Falls, Mansion House. Monday afternoon and evening and Tuesday all day until 23‘. p. m... 171; days only, September 29th -, ' and 30th. VDo. not neglec‘ttyoursell this time, or regret may follow. Remember, you will never be in a better condition to be cured than now. 1 Why not act at once"? . Consultation :fl'CC.‘ See adver- tiscnlcntiu this issue. _ Toothache Cured in One Minute. , Saturate some batting _with Polson’s . Nerviliue and place-it in the, cavity of the ~ tooth. Rub the painful part of the face. J I with Ncrviline, bind in a hot flannel, and . the toothache will disappear immediately. _- ) Nerviline is a splendid household remedy-~- for Cramps, Indigestion, Summer Com-. l plaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Tooth? ’ ache. Powerful, penetrating, safe and pleasant for internal and external use. Price 25. Try Nerviline. Sold by W. H. ' Robson. - SHOP LIrrING.-â€"-Bcfore Col. Dcacon». , and a bench of magistrates, in Twomoy’s , hall, on Saturday last. Mrs. Ellen For- } stcr, of Coboconk, pleaded guilty to the l _ "'°*“""€'T"JJ’ :"IWV v--_-â€" V‘W 4amâ€.- .. re. ‘7‘.» charge of haviqu stolen, on Monday, , . the 14th inst., a dress length worth 86 f in Mr. William Campbell’s store. As I Mr, John McSweyn made a strong ap- » : peal on behalf of the accused, reading a certiï¬cate of previous 'good»~clial'nctcr signed by numerous resitlents‘of Cobo- Conk, and' as Mr. Devlin, the Crown Attorney. did not make any objection to leniency, Mrs. Forster was allowed to go on“ suspended sonteuce.â€a condition of which was that she paid the costs, amounting to about $20,. The stolen . property, which was in Constable - , Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curoa cold Brook’s posession, was returned to Mr.- , _ inone day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 250. Campbellh -