.7 ~rs'Jv-V'j‘,5:.' <.wâ€".. ._ - .. = "side. ioe’s Revelation. , a Not long ago a nice young.r man was 1' 1 vited to dine at. the home of an east end young Woman, and accepted the in- vitation with pleasure. It was just a family dinner, and everything was pas sing off well when an unpleasant and ~ quite unforsecn incident occurred. They wcre all discussing the pie. when the young woman‘s little brother, 7who had been regarding her closely, I suddenly Spike up. “ Gec,â€hesaid, “100k at Marie tryin’ to put. on style just ’canse Joe is here, She's cutin' her pic with a fork 7†his needless to add that the cherubic child expcxicnced a very unpleasant - quarter of an hour al'tcr Joe had gone. goo «â€"--â€"___. A Bit of Correspondence. The following correspondence, ending in true Irish fashion, actually passed between two men in England some years ago : ' “ Mr. Thompson presents his compli- ments to Mr. Simpson, and begs to re- quest that he will keep his doggs from trespassing on his grounds.†“ Mr. Simpson presents his compli- ments to Mr. Thompson, and begs to surge-st that in future he should not ' spell ‘dogs ’ with two gees.†. ' “ Mr. Thompson’s respects, to Mr. ' Simpson. and will feel obliged ifhc will ,3 add t'hc'letter ‘e’ to the last word in the * note just received, so as to represent - Mr. Simpson and lady.†“ Mr. Simpson returns Mr. Thomp- ' son’s note unopened, the impertincncc it ' contains being only equalled by its vul» . garity." .4). A Chance to, Retaliate. The minister was young and easily - embarrassed. The ï¬rst time be per- "formed the marriage ceremony it was 2 for a. couple who were both younger =and still more easily embarrassed than "he. When he had ï¬nished the service "and murmured a few kindly meant but halting words to the young couple whom ' he had just united, the bride looked at him, blushing but conï¬dent. V “ Thank you,â€-she said clearly. It's real kind of you to congratulate us, and ~ as long as you haven’t ever been married :yet, maybe “'6’†have a chance some - day to retaliate.†-. *0â€"â€"â€"~â€"_â€"â€"â€" A Telephone Mistake. , . Telephone mistakes havo their serious A man who wished to communi- cate with another named Williams sseonnf v lile REPAlE WAEEWS filth BEGGEES. A If your wheeled vehicles . need repairing of any des- cription we can do "the V'work as well as anybody in the county- ' _ We can repaint your buggy and make it look like a new one, or Will sell you a. new one and take your old one in part payment. Climbers drainer. E. EEQE, ‘ Agent for DREAMS. FRAMES, SEWING WAGE-ASHES _ ' and ’ ’ MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MELEEEEWTS. W'e gttarEtitee‘good goods-at reasonable prices. Call and see our instruments and machines before buylng. $hop opposite PoEt-oï¬ice, FENELON FALLS. MAY12th, 1902. canisters coon? â€"OF THEâ€" County of Victoria . he next sittings ot‘ the above Court will be held in Twomcy’s hall, F'cuelon Falls ‘ looked in the directory and then called 0“ MONDAY, OCTOBER 13m; 1902:. up a number "' South.†Pres'n ly there came a soft feminine “ Hello!" and he said. “ -Who is that. ?" p“ This is .Mrs. Williams.†,- “ Have you any idea where your 3'husband is?†~ He couldn’t understand why she rang off S) sharply, until he looked in the . book again and discovered that he had called up the residence of a widow. .00 Wrath Disarmed. A little Cambridge girl was discovered whispering in school, and the teacher asked :- " l t I . . .' .‘ . ‘ \lhat wow you saylng to the gill commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, October 2nd, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. l , Defendants living in other coun- ies must be served on or before Satur- day, September 30th. ‘E. C. EDWARDS, ‘D . HAND, Bailiff. ' Clerk. ~ Fenclou Falls, July 8th, 1902. next to you when I caught you whispely ' in: 1’" “ The little culprit hunt: her head for a moment and thou replied : I “ I was only telling.r ln-r how nice you looked in your new dress " “ Well, thatâ€"yesâ€"el know-â€"but we mustâ€" The class in spellingr will please Stand up.’ V r ' ' ..._-..-. ........â€"9 o-â€"»- 7. ....._ A Skinning Process. “This,†said the food lather to the dermatologicm expert, seems to ‘bc a pretty bit: bill fol" the treatment you have given my daughter." “It was a- dilï¬cult, treatment,†ex- plnlut‘d the skinjdoetor. “ You see, we had to remove all the cuticle from her cheeks and graft a new epidermis upon them." ‘ Well,†said the father. reaching for his checkbook. " I don't know which one of us you skinned the most,†._ -»â€"-. o .- â€"â€" ..-_. Eye Pranks. Witnessâ€"He looked me straight in the eye andâ€" -- llau'_y-.-l-â€"'â€"'l‘liei'c, sir, you flatly con- tr-ulicteil your former statement. \Vitnessâ€"llow so? Lawyerâ€"You said before that he bent his LI'IZ‘ on you, and now you'll please explain how he could look ydu straight in the eye with a bent gaze? .60 Independence. “ I seems to me,†said the friend cautiously, “ that a man ought to avoid becoming too dependent on his wife. however much he niay'e’stecm her judge- ment and skill.†, A w i “ That's right," answered Mr'. M eek- vton. “ And Henrietta recognizes the «a. She lets me scw on all my arm $1.00 A YEAR, Ill ADVANCE offer special value in these goods; also a' large stock of Fancy or one cent per week will be added, ' G‘OOdS, LZUUPS etc- per line perannum. Casual advertisements, buy- hit a no new is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 as long as it remains unpaid; _ Advertising 12:1tess. Professional or business cards. 50 cents 8 cents per line for the. ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- t 1 ion. Contracts by the year, half year or css, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatlrycor- lines of new goods just placed in stock. eetly and at moderate prices. ~____ - E. D. HAND, - Proprietor. Essa senor-tins SEEP N FEMELGE FELLS. The undersigned has opened owell- equipped Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of Twomcy’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the wooden parts of implements. e S Lawn Mow- rs repaired and. sharpened, and Saws harpcned and gnmmcd. 13%†Prices right and all work attended to promptly. JQHN morass.- Fenelon Falls, April 16th, 1901. Dr.T.P.Idc€JULLOUGH, Wednesday. C buttons." l 5‘ ! Specialist, , EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson‘iiouse‘,Lindsay, every Hours, 10 a. m to 4 p. m onsullations, eyc,car, nose and “wont. Pelerborough, corner George and Murray reels. ‘ ‘ has: a.“ - wad: in ."~‘ -' ’ I M DIREGWEE Warm Weather Bargains at Campbell’s. WWW A Clearing in Muslins. A ï¬ne range in cream, pink, blue and white grounds, with floral designs. Regular price 10c., selling for A Clearing in Blouses. , We have yet a ï¬ne assortment. You may have your choice for 25 per cent. off regular prices. 8 patterns left yet of those ï¬ne Scotch Ginghams in red and white, blue and white; pink and white checks, and a. few fancy stripes. Regular 125â€" & 14 ;clear1ng for 188. A Special in Giotton Hose. We have in stock 25 doz. Cotton Hose of the kind we used to sell at 2‘ pairs for 250. They are full s1zes, a 55 o crimiiï¬ Ins . 1 NIGHTS OE .TENTED MACCA BEES DiamondTent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the tirst and third Tuesday in each month. CHAS. WISE, Com. C W. Bunoovns, R K. ac. ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS "l‘rcnt Valley Lodge No. 71.’ Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street West on the ï¬rst. and third Mondays in each month D. Bnoztnusnmn, N. G. J. T. THOMPSON Jn., Sec. O. L. No. 990. plEET IN THE ORANGE . hall on Francis-St. West on the second Tuesday in every month. J. J. NEVISON, W. M. F J. Annous, Rec-Sec. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTEIIS. perfectly fast black, with seamless feet. We sell 1 00"†Phoenix N0-182- Blect on the ' J ast Monday of each month, 111 the True them now at 3 palrs for - - - Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. D. G0U1.1),'Chief Ranger. Tuos. AUSTIN, R. S. a 'VANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, / Fenelon Falls Lodge No 626. Meets in the Orange Hall on Francis street west on the ï¬rst Thursday oft-och mouth. ’I‘nEo. Jov, ChiefRangcr, P. Damian, Sec. R CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE LON Falls Circle No. .127, meets in the True Blue hall in 'ilchrthur’r Block the ï¬rst Wednesday in every month. P, C. BURGESS, Lender. R. B. SYLYESTER, Secretary. M - EAND A. ‘M’. G. R. C. THE srrv . Lodge No.40,6. Meets on the mist DODGERS, For anything you are wanting in Summer Goods give us a. call, and we will convince you that we can supply your wants at prices not easily duplicated. The cheap. M . p . _ BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, fPifleldncfsctllijty ofcach monlth,c1)n or before the u o . e moon, in, he od ‘e room in Clmnmghflm’s EloXk‘lchmnw: iv v ,E. FirEoEnALn, S’ccreltiir‘lv. CIRCULARS, BLANK NOTES. 4 ENVELOPES, '_ RECEIPTS, ETC... CHURCHES“ WEDDING INVITATIONS, ' BAPglsr CHUEoHâ€"ouEEN ST REV. serviccse[Eve'igagiiiidagiIZlSlfd'301hr.e:1(lliiii§ ’ I . --‘ 7p.m. Bible Clasrand~"u d ’Sh : LADIES VISITING CARDS 2.3.. .. pm... .i... ..:I.,.f‘..â€"...§.3:‘.‘.§ We have lately added a stock of type and stationery Thurs‘lflb’ {It 8 P- m- for printing Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc, and- N _ METHODIST CHURCH â€" woman can turn out ï¬rst class work at reasonable prlces. Slreet-‘R‘W‘ Job" Gnrbutt’ Pam“ Sunday service at. 10.30 a. m. and 7 Sabbath school at 2.30 p. m. EpuI’JdrIili League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday 'c‘vening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on lhursduy evening at 7.30. N ST. A NDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLL’OR'NE ‘ Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at. 10.30 a. m and 7 p. in. Sunday School evcrv Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Clu-istian~_-Endeavori meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. ' ,r-“Kcome and A see Samples. “Cohorts†erase. fifths. Francis Street. West. “tALVATION ARMYâ€" BARRACKS N l5 Bond St. Westâ€"Capt - Kivell & Liegt. Jng‘o. Servrce every Wednesday,- Thurs- day and Saturday evenings at 8 p. m., and on Sundaysat ll u. m.,3 p. m. and 7130 p.111. R T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA fl Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Learv, Pastor. berv1ccscvcry alternate Sundayr at 10.30 .a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at. 2 p. m ST. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET l‘ Eastâ€" Rev. E. MacNamura, Pastor. bervxce every Sunday at. 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School ever Qunda .{L 9 .) p.111. Bible class every 3’ k y l. .31 at; 7.30 o’clock. ~NM ma“ Seats free in all churches. E . I r very/bod; ziwztedto attend. Strangers cordially welcomch GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. . , We desire to call yOur attention to the following line or goods,just received: ' i V . , - - Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded: Raisins, one pound packages (East Brand); Fine Filiated Currants; Selected Valencia-Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Crosse & Blackwell’s Peels; Soft-shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble Walâ€" nuts; Shelled Almonds. , CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will Thursday evening KN: BIISCELLANEOUg. URLIC LIBRARYâ€"PATRICK KELLY Librarian. Open daily, Sunday exec )tf ed,i.1'0n110 o’clock u. m. till 10 p. m Batik exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 a.m. till 3 p. In. and in the evening from 7'to 9. Reading room in connection. BOGT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call" and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, also a nice line of-Ulsters'an’d’Overcoats. These are only ayfew of the You are muted to take a close look through the stocks and compare prlces whether you buy or not. Our 250. Tea. 1s Immense value. cos. aEEAEEAEE. )OST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- ter. Open daily, Sundays excepted from 7 30 min. to 7 p. m. Mail goinrr soutli closes at 7.30 (1.111. Mail going llOl‘Llla'clUSES at 11.20 a. in. Letters for registration must be posted halt‘an hour previous to th time for closing the mails. e W NEWSPAPER LAW, 1. A postmaster is re by letter (returning answer the law), who quired to give notice the paper does not . u o. subscribe"- not take his paper out of the otticledoes state the reasons for its not bein I and Any neglect to do so makes the post: responsible to the publisher for payme . 2. If any person orders his paper distâ€. tinned he must pay all nrrcurnges 0 con- pubhshedmay continue to send in r “1.8 payment is made, and collect the wulutlll amount, yylhether it is taken f m e or not. ere can be u r " ' ance until the payment 1': id‘ddldï¬l-bmmmu-i Any person who takes a ' . . I1 )e ‘ the post-ofï¬ce, whether _direci)edl Inï¬lll'n name or another, or whether, he has culls scribed or not,â€is rcspohsib'le'tbr the] I ewessaewnwnwnwnwnmma , our sEEEE naeâ€"seâ€" h oEAEEEAsEEs. .HAND MADE, ' I at». @ MACHINE MADE. _, They are ' v ' USEFUL, STYLISH, NOT oos'rLY. A LARGE NUMBER or PATTERNS TO V SELECT FROM. Britten. Bras, Jewellers. Foot of Kent Street. LINDSAY. -‘l2. 5. The courts have decided . - that refu ' to take newspapers and periodicals 3:... the post-olï¬co, or removing and lcnvmg them uncalled for is ï¬rm: ' ’ of intentional frahd. p fum Widen“? cage-@cmem Hmâ€... Bé’rr h _ v.‘ syn-W2