Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Jul 1902, p. 8

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%. K‘ N. He Got Ambitions. _- “I had a man on my place." bald the .Wyoming ranch owuer. “who tiiriied out to be solazy and worthless that I gave orders to have him discharged. He came to me about it, and I said: “ ‘Jim, you've“ got to go. You are not morth your salt.~ Take 'you all in all, I never saw a more worthless man.’ A “ ‘Don't you believe I’ll ever amount to anything? he asked. ' 4' ‘Xou‘ii :nevsr be fit for wolf béilt.’ ‘ *3,“ ‘ )- svefit away lucking very ejeetf $271, and I saw no more Of him for three days. Then he rode up on a horse and called me out and said: . A - “ ‘Major, I just stopped to let you see how mistaken you was. I’ve fobbed the Blue Hills stage of $400, stolen this horse, broke into a postoifice and clean- ed out three Chinamen in the last three days, and now I’m 03 to help'rob a. passenger train. So long, major-ed longl' ” I A Dispensutiom l “I never really understoodpwhat was imeant by a dispensation of. Providence 'untill bought a summer hotel a few; years ago,” said the colonel. “How did that elucidate the queri- , ftlon?” was asked. “Why,'I ran it through the séfison "at a loss of $10,000." , “Well?” , “Then it burned down during the » rwinter, and I raked in $34,000 insur‘ ance.” ‘ ' The night Dimensions. “What is the proper size for a ping- pong ball?” asked the amateur of the expert. “Opinions differ," answered the ex. pert, “but I prefer one that is about as large as a quinine pill feels when it gets stuck in your throat."-â€"Baltimore _ American. Hard 1411019 Blowharda- My ancestors had blue blood in their veins. Bitterâ€"Too badl' ~I sup- pose there were not so many. blood purifiers on the market in those days as there are n o w. -â€" 0 hi 0 State Journal. ...I.. Fightinfl‘o Horror-1. “I understand Gregor Mac- G r egor h a 8 written a novel that’s just full of baby talk." “N at only Sympathetic Maiden '-â€"-Why, you poor boy, have you been fight- ing? Scotch. baby Boyâ€"No; I’ve been talk." -Phila~ fought. _ delphia Press. 3's) : ' ‘ i , Maude'n Married. “I'm glad Mandela married.” “Yet you refrained from congratula- tion, she tells me." “Yes; I pitied the bridegroom."â€"San Francisco Town Talk. An Indolent Fantasy. I wish dar was a money tree: 'r, ' De maple's party fine. 2 4,» - ’ But 'tain't enough to satisfy - 11‘ Dese pressln' needs of mineâ€" lA tree whose leaves was dollar bills, Whose fruit was coins or gold: ' I tells you what, it would be fine ‘ . : To watch dem buds untold. t. I’d lie aroun' dsr all do June: h'jéif l : I’d lie dar in July; I’d never quit dat shady spot Till summer time went by. . I'd doze an' dream an' take my ease: "i I’d loaf an' never stop ; A-waitin' toh dem leaves to fall , . An' 10h dat fruit 0 drop. , ..-; .. . _ â€"_ __ashington Star. I A Tribute to Greatness. “Bigsby is a worshiper of notoriety. “.What do you s’pose he did yesterday?” ' ~“Give it up.” ~ _ "‘Took off his hat to a roast“, beef . in a butcher’s window.” l One Talent. “What an original fellow lie is!” . "ch; he has made a study of it."â€" Life. A Valuable Note. An honest old blacksmith down in Texas, despairing of ever getting cash out of a delinquent debtor. agreed to take his noise for the amount due. The debtor wished to go to a lawyer and have the document drawn up, but the knight of the anvil. who had been a sheriff in days gone by, felt fully compe- tent to draw it up himself. This he pro- ceeded to do, with the followingrcsultzâ€" “0n the first day of June I promise to pay .Tceuis Nlte the sum of eleving dollars. and it said note he not paid on the date aforesaid, then this instrument: Is to be null and void and of no eflect. Witness my hand, etc.” Good Chance for a Job. Trampâ€"Kind madam, I hain’t hed marhin’ of Hit for two weeksâ€" Wonmn at tho doorâ€"Wait till I call my husband; he's a dime museum man- ager, and may give you a fasting job. Run in the Family. “Going to get married? What for?” “Well, why shouldn't- 13 My father (ll-l so. and my grandfather before me." “1 seeâ€"one of those hereditary mls ,ffil'fllllt'S, I suppose.” that. but it’s' my null crops. . . g V The farm's or, this‘fc‘ouiitry are not crowded if the average yiel ’pQ‘r "acre oi cereal crops are evi' enbeé‘. There is a. lack, of judgment in farm- ing, and there is Also plenty of room for improvement, We Shc‘uld grow tWic'e as much wheat and, ‘corn on the area annually devoted to those crops. There are probably too many large farms_ that are not. well cultii- voted, and it is these that reduce the v average yieldsEâ€"A merican Fertilizer, â€" ~â€" ws seem mesons, , All cellars. If your wheeled vehicles need repairing of any des- cription we can do the work as well as anybody in the county. We can repaint your buggy and make it look like a new one,- or will sell you a new One and take your'old one in part payment. ‘ Chambers & Palmer. w. o. ones, 1 Agent for OBG'ANS, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES and " MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS. ’ We guarantee good goods at reasonable prices. Call and see our instruments and machines before buymg. Shop opposite Post-office, FENELON FALLS. MAY 12th, 1902. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"OF Tun- County of Victoria. lhe next sittings of the above Court will be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, OCTOBER l3lh, 1902, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, June 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this ‘ coutny. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Saturday, June 2lst. E. C. EDWARDS, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, April l5.th,.1902- Flflllflll lllli Ellllll is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00!. YEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week will" be added, as long as it remains unpaid. E. D.HAND,‘ Clerk. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectl-y and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor. NEW MACHINE SHOP IN FENELOH FALLS. The undersigned has opened awell- equipped Machine Shop on Francis Street; East, opposite the north side of 'l‘womey’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the wooden parts of implements. Lawn Mow- ers repaired and sharpened, and Saws sharpened and gummcd. 3? Prices right and all work attended to promptly. ' JOHN JONES. Fenelon Falls, April 18th, 1901. Dr. T. P. MCCULLOUGH, Specialist, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m Consultations, eye, ear, nose and throat. Pelerborough, corner George and Murray streets. ‘v! .. . >_.: .chaâ€"a. » .x,"'.v. 'e,¢‘..~ . - {-W‘, :’.-I-. "-1, ~-'---" "W. 0â€". ‘._.:.~,_. days...» .77»: ,“.-.u.-.fin~‘--. -..-n...,.........‘_ . “A...” ., woof... 7;”..le u ,a. “,1 given-f“ ‘ , x.» . - w. "' L - , I. D I B. E G '1' O R. '* ‘. J, r The Boer War is Over, But our sale continues with increasing earnestness, bel- cause our Heduééd Prices are being proven by our customers. ITEils TEAT WILL INTEREST YOU THIS WEEI'i Special Lace Gurifiifis just received, at 35, 50 and 95c. 5 pieces navy and white' and black andwhilq Dres§ Ducks, full yard wide, warranted fast colors, extra good value. Regular price 14m; selling for 10 cis. . We are showing a. wonderihl aSsOrtment of Wash Goods this week,- and the smallness of the pfice will astonish you. We have Dimitie‘s, Percales, Organdies, Siviss Goods, and the pricesâ€"Well, just call and see how they are and you will be amply repaid; ..eâ€"m -M. - in.- w,‘ ETD-L HEADS, POSTERS.- NOTE HEADS, . DODGERS, , 1 h. . LETTER HEADS, SHIPPING, TA s, STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, BLAEE NOTES, ENVELOPES, RECEIPTS, EEO, ' WEDDING INVITATIONS, MEMORIAL CARDS, ' , LADIES’ VISITING CARDS. We have lately added a stock of type and stationery for printing Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc., and can turn out first class work at reasonable prices. Game and sec samples. “ Gazette” Office. Francis Street West. LOOK n “can. 'GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line OI goods, just received; « Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound packages (East Brand); Fine Filiated Currants; Selected Valencia Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Crosse &. Blackwell’s Peels; Soft-shell Almonds 3. Shelled Grenoble Wal- nuts; Shelled Almonds. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT . Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will Offer special value in these goods 3. also a large stock of Fancy Goods, Lamps etc. - BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can buy. , READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. . Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, also a nice line of Ulsters and Overcoats. These are only a few of the lines of new goods just placed in stock. .You are invited to take a close look through the stocks and compare prices whether you buy or not. Our 250. Tea 1s immense value. JCS. MOFARLAND. @dfifioétflufinfl-efiflfiedl g Weflding Rings. canon, SHAPE, 3 Correct resin, Correct can: % STAMPED ' “ BRITTON BROS.” % AND GUARANTEED FOR ALL TIME. % Brit-ton Bros, Lindsey. Issuers of fiarriage Licenses. Foot of KenISt. wu.“ cmofissn. . on the first Thursday of each month. J'ago. SOCIETIES. .«Z’I? NIGHTS OF TENTED MACOABEES Diamond Tent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur's Block on the first and third Tuesday in each month. . Gulls. WISE, Com. ~ I C W. Buaoovnn, R. K. ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS, Trent-Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street west on the first and third Mondays in each month D. Blloknusulnn, N. G. J. T. THOMPSON Jn., Sec.‘ L 0.L. No..aoo.,,nEET IN THE OEAEOE . hall on Francis-St,.West on the sccond Tuesday in every month. I. J. anson, 4. J. A‘LDOU‘s, Rec-Sec. NDEPENDENTORDER/.01r FORESTERS. _ Court Phoenix No.182. Meet on the last lllonduy: of. each month, in' the Truf‘. Blue hall in' McArthur’s Block. D., Gounn,,theI‘ adage}. Tnos. Aus'TrN‘,‘ R. S.‘ AN'ADI'AN ORDER of TORESTEns‘ . Feuelon ’Falls L‘odge No. 626. Meets]; 1n the Orange Hall on Fianc'is street. west: Tnsp. JOY, Chicflianger; P. DEYMA‘N,‘ Sec'. ' MEADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE , LON Falls Circle No.1.27, meets in' thé‘ TrueBlue hall in lllc'Arthur’s Block the first'Wednesdav in every month. P. C. BURGESS, Leader. H H R. B. SYLvnsrnn,~Sé‘c're13ir‘/‘; RAND A. M., o. a. c". THESPR'I‘ . Lodge No. 406. Incas on; {he firs-l Wednesday ol'eac'b moni.h,on or before the‘ full of the moon,- in the lodge room in‘ Cunningham’s Block.- E. A. Mennnms, iv. if. E. FITZGERALD, Secretary.- CHURCHES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"“QUEEN ST . Ben}. Davies, Minister. Preaching sci-Vices every Sunday at 1030 a. m. and 7 p. 111. Bible Class and SundaySc‘hoo] at 2.30 p. m. Praise and revel" servti ' Thursday at 8 p. m. p “ I“ on B ETHODIST CHURCH â€"COLBORNE StreetzéRev. John Garbutt, Pastor; Sunday Service at 10.30 a. m.and 7 p. m'. Sabbath School, at 2.30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endgame]; Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting or}.~ Thursday evening at 7 .30. M, ; ST. ANDRElV’S CHURCHâ€"COLBO RNE V Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Servxces every Sunday. at 1.0.30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday ‘ at 2.30 p. 111. Christian Endeavor meetin every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. ' w SALVATION ARMYâ€" BARRACKS ON Bond St. Westâ€"Capt. K'ivell dz-Lieut. Serv1cc everjr Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings at 8 p. m., and on Sundaysat ll :1. m., 3 p. m. and7 3.0 p.m. M T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Ealher O’heaizy, Pastor. Servicesevery alternate Sunday at 10.30 a.m. SunduySchool evcl'ySundayat2 p. m mâ€" T. JAMES’S CHU RCHâ€"BOND STREET East-.â€" Rev. R. MacNamaru, Pastor. Server every Sunday at, 10.30 a. m. and 7. p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. 111. Bible class ever Thursd - at 7.3.0 o’clock. y 3y evening E _ Seals free in all chm-cites. Eben/body mvztedto. attend. Strangers. cordially welcomed MISCELLANEOUS. PUBLIC LIBRARYâ€"PATRICK KELLY Librarian. Open daily, Sunday except: ed, from 10 o’clock a. m., till 10 p. In. Book I exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays Horn 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. “N POST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- tcr. Open daily, Sundays excepted from 7 30 a. m. to 7 p. in. Mail going south, closes at 7.35 a. to. Mail going north closes at 11.25 a. in. Letters for registration must be‘ posted halt'nn hour reviou ' S t tune for closing the mails. p o the % NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. A postmaster is re uired t ' - by letter (returning ‘lhe poplaig'dgegonco answer the law), when a subscriber duct not take his paper out of the office voe? state the reasons for its not being taklnf Any neglect to do so makes the postmasld. responSlble to the publiSher for paymenter ' 2. If any person orders his paper (1,500,, tmued he must pay all arrest-ages or Ll - publisher may continue to send It [will’ payment is made, and collect the amount, whether it is taken from that?“ or not. There can be no le 96 , gal disco ‘ . once until the payment is made. “mm 3, Any person who takes s. . i the post-office, whether dil'ebFeqdpelofrlr'n name or another, or whether he has subB scribed or not, is responsible for the a - 4. if a subscriber orders his paper-I: y. lstcipped at a certain time, and the o be lsicr continues to send the T -' ' bound to pay for it if he’takesslltbdlclltlgirtlm post-office. This proceeds upon the grounld that a man must. pay for what he uses 5. The courts have decided that refuel}: to take newspapers and periodicals frog the post-olh‘ce, or removing and lcarinm them uncalled for is ' ' ' . . , puma facze " - of intentional fraud. enden’w h..-

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