Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Jul 1902, p. 4

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, .,,., gens-um r . 4v -'» -' - ~..‘..w .13, «av. vr‘LE‘Iiy‘ .;'.T.' yxyu’ ‘.,Pf,“'"/‘{ . I "a -.(\/s/$/‘«g- ,p‘.. - ‘15:” HATS Farmers l ‘ lumen and boys. 1*“ m want A visit our Hat , If it’s style you want, we have it. . Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment and Price, we should be called I THE HATTERS of FENELON' FALLS THOS. ROBSON. I ‘ Twine in stock-â€" \Ve havean exceptionally fine line of ‘Meu’s and Boys’ fine quality Newest Style Suits, every suit guaranteed and prices to suit everybody. PLYMOUTH, . . . BHAHTFORD, A visit to our Geilts’ Furmshlng Department Will con- BED STAB vince you that Burgoyne’s is the right place to go for new A r and up.to-date Furnishings. See our display on Saturday. McGOBMIGK. All at prices that will defy competition. W. BURGOYNE. Three Stores. The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, July 4th, 1902. "1*..EADQUARTERS FOR ARDWARE; Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Blinds, etc. Railway Collision. A collision by which five men were more or less injured, two cars badl smashed and another two slightly dam~ paged, took place about a mile north ol Gelert station on the afternoon of the 26th ult. A train of five box-cars, ‘chartered by the Chemical Co, stood on the track. One had been filled with cordwood, and eight men were in the other four, loading them, when the en- gine belonging to the train came around a. curve. The air brakes were applied, but, (owing to a defective rail and the sli‘pperines‘s of others; from rain)’ they . we're not cfi'ective",'and‘the'engine's‘truck - the" full‘ car with great- violence. Just In our tinware department all kinds of. job’ Work is promptly attended to. See our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing out. ‘ We bought everything before the large advance which has taken place in hardware the last few months,- and- Will give our customers the benefit of it. Try us;- l‘OS. “Ella-RU. son; the company’s agent, who was at ed unhdrt, but the“ four who remained bruised by the wood" being thrown upon them. Joseph Theme and Finney,‘who homes ;- Charles Wilton {its less serious- ly injured; and Fred Wallace, 9f the Falls, who jumped Home c'a‘r after'the his left check. and a slight out onit'h'e inside of his lip; Mark Porter‘wa's'o‘n thirty or forty feet down the embank- ment, and vias rather badly hurt. D'r. Frost, ol Kinmou‘nt',~weht up" the Line to attend to the men,~on_o'ot whom‘ came to the Falls and called upon 1%. G'ould. As far as we can learnyno‘ one was to 'blame for the accident: I have. removed my Dressmaking: business to the rooms over M1ss Washburn’s millinery e‘stab-hshment. I Frustration Erananafibns‘. Street Entranceâ€"«door between;- the two red stores. APPRENITIGES W'ANTED‘ MRS. M. E.- CALDER... The following are the names of these who‘ passed the midâ€"summer promotion ,, examinationsin the Fenelon Falls‘pub- lie schools :2 , - 3 Jr 4th to Sr. 45th, north ward1.â€",K. . ‘ ' Denny, P. B‘yrnell, M. Byrnell, A. Herr, . r. M. Campbell, W. Stinson, W. Carley, 5V. Chambers. Si‘. 3rd to Jr. 45th, north wardiâ€"IA‘. iQuigg, V. Sharpe, K. McDougall, E. Carmichael, P’. Liltletoo, N. Robson. ' Jr. 3rd- to Sr. 3rd, south wardâ€"R}. -. Knox, M. Smith, 1U. Shane, L. Robson, 'L. MoKendry, K. Junk‘i'n, McGee, W. Maybee, M. Marshall, B. Mason, W. Shane, J. Lane, B. Dundas, F. . Keast. M. Austin. E. Byrnell, E. Clark. - Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3'rd. south wardâ€"Pl Puley, J. Quibell, K. Wilson, of. Two- mey. C. Byrnell, '1‘. Wood, A. Carley. H. Walsh, M. MoKillen, M. Wilson, E. ‘Boyce, M. Scott, M. Curtis. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 20d, north wardâ€"Gr. McFarland, W. Carmichael, N. Davies, 1,, Stimson, R. Brock, A. B'arry, P. vD'uggan, G. Davies. ' Sr. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd, north ward. â€"-â€"-H‘. McGee, M. Jackett, M. Paley. L. Curtis. E. Townley, R. Arnold, A. Nor- thev, It. DeCew. Jr. Pt. 2nd to Sr. Pt. 2nd, north ward â€"â€"E. Hall, R. Mela, M. Dnfi’ey, R. McIntosh. J. Carley. . Sr. Pt. 2nd to J. 2nd. south ward.â€" F. Braden, H. Brokenshire, E. Sproats, L. Warren, J. Cook. ' Jr. Pt. 2nd to Sr. Pt. 2nd, south wardâ€"M. Sharpe. V. Sewell, Bi. Me- I Intosh, R. Sofa, A. Home L. Nugeut. t... Furniture and; Undertaking. WW Just received this week an- other lot of nice‘ Baby Car- riages that _, are Special Value. Also Extension Tables, Side-- boards and: Bedroom Suites. I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. n. DEYMAN, If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be- sure and see my styles before buying. Pension. Falls. ' Stops the Cough . and Works Ofi‘ the Cold. Laxative Bromoâ€"Quiuine Tablets cures cold in one day. No Cure, No-P'ay. Price 250.. Subscribe for, the ‘.‘Gaz.ette,” $1ayear. . before‘the'collision; M‘r.'Thomas Hodgâ€"' the:s‘id‘e‘ofl the track, calledto‘ the men" to jump,- and' the four w‘ho‘did'so' e‘s‘ea'p'i' gill the cars were badly jamm'e‘d' and; ' were the worst hurt. wereitakien' t'o‘theii'" wood. struck him, had only a bruise on‘ top of one of the ears, anch- s‘e'ei'og that a collision was hi‘evi‘taéble, he amped: r Good Binder Twine L at Dr: Wilson’s. summer vacation. the Falls on Monday.‘ spent Dominion Day'at his home at the Falls; merly a resident of the Falls, was here on Wednesday. ronto, Went to their summer residence ‘ on Birch Island, Balsam Lake, on the 2.6th ult. visiting Mrs. W. L. Robson at the Falls from Friday last until Thursday of this week. by his daughter, Mrs. S. T. Culp, of l ‘ Personals. _ .â€"â€"â€"â€" Miss COOper, of Chicago, is visiting Miss Sue McDiarmid is home for her Mr. John D. Naylor, of Islay, was at Mr. Sidney Bellingham, of Toronto, Mr. Edward Hang-of Toronto, for- The family of Mr. Delamere, of To- The Misses Procter. of Toronto, 'wcre Mr. O. Bigelow, of Lindsay, was at the Falls last Saturday, accompanied Idaho, and'her little girl. Mr. G. M. Pearce, of Manilla, and his youngest daughter, were at the Falls from Saturday until Wednesday, visit- ing at Mr. Henry Pearce’s. Mrs. (Rem) Sinclair, her three chil- dren and her mother, Mrs. McDonald) came home yesterday from a visit of about six weeks to relatives. Mrs. George Kelly, her son and two daughters, of Toronto, and Mrs. W. J. Kellet, her son and daughter, of Lind- sa , are at the Falls, visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Quibell. Miss Bessie Nie left on Wednesday to take a course in manual training at the Normal School, Toronto. She was accompanied by Mr. Thomas Shane's young son, Uber, who went to visit rel- atives in the Queen City. Mrs. Anderson, her son and two daughters, of Peterborough, and Messrs. Alexander McGregor and Robert Dun~ bar, from Scotland, passed through the Falls last Saturda on‘_ their’” way" to Rosedale, where they will r‘emaih’for a month. - ..-.. .... . ... . ..- Fienelonicbuncil; Council'met pdlfidhnttb call'of the reeve. Thc' m’ihute‘é‘ of' last meetin'l were read ahd’ adbpled’ on «notion of Messrs.'Palh1ei"ahii' M‘erk‘: . ,I A’ communication was received, from Mr. G'. H". Hopkins re’ the Robinson road ;: also one new the" county re the county; assuming cost of bridge on Obs and Fenelon boundary.- No-furfimr'ac‘ lion waS'thken in" refereubet'd” the Rob- ih'sb'ii‘ man; ' On motion of Messrs. Palmer and Cragg, ’I‘hpmas aniels'w‘as‘ allowed to per'ioriii" this year’s statute labor oppo site lot 15, con. 9. _ Moved, by ‘Mr, Webster, seconded by M‘ri. Palmer", ’J‘hat'thn Day be an- thorized to expend $10 on lot 13, con- cession 92â€"- Carried.‘ , , Moved by Mr. Mark, seconded by Mr; WebStor, That the clerk‘ notify J‘oh'n' Walden to move his‘fe'oeeofi‘ the road' on‘ Obs Iand‘ ,Fenelon boundary, op- OSi‘tje c'on. 2'.â€"-Ca'rried.~ . Moved‘ by_.Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. M’ark‘, That a b'ydaw bean intro duced and read‘a first time, to author- iz'e the reeve and treasurer" to‘ borrow $4DQCâ€":Carried‘. , , I _The by-l‘aw was i’ntrodu’c'ed' and pass- ed: in the usual manner, M'r'. Website:- in‘ the chai‘r’. . , i _ llii’iovled: by Mr. webster', seconded by Mr. Mark, That the grader n‘o'w pur~ cha'sed by this municipality be‘ under the direction of the reeve' or councillor of'tha't division in‘w‘hi‘eir he resides, and he shallfisa’y Where it is to be operated. ~-Ca‘rrie‘d'.' I A _ Mered- by Mr. Farmer; seconded by Mr. Gregg That the treasurer be in- chased3 from that eonipa‘ny.‘0nrri‘ed. ' ‘ Moved by Mr. Webster, sechnded by according to requirement in different localitiesâ€"Carried: Mr. Mark, That Mary and Sarah Mc- F‘adyen each receive Sifrom- the poor rateâ€"Carried. _ Moved by Mr. Webster; secOnded by Mr. Palmer, That the following bills be aid :? Clerk. for postage and stationery filling washout on his beat, 312', A. F. Cramr for telephone expenses re grader, nr-I ST; T. Pa'rkiu and R. C. Webster, for attending county council, each $2“; M. Maybee, for to-day's meeting in Orange 58 cents; D‘. Gillies, D. Sinclair and John Irwin, half day with team testing road grader, each 81' 25; John Irwin, cutting brush on his beat, $l.â€"â€" Carried. The council then adjourned, to meet at call of the reeve. vaaa‘m: countirf Council met as Court of Revision on Monday, in ~ B'obcaygcon, Mr. John Lewis in the chair. Franchise, ‘ “firmed. stru‘cted' to pay‘ the Good Reads Ma- , chinery 00. $225 for the gra'd'er pur- 3 Mr. Mark, That the uniform grade or . width of the read be from 22 to 24 feet, ' Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by 5 from F. J. Kerr, ST 27; Albert Hardy, i . , ,mll be strengthened “when Johnnie hall, 31 ; James Martin, oil for grader, , m-‘....¢ .._ ‘. and the . roll was «then con? The reeve,‘ D. Hunter Esq., then’ took the chair, and the council went into regular session. Mr. P. Brick complained that the' road ditch .was notdeep enough to carry the water off his field, and, on the mov tion of Messrs. Brooks and Devitt, the reeve and councillors Capstiek audi- Lewis were-appointed to investigate. Shorelling snow during the winter having usedso much statute labor, on: motion of Messrs. Lewis and Brooks a special grant of $50, was made to Com- . missioner Capstiok, and on motion of: Messrs. Brooks and Capstick a grant of $20 was made to Wm. Elliott’s division. The moving of Mr. Pogue’s fence. and T. Ball’s request for a grant of $25.- to stone the road, were referred to the“ commissioners. , Mr. Peel applied for report of expense“ of burying his hired boy, who died on" his way home from Lindsay, while in-' toxicated. The young fellow is said to~’ have been about 19 years of age, and as" Mr. Knight had taken an interest in the‘ boy on a'prcvious occasion, the clerk? was instm‘icted to make inquiries. The following accounts werc‘ dizly’ passed : Work on roads and ,toi‘pav’ others; John A. Bell 332, F. Brieh’ $22.55, Jas. Stewart $5.,J. Taylor-$22,": Wm. Davidson $10. '1‘. Kingston 3563:» H. Gilliese $25, R. Warren 85.05. Robertson $8.25; T.;,Rnbinsqn ~$8, J1, Lawson $25. J‘as'.‘ K'elso s22‘5'o.‘ Wt- Finlcy $27, PurdySZY, 'l‘hns. Kelly. $22 50, Ed._PLre's‘edtt 38‘75JA; Dunseathf 326. G. Britten 315,. R. Webber $13,:- A. Pogue,,$53 Witt? Rogue 320., W. Fin- ley $5; W'm.‘ Green $10. Wm. Pique $9} Jno. Staples 35. Jon, Flctt $10.50. J. .Ellibtt' $19350, N: Robertson $28, Jno.‘ Burgess 85'; It} Wilkinson,~ special” grant by dbniin‘issioner, $81.71; operat-’, ing grader, $10.40 ; E. Tiers, by Devitty by Brooks, $26.88;! John, Thurston,- 'pl’antitig‘iti'5es ca'ét creek, $12.3 removingf stones from gravel pit, 810.‘23,"John" Glass, repairing grader, $2260 ;- John" Lawson, statute lab'or returned'on ' 001-“ flec‘tor'sj‘rolli 3.3%; Jae; Kelso. one“sheepi killed by dogs, $33333 John Edgar, four" .sheep killed" by dogs,- 88';;J1Lewis,‘- ma‘king ari'augenr'ents‘to buy gravel pit,- >$2-;-Clerk; measuring pit und‘di‘awingr' lease, $3“;'C. D. Barr, registering lease,“ 32"," thn ,Richh acre gravel, 350 f Trustees S'.‘ S No. 7", uselof.’ school for” Provincial election, John J". Devitt, ,operating-gra’der, S29. journed to meet on Saturday, Ahg. 235 , _....._ _.... .-._...___n...._._.._... l I Pbrtland Contenti- The Raven Lake, Portland Cement? §sl1ip‘ol’ Bexley, in Victoria“ County}: where the deposit of marl, i's locatedâ€"4‘ ;the highest quality, Besides the‘clay" ’at the‘ low price of 255:. per'tQQ. to co-n.‘ Ecompiany ha’sfe sec'ur‘ed’ the Eiliot Fall's" .powcri, The directorate know the hold? ,ings oftthe' Company, and are practical? :cemeutmen’.‘ , Mr. thn‘ Ltiba‘s, 'presii‘ ld'ent‘ of the O’weu Sound Cement Cour Ibesides S‘enator Mthgh‘ahd' Mr. J'. EMr. G‘. A. Jordan is‘ handling the stock‘ iformation as‘to the advantages'of buy- iing stock‘. J'. Walter Wplls, analyst”; :Provi'ncial A‘sstz’jOifi‘ce, Believille, ocu- fducted‘ by the Ontario Government, inl :sample of marl for the manufacture of ; Portland cement. fact, I have never' ‘seen’any b'etter' ih' Ontario. ‘ l stars or Health; Fenelon Falls, June 30th, 1902?. Board met at the call of the chair- ' man, all the members present. Minutes‘ .of previous meeting read and approved. MoVed by Mr. Robson; seconded by =Mr. McFarland, That this Board have’ : notices printed Warning all parties com- ing from infected districts- or houses‘ . that they are liable to be, and will be’, . quarantined.â€"â€"'t)arried5. Powles” Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazette) The fcot-ball' team of Powles’ Cornet" comes marching home,” end, with very' ‘ little more practice, will be able to face the best team in the county. Miss Graham", of Verulam', has nine pupils in this neighboi'hcod whom she is instructing in music.. This young lady has gold medals and honors from To- ronto, and we hope- she will obtain a; sufficiently large class to keep her in this neighborhood half her time. The crops of every kind, except eorn'I are looking fine. I't’rwe get fmorable‘ weather there willbe an abundant har- ' vest. but cornldoes n’t seem tolb‘c doing well. .. I . Mr. Robert Wagar and Mr. William; Hewie are pushing on the carpenter A few nameswer-eadded for- M-anhood work- of Mr. Robert Howie’s new house. on motion of Mr. Devitt, council adih ECo. have issued'the‘ir pr’ospectus.- The”. works are at Raven‘Lake. in: the town? ,354‘acres‘of a'depth of 20‘fcet,~and ct" ECarnegie, M. I”. l", are on“ the' Board; . ifor this deunty, and can l'ufniSh-all‘i‘u- ' his report, says :1 “ This is a‘ first class", ‘ " yet/'- WV 3'}; ‘..'. '. '“M ‘ r-n-JHWAA I») wmng«M “ it .. .- c., : 5‘: 3‘11! .1 223%”: “I’d rt: 53...»... ‘ ,at. m... x. ‘a 2.52%}??â€" V’&' ’0' -.‘

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