' for the- ladies, also turned out 0‘. K. Mrs. James London, of Petcrhe. 5h, Mrs. Thomas Daniel Sr. and Mr. Tues.- Daniel Jr., of Powles’ Corner, Mr. and Mrs Charles Smith, of Baddow, and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Naylor, of Islay, were at tlte Falls on Saturday attending the funeral of Mr. Thomas Smith’s children. outstation. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) As you have not heard from. this place since the last time, and I am about through seeding. I will endeavor 1:1 write you a few items. Mr. George Motcalfc, who met with a very serious accident about a week ago, having broken his leg while clear- ing up some land, is, we are pleased? to learn, recovering very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. H. F«)i’Vl~.‘l', of Lindsay. are visiting Mr: and Mrs. Robert Bran- don , Miss Wellstood, of Kinmount, who has been the guest of‘ Miss Lena Brain don forga couple of weeks. returned home on Saturday, much delighted: with her sojourn. ‘ One ofour most popular young men had a narrow escape from â€"but he strongly. obj‘octs to- having it published. Prayer meeting was hold in Fall's school (S. S. No. 11) on Friday even. ilng by the- Rev. MacNamara, and was very largely. attended; , Mr. William. Tipling’s logging bee on Wednesday was a great success, there being quite alnumbervof .men present, and a good amount of Work was done. The qpil‘ting bee, 'vihich.'wa's’ provided and the qpilt was ï¬nished in good order, after which. the-remainder of. the even- ing. wasspent in various games, music andother amusements, which were in- dulged in until the wee sma’ hours, ayont the twal. ' Mrs. H; Nichols, of E‘euelon Falls, was in the vicinity on Tuesday calling an old friends. We would advise our Government oilinialsfor the sale of marriage licenses to keep a large stockon hand, fox-from present appearances there will be a good demand. for-that article from. this vicin- ity. inxthe near. future. . .__.___ _._. Powles" Corner. (Gerrespomlence of the Gazette) The heavy showers have brought the work on the-farm to a standstill. There has been. a. veny good. growth. during the past week, and the crops are looking well, taking everything into considera- t-iou. If we get ï¬ne weather now the prospects are promising for a good harvest. The garden party at Mr. A. E’ Min- t-horuc’s was well attended, and every- one seemcd to enjoy themselves. The football match between the Fenelon Falls. tcam.:tnd‘-. the team here resulted in a tie, and created much fun and enthusiasm for the spectators. The proceeds amounted to $24. clear of all expenses. Last Friday, as Mrs. A. E. Mln- ’gans as Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, ~Cold in theme was returnng from Fonelon Falls, the-horse took fright at some pigs that were lying on the road, ran into the ditch and threw Mrs. Minthorne out, giving her a good shaking up. The cart was broken somewhat. This is the third. time that Mrs. Minthornc’s driver has run away. ‘ At the time of writingr it is keeping very cold. Some snow fell on Wednesâ€" day, and it is very uncomfortable with- out ovL-rcoat and mits on the 28th day of May. Miss. Mary Childs has been on the sick list for the last two weeks from the effects. of- a heavy cold. Her many‘ friends are anxious for her early re- covery. Mrs. W. Sims, oi Owen Sound, has been visiting at Mr. John Sims’s. The foundation for Mr. Alex. Mc- Gee’s barn is ï¬nished. The timber is already framed, and the raising will take place before long. Cramps are Like Burglars. They come unexpected and when least welcome. Be armed with a one-minute cure in a bottle of Nerviline, which relieves cramp and stomach pains in five minutes. In Colic, Summer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Indigestion and Nausea, Ncrviiine is a rem- edy ot‘rcmarkabie potency, and acts prompt- ly and satisfactorily at all times. Tue composition of Polson’s Nerviline expresses the highest medical progress of the age, which accounts for its superior merit. Price 250. Sold by W. H Robson. ACCIDENT.â€"While John i’crrin. aged 1%, son of Mr. Joseph Port-in, of Fenc- lon, and Arnold McGee, son of Mr. Robert McGee, oi the same township, were riding together on their bicycles, last Friday alternoon, McGee's bike To Cure 8. Cold in one Day Take Lnxariv'c Bromo Quiniue Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave’s signature on each box. 25c A GOOD TIMEâ€"The frame of a big new barn was raised, last , Tuesday, on Mr. Wm. Hetherington Sr.’s farm in Verulam. and the event was followed by the usual festivities-in the evening. OMS: The company numbered fully a bun- dred, some from the neighborhood. some from Bobcaygeon, others from the Falls, gand. three all the way from Lindsay. A “ ball-room ’†had‘ been improvised in the old barn, violin music was furnished by Mr. Edward Chambers and Mr. John Power, and dancing was kept up until long past (midnight, It is needless to isuy that a ï¬rst-class supper was served, and that all present had a good time jand thoroughly enjoyed it. Completely Fagged Out. The world is full of sickly, despondcnt, tired, encrvuted people, all hoping to be well: some day. The surest road to health 'is alongthc-wny of taking Ferrozonc after your meals. Ferrecone is a great appetizer land-enablestone to eat plenty of wholesome food: without fear of indigestion or dyspep- sia. The result is the rapid formation of an abundance of red, vitalin-Iug blood, which will restore the nerves, increase flesh and vigor, and. nourish- and feed every. organ of the body. Fcrrozone is. an ideal restora- tive and invigorant. It is a. tonic of un- equalled merit that anyone can use with beneï¬t. Price 50¢. per box, or six boxes for $12-50 at druggists or N. 0., Poison & '00., Kingston, Ont-.. Sold by W. H. Robson. ,Faamnus’ INSTITUTE MEETING.â€" JThc annual meeting of the East Vic- toria Farmers’ Institute will be held in the Opera House, Otnemee, on Friday, June 6th, 1902, at 1.30 p. m. The order of business will be as follows: President's report and discussion there- on ; report of the executive; treasurcr’s ,report ;, auditors’ report; suggestions of ‘points to hold regular meetings; sug- igestions of points to hold supplementary meetings ;' election of directors and and- itors; suggestions as to how the Insti« tute can be improved or made more useful. Prof. J. W. Hart. 01' the Kings ston-Dairy School, will give an address on Dairying. , Stops the Cough and Works Oï¬â€˜ the Cold- Lax-ative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curea cold in one day. No Cure, No Buy. Price 250. THANKS-Soon after thedeath by light- ning of Mr. Thomas Smith's two child- ren. Mr. John H. Brandon started a subscription in his behalf, and on Sat- . urday presented him with the handsome sumof $100 25. for which he has asked us to express his heartfelt thanks. Mr. Smith is a steady. industrious man, and under ordinary circumstances required no help; but less than a year ago he burieda child; on the 25th ult. his 3 wife gave birth to twins, which died , next day ; and now two others are gone. It was felt that a little money would be needed; the sum mentioned was raised without difï¬culty, and was accepted in the spirit in which it was given. Inflamed Nose and Throat, And such diseases of the respiratory or- the Head and Nasal Cntarrh, are treated with marvelous success on strictly scientiï¬c principles by Catarrhoz-one. The medicated vapor of Catarrhozone quickly traverses every air passage possible to be reached by any treatment. All soreness, pain, conges- ‘ tiou and inflammation are at once dispelled, and by means of the healing powers of Ca- tarrhozone the vitintcd tissues are quickly restored. Where Catarrhozone is used colds last only ten minutes, coughs haifan hour, and Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma and Bronchitis ï¬re as from ï¬re. A trial will convince anyone of the startling merit of†Catarrhozone. Costs $1.00; small size 25c. All druggists, or Poison «it Co,Kinsgtou, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. S. A. SELF-DENIAL ' lVEEK.â€"-The Salvation Army is on the eve of its self- dcuial week, and considerable activity is seen among its members. It seems that they are conï¬dent of obtaining their share towards the sum of $28,000 which is to be raised throughout this territory. The local “ target,†as it is termed in Army parlance, is $85. We should think that, considering the new knowledged good work this organization has done in our midst, and the splendid record the social institutions have achieved, that they have enlisted sufï¬c- ient sympathy in our town to guarantee that sum to be donated during sell-de- nial week. Whatever our personal opinion may be as to the Army methods and paraphernalia, we agree that the army is in earnest. and intensely practi- cal, as well as most economical in spend- ing the funds entrusted to it, and We wish it. every success. 1‘12}. 12.131112 1) . THURSTONâ€"SUTTON.â€"At the Manse, Fenc- ion Falls, by the Rov.’ R. C H. Sinclair, B A., on Wednesday, May 28th, 1902, Mr. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Feneion Fails, Friday, May 30th, 1902 ' Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. 70 to 80' Wheat,Scotch or Fife .... Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 70 75 Wheat, spring .... .... 68 70 Barley, per bushel.... .... 50 ' 55 I Buckwheat“ .. .. 60 65 l “ .... .... 43 45 Peuse, “ .... .... 73 75 Rye, “ 55 60 Potatoes, “ .... 35 40 Butter-,perlb............ 15 16 Eggs,pcr dozen.......... 11 13 Haytperton............. 10.00 1200 Hides . 4.50 5-no Hogs(1ive) .............. 650 685 Hogs (Dressed) 650 750 Bee{............. ........ 5.00 600 Sheepskins.............. 25 50' Wool .... i 7 12 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.00 2-20 Flour-,Victoria .......... 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family,Clipper.... 1.70 1.90 M For; Sale. A Self-Binder, six-foot cut; made by Peter Hamilton, Pcterborough. It has been used only one season. Price $100; one- third on the ï¬rst of October next and the balance in two equal annual payments. THOMAS H. ROBERTS. Fenelon Fails, May 29th, 1932. 16-8“ ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Noticc is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Vic- - toria will meet In the Council Chamber in the Court House, Lindsay, '-0i1â€"- TUESDAY, JUNE lOih, A. D. 1902, at two o’clock in the afternoon. J. R. MeNEILLlE, ' County, Clerk County Clerk’s Office, Lindsay, May 27th, 1902. 16-2- Raise Chickens for Export. We want, delivered alive at your nearest G. T. R. station, every chicken you can raise. Larger breeds, such as‘ Orpingtons, Wyandottcs,»Rocks, Indian Games and Dork- ings are most acceptable. Scrub and black- legged birds are not suitable. Prices ac- cording to weight and plumpness. Good chickens bring from 40 1:090 cents per pair. We can supply settings of good Rock and Wyandette eggs. Where a number order together the cost is from 20 to 25 cents per setting. For particulars write our buyer, A. E. Silvcrwood, ilox 134. DUNDAS & FLAVELLE BROS, . ~m. Lindsay U! (9 WILL RUN Home-Seekers 60-day Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT " RETURN FARES: ‘ Wi.‘.nipeg.. Regina .. Wasizada .. Mooscjaw '- Es‘cvan . . . . Yorkton . . : Eigin . . . . . . Arcola . . . . Moosomm.. Wawancsa . , Calgary Binscarth .. Miniota . . . . Red Dcer.. : Grand View Strath- ~ Swan River conn t Going Juan 3rd, returning until AUGUST § 4th (all rail or S. S. Alberta). Going Juan 24th, returning until AUG. 25th (all rail or S. 8. Alberta). Going JULY 15th, ‘5 returning until SEPT. 16th (all. rail or S. a S. Alberta). Tickets are not good on , “Imperial Limited.†For tickets and : pamphlet giving full particulars, apply : to your nearest Canadian Paciï¬c agent or to A. H. NOTMAN, Ass t. Gen. Pass.Agt , _ 1 King St. East, Toronto. ‘ : i'.*‘Tï¬â€˜r‘w~ ' Every Cyclist Deserves Dunlap Tires Do you want the best tires â€"-Dunlop Tires? Or do you want to pay just as much for the second best 1’ Dunlop Tires for Carriages and -g,;;,.,.;‘;:‘3 rr'â€"«.t1-.;;-4..A~.=:j C",":',* r f. ' . .‘ v . Tr '.. V-i-s'iï¬-EKI‘I'S '3â€be $23.12sz }$35’ ‘ T0 wall coverings are the flower de~ green and gold, silver White, and pink and other shades. We know you will ï¬nd them just the character of wall paper you dcsitte: . _ and we are sure youlwili like the color treatment, not only when it is ï¬rst put on, but all through the life of the paper.~ You" will save money by buying this ï¬rst-class stock. GEO; MCGE' ,0 gï¬gbgfé'fiii‘g‘ï¬eofï¬â€˜gï¬iee. W HEAB’QUARTERS for AIR“! SUPPLIES. ass You condo. UILD? I am prepared to supply all necessary material for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and it Will pay you to consult me before buyino'. Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst class workmen. , F. SANQEFORDa “If wishes were horses beggars would ridd’ . Goodintentionswon’t make good shoes. Good materials and rcliablcwork cost money. i “As good†shots can't y possibly be retailcd for ‘ less than the Makers’ price, stamped on the E- soles ofâ€" “The Slater Shoe†J. L. ARNOLD, Sole Local Agent. should be puriï¬ed at. least once a year. No better time to use a good blood puriï¬er than in the spring. It prepares the system for the' severe heat 01 summer and makes you feel like a new person. Try the Serseparila, Regular price $1, for 75 cents. We can recommend you nothing better. Robson’s Drug Store, ' Fenelon Fails. W“ l a .V P g E 0 R31, ,- . Agent for * .G 1 a. d - . Blown r122. y nn V DRGAMS’; SEWING MACHINES; will keep/you warm. and Come and see them.- masses-HARRIS Hum IraPLEPsErsfrs. We guarantee good goods» at A large stock of Horse _ , reasonable prices. Blankets, Trunks, Valises, etc-a always on hand at Call and see our instruments. Eevisanas Harness Show and machines before buying. Shop opposite Post-ofï¬ce, FENELDH FALLS. MAY 12th, 1902.. as strata. masses are states. If your wheeled vehicles needlrepairing of any des- cription we can do the work as well as anybody in the county. FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Part of the north half of lot 13 in the 71h. coccession of Somerviile, containing oneâ€" half acre. It is within two miuntns’ walk of church, post-ofï¬ce and Burnt River sta-. tion, on the Victoria division of the G. 'i‘. R.. and within one-half mile of school-house._ On the lot is a. 11}â€" story dwelling, with a small store attached; also, a blacksmith’s shop with tools and ï¬xtures. Possession given on the let of June next. Tsuns: Part cash and balance on mortgage at 5 per cent. For further particulars apply to EDWIN WOOD.. P enelou Falls, May 13th, 1902. 14-4. FOR. SALE We can repaint your buggy and make it look Most prominent in all our new- signs. These are in the naturali colOrs, or conventionalized in “-A‘A“<_A.- ‘. St“le a “9116' buuuccd Sideways and“ Ronald E. 'i‘hurston of Bobcaygeon to collided with the other, the l'ldL‘l‘ of | Miss Mann Sutton, (3f \rerumm.. ’ which was thrown off and had the larger ‘ ' ~ bone of his right forearm broken close to the wrist. The accident happened about a mile from youn;t i’orrin’s home, and from there he was driven in a bugg IDIED. ,, , Strumâ€"Killed by lightning at Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, May 22nd, 1902, Eliza Jane. aged 1?. years, 5 months and ‘28 days, to the Falls, where the the broken bone and James Ernest, aged 8 years, 10 months and 7 days, childrenof Mr. Thomas Smith. wussct andbaudaged by Dr. Graham. f :_ 2H1 like a new one, or will sell you a new one and take your old one in part payment. i Ghambers & Palmer. Local Depot for Bunion Carriage Tires. Autosâ€"solid rubber and. pneu- matic. .3“. 1-? 1. v r. DUNLOP TIRE 60.. ‘ LIMITED, TORONTO. . .. p, - t. 3'; wt. manta 5e» s~.’c'r.‘a:«'r“‘.‘m‘x-T:reacts; we... -_- .z‘ CHEAP FOR CASH 0R ON TIME. The undersigned has for sale one team. of Horses and a large number of Farm Imple- ‘ ments, which can be seen on lot 22, Somero. . ville, at Burnt River bridge. l ' Jos. McFARLAND, Echelon Rails, ~ ‘Krmï¬u -~.-.