Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Mar 1902, p. 5

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' A l‘cvfmym 1. 3 ti, _ -_Watmm¢.m.~awm m. ".... .. - u. . .wm... a f, slys ago by Mr. Sam Britten, and use: it is up to Fenclon Falls and PUlel‘bH‘O to do likewise at Once. Mr. Britton a -.d some other gentlemen have decidrl to give seven gold medalsas a prize fll' a series ot'game: to be play- ed here between Fcnelon Falls, Peter- boro and Lindsay. The ice is now in gnol condition an] the tournament could be pulled off any time." Toothache Cured in One Minute. Not only toothache, but any nerve pain is cured instantly by Polson’s Nerviliuc. Thousands have testified that its powerful, penetrating, pain-subduing properties make it an absolute cure for neuralgia, rheum- atism, toothache, cramps, colic and all other pains and aches that beset mankind. The world is challenged to equal Nerviline as a household linimcnt. Large bottle 2.‘~.c Sold at W. H. Robson’s drug store. Ma. Hero’s Mommasâ€"Mr. Louis F. Hoyd, K. (.‘., Liberal - candidate for East Victoria, will address the electors as follows: Chambers’s school house, Saturday, March 22nd; Burnt River, Monday, March 24th; Not-land, Tues- day, March 25th, Head Lake, Wednes- day, M..rcli 26th, at 2 p. m.; Uphill, Wecnesday, March 26th, at 8 p. m; chley. Thursday, March 27th; Vic- toria Road, Friday, March 28th. Chair taken at 8 p. m. at all meetings except Head Lake at 2 p. m. Ladies cordial- ly invited. Mr. Carnegie is respectfully invited to be present. St: 1;: the Cough and W orks Off the Cold- ~Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curea cold 111 one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25c REAL ESTATE Deansâ€"4‘ Grand Is- land,” in Balsam Lake, has changed hands, Messrs. McDougall, Brandon & Austin having purchased it from the Smith estate, and will use it for ranch- ing purposes. It contains 1,140 acres. more or less, and will afford pastu‘raee for a large herd of cattle......l'lr. Wil- liam Jordan has bought Mr. A Clark Jr.’s handsmnc residence on Oak street, and will take possession in the course of a few weeks, having rented his farm in Fenclou to Messrs. Richard Hadwio and Walker Lamb......Mr. Fred Met- calfe has purchased from Mr. Henry Pearce the brick house on Francis street east in which be (Mr. M.) has lived for several years, and is preparing to make improvements on the premises. Just a. Cold in the Head. But if followed by another cold, or some extra exposure, it is liable to resultin Nasal Caturrh. Unless a radical cure is obtained, the throat, bronchial tubes, and finally the lungs become alfecTed. Nothing cures colds so quickly and pleasantly as Catarrhozonc. The Inspector of Mines for Nova Scotia, Mr. Neville, says, “ Catarrhozone is the best remedy I have ever used. It cured me of catarrh ofthe head and throat, and I am pleased to recommend such a satisfactory remedy.” Catarrhozone is a safeguard against colds, coughs and catarrh. It can be used while at work, in the church, the- atre or street cars. Simply inhale Catarrh- ozone and it cures. Price $1, small size 25c. At W. H. Robson’s, or by mail from Poison 85 Co, Kingston, Ont. Mail carrier Morris, of' Bowmanvillc, has been sentenced to two years in pen- itentiary for robbing the mails. A Winnipeg man nained Arthcr Dar- kin has been missing since Friday’s storm, and it. is feared that he has per- ished. Marconi hopes to have his wireless syst-m working in time to send a con- ga'ulatory mes=aee from Canada to rJngland on coronation day. Ewwr‘ENltliCN-‘FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, March 213:, 1902 Reported by the North Star Roller Mill (Jo. Wheat.Scotch or‘ Fife .... 7!) to 80 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 68 70 Wheat, spring .... 67 63 Barley, per bushel.... .... 51 52 Buckwheat“ .... .. .. 50 52 Oats. “ 37 33 Peusc, “ .... .... 72 73 Rye, “ 50 52 Potatoes, “ .... 3F: 40 Butter,per1b...... ...... 1:) 16 Eggs,per dozen . . . . . . . . .. 12 13 liay.pcr tou...... . . . . . . . 8.00 900 Hides 4.50 5.119 Hogs (live) - 525 5.70 Hogs (Dressed) .. .... .... 5 50 6.00 Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 500 0.00 Sheepskins.............. 25 50 XVool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 Flour, Silver Leaf .. .... .. 2.00 2.20 Flour, Victoria 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family, Clipper,... 1.70 1.99 Bran, per 100 lbs . . . . . . .. . 93 1.00 Shor‘s, “ “ ......... 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.40 Mixed Chop “ ......... _______.______â€"â€"â€"â€"- Raise Chickens for Export. “'0 want, delivered alive at your nearest G T. It station, every chicken you can raise. Larger breeds. such as Orpingtons, anudottes, Rocks, Indian Games and Dork- ings are most acceptable. Scrub and black- I logged birds are not suitable. Prices ac- cording to weight and plumpness. Good chickens bring from 40 to 90 cents per pair. We can supply settings of good Rock and wyandotte eggs. .Wherc a number order together the cost is from ‘20 to 23 cents per setting. For particulars write our buyer, A. E. Silverwood, Box 134. DUNDAS lb FLAVELLE BROS, Lindsay. 5 9m. 1..-..an_--.-.~.v<..uw.. ~-.uMNf-b\,u:rofi;7.:Krflin-C:5fiw‘vnmnnâ€"y---â€" .. .N. .. “a...” _- -made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the sa Name of the Defendant. Name. of the Prosecutor. COUNTY OF .7 . I _v__‘..-_,â€"__.___fl,,. .M.__.__",. . , . ' 1 . ~ 4 . . ... .... .. -... . ._ M , . _""',L.-_.t‘â€"""i_'â€""“‘M . ,, “Tm. .....m..-M,.___..::::$:5=c4-.-: tramwaymwm w PM» 1. aw WWW ‘RETURN OF 'CONV’IC'E‘IONS id County, and filed in my office for the quarter ending Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 1902, in pursuance 0f the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 93, Sec. 1, and Criminal Code 902. ' ‘ v . . - ~ * l Name of ' l , . . I DMe of Amount of Time when to; ' Nature of the Charge. 0 . ,. Convicting penalty, fine be paid to .d , 0mm lon' , Justice. or damage. ,said Justice. pm ' . Time when i To whbm paid 1 If not p.iid,-why not, i over by said Jus- and general observa- , tice and when. tious, if any. The King Hamilton Pogue.. . Drunk and disorderly Dec. 2 1901 Wm. Steers $10 00 ' Forthwith Dec. 2 1901 Town Treasurer- ‘ “ Wm. Robinson Nonépayment efdog tax “ 5 ” 2 00 . “ ...... Ten days in goal in default. “ John Robinson Drunk and disorderly “ 6 H 5 ‘50 “ Not yet paid. “ Chas. Duke.... “ _ “ 9 “ 9 75 “i ...... Fifteen‘ days in gut in default. “ John Morrow .... Vagrancy “ 10 it ...... ..... ...... Four months in goal, hard labor.. “ Wm. Reynolds Insanity ...... “ 93 “ ...... .... ‘ C)mmitted for trial- “ Geo. Padget Assault “ 27 “ 5 00 Forthwith Dec 27 1901 Town Treasurer “ John McDonald Drunk and disorderly “ 30 ” 4 45 a... “ “ 30 “, “ Gco.Rathwcll .... “ “ 31 “ 2 75 ‘ “ “ 31 ‘1 Patrick Donahue J K. Strong... House breaking Jan. 17 1902 “ ...... ...... .... ‘ .... Committed for trial. “ Stanley Timmins .. “ “ l7 -“ ...... ...... ...... ..‘u “ ” ThosCampbell “ “ 17 “ ...... .... 1 . .... “ The King Lester McGilvray Assault “ 24 “ 10 75 Forthwith Notyctipaid. “ Geo. R. Mullett Harbor-lug a vicious dog “ 22 u 4 00 “ ' Jan. 2?. 1902 Town Treasurer. “ James McConnell.. Drunk and disorderly Feb. 17 1‘ 6 75 “ Feb. 17 ‘T . ‘ Geo. Ellsworth Wm. Robinson Abusive language . . . . .. “ 2'3 Jas. Deacon 6 20 . ... One week . ..... Not yct‘paid- The King Geo. Censley .... Assault . . . . . . “ 22 Wm. Steers 10 45 .... Forthwith Feb. 22 Town Treasurer ‘ “ Chas. O'Neil .. Abusive language...... “ 2'2 “ 7 00 .... “ ...... Not yeti paid. “ Wm. Jackson .... Disorderly conduct “ 27 Jas.Deacon 7 45 .... “ Feb. 27 Town Treasurer. _ “ “ Assault ...... “ 27 “ 9 24 “ “ 27 ‘t ‘l “ John Kay Mischief ...... Dec. 10 1901 “ 6 25 .... Dec. 31 .... ...... County Treasurer and prosecution. “ Fred Russell .. “ ...... “ 10 N 6 25 .... “ 31 .... ...... i“ “ “ John Hoskins Dangerous insanity “ 11 “ ...... ...... Committed for final examination. “ Clase Arnberg Disorderly conduct “ 19 H 9 20 .... Forthwith ...... County: Treasurer and prosecution. “ John Sieforth Assault Jan. 17 1902 ‘1 5 84 .... “ ...... .“ “ “ John Burke.... Drunk and disorderly Feb. 25 ‘1 9 48 ...... ...... ,“ “ " James Hanlon Dangerous insanity liar. 5 1‘ ...... ...... ...... Committed for final examination. ’ License Insnector,Duncan Mathieson Sell’gliq’or in prohib. hrs “ 3 “ 26 75 .... . ..." ...... License fund and prosecution. The King 'Geo. Dawson .... Drunk and disorderly Dec. 19 1901 “ 10 00 .... ...... ...... County! Treasur er and prosecution- ' ‘ W. J. Austin . W. Prust.... John H. Brohm E. G. Brock Geo Ingram H. K. Smith John Palmer .. “ Job Palmer . . . . Profane language . . . . . . “ 19 J. H. Thompson. . .. Allowing disorderly con- .... Disorderly ...... H’t‘g deer without. lic’nse Jan. duct in his hotel.... Jun. 24 1912 Dec. 25 1901 9 1902 ‘ It Wm.Fie1ding 2 00 H Jas. Dickson H H .... Forthwith Dec. 19 lot... 10 00 1 00 Forthwith ‘20 00 .... “ “ 20 00 .... ...... ...... 1901 County, Trees. Forthwith.” Jam: 24 1902 Lic’nsejlnspect’r. - U Treas. Fen. Falls. Treas. ofOntario. 'f‘ (‘1 . I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of the returns of Convictions for the County of Victoria, made to me by: the Justices of the Peace for the quarter ending Tuesday, March 11th, 1902. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria, March 13th, 1902. Vulcanized Rubber Boilers Fermi-es llllllSlY lflliBlE Will. I have received a stock of these roll- ers, and can supply anyone whose wringer needs new rollers. Thus. Robson. Brown Grizzly and ~ Black Mongolian will keep you warm. Come and see them. A large stock of Horse Blankets, Trunks, Valises, etc, always on hand at Harrison’s flawless Shop. new erect-nan SHCP In senators FALLS. The undersigned has opened awell- equipped Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of Twomey’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the wooden parts of implements. Lawn Mow- ers repaired and sharpened, and Saws sharpened and gnmmcd. 3%” Prices right and all work attended to promptly. JQHE JDNES. Fenelon Falls, April 18th, 1901. mu For? assures fiche. chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kindsor cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. Beinga practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. WE EEPAid liiddfiiliid Add $99155. If your wheeled vehicles need repairing of any des- cription we can do the work as well as anybody in the county. We can repaint your buggy and make it look like a new one, or will sell you a new one and take your old one inpart payment. Chambers 5t Palmer. J. G. PficKeggie & 69., (ssranmsnen 1879 ) B ANIiICRSs sesame: FALLS, - can". Agents: The Bank of British thrill. America. A general up-to-date banking business transacted. Current accounts with merchants and business men opened on the usual terms, To Blontreal 01‘ New York and careful attention given to the business for choice patterns or low prices in‘ WALL PAPER. \Ve have them here now for your selection. econssan’s, Linneav, NEXT TO SIMPSON HOUSE. Subscribe for the “ Gazelle.” of our customers. Money advanced on notes or mortgages for any length of time to suit borrower. Farmers' notes discounted at the lowest rates. Drafts issued on any part of the world. A. P..DEVL1§N, Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria. no N '. hangers Paper are always pleased when you furnish them wall paper selected from our splendid line. They know the quality and they know the a’.~ tractive designs. that it is possible to get better effect, to ShOW better results from putting it on, and, though they realize the wall paper They know you buy here will wear longer and look better for a ,given' number of years, they know that the work is far more satisfac- tory to the dweller in that house, and "are willing themselves to handle less paper for the pleasure in putting on our kind of wall effects. ‘ one. arcs-n. , Cheques on any bank in Canada or the United States cashed. Sterling Exchange bought or sold at post- ed ratc of Exchange. Special attention given to the collection of notes and accounts. Note forms furnished free of charge, or sent by mail post-paid. W. A. ishop, Acting Manager. The Newv Iâ€"Iardware Store, Opposite :the Post-Otfico w HEADQHABTERS for oars-w SUPPLIES. ass You come T0 9 I am prepared to supply all lnecessary material for House or Barn building unreasonable prices, and it will pay you to Planing done on workmen. consult me before buying. short notice by first class F. someone. should be purified at least once a year. No better time to use a good blood purifier than in the spring. It prepares the system for the severe heat 01 summer and makes you feel like a new person. Try the . Regular price $31, for 75 cents. We can recommend you nothing better. Robson’s Drug Store, Fenelon Falls. est Sarseperille, “ A little rain lays much dust.” , . ‘A little finish covers 'i snliluch shoddy, in i ,“As good inside the finish as it looks out- side,” is pledged by the Makers’ Egg on . sole ofâ€" “The SlaterShoe” , J. L. 3111121031), Sole Local Agent. i _;.'~' ‘43:" » ecu-g .‘. gâ€"Amn.

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