Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Mar 1902, p. 4

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vaVVVVvvvvvvavâ€"v-â€"â€"7râ€"vâ€"‘T_ Y'VVWWwwwvwvvvvvvv V' 7"".VYVVVV'IVVV‘VVVVV 'WV'V â€" . . ..... ‘ .1 . ~ A... . - “a _ The Height ‘ of Perfection :- 0 its. Tea. w. usoovwe. The Big Store. ft Ed. ‘ c\@___.___% TALE. We are receiving our annual supply of Stoves, which will be found of the best designs and makes and as cheap as anyone sells them. Received a stock of Fairbank’s Scales; considered ahead of any other make. Appointed agent for the celebrated White Sewing Machine. ‘ A full stock of Sporting Rifles, Guns, Ammunition etc. Try one of Heard’s own Hot Air Drums. The price is low and they are great savers of fuel, bes1des thoroughly heating your whole house. its. sense. ' I have removed my Dressmaking business to the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street Entrance-«door between the two red stores. MRS. M. E. GALEER. HEAEWG ARE N®W CQRABLE E} by our new invention, Only those born deaf are incurable. . iidlSES fiEdSE’ iidiliiEdii‘i‘fEii’. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMGRE, SAYS: BALTIMORE, Md, March 30, root. Geri/fem”: .- â€"â€" Being entirely cured of deafnessnthanks to your treatment, I Will now give you a full lli<lfll y of my case, to be used at your discretion. . _ ” About five years ago my right. ear began to Sing, and this kept on getting worse, untii I lost tnviwufiuginthmearenfirdy. _ ' I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, Without any success, consulted a num- ber of pliysicia ns, among others, the most eminent our specialist of this city. who told me that oniv an operation could help me, and. even that 9nly tem (Jr-only, that the head nomcs would. tlzcii cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost orever. I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in a New Yer}: paper, and ordered your treat- ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions. the homes ceased. and to-d.w. after five weeks, my hearing in the {diseased ear has been entirely restored. I then}: you i! ' c. d r o r main Ve ' tru 'ours, heart 3 ‘ L Leg t e r} F}: WERMAN. 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. 0252' treatment does not interfere with you? «sisal, coo-ragsation. a E‘Z‘ifiti‘héém‘ no ililil CURE YOURSELF iii new cost. IHTERNATli’ldi. AURAL CLINIG, 596 LA SALLE £952., fiiiifiitfifl, ELL a Subscribe for the “Gazette,” $1 a. year. arrows. Any farmer in want of a good harrow should call and see Robson’s ‘ Flexible llll Steel Harrow, Empire llll Steel Harrow, liananuque Patent Spring hulh llaiiiw. These barrows are among the best on the market, and will be sold at prices that will defy competition. I Fcnelon Falls. ‘nié'iiniéion Falls Gazette. FFriday, March 2151:, 1902. The War. To the surprise, as well as to the sat- isfaction, of'cvcrybody, General Delai‘cy released Lord Mcthucn, whom he treat- number 26 experiment will be forward- cd with the greatest consideration and ed by express. and for each of the others kindness while he remained a prisoner, it will be sent by mail. and whose wound, we are glad to learn, is not serious. The London (Eng) correspondent of the New York Sun says : “ The impression caused in this coun- try by the cliivali-ous magnanimicy of 1).; J, U, Rutherford, the newly ap- Commandant Delzu'ey in releasing a British general whom he might have Canada, was unanimoust elected on exchanged to advantage is remarkably deep and widespread, and is, according to all appearances, destined to have dissenting voice: practical results of the highest import. ance. The belief prevails in rcspon- ioiccs in the elevation of one of its ley. .. 3. Two varieties of linllcss Barley. 4. Emmet (Spelt) and two varieties of Spring Wheat. 5. TWO varieties of Buckwheat. 6. Three V‘ll‘lelles‘kof' Field Peas for Northern Ontario. 7. Two varieties of bugr proof Field Peas. , ’ 8. Cow Pens and two varieties of So.- ja or Japanese Beans. ’ 9. Three varieties of Husking C “‘0. 10. Three varieties of Maugolds. _ 11. Two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes. 12. Three varieties of Swede Turnips. l3. Kohl Rubi and (WO‘Val‘thie-‘i of Full Tni'nips. , 14. Parsnips and two varieties of Car- rots. 15. Three varieties of fodder or silage Corn. 16. Three vai'iniics of‘Millet. 17. Three varieties of Sorghum. 18. Grass Pease and two varieties of Vciches. l9. Dwarf Essex Rape and Thousand Headed Kale. 20. Three varieties of Clover. 21. Siinfoin, Lucei‘no and Burnet. 22 Five varieties of Grasses. 23. Three varieties of Field Beans. 24. Three varieties of Sweet Corn. 25 Fertilizers with early Corn for liuskiug. 26 Fcriilizu's with Swedish Turnips. 27. Growing Potatoes on the level and in hills. - 28. Two varieties of very early 1’ da- toes. 29. Planting cut Potatoes which have and which have not been coated over with land plaster. 30. Planting Corn in squares (an excellent variety of early Corn will be used). Material for either number rows and in 25 01‘ or. Ruins-iota Appleseed. At the recent annual meeting of the Veterinary Association of Manitoba. pointed Chief Veterinarv Inspector of Honorary Associate. The following resolution was also carried without a “ Resolved, that this Association rc- sible quartet-s that Commandant Delarey members to the most. important post in communicated fully to Lord Methuen Dominion open to the veterinary profes- the views, aspirations and demands of sion, that of Chief Veterinary Inspector the Boer‘lcadci‘s in the field, -and that. to the Department of Agriculture, and they are moderate. More than that. it wishes to place on record its apprecia- is believed that Lord Kitchener will adv tion of Dr. Rutlici'ford’s work, as the vise that the British Government accept founder of this Association and one of them. cording to the statements current here at present, if Dclai'cy, Baths and Dc- and wishes him' the greatest possible wet should come to chi'ksdoi‘p and success in his new sphere.” talk over the situation with Lord Kitch- encrf’ The. release of Lord Mctliuen shows, we think, that. General Delai'cy is a. wise as well as a brave man. and it may be taken as an indication that the Boers are as tired of the prolonged struggle as the people of England admittededly are. They felt the capture of Lord Meihucn badly, and reluctantly abandoned the hope that the war would be Over by the time of the King’s coronation in June. Although, as the Sun's correspondent says, “from a strictly military point of view, Lord Methuen’s defeat was of less consequence to the English campaign than what the Boers suffer every time To Lord Kitchener captures a hundred prisoners,” it. naturally encouraged the Boersâ€"especially the ignorant onesâ€" to hold out, and, unless Britain abate its pride and the Boers their obstinacy, the war may easily last another year, if not much longer. Experimental Union Tests in Agri- culture. Mr. C. A. Zavitz, of life Guelph Ag- ricultural College, has issued the follow- ing circular, for which we gladly make room in our columns : The Ontario Agriculturaland Expcr- spending a few days at Miss Broken- imeiital Union is prepared to distribute shire’s home at Womlvillc. for experimental purposes good seed of leading varieties of farm crops to an average of sixty-five farmers in each County and District of Ontario: Each person who wishes to conduct an exper- lllll‘lll‘, and is willing to use great Care was at the Falls from Friday until and accuracy in the weik and report the results of the test directly al'icr hail-vest, should select the exact experiment dc- sircd and apply for the same as soon as possible. The material will be for- It would not be surprising, ac- its most active members, and hereby tenders him its heartfelt congratulations A Personals. Mrs. V. H. Ackert. of Guelph, is visiting friends at the Falls. "Mr. William Deyinnn, Sr., was home from Gi'avenhurst part of last week. Mr. William Fielding, of Coboconk, was at the‘Falls on Wednesday evening. M r. Peter Begg, of Victoria Harbor, is at the Falls. visiting his uncle, Mr. Lewis Dcyman. Mr. Herbert Nevison is home frOm Goodcrhain, where he was clerking ul' winter for the Rathbun Co. Mr. Lewis Manning and Mr. Arthur wnley, who left for the 800 about seven months ago, are home again. Mr. T. Trudel, of Quebec city. arriv- ed at tho Falls on 1donday to take a position 0‘] Mr. J. J. Towuley’s sartor- ial staff. - Rev. Mr. Gai'biiit and Row. .“l‘. Daviesleft this (Fri-la.) morning to attend a Sunday School convention at Coboconk. Mrs. Mary J. Smith returned in lil‘l' home at Lindsay on Monday, after an enjoyable visit of about three weeks to her sons ut the Falls. Miss Eva Brolmnshii'c and Miss Mattie McFarland llfIVO returned from Mr. James Dickson left on Monday for Toronto, to attend‘tlic annual meet- ing of the Ontario Sui'veycrs’ Associaâ€" tion, of which he is president. 1‘] l‘. George A. Jordan. of Toronto. Monday. He has been appointed agent ' for the County of Victoria of the Can- adian Casualty Company, which is to be shortly incorporated. , Mr. and Mrs Fred Varcoc have re- \vai‘ded in the order in which the appli- turned from Mi Hand, and will make cations are received uniil the limited l supply is exhausted. Although mater- tlic Falls their permanent home. Mr. Varcoe has rented the house (next door in] for not more than one experiment. to the Gazelle office) at presentoccupied will be sent to each person, it might be well for each applicant to make a second choice for fear the first could not be granted. LIST or sxrnmnsurs son 1902. .1, Three varieties of Ozits. by Mr. William i‘chcown, and has re- suincd his old position in Mr. Camp- bell's slorc. . Mr. Robert McCallum left on Friday, accompanied by his son Malcolm and his daughter, to attend the funeral of 2. Three varieties of simmgved ban his younger brother, Mr. D.lVlLl. Mc- l l )nllum, at Sterling, Out. "“ Mack" and his. sister are home again, but their father remained at Sterling, on account of the dangerous illness of his mother, who is over 80 years old. w- . Schiiol Board Meeting. Fcuclon Falls, March 18th, 1902. The Board met at regular meeting; present, F. MoD-iugall, iu the chair, Jas. L. Arnold, Henry Pearce and Al' bci't McIntosh. ' Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Miss Ingram tendered her resigna- tion as teacher in Division No. 3 in the north ward school. Moved by J. L. Arnold. seconded by H. A. McIntosh, That Miss Ingram's resignation be accepted, and that. we advertise in the Toronto Globe for a teacher to take room three in the north ward school for the balance of the term ending June 30ih, l902.â€"-Cari'icd. Board adjourned, to meet on Thurs- day, the 27th instant. Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the G-IZGNn) The basket social last Friday night was very well attended, considering the state of the roads. The proceedings commenced about 7.30. l‘he pros gramme, wliiclrconsistcd of dialogues, rccitations and readings. was attended to first, and then Mr. J. B. Powles was selected auctioneer to sell the baskets.» and if the roads had been good he would have had no small task, as there would have been a larger number to dispose of. About 25 or 30 baskets were sold, which realized, with the receipts at. the door, about. $30, clear of expenses. Mr. W. \Vagar was on hand with his gramo- phone, which is an entertainer within itself The plan adopted that no basket should be sold for more than one dollar seems to give universal sails-faction. There is no basket worth a dollar, and ol’:cn a basket is sold for two dollars or more, which is taking something for nothing. The trustees of the church intend to have some fixing done to the basement as soon as the finances will. allow. It can be made more comfortable, cleaner and more attractive to the Sabbath School children. " A. few weeks ago we noticed in the Montreal Weekly Witness the death of Rev. Charles Fish, at the age of 8‘3 years. He was stationed in Lindsay many years ago. ' Some of the farmers here attended Mr. Thomas Cashore’s sale last Tucs- day: The roads throth here are very un- satisfactory to travel on at present, as there is neither wheeling nor sleigliing. There. was an egg deal in this neigh- borhood not long ago between two wo- men. M rs. A went to Mrs. B to borrow halfa dozen eggs. Mrs. B’s hens were laying, but she happened to have some stale, packed eggs on hand, and lent them, and (me of them was bad; but took a half dozen fresh laid eggs in re- turn for the five stale 0065,21in laughed at the joke. At that time fresh eggs were selling on the market in Lindsay for 22 cents. Honesty is the best policy . THE FIRST Romsâ€"What we believe to have been the first robin to arrive at the Falls this season was seen and heard last Friday morning, and two or three days later there were several of’ them, as well as a few blackbirds. How they liked the “cold snap ” that commenced some time during Sunday night, we don’t know; but the weather. is now milder, and birds of all kinds will no doubt soon be here in hundreds. To Cure a. Cold in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Qiiinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to euro E. W. Grove’s signature on each box. 250 OYSTER SUPPER.-â€"Mr. Washington Northey treated about fifteen ,mcmbci's of the Hockey Club to an oyster supper at his restaurant on 'l'uesday evening. .Mr. M. H. McCallum, president. of the club, occupied the chair, and a couple of hours were cnjoyably spent in sing- ing, speech making, ctc. Fully twenty invitations were sent out, but, from dif- ferent causes, four or five of the recip- icnls were unable to attend, and missed having a jolly good time.’ Never Say Die. You may be weak, miserable, nervous, sleepless, your digestion may be poor, and you despair. Never say dic,unti1you have used Fen-ozone, the most wonderful blood maker, nerve. sti‘englhener and brain invig- orator. it tones up the whole system. You can eat anything and dig. st it if you use Fcri'ozone. You sleep well. You make blood quickly, strength increases daily, 21nd in a short time you’re well. ’l‘i-y Ferrozone, which you can obtain at Robson’s drug store. .THE HOCKEY Sccousr'IoN.â€"With reference to Mr. Bi-ition’s suggestion, mentioned in last week’s Gazette. the Post of the 17th inst.says : “The Lind - say seniors have accepted the odor make , WT.“ 974536.171 mKCrzm-xtâ€"ug.z<‘ : 1.21;;3‘LVJAJR‘

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