-’ v†’ M "“i."-‘$*-â€"‘+;-f-s-‘s£w ‘» \’._-._w:/ . ._. 4 <. 1’ .riL-JMI» 1“ . ..'. / " - -,~ - o- -_-..-,-4.,~_ f. v t p v a h v . .1. p. p,» ; ,. ,. "r; , :4- "? a ~ Arm, .- < .11; . itz ‘ I’. '7“; "J? air In Lapland. They sat together side by side, And tnlkr d inside the doorway, ‘»~0f Lapland, where the Lapps abide, Northeast of Norway. ‘ “ No winter there it horse could spend, ’Twould freeze his very mnno, dear, . And so the natives must depend Upon the rein-deer.†ller breuth the maiden quickly caught, And then she murmured, “ Oh, dear l†. And twittered saucily, “ I thought It was the snow, dear I†And then, in just a jiffy more (Where maidens oft by hap land, And where, of truth, she’d been before) She was in lap-land. _: .. --â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Conscientious Mathematician. Steve Bonbright, of the American I‘lllusician, vouches for the authenticity ~ of the following, which he says a boy’s .'--father wrote to his teacher : Sir: Will you please for the future : give my son easier somcs to do at nites? "This is what he’s brought beam to or ~three nites back: “If fore gallins of ï¬bers will ï¬ll thirty-to pint bottles, how .many pints and half bottles will nine gallins of bore ï¬ll?†Well, we tried, :and could make nothin’ of it at all, and 2 my boy cried and said he didn’t dare to .‘ go back in the mornin’, without doin’ it. $180 I had to go an’ buy a nine gallin keg of here, which I could ill afford to v do, and then we went and borrowed a ' lot of wine and brandy bottles; we ï¬ld : them and then counted them, and there “were ninety-one of them, and my boy ~gaput the number down for an answer. I - don’t know whether it is rite or not, as ~..wo spilt some while doing it. P. S.-â€"-Plese let the next some be in Lwater, as I am not able to buy' more -- bore. . Something New in Mechanics. “Great is the humor of woman when .~ she doesn’t mean it, great is the nerve ~ of woman when she doesn’t need it, and :_great are the nerves of women when it .7 so pleases her. This combination is ‘blamable for the following : A very pretty girl sat in a Long Island railroad "train. Suddenly the whistle blew. It is perhaps not necessary to say that a Long Island railroad whistle is more efï¬cacious than otherwise. It is tuned to the key of W and is operated with a great diapason, giving out a brand of yelping shriek different from anything ..known to nature. To repeat, the en- gine whistled. “ O-o-ow I†cried the ‘pretty girl. “Isn’t that awful? I should think ' the railroad company would have those things oiled. It is an ._outrage." Her companion had often “heard of wetting whistles, but nevor be- :fore of oiling them. Think it over, 0‘. No Place for Tunnels. A Scotchman who had been employed :nearly all his life in the building of i railways in the Highlands of Scotland ' came to America in his later years and settled in a new section on the plains of the far west. Soon after his arrival a project came up in his new home for acoustructing a railway through the dis- ;trict, and the Scotchman was applied to as a man of experience in such matters. -“ Hoot, mon !" said he to the spokes- man (if the scheme, “ Ye cauna build a Trailway across this country.†“ Why met, Mr. Ferguson ?†" Why not ?†the repeated, with an air of effectually :xsettliug the whole matter. “Why not! IDae yo no see the country’s as flat as a deer, and ye dinna hae any place what- - ever to run your tunnels through '1’†-0 A Story from Pincher Creek. A good story comes from the Pincher "Creek district. Two travellers were driving through that section and met with an accident to their buggy. One Of the two went to a nearby shanty, the occupant of which happened to be a Swede, and asked if he had a monkey wrench. The astonished traveller re- ceived the following reply :_ “ No,'Ay .got a cattle ranch; may brother, Ole. haf a horse ranch ; Ncl's Nelson hafa hog ranch ba de crick oler ; and a Yan- kee feller haf a sheep ranch but ï¬ve mile down the road; but Ay bet no fel- lcr fool enough to start a monkey ranch in dose country.†0+9 Her Sentiments, Too. It is related of a clergyman who was the happy father of a charming and beautilul daughter that one day, while preparing his Sunday discourse, he was suddenly called away from 1115 desk on a mission of mercy. The sentence at which he left off was this : “ I never see a young man of splendid physique. and the promise of a glorious manhood almost realized but my heart is ï¬lled with rupture and delight." llis dough tor, happening to cuter the study, saw me >L'lllltlll, and read the Words. ting down, she wrote underneath : ! Sit-5 l l *' 'l'hcm’s my sentiments, rape, oxactly."l The Covered Barnyard. ITS ADVANTAGES FOR WINTERING FARM STOCKâ€"‘JUST THE THING FOR SHEEP â€"-AN IMPORTANT FACTOR. The present time of year should show to the fullest extent whatever beneï¬ts may pertain to a covered barnyard. An Ohio Farmer writer says of this : If appearances are facts, seldom in- deed is there a farmer who appreciates the real worth of a covered barnyard. At any rate, those seen by the writer in his travels over and about the country have been exceedingly few and far be- tween. A covered barnyard, just the same, is a very important factor in farm management, it not only being possible with it to keep manure from leaching, even in the slightest degree, but preserve it to a certainty from that hateful con- sumer of the majority of manure heaps, “ ï¬re fanging.†With a covered barn- yard one should simply wheel out the manure daily and throw some litter over it. Thus dealt with, the cattle will run over it and keep it so closely packed that too rapid heating is an im- possibility. A covered barnyard also affords stock a chance to exercise and secure fresh air without exposure to storms and cold winds, no matter what the period of the year may be, and for sheep that lamb in the spring it is just the place in which they can winter, the opinion of many being that sheep, cloth- ed with a thick fleece of wool as they are, thrive better on an average when they have a cool situation. To justify this, howevor, it is imperative that the barnyard be enclosed all around except that part facing to the south, with food racks for the animals arranged at the sides. Sheep can be wintered in this manner with very little trouble. 6-.- Common Cows for Beef Cattle. It is not only possible to start with common cows and build up a good herd of beef cattle, but it is one of the best moves that the average farmer can make, provided, of course, that he has the common cows to begin with, says a Kansas farmer in American Cultivator. There is no earthly reason why ‘ he should sell such a herd and proceed to put a lot of money into well-bred cows. I should advocate building up the herd every time from common stock, so that ‘ one would gain experience while making improvements. Put the average man without experience in possession of a ï¬ne herd, and he will in most cases abuse it through ignorance. If a man cannot breed carefully enough to build up a herd, he cannot handle ï¬ne bred animals well enough to keep them up to their standard. If there is going to be any failure, it is better to have it' out with the common herd so the loss will be less keen. . 0a.». Draining Wet Places. â€". Frequently wet places that produce more frogs and mosquitoes than any crop that can be planted, can be drain- ed with a good plow and team and a day or two with a shovel or hoe, says Farm and Ranch. It will pay to do such work, because such places, well drained, are very fertile ; also such areas frequently cause the neglect of the crops on either side, because when it should be cultivated the wet ground will not permit it, and when that becomes dry enough the other will be too dry for best results. We once drained a pond of about two and a half acres by dig- ging a wall in the lowest point down to a sand bed. All the water ran into this hole and disappeared. This will not work at all places. But the wet places should be made dry or dredged and converted into ï¬sh ponds. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o+q ' Treatment of Sore Tests. The proper thing to do is to treat each case on its merits, but perhaps the most useful dressing to keep on hand for general purposes is camphor and elder ointment. Any chemist will sup- ply you with such a compound, or it may be made by mixing one-half ounce of ï¬nely powdered camphor with four ounces of elder ointment. Another use- ful dressing, especially when flies are troublesome, is the glycerine and car- bolio acid. in many cases it is neces- sary to draw off the milk by means of a teat tube or siphon. A laxative dose, 12 to 16 ounces of Epsom salts, is use- ful in cases of erythema mammillarum. 0-9 Cleansing the Fowlhouse. Spraying the poultry houses with a solution of sulphuric acid, one pound to twenty gallons of water, is an efï¬cient remedy for lice, mites and all disease germs if it is put on so as to cover walls, ceilings, floors, roosts and nests, and forced into cracks and crevices. It is better than some other sprays, as it is not necessary to keep the fowls out more than an hour or so, and it will destroy the as well as the develop- ed insects if it touches them. We are selling Off the balance Of our Millinery and Ladies’ Jackets at reduced prices. COME AND SEE THEM. Wm. Campbell. PRINTING. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, m @ POSTERS. DODGERS, SHIPPING TAGS, _ PROGRAMMES, BLANK NOTES, RECEIPTS, ETO., WEDDING INVITATIONS, MEMORIAL CARDS, LADIES’ VISITING CARDS. We have lately added a stock of type and stationery for printing Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc., and, can turn out ï¬rst class work at reasonable prices. Come and see samples. Francis Street West. “ Gazette †Office. LOK AT Tl-llS. GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line OI packages (East Brand); . . Valencia Raisins; Sultana RaISIns. goods, just received: Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound Fine Filiated Currants; Selected A full stock Of Crosse & Blackwell’s Peels; Softâ€"shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble Wal- nuts; Shelled Almonds. . GROCKERY DEPARTMENT Toilet and Dinner Sets. For, the next two weeks we will Offer special value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy Goods, Lamps etc. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can bu . READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and. Boys’ Suits, also a nice line Of Ulsters and Overcoats. lines Of new goods Just p laced in stock. These are only a few Of the You are‘invited to take a close look through the stocks and compare prices Whether you buy or not. . Our 250. Tea is Immense value. res. MOEARLAND. t t r t r t t» r 3 ’Gem Rings bought from us are CORRECT IN STYLE, .. soon In QUALITY, PERFEOT IN WORKMANSHIP. We make a. specialty of Rings, Our new designs are handsome. We have a very large stock to select from. Britten Essa, Jewellers. Foot of Kent 3%., Lindsay. - - 7r, »-..<~2.~_vi,.. .es:is;Amyrbrwggemgm 13.. Add. ‘ irks-T» ,. L' -. 'mrsh . ~42}: ":Jiej 1.5:. ":5 In El: 'r art-’1 SOCIETIES. NIGHTS OF TENTED MACCABEES Diamond Tent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the ï¬rst and third Tuesday in each month. CHAS. WISE, Coin. ‘ O W. Buneovns, R. K; ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Trent Valley Lodge NO. 71. Meet it} the Orange hall on Francis street west on the ï¬rst and third Mondays in each month WM. McKsowN, N G. J. T. THOMPSON JR, Soc. ._..._v-.-... o. L. No. soc. MEET IN THE ORANGE . hall on Francis-St. West on the second Tuesday in every month. J. J. Navrsoxv, W. M. J .T. THOMPSON J r., Rec-Sec NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. D. GOULD, Chief Ranger. Tnos. Ausrm, R. S. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, I ~ Fenelon .Fnlls Lodge No 626. Meets in the Orange Hall on Francis street west on the ï¬rst Thursday of each month. Taco. Jov, Chief Ranger, P. Dumas, Sec. ‘(ANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE LON Falls Circle No.127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block the ï¬rst Wednesday in every month. ~ P. C. Bononss, Leader. R. B. Srnvesrnn, Secretary. A F'.AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY . Ledge No.406. Meets on the ï¬rst Wednesday ofeach mont.h,on or before the full of the moon, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. F. A. McDmmun, W. M. E. FITZGERALD, Secretary. Wm“â€" CI-IURCIâ€"IES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN ST REV. . BenJ. Davies, Minister. Preaching servrces every Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Bible Class and Sunday School at 2.30 p. In. Praise and ru er serv' Thursday at8 p m. p y we on METHODIST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. John Gar-butt, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Pro or meetin Thursday evening at 7.30. y g on ST. ANDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, .Pasâ€" tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. in. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. N lALVATION ARMY â€" BARRACKS ON _ Bond St. Westâ€"Capts. Stephens and erdard. Service every Wednesday, Thurs- . ‘ day and Saturday evenings at 8 p. m., and a on Sundays at] 1 a. m., 3 p. m. and7.30 p.m. .________.________ ST. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leary, Pastor. Servrces every alternate Sunday at 10.36 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m M ST. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET _, Eastâ€" Rev. Wm. Farncomb, Pastor. Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Bible class ever Thursda ' at 7.30 o’clock_ y y 0Vening 5% . Seals free in all churches. Everybody mmtedlo attend. Strangers cordially welcomed mam MISCELLANEOUS, Khw UBLIC LIBRARYâ€"PATRICK K P Librarian. Open daily, Sunday 32:13:: ed, from 10 O’clock n. m. till 10 p. In. Book exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. ‘ N POST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- ‘ ter. Open daily, Sundays excepted i from 7.30 a. m. to 7 p. 11]. Mail going soutli closes at 7.85 a. m. Mail going north closes at 11.25 a. m. Letters for registration must be posted half an hour previous to the ' time for closing the mails. ' ‘ m“- v “I. NEWSPAPER LAW. : 1. A postmasteris re uired t ‘ ' by letter (returning (inc papgrgldgegoiioi answer the. law), when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the ofï¬ce 37d ‘ state the reasons for its not being’tnkn " Any neglect to do so makes the postmasigi ' responsnble to the publisher for payment I . 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tmued he must pay all arrearages or th publisher.mny continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken from the one I l or not. There can be no legal discontinâ€e I ance until the payment is made. " a. I 3. Any person who takes a . ' ‘ the post-ofï¬ce, whether direcib'iilmltofrliii: ( name or another, or whether he has sub- . i scribed or not, is responsible for the pa 4. If a subscriber orders his paper toyhe stopped at a certain time, and the pub- lisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it it" he takes it out of the post-ofllcc. This proceeds upon the ground ' that a man must pay for what he uses. 1 i 5. The courts have decided that refusing i to take newspapers and periodicals from i "' 310 pOSl-Olliiiii, or removing and leaving " rem nnca e for is l " ' ' ' - i of intentional fraild. 27mm mew ewdcnce I