3:42.322" to dannte seven handsome and valuable . To 9mg“ com “,1 911° Tnglyt Au» d duls suits-bl en raved to the Tdke 138mm" t°m° QulP‘l‘e ‘3 e 5' 30! mo ’ . y. g ' . . druggxsts refund money if it fails to cure members Of the wmmug team- Gondl’ E. W. Grove’s signature on each box. 25c tious, referees, etc" to be mutually ar- ranged: between the clubs.†‘ A Great Increasing Army, composed 01 men and women that spend herirt and soul in the vain effort to over- come a lack of vigor in the body. To re- place inertia by vigor, to make good red blood that will' build up the system, to have strong nerves, you must eat more, di- gest more, assimilate more. How can it Robt. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADS'l‘ONES, both Marble and granite. ANADIAN ’PACI Fl c Y. Settlers’ be done 'l‘ By using Ferrozone. It invigo- One way rates and strengthens, possessing magical health giving powers. Get Ferrozone to- Paper hangers are. always pleased when you furnish them. wall paper selected from our splendid line. They know the- quality and they know the atâ€"- WORKS_M ï¬e mm of the M met on . tractive designs. They know ‘ “ that it is possible to get better effect, to show better results , Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. Marble Table TOps', Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. â€"=I--M Beings. practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. day,.nt W. H. Robson’s, and make yourself ’ strong-and well. To Manitoba. and‘ Canadian North- . Woman’s INSTITUTE Mommaâ€"A We“ “1.1199479 T°r°nt° “Very TUES‘ well attended meeting of the East Vic- DAYdurmgMARGHMdAPRIL’1902‘ . . . Passengers travelling without Live torla Women 5 Institute was held last Stock should take the twin leaving Saturday alternoon in the Orange Hall. Toronto at 1,45 [3,111. FEDEIOD Falls- A very Interestmg pa' Passengers“ travelling with Live per on “ The Cultivation 0f Flowers," Stock should take the train leaving by Mrs. William Campbell. was read 'Foronto at 9.00 p. m. by Miss 13- Nie. after which a lively Colonist Sleeper will be attached to discussion took place, Mrs. Campbell each train. ‘ answering many questions relating to For full particulars and copy of the different varieties of plant life. The “settler5!.Gllide:'f flLPlfl)’ '30 your 118M- ncxt paper! It Order in the Home," by est Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, or to Mrs. B. Smith, was very interesting. A'H- NOWâ€: .115“- Gen-Pass-Agt- The idea that there should be a place 1 King Street East: Toronto- fbr everything and that everything M‘ should be in its place was forcibly im- I pressed, the example being taken that Gnd.'tlie. great creator of: the universe, newstriatleiniz gum-WED week in oi‘dcr. The work appropriate - MCKEOWN’ S FURNITURE for each day and how it should be done BUSINESS, wa< thoroughly discussed, and many and will carrya large hints were given. The meeting then closed with the singing of the National and up-to-date stock of furniture. Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. we REPAIR mesons: AND BUGGIES. If your wlieeledévehi'des- need repairing of any des- cription we can do the work as well as anybody in the county. W K _ . , bugge .533 lefdénieiggi ARE YOU GOENG like a new one, orcwill sell you a new one..- and take your old one impart payment- I? amxprepared‘ tosupply all necessary'material’l & fer House or Barn building at reasonable prices, audit will pay you. to. consult me before ,buyino'. Planing: done;- on; sliont notioe- by: ï¬rst class; from putting it on, and, though they realize the wall paper' you buy here will wear longer and look better for. a given: number of years, they. know. that the work is far. more satisfac-- tory. to the dweller in that house, endure Willing'themselves: to handle less paper for the pleasure in putting'on: our kind: oï¬'wall effects. ' one. Moe : ;..T“'° M‘"HE'ADQUAHTEBSXMI- D‘AIHY'SUPPLIES;. ,____.__..â€"_ Anthem. AN UNPLEASANT MISIIAP.â€" Mrs. Hugh McDougall drove out to Rosedale Inst Friday, accompanied by her mo- ther, Mrs. C. W. Moore, and, ï¬nding the road terribly bad, they decided to Am also prepared to do 'come home by way of Cameron Lake, all kinds of Brown_ Grizzly and wonkmem on parts of which there is a thin layer _ . M _ - oficc, formed by the freezing of the Carnage Mahng‘; 3’0 ango an F rain. that fell or the water that flooded . Repairing and . I. .. . . . . m ovcrtlie- solid ice below. ï¬t was dark when they reached the lake. and, when about half way across, the horse got off ; the tran and broke through the shell ice into the water, which tookib over its knees. Mrs. McDougall-is a good _ driver, but, iujspitc of her skilful ma- nipulation of the reins, the horse in some way upset the cutter; but whether the ladies were thrown out or had previous- ly stepped out our informant did not say, and we forgot to ask. Atany rate, they did not get wet, but, after getting the. “ outï¬t †on to ï¬rm ice, they rightcd the cutter and drove home. Their mis- hap was certainly a very unpleasant one, but it might easily have been a great deal worse. Unnecessary to Suffer Ftom.-Asthma. This distressing complaint can be perfectly cured by inhaling Caturrhozone, a vegeta- ble antiseptic that destroys the germs that oausothe disease. Catarrbozone is inhaled at the mouth from a.convenient pocket inâ€" halor, and, after permeating; the minutest. - air cells, is expelled slowly through the nostrils. It stops the cough, makes breath- ing regular, and cradicates the Asthma so. thoroughly from. the system. that it never returns. Do n’t sufl‘er from Asthma. Use Catarrhozone; it will speedily cure you. Large outï¬t, $1.00. Small size, 25 cents. At W. H. Robson’s, or by mail from Bolson & 00., Kingston, Ont. W __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DIED. Snosomâ€"«A‘t Eeneton. Falls,.on. Eudora, ,3 March 7th, 1902, James .Simpson, oï¬Portr " HOpc, aged 68 years. Repainting, and to make DOORS AND" SASH. Planing done on- short notice. S. Gainer. There’s s Dideroncc. †1. . AR 30323 will keep you warm. Come and. see them. A large stock of Horse Blankets, Trunks, Valises, etc. , always on hand at Nevison’s Harness Shop. NEW WAGE-"HE SHOP . IN FEHELON FALLS. The undersigned‘ has opened’a well- cquippcd Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of-vTWomey’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the .wooden.p_ants.o£; implements. Lawn Mow- ers repaired’ and: sharpened, and; Saws sharpened and gummed. 3%“ Prices right and all work attended to promptly. . JOHN JONES. Fenelon Falls, April‘lSth,.1901-. lion- Cheap Furniture is not always good furnitm‘e, but good’ furniture is always cheap lurnitureâ€"perhaps not so low priced, but the difference in wearing qual- ities and appearance will more than. make up for the additional ï¬rst cost. If you want Good. Furniture, not so high in price as to be expenswe, and not so Ever have a pair of shoes that twisted out‘ of shape before they were half worn out? _____._...._.__â€" That was because of poor lastingâ€"the stretch- had’ been left in them. I “Slater 5133.5" are lasted on machines which: . automatically stretch the leather to the exact point where there is no stretch left. , Only good leather can stand this process, but it: takes all the stretch forever out of the shoes. No breaking in, no bursting out, no twisting, no unsightly warpingâ€"“ Slater Shoes †keep their shape till worn out. Goodyear Welted. Branded with makers' name and price, in aslate frame, $3.50 and $5.00. EnNnnoN "exits MARKETS. cmnel'on Falls, Friday, March 14th, [902; Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. Wheat. Scotch or Fife .... 70 to 80 chem . '1. o- b 1" 1 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 68 7.0a ‘ Ii} ( s t ,e t d‘s ly’ I «The 51811:? Shoe " Wheat,sp2\ingg 67 ea can s ow you a. large and . , Barley, pervbush‘olr‘.... ...‘. 51 52 carefully selected stock. I Buckwheat“ .... . . . . 50 52 Oats, “ .... .... 37 38 undertaking in all its '- v u "2 73 we»- £3238, ,. I50 52 branches. H _ Poln-toesv) “ Iool out. ' _ ____â€"______â€"_____________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" j. .u * 4‘" .-2 ;€.-_ jaw,“ J-‘n, . .Butter, er lb...... 15 16 L. DEYMAN. . Eggsmgr dozen.......... 15 16 J. G. McKeggle & GIL, J. L. ARNOLD, Hay,per ton...... . 8200 9.00 Hides . . . .. . .. . .. 4.50 5.00 (ESTABLISHED 1879) Hogs (live) n 525 5-75 - AngERS _ Hogs (Dressed) 5 50 6.00 ,.-‘ B e A 18318021. . .19.â€; . . . . . o . . . . .. . o 6~gg I - e To Montreal or Ner York: is ps 1 ~ V I. I . ‘ ‘ p133: Silvei‘mgé... . .. 2 0'3 2 ‘23 Agents: The Bank of Butlsh North America. gzéceghï¬ge Pattelns 01 10W“ , ; n a u n n o u o a ' Flour, Victoria. . .. . .. 1.90 2.10 . I A 1 r _t0_dnte banking business should be puriï¬ed at least once Flour, Family Clipper.... 1.70 1.90 ‘ genera “p a year. gingéspeliloo Ills u L 190% WWW tlagdtfdiil. accounts with merchants and No better time to use a good W 0 ’ ' ' ' n ' H I ' " business men opened on the usual terms, blood puriï¬er than in the spring. e a’ve t em here now". Mischhop “ 1.30 1-40 __________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" The balance Of our StOCk or and careful attention given to the business for your Selection. It re ares tle stem for the ofour customers. P P 1 53* severe heat 01 summer and makes I Money advanced on notes or mortgages you feel a, new person" ____. I for any length of time to suit borrower. T the L|NDSAY’ . Farmers’ notes discounted at the lowest W NEXT TO We want, deliveredinlivo at your nearest. G 'l‘. R. station, every chicken you can raise. Larger breeds, such as Orpingtons, anndottos, Rocks,1ndiun Games and Dork- iug's are most acceptable. Scrub and black- legged birds are not suitable. Prices ac- Mllll cording to weight and plumpness. Good ' chickens bring from 40 to 90 cents per pair. \Vlll be SOlCl {Li} greatly 1‘8- We can supply settings of wood Rock and , ,- ‘- ‘ l . ‘.\"y:\udotte leggs. Where onuumber order at .Ced P1 lees dllllllg thb nehll together the cost is from '10 to 25 cents per tllll‘ty days, setting. For particulars write our buyer, rates. Best sarsaparifla, SIMPSON HOUSE. Drafts issued on any part of the world. Cheques on any bank in Canada. or the Regular price 81, {01' 75 cents. United SIM“ (“Shell‘ We can recommend you nothing better. ‘ Dr. T. P. Sterling Exchange bought'or sold at post- - x 1. v . ' ' ed late of Excnune Eobsun,s Erug Siare’ Specialist, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THRllAT... Fenelon Falls. Special attention givep to the collection of notes and accounts. I . I . Will visxt Simpson House, Lindsay, every, ' e orm" furninied free of char c or seilftolt) fmaila postâ€"Said g ’ Wednesday'- HOlll‘S, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m y . Consultations, cyc,car,,nose and throat. W. A. Bishop, Anlingllanager, [A E. Silrcrwood, llox 13:. ~ I M WASHB URN . Lindsay}; -1. .- . . _ ., . .a. ‘ ll 'Sggzzgfborough,cornerGeorg? and Men‘s?! i l ‘1-3“-‘ ~.