.u Sara... 7,. «I... W "V" 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVV v - v I ' \ , gr? â€"“‘ was“. ..-.x.-.-. “'2. - h, . V, ‘ V. -. «1-{ivmhnmgpygh V ,x c‘. I * 'n :2. :," .r‘.. w. BURGOYNE. The Blg Store. 'I ., *3 ‘a‘\,, FALL SUPPLIES. We are receiving our annual supply of Stoves, which, will be found of the best designs and makes and as cheap as anyone sells them. , . Received a stock of Fairbank’s Scales ; considered ahead of any other make._ Appointed- agent for the celeb ‘ated White Sewing Machine. A full stock of Sporting Rifles, Guns, Ammunition etc. Try one of Heard’s own Hot Air Drums. The price is low and they are great savers of fuel, besides thoroughly- heating your Whole house. - . 10$. HEARD. I have removed my Dressmaking business to the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street Entranceâ€"«door between the two red stores. MRS. M. n. CALDER. ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS on HARD HEARING. ARE NGW CURABLE our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. Iii-filo routs crass rumoursâ€. F. A. WERMAN, 0F BALTIMORE, SAYS: BALTIMORE, Md, march 30, r901. Genllrmm : â€" Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I Will now give you full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. . _ . . About. ï¬ve years ago my right ear began to Sing. and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. . ' 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, Without any success, consulted a numo ber of physicians. among others, the most eminent ear spemalist of this City, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only tem .orarily, that the head noxscs would then cease, but the hearing in the affected car would lie lost orever. I then saw ~vour advertisement accidentally m a New York‘paper, and ordered your treat. mr'it After I had used it only a few days accord‘ng to your directions. the uoxses ceased. and to (luv, after ï¬ve weeks, my hearing in the diseased car has been entirely rcstored. I thank you Very truly yours, I F. A. WERMAN, 7503. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not intm'fere with your rrstmrz occupation, Examination and atanonlinaï¬ advice free. cost. ll‘l‘i’EiiliilTlï¬iilll. AURAL GL1HIG,596 LA SAME Edi, éiiifld‘dfl, ILL. % Wan-um Subscribe for the “Gazette,†$3 ayear. heartily and beg to remain good harrow should call an see Robson’s Flexible All Shel Harrow, Empire All Steel Harrow, Gananuque Palenl will be sold at prices that w defy competition. ’ cereals; an; Gazette. Pretoria, dated March 8th, reported the discovery, by Canadian scouts com- manded by Col. Ross, of a. Boer maga- zine in a. cave north-east of diets. in , 310,000 rounds of rifle ammunition, 'koill, before dawn on March 7th, to a ,cral Lord Methuen, who was himself wounded in the thigh and captured. "killcd,’ and ï¬ve oï¬iccrs and 72 men ' «.moun ted- men, -' the waggons. No fears are entertained- “ as to.the.srea.tmeut hord Nfcthueu will Harrows. Any farmer in want of a is a Spring luulh Harrow. These barrows are among , A to the best on the. market, and Mr. Robert MOKOOWO’ of Garden ill run, is visiting his brother, Mr. Wir. ,. 'Ths. Robson, Fenelon Falls. Friday, March 14th, 1902. The Boer Warâ€"Lord Methuen Cap- ' tured. .â€" A dcspatch from Lord Kitchener at the Orange River Colony, containing " hundreds of shells and fuses, 200 pounds ofpowdcr, a Maxim gun, hellos', ï¬eld telegraphs and quantities, of stores. . But, two days later, there came, from the same source, the details of a dis- aster between Twebosch and Palmiet- British force of 1,200. men under Gan- '[‘he Boers, under General Delarcy, at- tacked thcm on three sides, and‘ the British lost; three ofï¬cers and 38 men wounded. Occ ofï¬cer and 200 men were reported missing, and the Boers captured all the British baggage and four guns. Major Paris, who led 900 and who surrendered when further ï¬ghting was useless, was released, and says that the disaster was partly caused by the panic and stampede of the mules that were drawing some of meet with, but it is believed that he will be held as a hostage. Meanwhile the Boer force in the ï¬eld is steadily decreasing by death or capture ;; and it iissaid that their women, who until late- ly urged them to ï¬ght, are beginning to be in favor of‘suorcnder., A A, later account says that the-trouble began when the raw troops ï¬inchcd and threw the column into disorder. Six ithousand. ycomam‘y, with large drafts of cavalry andr infantry. arc to be im- mediately embarkcd‘tor South Africa. "if has Rec‘ep'trbii On Thursday of last week our hockey team went to Norwood to play the ï¬nal Trent Valley League some, and, as they won by a score of 9 MT, thus re- ‘tuini'ng the championship and? possess- ion of the Stratton cup, it was decided, when the welcome news of their victory came, to give them a right royal recep- tion on their return. They remained in Pcterborough over Friday to witness the ï¬rst of the ï¬nal. games in tho-inter- mediate serics of the O. H. A., between that town and Galt, which was won by Peterborough, and came home on Sat- urday by the train. duo here at 11.45 a. in. When our victors in many a “ strenuous †ï¬ght arrived, it must have ‘- warmed the cookies of their hearts " to soothe crowd that. had assembled at the station to do them honor ;_ and, after they had with difï¬culty made their way to the Carriage awaiting them, the vil- lage band played a selection, and: then headed the long procession of rigs that. followed it to Dickson’s. hall, where the chair wastaan by Mr. Thomas Robson, who made a brief culogistic speech, as, also, did Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P., Rev John Garbutt, Rev. E. C. H. Sin- clair, Dr. Gould, Dr Graham, Dr. M's-l son, Mr. T. H..Dcch and Mr. W. T. l Junkin. The reception was a grand one, and so many flags, big and little, were displayed, and so much enthusiasm was cviuccd. that the celebration of the relief of Mafck-ing was recalled to mind. The Strattou Cup, the outward and 61 take much interest. in athletic sports, but we take a deep interest in every- thing Falls since Saturday last. Friday, after a visit of about ten weeks the Whitby Ladies’ College last Satur- day, and returned this week. eral of the late James Simpson at Port, Hope on Monday, and came home on Wednesday. Saturday, and Miss Lena Austin on Monday, after attending the spring mil- linery openings in Toronto. day for her home at lllordco, Manitoba. She was accompanied as far as Toronto by her mother. Mrs..Gcorge Martin.- didatc for East Victoria, was at. the goon, accompanied by Mr. Dickson, who came home on Tuesday. visible sign of our team’s achievement, ‘ was carried to and from the railway station on Mr. W. L Robson’s delivery waggon, and. after having been exhibit- ed in the hall, was returned to the win- dow of Dr. Gould's drug store, where it still to be seen. We are too old ‘to that clients the narnc and fame of Personals. Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P., was t the Falls On Saturday. Rev. Wm. Farncomb has been at the Mrs. Robert Menzies came home on friends at Gooderham. ram McKeown, at the Falls. ~ Miss Emily DcCew came home from Mr. George Wilson attended the fun Miss Washburn returned home on Mrs. J. W.-Bryans left on Wednes- Mr. Louis F. Heyd, the Liberal can- Falls on Monday and left for} Bobsay- . M Fenelrm council... Cambrcy, March 3rd, 1902. Council met at the call of the recvc. all the members present. Mr. Webster, having been absent from last meeting, took the declaration. of‘ ofï¬ce and. prop- erty qualiï¬cation, after which the min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Palmer and Cragg. Letters were received from S. Cooper. re pay for shovclling snow (the council agreed that. it be deducted from the I woodwork); from G’ood Roads Machiu- ‘ cry 00. re chain-road machinery, from Registrar Barr re. plan of. Rosednle, from Wm. McNish re roudmastcr ruu- -‘ ning water on his land, from J. C. Par- rish, Jas. Twecdie and F. Jones, resign ing ofï¬ces of pathmastcr, from H. P. Devlin re obstruction. to Con. 3:. from .John Kennedy re brush cut oli‘: F‘euclon and Verulsm bormdary, from R. J. MqLaughliu, enclosing cheque for $100 from G. T. R. in settlement of suit re crossing at ooo..6,,lot 6, and his account ‘fonservii'ces: rendered. re same ;_- also and- itors"rcport and. township. accounts for 1901. On motion of Messrs. Palmer and Webster, the auditors’ report was adopt- ed, aud $56 was appointed to be paid the auditors for their services. On motion of Messrs. Palmer and .j Music, a. byulaw- to-appoint pathmasters fontheycar 1902 was then introduced and read‘ three times and passed in the. On motion of‘ M‘cssrs. Cragg and Palmer, the clerk was instructed to write to makers of road machinery rc their price for road graders. On motion of Messrs. Palmer and ,Mork, the sum of 915' was voted to ï¬x road on con. 3, lot 19, D. Graham,,com. missioner. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Mark, $151 was voted for road at con. 4. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. M ark, That Mrs..Douald50n’s taxes, amounting to $4 29‘, be added. to the list of abatements ; also that two days’ roadwork of J. Daniel be rcbated.â€"C’d. On motion of Messrs. Cragg and -Webstcr, the sum of $55, was. granted S. McFadyen, saidl amounts in care of Messrs. Cragg and Webster.. On motionof Messrs. Palmer and Cragg, the rcevc wcsaskcdio interview Messrs-Barr and McLaughlin to am- ounrs of their-accounts. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Mark, the following bills were ordered to be paid: John Kennedy, cutting brush on Fencl‘nn and Verulum bound- ary. 93; W. H. Powlcs, postage and , Stationery, 34.24:; E. D. Hand, print- “ ing notices for diverting highway. $3 50; W. B: Foir, Cambray Orange Hall, one meeting, $2; 2 wt. flour for M. and S McFadycn, $4 20; John Webster. one day’s road Work, 81'; Reeve, attending Victoria County tax sale of land, $4; Martin rc cost of land for road at 1012' 6,,con, 6, 1E. Mark, interviewing Gr. $1; Jr. P. Palmer, do., $1. Council then adjourned, to meet at i Glcuarm in Court of Revision at call of ' reeve. school scholars. of ice near the school, which made good skating. ( lmonth. usual manner, Mn. Websterin the chair. 5 lot-1‘3; Warren Worsley, commissioner." Mrs. J. Hartle, also 35 each to M. and *- pP0wles’ Comer.†'- â€"- . (Correspondence of the Gazette) In the United States the Grudge or- ganization is flourishing and expensive halls are being built. years ago there was a Grange society hero, and in our opinion it should be here yet, but the members seemed to' grow weary in doing well, and discon- 0‘" Villager and “’9 Prowl 9f 0ԠShare tinned meeting together. Some years of the glory that accrues to it as possess- or of the Champion Hockey Team of the Trent Valley League. A good many later a society known as the Patrons of Industry was organich bore and the farmers seemed to enjoy the meetings. If the Farmers’ Institute meetings can. be made proï¬table when Only meeting once a year, could not a Grange society he made more proï¬table if the farmers- met together say six or twelve times a year? Now, before long we want to.‘ see the Grange reorganich, a rurahtelâ€" cphone..und prohibition. Since March 5th, 1892, the farmers in this section have been enjoying a great convenience in having a post-of, ï¬ce and daily mail, and the business-fir the post-ofï¬ce has grown to such an ex- tent that, on the' 5th day of 'March, 1902. from the P. 0. Department that the Postal Note system would be adopted. at once. post-master’s hat. tern will be a munity, and would have been a great convenience years ago. ' the post-master received Word This is anotliea-feathcr-ih tl‘ro' The-postal note sys- great beneï¬t tothis come Every post-master. who has to ivcigh ,all the mail that is received and dese- patched for 30 days will; not beasorry; when the 24th of this month arrives. The big thaw was a'grcat boon to the There were two sheets Mr. W‘. N'. Jeffrey is, at tho-time of. writing, feeling much better than-foc- some days past, and we hope that he may continue to improve until hishcalth is completely restored. it is intetestiug to watch Premier Ross, how he so kindly remembers the liquor men, and will make it. asshard'am possible for the temperance people to secure prohibition of some poor kind. Both political parties are afraid to do gwhat is right fon- fear. of. losing. their jobs. Mr. J. B. Powlcs: has purchased a: thoroughbred Holstein bull, one year old, from a breeder in Western Ontarim. , This stock. As dairy cattle the Holsteins. animal is from prize-winning have scarcely-an equal. r Don’t forget the basket social to night (Friday). It will be held in the school. house. The royal' visit cost Canada $478} 000. This is a great piece of extrava‘ games. There are many homes in Can- ada that are in need of aid, and a few. ‘dollars would) remove a. burden from. ,mauy ahomc, aud‘therewculd be more. charity and more. Christianity in the giving than in ï¬ve thousand prayers._ A little help is worth a great deal of: pity. Our local weather. prophet says there is. going to be some more. frost this- It is a blessing to- have such. wise people living among us. .___e_._.___.._...._.._ -4... Nosrnvs. SOUTH.â€"-A lively gamer sof'hookey between boys from thenorth. and south wards w-asvplayed'in the ri‘uk: on Monday night, the north ward win- ,uiogby a. score of 4 to 5. ' V Dramaâ€"em. Neelands,,dentist, Willâ€"‘2' be at the McArthur Ecuse, E‘enclou. Falls, on Tuesday, March. 18th., He- has administered gas to nearly 9,000: persons without an accident. Remem-. bcr thegdste and call early, Stops theCoughe and Works Ofl‘ the‘ColdI J Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cures. cold-2 in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Brice 25c- AUo'rmN SALES.â€"â€"On Tuesday next, ‘March 18th, Mr. Elias Bowcs will hold: an auction sale of valuable farm,stock; and implements on the premises of Mr" Thomas Cashore. IN; 22; con. 1,1, Fcue-. flon pond: on Friday next, March Zilst, Mr. Jas. J. Power will hold a similar.- sule on the premises of Mr. James But- ;lcr, lot 2,2, con. 3, Somcrville.. Both of; the sales will commence-at 1' p. m. Shill'pa. For terms and particulars see posters. Sore Throat and Hoarseness‘ ily averted and remedied by the 'use of Bolson’s Nervilinc. Excellent to gargle witliâ€"ten.times.better than amustard plus» ter, and more convenient for the outside. Ncrviline penetrates the tissues instantly, soothes tho pain, alloys inflammation and cures sore throat and hoarscness, simply because. that’s what it is made for, The, large 25 cent bottle ofi‘Nervilinc is unex- ccllcd as a. household linimeut. It cures everything. For sale by W. H. Robson, , A HOCKEY SUGGESTIONr-Mr.‘ Sam. Britton, oncof Lindsay’shockcy enthuss iasts. who is not satisï¬ed with the rc-. sults of this seusmi’s games between that town and Fencion Falls and Pctcrboro, makes the following suggestiwu in Wed.- ucsrlay’s Post: " If the three teamsâ€"- Pctcrboro, Fonclon Falls and Lindsay â€"-will assemble here at the earliest date at which ice can be secured, and take, part. in a tournamentgwo are prepared; with their attendant dangers may be speed-L (. - A ~...-v-_. "new. 0: m.†.xs...-., _ 1.- 3: we.» ‘u; m 3i,