Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Mar 1902, p. 2

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,..»~ um: mittfrhnd .A .. ‘ Two washings entail less costfor the same reSult than one washing with impure soap. will be paid. by LEVER BROTEERS LIMITED, Toronto, to any person who can prove that this soup contains any form of adalteration, or any injurious: chemicals. WHAT IS A ll'l’ILE ? .__._ It’s Length Varies in Different Countries. English-speaking countries have four different. milesâ€"the ordinary mile of 5,280 feet, and the geograâ€" phical or nautical mile of 6,080 feet, making a difference of about oneâ€" seventh between the‘two ; the Scotch mile of 5,929 feet, and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet, four various miles every one of which is said to he still in use. The German mile of today is 24,â€" 318 feet in length, more than four and a half times as long as our mile. The Dutch" have a mile of 19,295 feet, the Danes one of 24,875 feet, and the Prussians one of 24,856 feet; and the Swiss get more exercise in walking one of their miles than we get in walking five of ours, for theirs is 27,459 feet long, and ours is but 5,280 feet. The Italian mile is only a few feet longer than ours, the Roman mile is shorter, and the Tuscan and the Turkish miles are 450 feet longâ€" er. The Swedish mile is 22,023 feet long, and the Vienna post mile is 25.037 feet in length. Besides this list of twelve different miles, there‘are other measures of distance, not counting the French kilometer, which is rather less than ' SHAWA MERAQL ES How a flammable Base af‘ Paralysis Was fined. THE MOST INTERESTING MAN lN CANADA. Joseph Brown Mir-ans litentinn 0i Physicians, Suisntists and Sick Pearle. From the Mail and Empire. Oshawa, Ont., Feb. 1’7.â€"-Joseph Brown, whose case was fully report- ed in The Mail and Empire some days ago, seems to be the most talkedâ€"of and written~about man in Canada. He is in receipt daily K of many letters from all over the Doâ€" minion. Physicians and scientists. as well as sick people, write him, and many and often amusing ques- tions are asked. To all Mr. Brown answers :â€"',‘I have given my sworn statement, and it tells my story. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me, and that after I had been partially para~ lyzed and unable tO'move for over four months, and given up by many doctors.” Many people have been puzzled as to how a kidney -medicine can cure paralysis. This is easily understood when it is remembered that the kidâ€" ney poison, which is the direct result of kidney weakness, is most destrucâ€" tive to all healthy tissues and nerve. twoâ€"thirds of a mile. The Brazilians have a milia that is one and one~ fourth times as long as our mile ; the Neapolitan miglio is about the same length; the Japanese ri is about two and oneâ€"half times as long as our mile; the Russian verst fiveâ€"eighths as long. The Persian standard is a farsakh, about four miles long, which is not far from the supposed length of the parasang, so familiar to every schoolboy who has read Xenophon’s “Anabasis.” The distance indicated by the league also varies in different countries. The Publisher of the Best Farmer’s paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: , I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 3:. ()0. Testimonials time like MINARD’S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would be competitors and imitations. “W‘ v, CURED on PILFERING. A man stepped into a grocerts shop to make a few purchases. Whilst the , - .. ‘ ' r he *0 is . . - - “pplentlce “as welghm5 t 5’ m Union PGCIfiC 31" NOI'UIWCSUJ-rn Llne reached by the Northern Pacific art the customer could not resist the temptation of treating himself‘to a piece of sugar which was lying on the counter. r‘ v ' ' h) ac- . v 1110 applenmce Obscmc‘l t L to San Franmsco, Los Angelcs and Walla, and Yakima. valleys in Idaho. Lion, and soon afterwards, with it's on the ground floor ?" -..-_____‘__â€"â€"â€"â€"___.._ Mr. Homebird (in great glee)-'-’ V "Shout with joy, Mary I Hooray l” Mrs. Homebirdâ€""I think you’re go- ing crazy, aren’t yOu '2 We've had new cooks before, you kn‘ow."'“Yes, of course ; but this one had her pocket. picked in the train coming here, and lost both her purse and return ticket.” REDUCES EXPENSE Edithâ€""I hear old Mr. Richman deceived Edith dreadfully about his age." Gladysâ€""Yes, poor girl, i r _ After they were married he confessed “You are a dead man l” said the that ho was only sixty instead of pert apprentice. "But I have here seventy_five_n an antidote. Quick ! take as much of it as you can swallow.” And he filled a tumbler full of salt and water. The poor fellow eagerly drank off the abominable stuff to save his life,-. if possible. He then rushed out in order to secure a second antidote from the neighboring pump. . He has never been known to pilfer sugar since that day. IF YOU WANT co'oa Pmcss FOR YOUR suite 5“, Eggs, Poultry, apples oil... Produce ‘ CONSIGN THmM TO THE ‘ ' .- DAWSO‘N GQMMISSIQN 99., Limited, TORONTO Correspondence Solielted. _- "731?“ H Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the word produces. and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. inpan tea drinkers try “Salada.” Green tea. gin}:“Mr4'd'w'firinl‘d"3‘dim'rd‘dcm'f'*r'i'rlririrr'ifl'rdri"iric'i'inl'd'Mtdfifiw m lEiEfide i use. reassess : satires IMPROMPTU SOLO. In one of the large Irish towns, a few days ago, a disastrous fire broke. out in a tenement house, and soon threatened to destroy the entire building. Efforts to get out the fur- niture, etc., were only moderately successful, and some of the tenants were in a frantic state. . . One young girl rushed up to the captain of the Fire Brigade, who was working hard with his men to prevent the fire spreading, and cried : ' . . “Surely you can save my piano ; .30.” .- ‘4’1.\â€"- x.” - Every stickâ€"â€" .A thatch Every Matchâ€"â€" Office Boy (to his employer)â€"“I’ve got a complaint to make, sir; the cashier kicked me. I don’t want any cashier to go kicking me, sir." Emâ€" ployerâ€"“Kicked you ! Of course the cashier kicked you. Surely you can- not expect me to attend to every trifling detail of the business like that myself, can you ?" I'm?dridwk'icdric'i‘d‘mm'firl‘m'rd s terresaasraesseeseseta The ground floor belng completely gutted, the captain knew nothing could be done ; but to console the fair damsel he smiled and said : “Don’t you fear, niissy, the piano is all right ; sure the hose is playin’ on it l” Stop-i the (laugh and warns on‘ the Cold. Laxaflve Bi-omanuinine Tablets cure a. cold in one day. No . ure, No 119.17. Price 25 cents. A curious perquisite of the Danish MP. is the right to a free Turkish bath anywhere in the kingdom of Denmank. “- EXPLAlNED MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER LINES. That the New York Central possesses great advantages over other lines cannot be gains-aid, and they are too numerous to enumerate, but a. few of the principal features are: the great train service (twelve express trains each way between Buffalo and New York), four tracks and the Grand Central Station the on- ly station in the city of New York. I’l‘his is the route of the famous Empire State Exâ€" press. is the strongeSt and lightest ' known. Good agents can nandle a large number of them yearly. If we are not represented in your district, Write us about the agency. One agent in each locality. wrlfe for Catalog. THE FROST \NiRE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, GNT. “How far is it to Brighton ‘2" in- quired the wheelman. "lVell, now," replied the farmer, "it’s about ten miles as the crow flies.” “But if the . _ _ crow rides a bicycle how far is it ?” Instruments, Drums, Uniforms. Etc. EVERY TOWN GA?! HAVE A 232,9 When washing greasy dishes or DOLS r prest prices evereuoted. Fire catalogue, and pans, Lover’s Dry Soap (a powâ€" annulustrauons,maqu free. Wr§teuafor any. der)’ will remove the grease with the thing in Music or film;ch Instruments greatest ease. &l 00.. limited, .._._â€". Toronto, Ont... and Winnipeg, Man The use of the German language is decreasing in Switzerland. 111 1888, flag-ninan Ling 714 out of every 1,000 Swiss spoke Hontrooltomverpool. Boston be mm. German; toâ€"day only 697 per 1,000. . le'mdm L"°'D°°1~ “391mm!- , glaze Iand PM? Stenmhim an no: accommodntlo ' , o 9 use!) 0 patsengcm. a one c. LIonkey Brand cleans and brightens are omida‘nlpa. Specialnttcntlongag In?!) afimfin , . - , ~ 1 _ . Second Saloon and Third-01m mommo . ever ything, but won t wash clothes. Manhunt" “a nu Dmiculm 3”" “33:: "23 of the Company. or The population of England and Richards, Mills a: 00. D. Torrlncs £00.. " Montreal and PM Wales is now 32,966,106. At its 77“‘“‘“8‘"B°"°‘ present rate of increase the next. census, in 1911, will show a populaa N G tron of 36,588,288. - Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned Thea can benefit by post, In per oz. the best place is BRITESH AMEEIGAN YEH‘ES 69. MONTREAL ’1“) CURE A (If)le I." ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A‘l drhggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grovo‘s signature is on each box. 250. There pass through the London Clearing House in six weeks cheques more than equal in amount to all the coin in the world. ”‘ JOSEPH BROWN. Seventyâ€"five per cent. of all her- vous diseases, paralysis and brain troubles is directly caused by iweak kidneys, allowing violent poisons to escape through the system to de- range and destroy. _ . Dodd’s Kidney Pills, by correcting the action of the kidneys, encourage these natural filters of the blood to extract and, expel the poisons, thus removing the cause of many of these dangerous ailments, which are not generally spoken of as kidney disâ€" eases. ll2nard‘s Liniment Cums Distemper- A man between 20 and 30 loses on an average only 5:}, days a. year from illness. But between 50 and 60 he loses 20 days yearly. {éinald's Linimsni lines Diphtleila The Standard Oil Trust owns 6,â€" 000 miles of pipe for oilâ€"carrying. Through these pipes a million galâ€" lons of oil pass every day - of the year. For Over Sixty Years 313s. WmmnWs Soornmo SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. [tsoothes the child, softens the gums. aids}!!! pain. cures wmd eohc. regulates the Stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five. centflabottle. a ' ‘ ."1. S 11 b d 1" ‘ ‘ 4. : ’ tr..."-Anarguments:..s.c” “‘1 fifiygg m‘figg" ' ' _ u , . Lancewood is the strongest in the l gun-gnu! (may. 1713 befaro rat'r“ world. Its tensile strength is 23,- “’3' we or “has afipfioaflona 000 pounds. That is to say, a piece Wm cure the Werst 0&89- of lancewood an inch square will Large flexes 250. Druggists stand that. strain before breaking. or GSLEABINE 00., Toronto: r. illnard's Liniment [lures Cults. Elf E5 ‘» " I l: is a. fact that Salzer’s vegetable and flower Horseâ€"chestnuts contain no less . seed“ “"3 “main mo" “we” ‘ . _ :5}, and on more forms than any other i“ than 27 parts in 100 of valuable in Amanda. 'i‘herelnrcason furthl A certain Paris photographer never says to a lady customer, "Now-look pleasant, madam, if you please.” He knows a formula infinitely better than that. In the most natural manâ€" ner in the world he remarks, “It is unnecessary to ask madam to look pleasant ; she Could not look other- wise.” Then click goes the camera, and the result is never in doubt. K...â€" Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Ehat contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense or smell and completely damage the whole system when entering st through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physncians. as the damage they willdo is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ha 1's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by RJ. Cheney 85 00.. To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. in buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu LOW SETTLERS RATES. During March and April, 1902 the Northern Pacific will sell ONE WAY SEC-0ND CLASS'SETTLERS’ tickâ€" .-ts from eastern terminal pointsâ€"St. i‘aul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Duluth, and the Superiorsâ€"at greatly reduced rates to nearly all points on its main line, branches and connecting lines, west of North Dakota. These tickâ€" ets to Northern Pacific points will be good for stopover West of Hope, Idaho. , For example the rate. to Portland and North Pacific coast common points will be $25. For further de- tailed information abont these rates call upon or write to Wm. Gr. Mason, ll.P.A. Nor. I‘ac. lt’y. 21:") I‘lllicotz Square, Buffalo, N.Y.. or address Chas. H. lit-:3, (-Icn. l.’2‘::~;rz A; 'ilzl. re, d- . . - 'ii I Weownando crafcorer «no re 1 ‘ 0‘ mg Intltt‘fn Umupkllyl .the 10 .« ‘9 the producflorPof our choice $22.2; fri- pei cent. of bitter resm which they order ‘19iqfluf'en3‘0ut0trythem ~ 2113?] contain renders them unfit for ' Eli‘e’n‘iiit‘réf owma unpmc‘ h 00 A . ', trams carats P98193369 :2 ‘, , â€"â€"--â€"- ' fillMusharraf?““nelounlmdljhel, ""' ' " . , . . ‘ I . . Ewan "can '01: out no on: ' ru 1: ' - l" i ’ lllfalfs lilimulal cues Gfilgel m con. l:a‘.u‘:3lr:.z°::.l:a. . 12 aplenle beet IOI‘II, ' I f 1,, , . 65 sci-proud] beautiful flowarmis, ’ Middlesex has the smallest propor- ~ gialllllmlÂ¥ndsx£caltlvelafumlsm . . - nut-so c nnln o' " tion of pauper;sm of any British lots and lots of: ensign vilifitl‘h, ‘ - l countyâ€"only 1.) per 1,000. Dorsetâ€" ggfigfiegn‘vfigugg fife; mtg-18mm ; " shire has 42 per 1,000, and shares . Cita‘n’dBromuflagsa mgom \' with I-Ierefordshire the largest numâ€" 5W1 “500-39011116- ctc~. all for her .M.‘ 200. la Canadian stamps. - 3 JOHN A. SALIER SEED 00.. w r. 0. ms - my... -. a." ' ~- r. . . i THE Moor POPULAR DENTIFRICE. Agent, Nor. Pac. R’y, St. Paul, Min. ' ine. It is takeninternallvhnd made in Toledo L W;â€" : s t e For those who have not yet ar- rgoid by Dr,,ggistg,pricfl 75opcrbottle. ranged _to_ buy homes in the Northâ€" GAR-15am" 5a: ‘l-- Hall’s Family Pills are the best. west this IS a rare opportunity to go H out to Montana, Idaho. Washington POWBEE- and Oregon and look over the coun- try. The good lands are being ra- pidly sold and the country and towns are prosperous and growing. Ranch lands, farm lands. fruit lands. timber lands are all to be found. If you want to go where irrigation ren ers ou inde endent of rainfall 1 CALIFORNIA -' OREGON EXCUR“ droutl; come along and we can if: SIGNS. you out. ‘ EVOI‘Y day in the .‘ieflr- The ChiCP-go- I ' Some of the impertnnt valley: THE WAYS OF SOME. Stubbsâ€"“Scripps tells me he gave you an elegant edition of Shakes- peare as a birthday present.” Serippsâ€"“Yes, he did ; then he borrowed it and kept. it six months.” _._._._4 Preserves the team. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens the gums THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E g P S 3 gunman Allie GRATEFULâ€"GOMFGRTING. 3: O * ,1, Advantageous facilities for the so. 3: O‘. BREAKFAST~SUPPEFL cumu‘lut on of spare sums of 8100 and upwards, with me regular addition of -~â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-~-â€"-â€"~--â€"â€"~ vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ’3‘ ap ofl'. pxodueing interest ore afl'ord- Sigâ€"3:23”; EH ‘ ‘ 1 g 3; ea by the Savings Department; of ‘2‘, Wilan FOR flfismfi ~;« THE enunsA PERMAHENT or Best compressed-air spraver made. Sample ’3 and QANARA :3: runs through first-class Pullman and the Yellowstone, Gallatin’ Madison tourist Sleeping Gal‘s t0 POintS in Cal' Deer Lodge, Bitter Root. and Clarl ifm‘nia and 01132011 daily- Personally Fork, in Montana, the Palouse, Dis conducted excursions from Chicago Bend, con-i118, Clcm‘water, wan} Portland. lcm'ing Chicago on TUCS‘ and Washington, the Puget Souw startled mien, called aloud into the Ca n. ‘ v ‘ , , ‘ _ _ ,1, -' .. . . - .VS and 1111”de 5- LOWOSt lates- and British Columbia regions {in maellllic {Wmâ€"cave“ “03-1 can” 0"“ t #11013 ' f‘vfégnlizas Eleliimc “9:9 Shortest time on the road. Finest .the Oregon country_ It is a vast ~ -- 3: MORTGAGE GORPBRATEEN giUIPP?”° ‘ ‘ scenery. Inquire . of your nearest (umpire where climate soil and othc or Toronto Street. TORONTO i 6;; . fellow felt hot .md cold ticket agent, or write 13. H. Bennett. advantages make of it a. favored '5‘ . . ' 9 9°01 ‘ ' 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. land. ~r++~£~+~2¢++'l'dnr'Z‘dwr'Wici"?+4913: and in his terror confessed the deed. ,4... ma» 4 1.4 .. M . :15"? .fl. W. v. nw-vux-Ilnl Itrxgagn L:~.;:"::422:1;;; :xr. 'r’ptutarms. ‘. A.-

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