Two ounces of impure soap. Ask for the Octagon Bar. If HIS TONIC. A college professor, feeling indisâ€" posed, consulted. his physician,a Ger- man, very scientiï¬c and acknowledgâ€" ed as one of the leading men in his line. The doctor advised the'prof lessor to.,,work less at the desk, ex‘ ercise more outdoors, and take beer as a tonic, something the professor had never cared for The doctor met his patient a few days later as he Was leaVing the clllege, and stopped to inquire how hf, was feeling. "About the some,†replied the pro- lessor. "Did you take the. beer as I di- rected?†inquired the physician. "Yes,â€- replied the professor; "I took it a few times, but it became l0 nauseous that I had to discontinâ€" ue it.†“How much did you take?†"Why, I bought a whole bottle, and took a spoonful before eaCh meal," answered the professor. SHE AGREED WITH HIM. “Oh, I can’t sing,†pleaded a young man Wha femininely wanted to » be coaxed before gratifying his and- itors. - “Yes, you can. I have heard two or three of my friends say so,†per- sisted a pretty girl to whom he had been talking. , “No, I can’t," he repeated, getting up to go to the piano. “Yes, you can; go on, and please," she urged. He said he couldn’t two or three limes more, but he went ahead, and [or ten minutes his voice was the most prominent thing in the room. I‘hen he came back, smiling, to the lady. “Ah,†she said, wearily, “thanks. You were quite right about the singâ€" sing, lng.†His face clouded, and' he never Fpoke again to the girl who agreed With him. Monkey Brand Soap is a cleaner and polisher combined, but Won’t wash clothes. In setting and distributing type a compositor’s hand travels on an avâ€" Brage 11 miles a day. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications. as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have arumbling sound or imper foot hearing. and when it is out rely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditiz'n, hearing will be do» strayed forever; nino eases out of ten are mused by eltarrh, which is nothing but 1min- flamed condition of the mucous surface". We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cat .rrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catsrrh Cure. Send lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Drugglsts, 750. Hall’s Family Pills arc the best. ’In proportion to its population . New Zealand is the richest country in public libraries. It has 298. M Stops the Cough and works of! the (fold. {laxative BromO-Quinine Tablets cure a cold 11 one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Indian and Ceylon tea has increas- ed in quantity from 152,000,000 pounds in 1890 to 300,000,000 pounds in 1900. __ "THE FOUR TRACK NEWS.†This is a Monthly Magazine of Travel and Education, published by the Passenger Department of the New York Central, the great four track line. .It contains a fund of in~ teresting and instructive read- mg matter, and, like all oth- er features of this popular line, is thoroughly upâ€"to- \ date. Five cents per copy or fifty cents a year from Geo. H. Daniels, G'en’l Pass. Ag’t, New York. +_._.__~_ Out of 100,000,000 passengers by lea all over the world 30 lose their lives; out of the rail, same number by 317. .3 inch... ...._:..... .» .1 Messrs. ‘C. O. Richards a Go. Gentlemen,â€"Last winter I received great beneï¬t from the use of MIN- ARD’S LINIMENT in a. severe at- lack of LaGrippe, and I have fre- nuently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. I-IU'I‘CI-IINSON. . _ . . ,. . _-,. . .. “7‘... -.".~... .‘IJ- V ; If you saved the ash of all the ci- tgars you smoked you would have consumed 1,600 before you had a pound of ash. ‘ ' One ounce of:Sunlight Soap is worth more-than your grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS, LIKITED, Toronto, sending his.namo and address, and a. trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent 21: free of cost. REDUCES EXPENSE AN OLD DRAFT. A pretty anecdote comes from Brussels illustrating the generous spirit of a banker of that city The banker is fond of outdoor exâ€" ercise. As an exhibition of his skill in skating, he made his autograph on the ice in a very artistic manner. Some gentlemen, having admired his signature proceeded to write above it as foIIOWS: "0n demand I promise to pay for the, beneï¬t of the poor the sum of 5,000 marks." - They sawed out the block of ice, and .having called a cab, proceeded to the bank and carried the frozen note of handâ€"of foot. we meanâ€"to the cashier's counter. The cold temperature happily preâ€" vented the melting away of the icy draft, and the banker, having been appealed to, ordered it to be paid. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quininc Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 250. The biggest match factory in the world is the Vulcan, at Tidaholen, Sweden. It employs 1,200 men, and makes 900,000 boxes a day. Sportsmanâ€""Is there anything to shoot up here, my boy?†Schoolboy "(with the afternoon’s chastisement still fresh in his memory)â€"â€"“Yes, sir, there’s' the schoolâ€"master coming over the hill." Minald’s Linimenl for Rheumatism The sun's light is equal to 5,563 wax candles at 1 foot from the eye. It would take 800,000 full moons to equal cloudless sunshine. For Over Sixty Years Mas. WINSl.OW'S Soornmo SYRUP has been usod'by millions of mothers for their children while teething ltsoothes the child. softens the gums. alloys pain. cures wind colic. regulates the Stomach and bowels, and is the host remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a. bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for “ Mus. Wmsnow‘s Soormxo Srnnr." Parsnips are supposed by many people to be very feeding. A pound of parsnips only gives 12 grains of strength, while the Same amount of skim milk will give. 34:, and of split peas 250 grains. illllfllll’S lllllllltlll lllil DESI llflll HtSlOlBl Out of 141 tourists who ascended Mount Blane last year 39 were Swiss 38 French, 17 English, 15 German, and 13 from the United States. There were also 4- Canadians, 1 Egyâ€" ptian, and 1 New Zealander. CALIFORNIA â€" OREGON EXCURâ€" _ SIONS. Every day in the year. The Chicago, Union Paciï¬c & Northwestern Line runs through ï¬rst-class Pullman and tourist sleeping cars to points in Cal- ifornia and Oregon daily. Personally conducted excursions from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, leaving Chicago on Tuesâ€" days and Thursdays. Lowest rates. Shortest time on the road. Finest scenery. Inquire of your nearest ticket agent, or write B. H. Bennett, 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. The largest diamond in the world is now in the possession of the Ra- jah of Matlan. It weighs 867 carats three times the size of the Kohâ€"iâ€" Noor. The Portuguese 1,000 carat stone is probably a, white topaz. Beardless Barley , il-‘prodlgnlly proliï¬c, yield- : in in 1901 for Mr. Wells, . Or can! (10., New York, 109 bushels per core. Docs well everywhere. That pnyl. ‘~‘ 20th Century Oats. ' The on mnrvol, producing ‘ from 200 to 300 bus. per acre. - Snlzer’s Oats are run-- nnlcd to produce grout yields. The U. S. jag Dept. culls than: the very new That pays. Th reo Eared Corn. 200 to 250 bus. per son, is “from ly proï¬table of pres- ent prices or com. Snlzor’o leedl produce everywhere. Marvel Wheat v yielded in 30 States inltyonr - ovorw bus. per acre. We also ., hue ihocelohrned Macca- ' ronl‘thnt.whichyielded on our forms 63 bus. pur sci-O. That pays. Speltz. Gracie-t, corsol food on "ribâ€"80 bus. (rain And 4. tons munlnoenc lily per son. That pays. Victoria Rape make: it possible to grow _ hogs, sheep and cattle or. I. ' conol' blxticnlb. Marvel- 7 surly prolific, does well . ovoryw ore. 'Ihat pays. Bromus lnermls. lion. wonderful you of the century. Producesoions of My old ion and lots of " ' “lungs bulrieo per acre. , rows vim-aver nil in ' found. Kaiser's need is . > wuncud. That pnyo. ' . a 810.00 for 15¢.- Wo 'lih you is tr ‘our are“ [am no“. can ol’u to nod 10 fun nod , scarlet,oonnininfl‘honund “ Headed K310, ’l‘cosluu, RIpo, f- Mmfs, Bpelu. cu.(fui!yrorm > ' pilltlrl) together with our melanin, for! o pomxo. A LONG LAW-SUIT. The family of Arenberg, in Bel- gium, whose duchy of that name is situated in Germany, have just guin- ed a lawâ€"suit which has lasted over' thirty years. The Due d’Arenberg formerly imposed a. toll of a. franc on every ton of coal raised by the West- phalian Coal Mining Company, but under the new German Empire he was deprived of the right, which has now been re-established. He will reâ€" ceive arrears to the value of 180 mil- lions of francs, While the annual rental is estimated to be worth six millions of francs. 355i Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the \jvo‘rld produces. and Is sales! only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. ’apan tea drinkers try “Salads†Green tea. The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence is the strongest and heaviest wire fence madeâ€"good openings for good agents ; >write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog. THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO., _- - VVELLAND, ONT. Manges, Lemons, Fresh Fish of All kinds Labrador Earring-n in Half Barrels. THE DA‘WSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, TORONTG. Shipments of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Honey, Beans, Apples, Potatoes. Solicitsd. m ._____, VGUR ï¬VERGllATS and faded Suits would look better dyed. If no agent of oursm your town, write direct Montreal. Box 158. BRITISH AMERICAN bvsmo co. Montreal. In Austria the lawmbbliges and mine-owners to contribute to a. pension fund. linard‘s Llnlmeni Cures Lairlppe ' or the world’s railWay mileage of 440,000 miles, the United States possesses 182,500 miles. Minard’s Llnimdfls the Best I In 1858 there were but 3,850 onâ€" gineers in the British navy. are now 22,500. W P. C. 1116 instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. EVERY TOWN BAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever guoted, Fire catalogue, 500illustrations, maile free. Write us for any- There thing in Music or Musical Instrument'. WHALEY RUYGE 86 00., Limited, Toronto, Out... and Winnipeg, Man ++++o+++++o++++++++++o i Strum Milli THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRIOE. ' dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liv"- W goi. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens. wn. . I Lori-130 land For Stoomlhrpl. guporior aogoxéimodotlo‘ A V N G s or a c acres 0 passengers. t, t . E Ire omidshipn. Special cttentiolii In:sz; “$2293 l , Second Saloon and Thltdfllou accommodation. Fe ’3‘ nth of passage and all particulars, apply to any non; of the Company. or Richards. Mills E Co. 17 State 85.. Boston. 0 Preserves the teeth. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens the gums. 9- T‘m’m“ * 00-- lontrooi and Portion! nursery Eauipment. No mother can afford to be without Glleadine. Bahiee’ sores and accidents all call for Qileadllie. Large Boxes 259. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPP S GRATEFULâ€"GOM F0 RTI NG. COCfld Succisswl mum; . Advantageous facilities for the ac- cumulatlou of spare sums of $1.00 and upwards, with L116 regular addition of a-profln producing interest are afford- ed by the Savings Department of ++++~E~W ' irirl‘d“? o v Brugglsts or Glloadine 00.. Toronto. J‘ THE GANAA PERMANENT éREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER: a â€" _ H .z. and wssrenu cannon ‘ : mg???“ FOR †AUTQSPHAY “; neurones cesrosArlou B ‘- m-m- , . Toronto Street, TORONTO est pompressed-air spraver made. Sample .1. machine free.â€"GAVERS 3805., Gait, Ont. ' The following letter contains an offer of an absolute gift 10 you. You don’t have to buy anything to get it. it is a bid for your friendship, and if overlooked it Will be a loss to you and a disap- pointment to us. iii) " Jar-4;; 7.2;. .-. A» .. ‘11‘-a.-~<'»o':’."."."'c .2. -. This ugar hell is _ A GIFT T0 EVERY LADY this Zrdfrvevg‘ilsnegment. alg‘cia‘ezl _ If you don't desire to sell the medicine for us, it Is likely that a. youth or maiden of our household would feel proud to assume such a usiness under- taking. Thousands of our best business men and Independent self-supporting women have secured their ï¬rst and most valuable business lesson in an effort of this kind. The order for the Spoon and Medicines, however must be signed by yourself and not a child. We will also send you 3. cats- logue showing an elegant line of Premiums, which we are giving our agents. .‘1 94;": Send us your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure in sending you free ofcmy Marge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER , 35‘ SUGAR SHELL. With the Sugar Shell we will send you 8 Boxes of Standard ‘ Electine Remedies to sell, if you can, at 25 cents each. Then return our money ' and we will give you, absolutely free, a: Butter Knife, 3. Pickle Fork, 8. Set of 6 Solid Arizona Silver Teaspoons and a beautiful King Edward VII. Coronation Brooch. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Sterling Silver for Tableware. They look as well and wear longer, and are guaranteed for 50 years. The elegant Coronation Brooch will be appreciated by every loyal British subject. It is com- posed of a magniï¬cent Royal Purple Amethyst mounted on an exquisitely designed Brooch overlaid with ï¬ne gold. This is not an opportunity to put off. Just sign and . return the attached request to-day. The Sugar Shell and Medicines will be promptly mailed, postpaid ; and remember, even if you fail to sell the goods, you at least have an elegant Sugar Shell worth 75 cents for simply making the effort. As we don’t intend to keep this offer open long, we would ask you to favor us with an immediate reply. I ~ We are constantly receiving such L, letters as this : Post Ofï¬ce, Fsmham, Que. ' To the Electine Medicine (70.: ' Gamma-runwâ€" Encloscd you will ï¬nd money , ' order for $x.50, for the last medx- ; ; cine I received. Ialso thank you '; for the Premiums you sent. I g ' must say they are handsome, I . 1 cannot imagine how you can of- _ "= ford it. It is very satisfactory to ; ’ me to ï¬nd one ï¬rm whose advcr- ‘ tiscment is not a sham or a. fraud. 3 . You have deal: by me strictly in '- -’ accordance with your advertise- Z 3 men: and I ï¬nd your medicines ‘ " are all that you claim them‘ to ac. - I I am sorry my occupation leaves me so little time to open the eyes , ' of the people to their merits. I § arm 'z-vu .~ ::.. :, ZALI~~‘5'»l-.'i up : n1-‘h-Ii4-Vlin min-“V†=- "n REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. Electine Wedt'cz’ne 00., Limifed', Toronto, Oni‘. _ Ship immediately, by mail, 1' Solid Arizona Silver Sugar 5/2511 and Eight 252ccnt Packages of Electine Remedies. I agree to make an earnest edert to sell the Medicines, and return you the money, with the understanding that I am to receive for this serwcc 3. Butler A’nz’fe, Pic/21c: For/5’, Six Full-Size Solid Arizona Silt/tr Teaspoon: and also a Coronation Brooch. If I fail to sell the Medicine I will return it to you within 30 days, and retain the Sugar S/lcll as a gift from you. -...-.'-..\.. "2015/.- - Vin-inn- .. ,.. n. . .-..v' NA 211E .................. ............. . .................. . ............ . ...... .. .......... AD DRESS ..... .............. .............. .. ........... . .......... .......... . ..... ; "mï¬inxgemlemem , ................... .......... .... ........ . ........................................................ . ....... ...... ...... 3 you}? Xug’oLSON. ' g: 4- C Please write very †very " plslly. ‘ ' ELECTINE MEDICINE (30., Limited. TORONTO, Ontario 'is;Lo“;1‘.dirt“afflzï¬slï¬irï¬t’i "sergeant-12:45::- Ci‘-F=l;'.~:é°¢'-'-~.».r-4‘i;§¢f:$i?1:¢7 “lo-3; '<:.?c~:'-*=-s:s:'r%= eta-2:. 5:5': for ‘41:. AA_.__.1-.