Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Feb 1902, p. 5

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‘ ment at~0’a‘meron on the 14th inst. and . pronounced it good; but when some Slime of the Foresters from here at- tended the .oyster'isupper and entertain- young men from Cambrayand some of» Laxative Brbmo-Q'uinine Tablets curea cold ~_._ .â€" .. Stops the Cough and Works Oil“ the Cold- UNUSAY. MARBLE wn. tht. Chambers in'one day. No Cure, N’ovPh‘y. Price 25c< _ VERY-LIKE -.SPnING.-â€"From~pmsent “a.--” ._.-..¢...._.._-__...â€"-.._â€"â€".W~~~vv~~+.rvâ€"-nv-ߢ ~~ appearances (we are writing this on Wednesday afternoon) spring appears to have set in, and that ever yelcome visitor, the first robin, may make his appearance in less than a week.- The prevailing topini'o'n is'that we will have more cold, unpleasant weather, and probably that will prove to be correct; but the advent of spring this early is not unprecedented, though it only oc curs at intervals of many years. Mr. John A. Ellis tells us that, when he left for the Northwest, about a dozen years ago, on the lot of April. all his crops were in ; and in 1898 robins were hereon March 10th, and by the end of the month cattle were beginning to get a bite of grass. This winter, though mild as a wholeâ€"the mercury seldom going more than a very few degrees be- low zeroâ€"has been a long and steady one. There was good sleighing on No- vember 25th, nearly a month earlier than usual, and since then the only sign of a thaw was a slight rise in the temp- ' erature, accompanied by a little rain, on the 26th of January. It is certainly very like spring just at present; but as it is as difficult to predict what kind of weather we are goingto have as it if; to tell what verdict a jury will bring in, , we decline to express an opinion on the ‘ subject. We shall not be surprised if this is spring, nor shall we beta the least degree surprised if it isn’t. Speaker’s Sore Throat- , Public speakers and singers know how; ‘ useless and sickening are cough mixtures, sprays, lozenges, etc., for irritable or sore throat, and state that the most satisfactory: remedy is Catnrrhozone, the advantage of? which is that it acts quickly-audits- convem ient to use in publicwpiaces. Catarrhozone relieves congestion, alloys inflammation, and is a protection to the membrane. As 9..., saleguard against colds and catarrh Ethane “ no equal. Rev. Mr. Mlcl'fssy, G‘sod‘erich, says, “ Cntarrhozone is an excellent remedy for throat irritation-arising from public speak- ing.” Physicians, ministers and singers recommend Catarrhozone ; druggists sell it 101- $1. Small size 25c. By mailfnomd’ol- son 62: (30., Kingston, Ont. Sold ‘by W. H. Robson. . w‘__.â€"__JN___.*_ DIED: Minnaâ€"at F‘c‘neio winters: on ~ Friday; ' February let, 1902, Mrs. Mil-rgaret Martin, the C‘a'meronites got tugethfer there was- arcle'ar case of. rowdyism, which is un- sightly‘and unbearable. Mr. J.‘ F. Wager, of North Dakota,' is visiting relatives here, and Mrs. Leonard Wagar, of Forest River, is also visiting here. ‘ M'l‘s; S.'Wagar has returned home from 'the township of Camden, after visiting there about two months. Mr. W. Parnell, ‘son of Mr. James Parnell, formerly of this township, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A Ruth- erford, for a few days. Mr. Parnell 31315 been in the North-west for some. years. A little stranger appeared in the home of Mr. L. Robe on the 213'. inst., which is the cause of much joy. Is prepared to furnish the people of Liud- . say and surroundingscountry' with MONULi MENTS and IHEADSTONES,’ beth'szrble and granite. E‘s‘timates- promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. . ' Marble Table Tops, Wash Topsy-Mantle Piecesr'etcga specialty; Being a practical workman, all ’should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of :'the. Market on \VALL Parseâ€"Mr. Geo. H. McGee has just laid in a large stock of wall paper of the newest and most artistic designs. which he will sell at rock bot- tom prices. Go and sc'e them if you want to rc-paper any of your rooms this spaing; and, even if you don't, many of the patterns are so beautiful that it is a-treat to the eyes to look at them. To Cure 3. Cold in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quiniue Tablets. All dr‘uggists refundimoney if it fails to cure W. Grave’s signature on each box. 250 HOCKEY.'â€"â€"Uast Friday the Norwood hockey team came to the Falls 8.1.d got beaten by a score of 5 to 2. This even- ing the final. League game will be play- ed at Norwood, and if our boys win the- game they will hold ‘ the Stratton cup fer another year. Next Tuesday even- ing the Lindsayitcs will come to the Falls for theirxreturu game, which will probably be-the last, and certainly the best, game of the season. A HORSE HURT.â€"â€"-’l.‘he road between Bamcron and Lindsay was in a terrible state a week ago, and in consequence thereof a painful accident happened to a: horse owned by Mr. John Copp, of Ecnelon, while driving to the county town on Friday. A plunge which the animal made in a snowdrift broke the harness, and by some means a shaft of the cutter struck him just behind one of his forelegs, penetratingto the depth, aged 8,) years and 11 months m” Informant 8358’ Of about eight MONEILâ€"ln the township ofVeruIam, on indies" ME“ Copp maPaged to get the Saturday, February 22nd, 1902, Robert W. horse to Lindsay. which was not far McNeil, aged 59 years, distant, but whether it was seriously injured or not we have been unable to learn. Slei ‘ If it is, it will have to be repaired before youcan. haul any more heavy loads omit: Den’t‘try to tinker ‘ it up yourself for the rest of the winter ; it might. break down on: the road. Bring it to us and we’ll make it as strong as it ever wasâ€"that’s our busi- ness. Chambers '& Palmer; Brown Grizzly and Black Mangolian BEAR RUBES "Reduced. Prices... ' .l Hevison’s Harness Shop. . new MAGHINE sunn- ' lN-fFE‘HELO‘H FALLS. of the wall papers you get here. workmen. . will .keep’ you" warm... Come and see them. A large stock of. Home: I Blankets,-~ Tlrunkse. 1liialis’es, etc., always'on hand‘at. W’Mark‘t’sts-same as last week. The..ba1anoesefiourz stock .ofl' Winter. I will be sold‘at’ greatly‘re- v Your Nerves are :Weak'. You sleep badly, appetite variable.’ You eat, but gain no strength. Morning tired- mess makes you wish it were night. When night comes refreshingsleep is hard to ob- tain. You’re rundown, your blood is thin and watery,'your- nerves have grown weak, the thought of effort wearies you. You need Ferrozone; it~ makes bloodâ€"red, staong blood: An appetite? You’ll-eat everything and digest it, too. Strength?‘ That’s what plenty of food gives. Ferro- zone-gives hope, vigor, vim, endurance. Use Ferrozone and get strong, Sold by,W. 3E. Robson. - ' OaAIe’s= VOTING- MACHINEtâ€"The Lindsay Post says :' “ Mr. Jehn‘ C. Graig, of Kinmount, has «been artwork on a voting machine‘fo'r months past, and-.hasspent‘ about one thousand idol- hrs in time and'money in-maki‘ng an apparatus that will prevent frauds in elections; It is on the registration plan, an electric button being merely touched for the candidate selected by the voter.” Mr. Craig’s invention is a most ingen- ious one, though very simple, and ex- perience has ~ proved" that itsperféctly accomplishes theendifor which it was designed“ we hope that it will come into-general' use" at all elections, and that friend' John- will make a pot of money-out of it.'. ANADIAN ,â€" ., ACIFIC‘ v. Settlers’“ One Way. Excursions T'o Manitoba and canaaam North'- West will leave Toronto every TUESi D'AYlt'I‘urin g MAROH an d'h’l’RILipl 902. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving. Toronto at 1.45 p. m. I Passengers; travelling with" Live Stock should? take the 'train‘: leaving Toronto at 9.00 pm; Colonist Sl'eeper'will be attached to each train. For full‘ particulars and‘ copy ' of “'Settlers’ Guide,” apply to your'near- est Canadian Pacific Agent, or to" A”: HQ NOTMAN, Asst. Gen..P'ass.eA‘gt'. 1 -Ki'n g Street -East,:.Toronto. â€"_ The undersigned has opened a well- equipped Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of Twomey’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill- Machinery and Bicycles,= and to repair-or renew the wooden parts of implements. Lawn Mow- . , ers' repaired and sharpened, nndSaws ‘ duced Prlces durlngfihemextx sharpened and gummcd. -. 3%” Prices right imd’flll work attended is ‘ to promptly. JOHN JONES." Fcnelon Falls, April 18th, 1901. . n ifs: ' Phllgttpt Are good Photographs. .thl. NEED NflTIGfl , To Mentreal or NeW'York-' ‘for' choice. patterns. or low. ,jprioesii‘na ' I WAEL' PAPER... We have them~ herenow: iforryour.selection.- . ‘ GDODWIH’S,. nlnnsax,,. :NEXT' '1'“ ‘ SLMBSON HOUSE?- ! HAVE PURCHASES ‘ EW. MbK’EOWNi‘S' FURNETURE" BUSENESS, and will carry-- ar large and up-to-date stock 'of furniture. Tnn- Woonnuwann FACTORYjâ€"fVVc are pleased to learn that Mr. W‘. .H. Ghurch’s eflbrt to establish a-woodén- ware factory at the Falls is lik'ely to be successf'uk An informal‘ meeting to talkvthe matter over was-held in one of the parlors iu'the McA’rthur House on Tuesday evening and over a dozen prom- inent townsnlun, all of whomzlbave sub- scribed for‘stock. were present. Mes- srs. MCDougall, Brandon &=.Austin have a' very large and substantial building. close loathe railway track, which they put in at 321,009, a great deal less than- its value, atldfiwill supply 100' horse- power of electric “‘ energy " at $15 per â€"___. J. G. McKeggie & 00., (ssraamsnsn 1879.) BANICERS, . Hflhéfiflll-ESE- FENELON FaLLs, our. ~ , ,2 Agents: Tilt Banter British North America. EAR-.llllii LPBWDER... A general np-to~date banking business Again we wish to call yourr transacted. attenti’On to our Baking Pow-- Current accounts with merchants and der- business men opened'on the usual terms, m know-i5 is absolutely and careful attention given to the bustness pure and bf definite leavening AmalSo preparedzto-ado- allekinds of h, p. per unnum. Other residents of . .- , x .. of om. customers -. ( l ' power. the F11“? lla-VQ already §Ub50V$9d 3r? Rarm‘fl‘ge a' dng’ A Money advanced on notes or mortgages We want-you. to .feel‘tnnt 000, Much Will be amply su clent to epa1r1ng an for any length ofalme to Slllt borrower. you are gemhgfl gOOd article’._ Farmers’ notes discotxnted'at the lowest rates. Drafts issued on any part of‘the world. Cheques on any banlein-Canada orcihe Uni-ted States cashed. Sterling Eknhnnge bought or sold at post- ed rate of Exchange. Special~ attention given totho collection ‘of notes and accounts. Note forms furnished free of- charge, or: sent by mail postâ€"paid. iliue is good for lots of other things, and U x ‘ I . wise people keep a 25c. bottle in the house - . i ' ' A for rheumatism, cramps, neuralgia, tooth- I ‘ w. AI, Blshap, I 8 h h f G Mildew. Try, it. Sold by W. H. Robson. ’ . i . , ., Actiug'vnaaager. u e I . l worth the money. In 100}, .Z’Ob-gand 35c. Packages. commence on, as all the machinery re- quired can be purchased for $4 000. Gas on the Stomach, result of imperfect digestion, pressing up against the heart. excites alarming symp- toms. Instant relief is atl'o'rded by taking, half an hour after the meal, ten drops of T"tolson’s Nervi’line in a. little sweetened water Ncrviliue aids digestion, expels the gas and imparts a sense of" comfort. Nerv- Repainting, and. to make DOORS AND'S‘ASH. Planing done me ,. Short "(mne- Bnbson 5 Drug- Store, Fenelon Falls. ty. of this season’s productions. They; ; are carefully. made and contain Cambridge-st, opposite thepaokingthouse- excellent" coldriifrgr'andfgive the most -. artistic effect... T ' R. CHAMBERS. have allt‘ithe beauty and all the grace it is possible to put ‘into : high quahty papers. You may be sure of pleasing surround-- mgs when your walls are decorated and beautified with paper: fromnour stock... The best-t articlef. the ‘most'careful coloring,- th’e most‘d’iirablé qualitiésecontribute.to the-lasting excellence-3 In the line of Wall Papers you: want that which contains dis» tinctiveefi'ects and decided beau-. ~ _Our stuck includes the.best _. .l GEO. MOGE ,3Thegfifiéifé‘flfia‘ll‘iffféhes 'HEADQWAHTEBS DAIRY . SUPPLIES. _ . I 'am' prepared to. supply-sail ’necessaryrmaterial ‘ ' fen Ilouse lor-~ Barn building at reasonable ‘ prices, and .1t Willzpay you also. consult. me :before buying..- Planing; done ;- on. short ,. noticeby first. class... SA‘NDFO’RD. “contentment cannot ;_.be too dearlypuechascd.” ‘ Foot-‘comfért and l shape «anticipate never f'dcar, at the expense‘of "meta fketingpfinish. Cfintmtment toflmse whewwondrth‘atfoota wear which is m'dcd‘ and ~. pied god lay-the Makersâ€"- E'Tne seer. stage. J .: L. ARNOLD, Solc'-L0031‘Agellt. . ML WA'S'HBURNI W a: Difference; Cheap Furniture - is not always good furniture, but 2 good furniture is always: cheap furnitureâ€"perhaps: not so -low;priced,Â¥ but the- difference in wearing qual- . ities and appearance will! ' a more than: make up for the additional‘fii‘st cost. If you want; Good; Elurniturep , not‘sodiigh in price as to» he expensive, and not so». cheap as to be trashy, I: cane-how you a large and: carefully selected stock. 1385‘“ Undertaking inall its; branches- 1.. .DEYMAN... D1“. T. P. MCCULLOUGH,. Specialist, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, everv - Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m Consultation-s, eye,enr, nose and throat. streets.- l’eterborough, corner George and illrlrrayu" < ~4 _..' c"‘ ..«' ‘ -“'A’A”X";' .“l .«' A A“; 2"; 2w»... A‘AA ‘ ‘A' L "H‘fAi/‘Vl‘f'A‘A‘

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