Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Dec 1900, p. 5

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Saturday for the Christmas holidays. ' .l Lindsay. to spend Christmas at home. Falls. spend Christmas with friends in To ronto. ' ‘ Mr. William McKendry left on th er-in-law, Mr. John Abraham, at Gan anoque. Mrs. James Fraser and Mrs. about a week. returned on Thursday. Miss Edith Hand came home last Friday from Birmingham, Alabama, for her Christmas vacation, and will re- main for about a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heard drove out to Mr. Benjamin Burtchacll’s in Somerville On Sunday lust, and returned home on Christmas morning. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark, of To- ronto. were at. the Falls from Monday until Wednesday, and ate their Christ- mas‘dinner at Mr. A. Clark Sr’s. Mr. Lewis Manning, who has been in the employe of the Playfair Lumbering Co. for the past two years. returned home from Moon River on Ei'iday. Mr. Dennis Tivomey returned home last Friday from Strathcona, N‘ W. 'l‘., looking much better and more robust than when he left the Falls about three years ago. Mr. and Mrs: James Hetherington. of Essex county, spent Christmas. at Mr. Hetherington’s old home in Verulam. It was-his first visit to it since he left,, about fourteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quibell, of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrow, of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Viareoe, of-‘Midlaud,’ andiM'r; and Mrs. \Villiam Quinn, of Toronto, spent Christmas day with relatives. at the Falls. Somervilie Cauncil.‘ Burnt River, Dec. 15th,1900. Council met pursuant to Statute; all' the members present except the reeve; M.1'.,Grifii'n in the chair. Minutes of la-st‘meeting read‘ and‘confirmed.‘ Mr. James Wilson addressed the council re arrears of taxes. Moved by Mr. Callan, seconded by Mr. Stewart. That the arrears of taxes eharged‘ against James WiiSOn on lot No. 11, north Paul street, $5.50, be abated-.1â€"Carried. T'h'e reeve entered and took the chair. Messrs. Dettman and Wilson were heard respecting loss of cattle at Kin- mount, caused by collapse of bridge: Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Callan. That Messrs. Dettman and ‘Wilsombe given 350. to be in full of their claimâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by , Mr. Stewart, That the following.r accounts be paid: Fred Rattle, work at Mit- chell‘ss bridge, $1.75”; Sam Suddaby, balance of'salary for1900, $39: post-age. $8; Paul Crego, building culvert, $5.10; Alex Morrison, work at Crego’s creek bridge, $1.50; Geo..ijtle, printing and arlwrtisintt, $30.50; M.,A. Hopkins. keeping light at broken bridge, 32'; W. 'l‘. lraig. councillor-ls fees and‘mileage, $21.90: W. Stewart, do.. $17250;J‘. W. Gritfin, do.. $21.55;.B’. Burtchaell’; do.. 319.90; R. A. Callan, do., 31710; J. C. Argue. salary, postage and pre- paring financial statement, $35.â€"Car’d. Moved by Mr. Callan, seconded by Mr. Stewart, That the treasurer's finan- cinlstatement be received, and that we get 150 copies printed for distribution. â€"â€"â€"Carried. Moved hy’Mr Stewart, seconded by Mr. Burtchaell, That the statute labor charged against A. Rcttie Sr. be abated. -â€"Carrierl. MoVed by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Callan. That By-law No. . nu hv-luw to nnthoriz: the use of voting machines, he read and passedâ€"Carried. Council then adjourned. 0 Powles‘ Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The Christmas tree and entertain- ment on Christmas eve was a success, which is an evidence that the Sabbath School here is in a flourishing condition. There was a very fair attendance, es- pecially of children,' and Santa's gifts were up to expectations. Mr. James Marshall and Miss Dyer received a hearty vote of thanks for so ably fur- 'siing the instrumental musm. l‘hc “pm..er at the doo1'_amounted to $7. I Mr J0 , ' {1181.3 spendingacouplc A . O of weeks with relatives at Boskung. . n Switzer, of Bobcaygeon, 15 Mr. N. Day. c Toronto A ._ I 7 Harry McK‘endry came from mas holidays with his parents. Mr. ' o, and his brother William from Simms will seen be a full-fledged dent- Mrs. Irving Junkin and family, of and himselfisnd to this community. Bobcaygeou, spent Sunday at the- re- sidence of Mr. W". T. Junkin at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and their iittle daughter, Eva, left on Saturday to 19th to attend the funeral of his broth Dr Grahmn returned home last Saturday from Toronto, where they had spent Mr. George Quibell and his son Wil- fred came home on Saturday from De- ch St Sons’ camp near Coboconk, and [two blasts were fired off between '29 and 30 on the Verulam shore, Mr. "the fuse. , ' , The Elections are. over, i and there was'a. “hot time’ lasted, but The Winter isn’t over, and there will be a cold time before it is. .. LINDSAY WINTER RACES, On the Agricultural Grounds, on New Year’s Day. Big- purses. Six entries for 3-mile me“; Cfive for free-forâ€"all, and the numbers will be doubled. Most of the famous old it:8 campaigners of the Province will compete. Races will take place rain or shine. Track perfct. Single fare on all railways. Hali- but-ton train he'ld till 5.30. Ladies free; gentlemen25c. Queen’s Own Band in at- tcndunce. First race at 1.30 sharp. .DentailCollegeri'e spending the Ghri'st-' , ist, and is a great credit to his parents Mr. Thos. Marl: has- put a dag-stat? on top of the porch at the school" house. and the flag was hoisted on the last day of school in the old century. We may expect to see it whenever the British score a notable victory in South Africa, Miss Richards. of Lindsay, spent Christmas at Mr. John Khox’s.. A good many of the ratepayers intend to vote against the House of Refuge question,'as the taxes are already high ‘cnoutzh, some of the farmers in this sec- tion having to pay as much as 84 more taxes this year than last, without any apparent cause. Mr. E. Beacock has recently pur- chased a thorough-bred Tamworth hog. We did not hear the name of the breed- ~er, but you may depend upon it that he has a. reputation, as Mr. Beacock is a shrewd buyer and an all around first- class fellow. ’ while they ' '3 ESIL‘RAY S'IEER. Come on to the premises of the subscrib- er, lot 18, con. 1, Somerville, some time in November, a. small red Steer, about a year andndiu-lftold. The owner can have him' upontprepiug property and paying charges. RUFUS SINCLAIR. ,Somerville, Dec. 15th, 1900. 451-4" Get ready for it by buying a Steve, and, no matter what kind , it may be you- want, get it at the new hardware store, . Where you will find a well selected stock of all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stoves; Ranges, Stove Pipes. etc... at prices to suit your pocket. GEO. MOGE , Wanted to Rent," ‘ A good Farm containing about one hundred acres. Apply to NOBLE-.DUNDAS, Fenelon Falls. 4 l l l l l l 44-4“ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY..â€"â€"Thc unnu- al‘mceting of the Feuelon Agricultural Society will be held in Jordiln’mhall, Fenelon Falls, on Wednesday, Jun. 9th, 1901, at 1 p. n1. CROWDED OUT.-â€"The proceedings of the Eenelon township councilhave been crowded out this week. The fuif minâ€" utcs will appear in our next itsue. SCHOOL BOARD.â€"A meeting of the I school board was held last Friday even- ing. but. nothing was done beyond or- dering the payment ofthe teacher's sal- aries and passing two or three accounts. McGafire-y & Farwell, or. 'oswneo, N. 12, fwill’pay spot cash‘ for-good; sound, green, cedar Telegraph Poles, from twenty-five to sixty-five feet long, de- divered at any station on the Victoria brunch of:‘=‘th‘e Grandi’l‘runk RflliWflY‘.’ FOrtspecifications and ‘prices apply to WM. SHERMAN, Agent, Simpson House, Lindsay. 4.5-4" The Nexv Iâ€"Iardware Stowe,“ Opposite the Post-Ollico.-- Fenelon Falls, Dec. lath, 1900. Where is the Rush? O-ver-~Bii1‘g.._iyne-‘s store, where Miss E. Dohcrty is now prepared to do first class work in Millinery and Dress and Mantle making, having secured the services of a first-class dressmaker from the city. We promise to give each and every one a. good First Quality . Ladies" Rubbers, or 450... per P QOOOOOOOOOOOOO Storm Rubbers, 500. per Pei... BURGLOYNE. , S. S. ENTER'I‘AINMENT.â€"â€"'l‘lie an- nual Presbyterian S. S. entertainment will be held on Tuesday evening next, Jan. let. A leading feature of the pro- gramme will be the revised fan drill by twenty youths and maidens in costume. Admission 150, For particulars see fit. We also make tailor-made costumes dodgers. in the latest fads and fashions. Cutting and fitting unequalled, special attention being given to that department. lllillinery in the latest novelties in trimmings and hats. Prices to suit everybody. All wel- come to call. 38" Apprentices wanted. MISS E. DOHERTY, Feneloa Falls. METHODIST Ouuacu NOTES.â€"â€"The ,Leaguers had a very pleasant ro-union on Wednesday evening ...... Next Sab- bath Rev. W. V. Seccombe. of Green- bank, will preach morning and evening. All are welcomed.......The Christmas music rendered by the choir was speci- ally good, and the soles of Miss Lily Wilson were sweetly rendered. ACCIDENT;â€"â€"As Mrs. H4 Pl: Shar was on the way from her own house t her son’s, a distance of only a few rods, on Tuesday afternoon, she slipped1 on some ice and fell, dislocating one of the smaller bones of her left forearm at the wrist and breaking the other. Her nephew, Dr. Graham, set the: fracture and reduced the dislocation, and? the patient is doing well. MUNICIPAL‘ EBECT-IONS.â€"â€"~The nom- inations will take place on Monday next and‘the elections on the Monday fol- lowing, and not a worddo we hear about them “ good. bad or indifi’érent.” As the village finances are in a satisfactory condition, and“ no. ault appears to be found with the council, perhaps it is the intention to re-elect them by acclamation, tshould they all decide to run again. 11%” Good smart Bey wanted‘to-lear-n photographing Apply at Stanton’s Pho- to Studio TunL. B. Sr. P. RAILWAY.â€"The equivalent of‘turuihg- the first sod of the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon & Pontypool 'Railwuy was performed. with approp- riate ceremonies on Tuesday of last . week. Owingto- the absence of sod, pegs â€"31-4m." Xllll IDEAS. V Again we call your attention to our Fancy Perfumes. ' P 0 We have, as usual, :1. stock that can seldom be excelled outside of the city.. Th = ‘ We also have a very fine selection of e Red‘StOI e‘ Hair Brushes and 'l‘oilct Sets in Alum- inum and Ebonoid Finish. The ma- terial and workmanship of each piece is perfect. You can get an idea of what we have by our window display duringthe next two weeks. We wish all a Merry Xmas and a appy New Year. W. H. Robson, Druggist. Fenelon Falls- liNiill MAHBlE WORKS. fith Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and; llEADS’l‘ONES, both Marble and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of '. cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Taps, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty.- Bcinga. practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house. R. CHAMBERS. h 000 o oooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooo .1. , , o l SHOE CREDENTIALS, On every " Slater Shoe " a coupon will be found giving the shoe's character. Tells of the leather in its make up, the wear itistadapted to and how to care for it. It gives the register number of the shoe by which the makers can trace back to its birth, and should it not live up to their promises, make good the guarantee. “Slater Shoes " may be. identified by this coupon and by the name and price stamped ,on the 5016.. Every pair Goodyear welted. $3.50 and $5.00.. Charles Fairbairn applying the torch to The Bob Ind. says that the right of'way has been purchasedover a portion ofthe line, and that the Com- pany intends to proceed, during the winter, with the cutting out and such grading as circumstances will permit. , 2 'r V K900000000 o_o o o W oooooooooooooooocooooooooo v . oooooo - 3m is“ Sold by J... L. ARNOLD, Fenelon Falls. I‘IARRIED. ARCHERâ€"DANIELS.â€"â€"On Christmas day, by Rev. R. S. Lcitch‘, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. William Leslie Archer, of Tiny, to Emma Caroline, daughter of Mr. Thomas Daniels, of Fenelon. A CHRIS FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reporled by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec. 28th , 1900, This E'. SANDFORB Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 65 to 75'l , , , ' ‘ “,th ,.a11,l,e,.b,,shel.m 60 63' I Is piepaied to supply parties Who intend to put up, Wheat, sprng 6_3 05 any kind of bmldlngs With 183111-113yilpipl31131101---- nu f “I want to make my relatives and “C 'W i H" - v - ' .« riends appropriate gifts but the means . . . . ' .. OMS, {.‘t g4 25 atmycommnd seem; fun shone, _ Sash, D0013, D001 Fiames, Vdeow F1.unes, Mould- ggtse, “ apprise: qttpe 01ccasiou.“ t t lugs, Casmgs, Baseboards, Newel Posts, Hand Rolls and? , ........ :4 . 1: 1 _]ns w 1y we wan you 0 ° ‘ a ’ t ' r \ . :' I Potatoes, u 1., 2,, come in and see how little it takes to all lands of bullde1s supplies that may be needed. , Butter, per 1b . .. . ..... 16 1'5 secure suitable gifts for those you wish i , gifispgirtggze'mm""" 63: 7,1,3 torcmember- ' They are manufactured under 1118' own supervision, gidds . 2.30 6.50 OUR STOCK 1's COMPLETE, "fai'le well pliade of {330031) materials, and £7111 fbe sold fully as. ogs( ive) ..... .. .. a. 0 5.50 . h 0 cap as my can 3e one 11; at any 0t er actor a . r ~ \ n ’ D ‘ yv ESE; (D‘essf‘ll'; FIRST CHOICE IS PREFERABLE. _. ‘ i (‘ ' i ‘ ‘ §Vh§§Psk,ns. , Choose your Xmas presents without Taming, executed W1th neatness and despatch. 1 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.10 2.30 delay‘ Scroll Smwinm .md anc - B . k t. f , . Flour, Victoria. .... ...... 2.00 2.20 I , ‘ h ‘ ‘ y lac e S O evely (1930111)“ Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.80 2.00 Britton Bros. tlon made to order. " an, per 100 lbs ..... . 65 75 5 Shorts, “ ” Mixed Chop 00 1.10 , Leading. J ewellern . n 0 u - o a LINDSAY. H at Estimates Cheerfuliy Given...

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