Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Dec 1900, p. 3

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. . ~ .ww‘. .. .â€" ... .......s....._. 4 ‘ A m ,»-â€".â€".._...._..»...-._~-.w ...â€"â€".. -â€" - Glendinning, Duncan. Anderson and a ,John. Ia. H’obson. In the Hive Stock _, r ? Departments are papers by Prof. John A. Craig, J..S.~ Woodward, James Tol- .....‘. ~ _ ' .. -â€" Ptomotimi =Examination_s., The following are the the- Christmas. promotion examinations in. the b‘encldn Falls schools :; " Jr. ‘4th to.Sr. 4th.â€"â€"-Oli.ve v Prescott,- Fred: Eisk, Clifford Church, Russel- McDougall, Orville Corbett;Ev_a Smith, Lillie-Brooks, Gilbert Campbell, Grat-â€" ’tam Graham, Leonie‘Calder, Groven- Kern, I Sr. Brd to Jr. 4th.â€"Thomas Duggan, Harry MeCallu-m. Chas. Heard, John Golden, Willie MoDougall, Cecillc Swam ton,, Arthur‘ Nevisou, Edith, Minorc,-, Dora McIntosh,. Douglas Lcitch, San: Swanton. Millen Quigg, Leo Pearce. Willie Johnston, Harry Udy, Lorne Dnggan, Maggie Dennie, Annalcen Kerr, Nellie Heard. Jr. 3rd to Sr. Badâ€"Orville ' Church, Archie Barkley, Violet Hadwin, Pearl‘ Byrnell, Birdie Archer, Alice Quigg‘ Willie Stoddard, Sarah Minore, Manic Campbell, Elva Maybee, Rese Scott, Katie Donnie, Wilfrid Wilson, Mamie- Church, Rose Nerthey, Victor Ultam-.- bers, Willie Brokenshirc, Findley Crosâ€"- grey, Eddie Lansfield, Jerry 'l‘womcy,” Oumondc Nevison, Minnie Byrncll, Charlie Ingram, Tommy Mofi'a‘t-c ‘ Sr. 2nd to Jr. Bidâ€"Laura Thomp- son, Hazel Sharpe, Nellie Duggan, Vio-. lauMcIntosh, Willie Carley, Pearl Lit-. tleton, Kathleen. McDougall, Williow St‘inson, Bertha. Dundas, Martha..Robs. son, Rhyllis Nevison, Stanley Ellis, Norav. W‘ilson, Violetâ€"Church, Ella Pearce. Jr. 2nd to Sc. 2ndâ€"Millie Palmer, Jessie Lane, Lenore Clark, 'Lithgow.» Robson. Sandy Warren, Roxey Geddesh Fred Keast, Ruby Magce, Leslie Mom. K'cndry. Br. Part 2nd to Jr. 2-id.â€"-(South ward ) .Harold McDonald, Ella Clark,~ V‘i‘olet Barry, Fred Campo, May Car-.â€" pcnter, Jane Kelly, Elmer Bvroell. (North ward.) Karl Metz.‘ Hubertt Shane, Thos. L-‘ansfield, Rey Knox, Eva. farmers to keep abreast of the times Parks: Winnie Maybe": Barkley mason: . and avail themselves of the resources May smltht ‘ of culture and information now at theirl JP. Part 2nd to SP- Part find-“~- Gustomers. ‘ A Merry Christmas .a' 7‘! H, ofany kind. to produce the too, A. P. Keccten and Simpson Rennie. best results in, feedi11g5_mu_sb Dairy mattersare discussed by Prof. H: and A. W. Peart. W. R. Graham and 1 Prof. Gilbert take up Poultry for Heme andForeign Markets. In the Women’s. ' i F. M. Carpenter and others have writ- , ‘ ‘ .r ten some very- practical ‘and' interesting ' Dealer in . ' articles ' social improvement is shown by the con- tinued increase of membership, which has grown until now there are registered the year, which were attended by 139,- : "‘ V' , '*.;;~j9,8\2_persons. A.noteworth_v feature is ~ thélprganizatioo of Women’s Institutes Th 'in tlmt'dircction having been. inaugura- ated in Saltfleet Township, Wentworth County, where the first Women’s In- The Fenelon Falls Gazette. . .. Sh ' .- The l d? dztrden.b son. is the ma11.to.sell.you;a_ 03"" mm a" gm y Department Miss L... Roses, Miss B: _ The appreciation of the Farmers’ (“q r ' ill til -’ COAL , t at ._ _, in the province nearly 19,000anembcrs. . , on practically similar lines to the Far- l. at, stitute hamdone excellent work. This Prof. Hutt, J; E.‘ Orr, G:, C." Caston first. class. Maddock, Miss A. Hollingworth, Mrs. Institute asa means of'material and? ;-IRON PIPE, and... I There were 715 meetings held during mers' Instituteâ€"the pioneer. movement Fenelon. Falls, was closely followed. by the ladies. of Seuth Ontario,,and*later<by an organizes, ation in North Grey, East and West Durham, Halton, l’ecl, East and West ,York St Amherst Island, West Bruce and "East Victoria, where flourishing Insti- tutes arenow-in operation. Some of the admirable papers contributed at these meetings. on Domestim Science and ,ghousehcldcceonomy are reproduced... The report-is one of the most elab- orate and comprehensive documents of the k-ind‘;yet.« isaued; and-‘ its character afi’ords a pleasing evidence of the ad~ vanccd stage of.‘ the farming industry in the. province, and-.tl-tc.-di-spositiun of the _ Friday, Dec. 28th~,_1900,.22, W No Case For Alarm. .â€". The Premier has, with el-iaracteristic ‘concisencss andsiot‘ce, answored the sug- gestion that there might be cause for apprehension in the overwhelming sup- port which tho Government received from the Province of Quebec. “ There mightfl’said: the Premier, ,“ there would be, cause for alarm if our policy had been sectional and not national. If we had appealed tot-he people. of’ Quebec upon grounds which appealcd'to Quebec . disposal, (South .ward)., Maggie Scott, Maggie- alonc. then indeed. there would be cause “_p___m .,__,,_A..A__,»__., :W.i]son_ (Nonh ward); Jennie Qui-.- for atom But when weahave ap-peal- . . -. . I . bell Kathleen Junkin Robina Switzer ._ ed"not only to Q‘lob‘cc but-£0 the. whole Gene'th H's Eternal ReSt' ’ , ’ . David Mitchell, Millie Curtis,.Marjoric . people of Canadanpon grounds which fi 1 . 1 l ‘ f, ‘ The Cass Lake (Minnesota),7’£mas Austin, Genevieve TWOmcy, Alice Carw. od an core in he ieait 0 every Can- of- Dccember 20th saw” lcy.. adian, I see no cause for alarm. What a As we no ‘to pl,qu we [mm with m / _..._ ________ ._..,__.._ n ‘ . . ., ‘ ‘ -c - u w ( u , - ‘ cause forplangflcan there. be If, upon flats bomxof old,friendshlp and bro- personals, the questioner the Manitoba schools. ‘ m, ,. C H, .. l d therly love that Dr. J: H. Thomas, the i also .lae lonsttvatlye DENY tlrf’ealene “old reliable ” dentist:who has .visitcd . Miss Ella AuStl“ ‘3 home for the” 'to 56” e “i” Qpesuon ’y-cflmcmnt the us once amonth for; the last year dicd' Christmas vacation. . people of Qucbco-~ almost-toa- man rc-. ’ . . , , at his home at Crookston last Tuesday, MP- lib-MIR Thomas Sadlél‘, Jl‘q‘SPEDh. Jected that policy I What cause of alarm, :of diaboms’ The Doctov Wm be sadly Christmas at Lindsay. ms. could “Here be When “pop the trade ‘mislsed by his many friends and ac- Dl'- WI'TI Harrison, 0f Kéeho. W115 8: policy of the “0‘19.“'Y' We We?“th "l‘e quaintances throughout the; entire guest at the parsonage over Sunday. 13.01le or the preremmml mum-u" Btlt' ‘N‘orth’west, wherexhg-has practiced .his MaStel‘ Douglas lwitch is spending ~11... am‘ and our Oppoqents on the confmry proftssioa for. the last twenty yearsâ€" or 'leW'-days With friends at PO” Hope- prcscntcd the policy of an eye for a" more but nowhere more keenly than in Cdpta JOhD Diamenl‘a. Of the Sleamel“ eye and a tooth for a tooth, the people ' Cass L‘Alk'e, where he. bad old friends E'stzurion,.was at the Falls on Saturday and made many new ones. Dr. Thomas lilSl- .wasa. man-of; noble characterâ€"really MeSSl'S' LGWlS and 090“ Deymim‘ one. of. nature's; nobleman, He was spent Christmas with relatives in T0- ,brave and courageous, yet kind and 1'0030- considerate;7 upright, and exacting in Mrs. Graham left for Toronto his dealingswith. his fellow. men, yet 0'3 Saturday 135$, and returned 0‘3 “70d” strictly just and honest. Ear more than. DeSd‘W- twenty. years we have known him in- ' Mrs. M. W. Brandon left last Satur- timately, and. from..our close acquaint- day ‘30 VlSlt he? SlStCl'. Ml's- Cl'eViel‘y all ance have learned to love and. respect Lindsal“ himfor. his worth asaman. Good bye, ‘ Messrs- Harry StOddiu'd and Wm' of Quebec chose to accept our policy ?‘ VWhat cause for alarm can there be, I: say, when the peopleof' Quebec chose to accept the policy of preferential trade without asking for a quid proguo ? What cause for alarm can there be upon fill these questions because the people "of' Quebec stood by the policy which the true policy for Canada? There is nocause for alarm; there is, perhaps, a good example given to other parts- of r Canada. There might be cause for df all kinds. 'yp teens, sass, 1‘ . i . 01d friend-iadieuj’ Junkin were home from. Lindsay for; E‘s/x -IIMIâ€" H "alarm 1f1n the campaign we. had ap- Acycompgnyéng the copyoftheflpaper; Christmas, . :3 / l’ , pelaled “I’ll!” Peolléle ofguege‘; “‘30:; “Be trout-winch the above was taken, was a Ml" and Mrs- leley 19ft 0“ Sat" ., v one wncloou no c een c In : etc., and p y very brief letter dated December let, I urdal’ f0" Bl'acebl'idge and came how-‘3‘ from Remains. W. Robinson, pastor of :00 l'vcdrleSdaY‘V the First M. E? church of Cass Lake, . Miss OPOCl‘el'» Of “"901”, Nebm‘gkah who says that less than a week; earlier, 13' “Siting hel‘ “Dele, MI‘- Charles Has‘ he and Dr. Thomas, were talking about '19!“th the Rails“ old times in Lindsay and F‘énelou Fan, Mix and ‘M'i's. C. E.‘ Graham, of To-.. We have no recollection of Mr. Rob- "mm: “"9 “Siting 5“ Ml“ William G01" inson, though-some oflourreadcrs may deuys in vel'ulam- Mr: and; Mrs. Stephen. Nevison, of’ Lindsay, were at the Falls from Mon- day until Tuesday. Mrs. Demill, of Maple Lake, is at; the Falls visiting her parents, Mr. and the Province of. Ontario or elsewhere; but when we presented to the people of Canada a policy which couldzbe defend- ed in Ontario and everywhere, certainly there could not be any reason for the people of Ontario to vote against the policy simply because it is supported by ,. “he People Of Quebec-i have ;.but were well acquainted with â€"â€"â€"â€"_______ ’ . Dr. Thomas, who practised his profes- The Farmers Institutes. Vsion at the Falls when the Gazette was young, and who calledin to see us when he was here some time in. 1898. He _ leaves a widow well provided“ for, and Mrs' Clm'q- Himklll' a married daughter whost: husband is M,"”- F;- A- MGD‘m'ml-d and Chlldrenr in good circumstances. His we ,9 not of Lindsay, spent Christmas W1th Mrs. stated by either the Times or Mr. Rob- DeCeW 3“ the Falls- [0500. UNDERTAKING. PlGTURE FRAMING A SPEGEALTY. W. McKEOWN, FRANCIS 81'. WEST, - FENELON FALLS. Some idea of the excellent work that is being done by the Farmers, Institutes for the improvement of agricultural con- ditions by promoting the interchange of ideas among its members, and placing at their disposal the results of the latest Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sandford left , _ scientific research and practical cxper- 0“ Sliml'dily to Spend Christmas With C D O U L imonts in connection with the leading Methodist Anniversary. l'elml‘v'es at BEllCVlllC- 5 branches of farm industry, may be ___. Mr. R. S. Rowland, principal of the. gained from. the report of thc Superin- DI‘- W- T- Hal'l'ls'm. PFCSldGDt 0f the Bond] ward SCHOOL “PM” Uhl'lStmas 3‘" tendent of Farmers’ Institutes for 1899. Ontario Methodist S. S. Association, his home at Newcastle- 1900. This volume, in addition to givâ€" favored our village with a visit during Ml‘. Charles Junkin, of Cannington-,, ing many details as to the growth and the past week. Under the supervision called 0“ hlS I'elallVG-i at the Falls on. progress of the organization, contains Ol' lhlg {ISSOOlilllON are 5.800 SChOOlS, Thumday OH‘MWGOk- many selections from 3,328 addresses 51.500 teachers, and 423,000 scholars. MI'S- W- H- RObc‘l‘lSDD and daulâ€"tlltel‘.‘ given at the meetings held during the Dr. Harrison, though ayoung-lookiug 0F Petel'bm‘ough, spent ClH‘lStmilS With. season, covering a great variety of' sub- half-century man, has been a S. S, sup. relatives at the Falls. \ ' lems i0 connec‘l‘m With agriculture. live erinteudent f'orBS years, and his school Mr. J. R. Hand came home from.- l | stock, "dairying, horticulture, 'poultry, is one of the most modern in method Toronto last Saturday, and returned to COULTHARD SCOTT ('30., etc. These'papers embody the exper- and enthusiasm. and begins every Sab- the City 05 Weanes'laY- ' I ience of the leading practical farmers bath morning at 9.30. Therefore the Mr- and Mrs. P. S. SWllZOI‘ of Mid- osnw. Champion Seeder and Eulllvalur. and others engaged in kindred pursuitS, doctor does not speak simply of theo- land 5990‘? Christmas all Mr. Wllllflm~ and the results of tests and experiments l‘les; he is a practical Christian SandeI‘SOD’S at the Falls. philos- ] made by professional instructors and Ophel‘. Md VOI‘Y SHOCCSSful and beloved Miss Dom DinSOU came home 0" Enckshuil Plnws. Bells Tread Power. scientists on the more advanced lines. as a medical man. He gave excellent Saturday from the Art School at Tor- . The hst is such an extensive one that addresses to large and appreciative and- onto for the Christmas vocation- it would be impossible to mention any icnces on Sabbath last. The Christmas Miss Hilda NeVlSOD and Miss Emma "77 ill ' considerable Proportion of the contrib- tree and entel'lalument Wasa de0ided Jul]le 03”” home 0“ Saturday fi'om‘ utors whose addresses have been em- $100858le decorations and progr amme the Lindsay Collegiate Institute. bodied in the volume, but among the pl‘GSCDtGd “flowing Credit “POD the 001D Mn Thomas RObson left on Monday “‘“xm most valuable and interesting are papers mittee. The children proved them- l on a business trip to Toronto and 0th“ ‘ a U m B E by such/well known authorities on‘gen- selves good entertainers, and have added Place?) and returned 9“ Tl]u"_5da.l’- . A in A I 321‘]c§luln-al "satin-1'3 as; John RIC- il Clllll'll) t0 the fragrance 0f the last Bliss Phrona HaSkl”! who Is toadnng t l an, ar 9‘ " ’ [fury Christmas of the centuryâ€".007”, iEOlJOOl at Maple Lake, came home 0D...

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