v': «was... ,. .cirDcâ€™ï¬ . (it i? K VOL. XXVIII. EENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21s.», 1900. No. 45. l llld towel HOLIDAY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, ALBUMS, GAMES, XMAS CARDS, TOYS, Etc, Etc. . entree. l Lytle’s old stand. l ical temper which should be at tliecom- mand ofa great political leader. Sir Charles permits his cliarnin to betray him into intempcraeico of language, and " ~i_ i it leads him from the broad highway in i -‘ of stutesmanship into the. narrow by- path of deinagogy. What is still more reprehensible in a man who has been 30 honored and has made such an enviable record in public life, Sir Charles de- scends to appeals to race prejudiceâ€"the last resort of a a small politician smart- ing under def'eat. He is reported to have said that Laurior carried Quebec . by appealing “to the base passions of , ~ j" his ignorant French Canadian com- patriots,†that he “ is breeding bitter- ness and unhappiness and strife,†and, in what is described as a voice of pas- ’ - ARE YOU 3 ‘INTERESTED IN ‘ llllS'l . Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings. . -. -. “Womb-"9: WRITE i is;.;;;4.;;.io'.;..i5.5;... ! ‘‘‘‘ *'“"’“"‘â€"'â€""1Â¥;~:â€"Wâ€"'i: Wu sion. he added; “ Erencli Canadians , LEGAL. .. _ , rule Canada to-day. Men of British {‘1 - -â€"-â€",â€"â€"-_â€":_:â€"_:.-::_: THE JEWllliLLER, "f: blood, h,in much more are you goingr to MOLAUGHLIN & MODIARMID, Llndsay’ stand? If Laurier appealed to his “ French Canadian compatriots,†how much gm- ver was the offense against good moral-s > 5,. and liberal patriotism than Sir Charles‘ appeal to the passions and race prej~ udices of men of British blood? It is to be hoped that Sir Charles has been misinformed about Lriurier and has himself been misquoted. It has been popularly supposed on this side the line, that both Laurier and Tupper were men of too great moral and mental - stature to condescend to the employ- ment of tactics so unworthy in themâ€". selves and so subversive of the interests of' the Dcminion.â€"A Bigfle Grit. 4».â€" No Armed Escort. ' For particulars. You will save money. You can rely on what you get. ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Oï¬icc: Kent-Sh, opposite Market. Feiielon Falls Oï¬ice: Over Burgoyne St Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls ofï¬ce will be open every Wednesday afternoon from arrival of train ‘ ' ‘ g ‘n'. ‘ r ' ‘ LE _ from Lindsay. ass†Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. _ :A y H, I I \ I. a‘ R. J. McLAnoaLm. F. A. MCDIARMID , A l, - ID I _,\ El W (:1! __ _i ‘ ï¬, _. l . l ,1 ' 9 WILLIAM STEERS, ‘tARRISTER. Solicitor Dominion Bank and is William Street, Lindsay. That Armed Escort. An evening paper published some- where between King street and the lake, and whose policy corresponds with that of the cross dog which runs out and barks at everything that passes cast or west, whether it be a child with a basket of eggs or an express train with a speed of sixty miles an hour, objects to our suggestion that we should send public men and business men to Austra- lia instead of soldiers in scarlet. Why should this country be repre- sented in Australia by red cloth? It it is necessary to have soldiers in the parade at Melbourne, let Australia A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorneyâ€"at-L‘aw, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsav W G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, 8w. SOLICITOR FOR . the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at - lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Out. M MOORE & JACKSON, as ~“--..oa~>,, “Wu-1‘ «V ._ AAAAA;‘ v~ H < ' ' I Jar-333262;? e Sir Wilfrid is Canada’s most striking ï¬gure and greatest orator; and as the Australian Confederation was patterned after that of the Dominion, and is not only a. cousin by ties of blood, but one of our best customers, no eï¬'ort should- .BCARMSTEBS’ SOLEULI-III‘SRB‘S’ &c' or. provide them. Soldiers for show pur- . . ,‘ “Geiwuham “we, 1 8 3" ON 0883 can be icked u anywhere in be spared to treat. it With the greatest f F. D. Moons. A. JAcKs P _ P . P ‘. . . . . ""u’ M fl... ___: the British Empire, and wherever they P05311319 9°n51d91‘3t100; S†Char!“ ‘ .3†‘“‘ ' "' u are picked up they are Britishers, and TURF“ and Other leadmg me“ Of hm“- fgll ° equally ï¬t to serve in the (3010,. scheme parties shouldlalso algtend the damne- g l ' . ' - . tration in mm num crs as to in icate . "T of 21 gala day. If the proposal wow that 9 7 I .3 DR' H‘ H‘ GRAHAM' the Premier of Canada should go into Canada’s respect and good Will. The "Mini’o'Md n RIFCTS.fn8g-, M. c. P. k s" a foreign country, than it might be ar- Proposmon ‘0 send '41 tl‘00P 010 “Wall? 7 . ‘5' NT" ‘ ' ' "" - ' - ted escort however seems to. ‘ 1 _ 0qu that a military escOit should ac- as 3 1119“ a _ a . ,. H,£?1013§geb%§ï¬EgNs§e§t?0333i; Idomptmy him, to in some measure sug- {119 Pl'ePOPtemus- Gama“)? 00‘ 3 “fllj _. 1 Fans. - . gest the power of the Empire to which “My “Mmâ€: though the mum-3W 9Pâ€It , DR WILSO‘, he belongs. But we are not a military seems to have {’bta‘fd ï¬rmlghty “01d - . A. L , ' u on us recent . mi itar escort - - e0 1e and there is no reason wh we P 5' I Y , â€"-1!-B-.M.0-P-Jr3-i0‘1ml‘mi‘ $110515 pay Passaae money on a 1%,; of consequently, would misrepresent the. HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACGPUCH‘ 3' L scarlet dmgoonsa to Melbourne and impulse and evocation of the Dominion. .°“r' Ofï¬ce' Colbome Street’ “Halon o a back. What this country needs now to Ordinarily We are Peacef‘ll People “"1â€: “"5' M . do is to get, acquainted with Australia... devoted to politics and religion, and it DR.. D. GOULD. to send out there people truly repre- would seem ï¬tting to have a represent- Graduate Toronto University, Member semative of us, who will confer mm of our manufacturers, our farmers,our 0011888 Physicians and Surgeons, 011% , . people truly representative of them, We transportation companies, our politicians, em“ 3‘ Fug Smr" Reï¬idence’ anm S T 1 should not send out there men who ride find our lif'ewhel‘shon tlfle 1}St- . A1 Imam Sm“ Wes ' E either war-horses or hcbb -horses but lug man rom can pro esSion, inc uiiiii'; - I men who miaht lay the badis fora closer 9- 501cmâ€: might be added, and it 0’1“- E' P. SMITH, ' ‘ trade relatioiiship, and exchange ideas 00"- be denied that 3" Vel‘y imPOSi'lg ETERINARY SURGEON‘EM 8:53:18: i in all matters aifccting trade and pro- little company COuld b0 organize-d as an mfgï¬ï¬â€˜in‘flï¬gfl’o, ‘ft‘ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬mm E, "Tessive government. escort, the members of which could fore- - - - - "‘ - - . ' tlier with men of their own sort at aPW“ant 0‘ D°mlm°n G0"“‘“‘°“" , ' , If it is necessary fm this country to {13- _ _ H _ . since and addressâ€" oratory, (m. It you ask any particularly well-dressed ï¬ght, a can ï¬ght, but a should no, de_ the coming festivmes in Australasia, WM . F 1 , . . cave its Sister commonweam, into sup- to the benefit and mutual good Will of "WW man In 6113 on Falls or SUITOundlng dlStI'ICt, posing that we are a tinsclled and war- bow counmeS-â€"Sam7'day Night I: W . ‘ ' ’i. “ . y, . 1. like people. The contention of those â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"~+~-â€"- V; Di. NEELllllDS, DENTIST, LlllDSlli’, , Who makes your clothes ? invariably he who ..y we should send i A Polar Dog Trust. Extracts teeth without Pain by g“ (Viml' ' ~ to be based on the idea that the .wliolc â€"_â€" . ized air) administered by him for‘27 years. VVlll thing is to be a, street parade, which we London, Dec. Iiiâ€"The latest form . He sgidiled hflle ,Efï¬ Endggggg‘fg’figï¬ac‘? : should help to make as interesting as of trust is that of polar dogs. Accord- # “‘"x ‘v New or (it eongmn or - 'bl If it is to be that and IlOtli- ' o- t 81- Clements Markham 1- 'â€" n - ' ' ds poem 9. _ inn 0 i 1 . p eat 3, mg teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelan O Y 7 . h . d m of sendmm an _ f I R 1G w ‘. l S, ._ ,1, ' the as to 186 417 per- : i I q I I E : mg more, t 0 W18 0 _ a y dento tie oya eoniapiica .001 i3 32:: 1iifitiiiiiaitgifiimaccidgent from 7the gas. - body may well be questioned. But we ety, Americans are responSible for form- 3K Other pain obtunders used- A gogd :3“ 3" B f b believe it is not an afternoon’s spectacle ing such a corner in these animals that. tooth inserted for $10. 3%†Dr. 88 an 5 6 one 0 9 Hum er 0 that 'is being arranged for in Austra- the pending British and other Arctic - {giigsgenegog fï¬ï¬g‘ï¬ï¬fï¬iï¬r gil’figï¬f. . ' . , and can and Dee lie. and we do not think the Duke and expenditions are centronted with a difâ€" ' it lies a ' - I ' ' e . . , - - (2‘ ,nd secure an appointmem What 113 IS dOIHg fOI the Spring aind summer. Duchess of York are gomg flit}le cliqund ï¬culty nearly as gieat as the ice fields. ' . . . . , the world for the purpose 0 riding in a It appears that Mr. In. B. Baldwin, w H snags, “5311513 HIS pl‘ICGS are I‘lght, CODSlStent VV1th ï¬rstâ€"class carriage in a holiday pipceeiitlgn-t f thelAmlerican explorfeiglhas bought up ' ' , . _ . It is a biawer timer Man a i 01‘ a suc i a arse supp y 0 rows tiat t ieir Th b ut ful Crown and Bridge work 1 ‘ I . a, u t, . t I ‘ 3 I W praciisedflwiih success. a... and all'other style and weikmanship. He makes no other. cpmmonwealth. ‘3 ‘° be ‘ismbl‘s‘f" °“ PM “as “S?†“0â€? $1? ‘0 330, W ‘3,- anaesthetics for extracting teeth Without ~ , lines very Similar to 0111 0WD. t 9.00- they are hard. to piocuic even at iii-M . 1.; pain. Aset of Artificial Teeth, better than ensign is admirably adapted for bring- price. Captain Bernier, the Canadian 3’ “‘0 “wage, f0" $8 00' Rm?“ dwecuy ing the two colonial confederations into explorer, hopes to get out of the dilemâ€" °W°Sit° wooa’ssmve dePOt’Lmdmy' a better knowledge of each other. .80 "mo by taking young dogs and training * far we have had little direct dealing them on the voyage. What the two NEW MEN IN THE OLD STAND. R with Australia, although our Similarity British Antarctic expeditions will do, i The undersigned, having bought Hr. , of aspirations and dilference in products Sir Clements Markham does not yet 1,. William Golden’s LiWW busmess 0“ Fm†should make us of immense use to each know. Mr. Baldwm says he has no cis street east, have put in ’ other. We therefore should send. men more dogs than he needs. He foresaw j New Horses and New Rigs, , to meet the Australians who. Will be the scarcity and bought early. and will do all in their power to retain _ able to represent our Interests, interpret . y Mr. Golden's patrons and gain many others. N w ' our institutions, and help to bring; the Boers in St Helena say that they aria! 13$†CHARGES VERY ltiflASONABhE. FIG-S. two oommonwealths into harmony of getting too much food and too lime Calls attended to day or night. . purpose, If we share in the 0<:f0a.slou. work MUNCEY a THOMPSON- We 'should seek to make use 0 it to “P ‘. ,, . ' I ' o . . _ etei s pence during the recent . FenelonFalls,Jan.loth,1900. “My A Stock of the above Just recelved. 1191f nif-mteï¬iï¬gttilgeï¬lopairazncglof jubilee 0mm Pope amounted to "01035 . . ma na ions ’ . . . ' I . â€â€˜ ' . E DOORS 1 we send an escort at all, we belifevp' it was: gig-6220,1202; is pro-mime, to gve BATTitzi DOORS. WIR‘ ‘ j - n c able 0 ma . _ , .I ., . . - ‘ i , _ A SO a’ large Of Our celeblated Shogdfiï¬lsï¬ugfoii:__7i:30,,to Star. the soldiers of the ï¬rst contingent a war 1% p p ' ' hearty reception on their arrival. .. ,.___._--_.._ . J. T. THOMPSON, Jr., Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and A S _ Easy Chairs made to order. {‘if‘ï¬l‘é’i’ail'oi315331533};3°““‘° AT w_ L. ROBSONE The floor of one of' m- sldi'cs in the Merritt Block, St. Catharines, fell Sir Charles Tupper, the famous Con- While “109 me“ we†3‘ “Wk Storing ., servative leader in Canada, does not boxes 0f 011000.630st 091‘ 000 man 5 take his ovorthrow with the philosopli- was seriously InJ'N'U" / - : Race Prejudice in Canada. __._â€"â€"- 9 or HAM wsnmmm‘