Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Nov 1900, p. 7

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_ iA ricultural gvmgrmmmmum TO KEEP A BULL SAFE. Almost every day we read in the papers of some one gored to death by a. bull. But almost always it is 94 brull that has been more or less handled and not one that has been running loose constantly with a herd and therefore open to suspicion of beâ€" ing wild and possibly dangerous. These tragedies occur so often that we think some suggestions by Henry E. Alvord, Chief of the Dairy Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry at VVasbingtoin, ought to be placed within reach of all who keep one or more bulls. It is a. fact well known by regular s‘bockmen that any. bull may be very dangerous; it is also jhst as Well known that any bull pro- perly trained, kept in subjection,and managed may be perfectly safe. :VVc quote the suggestions for training and management entire; “ The chief objection made to bulls ‘of some age is that they are likely to be vicious and dangerous. Every one recognizes the difference in temâ€" perament between the fleshy, beefy bull and the one of pronounced dairy character 5° but experience and obser- vation have taught that this bulls of ~[marked dairy type are much alike in disposition, regardless of breed, as among men, some bulls. Will be found of naturally bad temper, but it is be- lieved that the great majority of bulls of all the dairy breeds, can be safely kept until too old for service and handled without serious trouble, if only properly reared and judiciously - Inlanaged. “In rearing a bull, accustom it to being handled from calfhood, but without fondling or encouraging froâ€" lic. Give it kind, quiet, fjrm and un- Varying treatment, and keep it alâ€" w-ays under subjection, that it may .never know its strength and power. Insert the nose rinig before it is a year old, keep this renewed so as to be always strong, and always lead and hlandle the animal with staff in the hands of‘vadiscreet and trusty man. The 'bull should, never run loose in yard or pasture, but should be proâ€" vided with abundant and regular exâ€" ercise, always under restraint, and full control. .The ‘walk around’ ar- rangement, like the sweep horse pow- er, affords a. fair degree of voluntary exercise, but is hardly sufficient. The best plan seems to be to provide a suitable tread power-with a-governor attached, place the bull in this daily, and let him walk a fixed tiem, or known distance. The main object should, be regular and sufficient exâ€" ercise for the bull. Incidentally, he may be made to run a fodder cutter or a cream separator and perform valuable service. As age and strength lncrease,let the staff be supplement- ed, by str-a.p,- chain or rope attached tlo asecond ring. To this may well be added some hitching or leading chain with a strong strap around horns or neck- Let there be always a double hitching device, so that the bull may never by accident find himself loose when he should be tied. If restive- mess and temper are shown, add to the exercise in duration or quantity, without violence; a. bull physically tired may be depended upon to be quiet and easily managed. “ It is much better to keep the bull as much as possible in the presence .or in full sight of the herd than staâ€" bled by himself in a lo‘nely place. Let him be in the same room with cows during the stabling season, and at milking times the rest of the year.” HORSE HINTS. Correct feeding, clean water, com- fortable housing, thorough currying and brushing, plenty of work and good care are the safeguards of the health of the farm horse. The horse that is compelled to pull his hay from a rack above his head will generally be troubled by inflam- mation of the eyes. \Vhen he throws up his head and noses the hay all the loose dirt and seeds will fall from the hay, and the horse will get more or less of it in his eyes. Much trou- ble may be caused by such racks, even with the best and cleanest of hay. Lower the racks. When the horse is suffering from dollar and harness rubbing bathe the sore spots in lukewarm water and cas- tile soap, and after drying thorough- ly with a soft cloth, apply with witch hazel. The witch hazel is mildly as- tringent, and therefore closes“ the lac- erated. pores and thus soothes by pro- tecting the exposed nerves" from the air. The warm water keeps up the circulation of the blood in the con- wwwmwumoglml Japan teas are colored. ' CEY LON GREEN TEA is pure and uncolored. w gested area and the alkali in the soap disinfects the galled spots. This simple treatment, if it can be follow- ed' by rest for the .galled animal, will hasten the formation of a new coat on the galled places. FOR A' CAR LOAD. Often people are anxious to know what constitutes a car load, and we annex the following for the benefit of any who may desire the knowledge. The figures may not exactly suit ev- erywhere, but approximate so closely to a general average that shippers will find them a great convenience as reference: As a general rule 20,000 pounds or 70 barrels of salt. 70 of lime, 90 of flour 60 of whisky 200 sacks of flour, 6 cords of hard wood, 7 cords of soft wood, 18 to 20 head of cattle, 50 to 60 head: of boss, 80 to 100 head of slheep,.9,000 feet of solid boards, 17,000 feet offsiding, 13,000-feet of flooring, 40,000 shingles, one half less of hard lumber, one fourth less of green lumber, one tenth less joists, scant- linig and all other large timber, 3-l0 bushels, of wheat, 360 of corn, 680 of oats, 400 of barley, 300 of flaxsecd, 380 of apples", 330 of Irish‘ potatoes, 350' of sweet potatoes, 1,000 bushels of bran. FOWVL HINTS. In selecting the breeding fowls‘ sac- rifice. points for vigor. Milk is one of the best foods for young or adult fowls. v‘ A fat hen seldolm lays anything but soft-shelled eggs. One way to ,make money with poul- try is to keep down expenses. Fowls confined take on fat faster than those allowed to ru:n loose. :When possible it is always best to have. two rooms to the poultry house. Filthy quarters give great feasts for the lice and they multiply rapidâ€" ly. Boiled oats mixed'with corn meal is a. good egg producer. l Soft soap is a good remedy for scaly legs. Rub on amd let remain ashort time and wash off. Fed for growth and for eggs, not Feed for growth and for eggs, not for a mere existence. . Wellâ€"fed pullets will mature much earlier than those allowed to go to roost without a, well-filled crop. The best of stimulants are pure water, clean and proper food, clean and comfortable quarters._ The. breast home at an early age is chiefly cartilage or gristle and is eas- ily bent. .In buying ducks customers will not take those with dark pin feathers, no matter how good they may be in other respects, if they can get those with white feathers. When a her: is given food that she does not require, it is simply wast- ed, and it may prove more or less in- jurious. ' (Do not attempt to keep too many breeds at one time, unless fully pre- pared to keep each breed separate, as crossing promiscuously does not pay. ’â€" NO SAFE PLACE. ---_1 Salt] to “c Dangerqu to lec Anywhere on This Earth. Many scientists insist that it is dangerous to live anywhere on this earth. and give facts and figures to prove it. From pole to pole danger abounds, and frightful catastrophes are liable to overcome humanity atl any spot on the globe. Science proves; that not a square mile of the en-l tire earth but has in some time of! the ages been swept by flood, fire or: glacier, or buried by volcanic erup-é tions, or violently shalken by earthâ€"l quatkes, so that all human life there must have been ended. As to earthquakes, there is no place that has not felt them. There is Ian erroneous and popular belief that only the tropical regions are liable to severe earthquakes. Even the chilly plains of Tartary have been born by these shocks. Earthquakes. have visited the city of New York within this century, that, were they to come tonay, might topple 'over the sky-scrapers and kill thous- ands on the streets. Tornadoes, ig- norantly called cyclones, are liable to strike anywhere south of this polar regions, and where-they cannot live the blizzard takes up the work 0!- scaring mankind. It is a well known fact that the entire Atlantic seaboard is sinking at this rate of two‘ feet a century from Cape God to Cape Hatteras. If it can . Sink that fast it certainly has no Very Solid underpinning, and some day the props may letpgo all at once, and where will New Yonk be? Vast tracts of Holland are already be- low the surface of the sea, and the waves are kept o'ult with the great dykes.‘ and science says that Holâ€" land! Belgium, Denmark and all the §O'u‘thern coast of the Baltic are sink- 11138‘ steadily. The entire continent of A‘talanta has gone down under the wavesâ€"why should not other con- tinents follow? To balance 'these depressions, some spots are rising. About one-half of the Pacific islands are being elevated. So are the West Indies, the west coast of South America and Spitzenbergen. The entire series of Japanese islands rose from the waves in a compare;â€" tively brief time. "The Land That Swings Like a Hammock" is the name given by In- dians to the territory about San Salvador, Central America. That city was utterly destroyed by an -. "'fwfirr»: T‘:-":’.':b'ft)m“v. w-z- 'Icir-‘xrr'r‘ )."v :m is a symptom of Kidney . Disease. A well-known I doctor has said, ” I never . aminationinacaseoldeath i from Heart Disease with- , out finding the. kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicim; which was first on , the market, most success- ; ful for Heart Disease and . all Kidney Troubles, and 3 most widely imitated is ;_ yctmadeapost-mortcmex- i 52-..; .. :__.-__,..__:f‘: M. ..__'___I___._. earthquake on March 19, 1873, but the people had grown alarmed and had deserted it, so only 500 were killâ€" ed. .It [flourishes toâ€"day. But in spite of these terrors men live calmly on. Most men never study nature, and so do not know these things. Others read of them in their school books and forget them along with their Latin and mythology. Only the professional scientists keep them ever in mind, and these are not alarmed, for (they know there is really no safe place on earth, anyhow. -_+_.__. «Marlins I'ATIKHDTISJI. Ladies of Canada; While statesmen and politicians argue the Zollvercin and differential trade within the Empire, which they will do while jaw displaces common sense, settle this matter her your‘ selves. ‘ Your broth-er colonists of Ceylon and India are growers of pure teas, Black and Green. Canadian and Unitâ€" ed States importers supply‘ you with. 11,000,000 pounds annually of Japan teas, yet they know, Japans archartiâ€" ficially ,colored and ladulterateda. Let the knowledge of these facts and ithe I sentiment of patriotic sisterhood move you to help the British- plaint- er. Britishâ€"grown Black Teas hold the Canadian market. Drinkers of Japan tea should try the Greens now com- ing on the market, and your dainty palates will approve them. Yes, we hear your groper’s excuses; but inyv sist. Ladies cam always get what they want. Remember how you ran your husband toâ€"well, do they still thiink it Paradise? They certainly will if you give them Ceylon' and India green tea. Blue Ribbon and Salads. packets are now obtainable. Colonist LOGIC. Bystanderâ€"Poor fellow! One of his wounds is fatal, I believe. ‘ Policemanâ€"So it is; bult the other wan ain’t, so! he has an aven chance. (57%.... This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets the remedy that care. a cold in one any FEARED THE OLD MAN. He meant to pop the question, But prudence made him stop; 'For even if he accepted He’d have to question Pop. ._m;-_-::52_-w Pollclee flay Change, Oplnlon; May Change. but one thing that never changes. the! is the quality of -‘."y‘râ€"' ‘ CEYLON' TEA, it always remains the best. In Lead Packets '25, 30, 40, 50 and 600. If you have any correspond with Poultry Butter, Eggs and other Produce, us. We want IOO OARLOADS to supply our trade. The Dawson Commission 60., Limited, Toronto. HOW KWANG HSU LOCKS. The Emperor 1101 is Audience From Mid- nlght Till Dawn. The Chinese Emperor is now about thirty years of age. He is under the medium height, sallow, and apparently of a weak constitution. He has re- ceived agood training in Chinese and Manchu. He knows some English. He has a wife, a'dozen concubines, and no children. He is unable to control his explosive temper. It is doubtful whether he can exert a rule of au- thority over others. He has a kind of feminine energy to push ahead, but lacks clear vision of surrounding con- ditions. His reform edicts are unique in the history of the empire. It is im- possible to say, however, what part gof them are due to him and what lpart to Kang Yuâ€"VVei, the greatest leader of the Reform party. The Emperor, as is customary in iOhina, transacts all state affairs be- tween twelve at midnight and the rise of the sun. Some sharp tongue has, said that the Chinese love darkness} because their deeds are evil. \Vhat is; good, however, is done at the samel time. It is duringthese hours that, Kwanag Hsu formulates his edicts, lwhich are all published in the Peking Gazette. Two officials shadow the‘ Emperor without ceasing. These are Who Imperial Recorders. They note. land transcribe his every act, his evâ€" iery word. Their memoranda are; transferred to the Imperial archives; iand are not opened until the history of the dynasty is written, long afteri the rotting bones of Kwang Hsru have become sacred beside’ those of his an- cestors. ._._.__¢___ FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been i - Used by IIlOIhCI‘S for their children teething. It, soothes I l the c‘n-ld. softem the gums, allaysmln. cures wind on 103 l E and i s the best remedy for diarrhoe . 250 a. bottle. Sold : by all druggists turnugliout the world. Be sure and ask ' for “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." A DEFEAT. When my daughter got married we [thought we would board with her and ‘her husband. Well? We got a latefstart, somehow, and they are boarding with us. MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. The “ Balmoral," Free Bus 3,52%; ' "' mom â€"0 u A u. u E H OUSEâ€"Fsuhig Echoes"- '31:.50 per . . PECULIAR ACCIDENT. \A peculiar accident occurred in a ~Western town recently. The big iron safe in a shoe factory refused to open, land the bookkeeper and engineer con- fceived the idea that they could burn ’ou-t the combination by use of carbon land Llectricity. It took several hours Ito accomplish their purpose, but they ifinally succeeded, but not until they had stood for several hours in the glare of the electric light taking turns iat holding the wire and carbon. When ithe work was over both complained of la dizziness and pain in the head which iincreased as the hours passed, and ina ishort time both wth suddenly blind iati about the same time. All effOrts itorcstorc their sight have been un- l availing, for while the eye balls appear $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn Ihat there is at leasn one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cons- titutional disease, requires a constitutional - treulment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takrn inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the c' nstitution and asaisting nature in doing its work. The proprietm's have so much faith in its curative powers. that they offer one Hun- ; dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, ; Send for list of testimonials. . _ F: J. CHENEY8500.. Toledo 0. . Sold by druggls's, 75c. i Hall's Family Pills are the best _â€"._ l A DEFENSIVE NOISE. What are you blowiln'g that tin born, for, Jones? Your side was snowed under. That’s all right; I’m blowing it, so I can’t hear those other fellows blow. r .511 right, the sight is destroyed. â€" . ___]3y_ Dr. ,Mclaughiin’s Electric Belt. PM WitEfi EREREE. I make this proposition to you fairly. and carry [to fairlyâ€"you don’t huvotn pay acent till you are cure Icould not do this if my Belt was not superior to all other electricil body appliances. It never costs a. cent for rep-firs ; I warm: t that. and it gives a current which you can feel, and reguiaie, and which will not burn. l "l’ahcthe themes. You might think I am laklng lonz chances on my remedy. I don't. There is more in electricity, rightly applied than you think. It performs wonders :n a braken down man. It not only s ts the wheels of health and vigor in motion, but makes a men feel so glorious] young and liI‘It-hearted that he can't help telling ofi . Pay me thull curedâ€"~‘hatis In proposition. It is an easy one for you to accept. Wil you. accept it? Then don't w lit. till your trouble gets chronic. . ‘ FREE 399% tilféirsi't‘siiilli’ artists the sick and ailing. It is sent sealed FREE. Dr. WI. D. McLaughlin 1 I30 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. umvu‘n wen-m .s.: . a... ..~ - ...'mw‘w 'mm ans MYSTERY or TOBACCO. The commercial value of tobacco de- pends not upon its nicotine, but up- on certain compounds,- thc chemical nature of which is saidto be wholly unknown, thlat impart the flavor or aroma which consumers like. These compounds differ in quality and quantity in different grades of the leaf. There is no apparent relation between the color or the aroma and the amount of nicotine. Nicotine diâ€" ministh during the processes of cur- ing, while the flavor and aroma are developed. It has been suggested that the latter are due to the action of bacteria. w r 0,105: GALVE RT’S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a. supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. 0. CALVERT 8: 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. To send for our I ’ complete Data- u loans of Sheet blade and Books with apoclal rates of dlacount. EQQCEQI’S MALE wantad novels &Go. 158 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont, Metallic SKYLIGHTS ‘i‘li’ihé‘tffé’t TORONTO, ONT. Sausage Gaalngeâ€"New lmportaticns finest English Sheep and American Hog Casingsâ€"reliable goods at right prices. PARK, BLACKWELL a C0,, Toronto. -. a : MILLS, MILLS & HALES Barristers, etc. _ Removed to Wesley Buildings, Richmoad St. NY. , Toronto. _ w Books Rosarles Cru- Gathaflc Pray” ciflx’ea, Scapiilsrs, Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornamentm Educational W'orks. Mail orders receive prompt stun lion. 9. & a. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. ' .-. » - ‘ W“ ‘ ycmg l Bleamng! For the very bestsend your work to the “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. " ONE POUND CAKES " FOR HOUSEHOLD U83 Laundry. Washing Clothes, Ironing, Sealing Presence. PARAFF‘INE ' .i’ THE QUEEN CITY OIL co.. Limied. Sam'l Rogers, Fresh. Toronto All your dealer for lb. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- EPPWS GRATEFUL-- OOMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. A-A-AA-----AAAAA4_-___AAA‘_-AA-A_A-A-AAAA

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