-- .,.. I , 7.9m} discontinued running between Cobooonk and Lindsay on Saturday last, was. I â€" , z ,QSQE (I)! Rouruâ€" [‘he steamer -pu-J ' little steam yacht Dauutless, has “given two, and sometimes three, trips every week since the opening of navigation FENELON FALLS MARKETS Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. Feuelon Falls,Friday,Scpt. 215st, l900. I September and October . ; I l . I: ' .W.m%m% *wu‘Jï¬u-Wa"w_'v *V“ “fâ€! and on Monday commenced regular trips to diï¬â€˜erentpoints on the upper waters, Wheat,Scotch or Fife 68 to 70 between Bobcaygeou and Bridgenorth and on Tuesday Inst went to Butternut Wheat, fallI, perbushel.... 62 65 I for we balance of the season. See Grove'nem- the rapids in Burnt River, Wheat,5erIlIg II 1...â€... 62 65 I I I .e-lmuge mum table- with the following guests on board; gï¬iflhgï¬u us e are the months to paint the outs1de.. Tunes STRAIGHTS.â€"â€"On Friday last, iMrS- T~ H; D6003“ MFS- {3“- Gr‘fl‘am Oat-s, “ 24 25 of your house and outbulldings. II at W’oodville, Mr. John Ellis’s well- g‘dCtIWO cI'lllldlI‘Iellt {EFI'S-qmg‘l'gj Ml‘b-IIIJ- genes, .... .... 5.3 55 Don’t let them go through the Win,_ 3, known horse, Baron Rothschild, driven - “newâ€: -I.‘s' ’0“ ° “0",, ‘ 18' yer c, """" 4,. 43 t . ‘th' t, t t' . d2. by 31,-. percy . Aldon, won three John Clark, Mls‘l McMurcby, Miss Le~ Potatoes, 20 30 e1 W1 on some pro ec.10n,- an . ,II it: straight heats in the “named race,†“01‘6 Clark. Miss Agnes Ellis and Rev. ggflerï¬gfgégéé.m :3 don’t forget that the new hardwaree thereby covering themselves and Fenelou Ml“ RObert3~ M“ RObSO†‘3 03pm†Plumber to.n‘....'.'.'.'..'.' 6.00 7 00 store carries a good stock of pai11t,, if Falls with glory. We congratulate the landf’mw _0f the Dilumle“?! and ,M'". ‘Hid’es .. Nit) 6.50 both for outside and inside work“ I_ 5 trio upon their achievement. ' wald Pllcefllhly . 13 CUE-5139913 Phe Hogs (live) - c . - - - . . -- 5-00 5-20 4 . ' ~ ', E W, can at MTSI MacDougflnls to see tripsIaro as delightful as can Iwell \be gpegfs (Dressed) 9% 2.03 I the Baden-Powell. Itis the latest but out. lumgmfda and are nearly an “t lir- .snee'I'I'S‘k‘i‘n‘I; " “'50 '90 I »a; l SCHOOL REPORTâ€"The following is RObs‘m 5 expense- woo} 10 I 15 ‘ . f: the result. of the weekly examination of , “an “10138 to “we “I19 Pleafiure 0: meet'- .Flour, Silver Lent ..‘.. .. 2.10 2.30 ' c R m Q the Sr. 4thIclnss. Subject, arithmetic; gigging £02133)?“ {33330 32‘; 32:“; IIIl‘IlIgur, lgctanin 21.23% 2.33 . I j, marks “Immabli' 100: Bi‘ Austm 55: the millinery ope’ning on szpt. 25th rind Bl‘agfberallhlojl’bs .65 .75 I L , . A 3- AUSUU 50. 13- Crossrey 40. R K001! two following days. Mrs. J‘. A.MacDouga11. ShortsI n u II II I 80 90 COl’ne and see them. have- three} .3: ‘i 0’ M†Heard 15’ F'Gmmm 60’ R' MC' THE Ldmes’ PAPER -â€"-'1‘hc larcre 'Mlxed Chop “ 1-00 1'1" ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘1 : Dougall 30, N Martin 40, n. Nevison numb“ 0pm,“ who m warm, 5“ kinds and. ten Sizes to choose from, and; - t 5* 60 L. Pole 50. C. Puley 20 A. Wil- ‘ ‘ . . I " . - . . . » sod 60, s. when 60, A. Robs’on35. ““*“,‘,Y°§eni? Ed‘tggntef the. WW- HOT'GE- If you take one home and give. 111. a..- trlalL j man- ar er canno u msuro success. I I I I , _ . . . . . A SILO IN TIOW'N.â€"Mr. Jeremiah All the material for the paper is to be bemztlgelgvgarfgtoï¬â€˜ggï¬ 33%;,(ï¬ggg‘gll y0u cannot belng satISï¬ed' Wlth 1t; - Twomcy' propnetor 0‘ .the Manama supplied by women' The committees by His {dinner the Judo‘e of the County House, has a brand newzsdo, winch was have been carefully selected, so that each Court of the County "f VicwrmI M the Job workI attended to by a ï¬rstclassworkmanh » built for him by M1. 1 obert Ruther- one may write for the department With Village of CanleronI I . I I ford and Is located near the1 end of the which she is the most familiar. All the “ on the E The New Hal.d%are IStoreII - _ n I hotel stable. It is 14 feet nigh and 6 sulggcts of the day are to be touched 6th DAY of OCTOBER 1900 I c ’ Opposite the Postpoï¬icem . feet in diameter’ and now .comains upon; art’ muSic‘ education‘ SOCiety' at! o’clock p m to hearadd’ dete’rmine ' ' i §I about 10 tpps oggroen cIorIILIlencthas religion, etc., so that everyone may ï¬nd the several compiI’IiInts of mmmflnd omisI 5 grown 00 l- wome) 8 0 00 on food for her taste. ’1 thludlcs ask thul sions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality ‘ Street and Cl“ up =1 109‘" days 320- The all the women in Victorla County Will of Fenelon for 1900. I silo cost about $15, and Mr. '1‘. thinks show their interest, not only by sub- All persons having business at the Court I I: that it will save him nearly that amount scribing for the paper themselves, but “1'9 I'm-“ll†to attend “t lhe’s‘rd “me and g- ., I 9V0"? WWW" ' by solicitiuw subscriptions amoun- their P “6' . =. »: » I . ~ . . n. . . d rs t b 1900. -. .. , _ _. 13%? Millinerv opening Sept. 25th, 26th friends. The paper 18 being published Dated “"8 nunggs B cgoerlchg’S and 27‘11- This embraces 5110-2“ dad's». “Rd in aid ofthe Victoria County Hospital, 1 ° ’ ~ » - - 5 .,' will give my many country friends ample. which deserves the sympathy and help I.-' Clerk of Fenelon. I I I I opportunity to visit the millincry opening. f I ‘ I d , .ld . t, ._____. a I Mrs- J-A- MacDougall- 0 "SW ma†mm" a" c" m 18 Business is Rushing in Fene- ' ’ - - . ' GRAVEL.-â€"Ml'.,Jaclt€tt is putting a 0mm 3" - Ion Fans. ~ , coat of gravel on the main street and S- A- THANKSGIVING‘*Tl19 salva‘ ‘ _. ' u . - .. I . - . ‘ the pants of his horses show that he is. “on Army “Hillel‘mes lm'VIe 9110?“: if“ : WHY? Miss E. Doherty has started to. 2 balance Of our Sulnrfl‘er GOOdSE drawing pretty fair loads, The gravel the date-‘3 for the celebr?l}00 0i tIllell‘ do business in Dress and Mantle making on: , .II _' ‘ , is from the pit- purchased recently by. annual Harvest Thanksglvmg Festwah Shortest “3531018 “,2â€??? havingiecurï¬ 9’ be SOï¬ld. less than: cost after. thlSi ' - . ._ - f. M J- J \I SaturdayI Sunday Monday and Tues- ï¬rIst-Iclass dress-ma Iet Iromt Iecr y. I so _ the CIO'PO‘atImn mm ‘ r' ' ‘ 1 (who?! d S 29 h ’ O 2 d \V , mtllmezy. Everythmgmthelatestfashion. and 1‘7 Pa‘ikmg well! though at ï¬r“ “7 . a'Y’ 8m" t to. ct' n ' e an Price-s reasonable. Call and and see for- j "“ " was thought by many who saw it to Il-‘I’Ifm'mcg‘ tl'atI‘heIItlme-Ihonoi‘igIGUS‘E‘“ yourself. Rooms Over Buggoyge’s stIore. I eonmin momuch sandI About a thou; o. Imoc mg -oge 181‘: 0 pa in y c or Business to commence Mon ny, ept.7t1. ’ ..I , _. I I I ., I . I . .I .., ,I , sand loads are, ‘ we hear, to be laid! PIlIatlISC t0 Gib? i0? 319 bouI‘nufu’l Iblejslngs 3%“ Apprentices wanted. Prlnts W813 6, 7, and. 80'. W1“ be? I down on streets and at crossist and 0 ‘1?Ycal' 13‘ 0 0 “gm†"9"“:9' mI“ MISS E. DOHERTY', ' . , _ . ‘ : .-." , . 3 _. . the cost pel__ loaId draI‘nggI’ practical Wav- The Sal‘vatloulsts “I!†_31_4mf Fanelon Fairs. I . $3.223;ti.‘l‘:.“i$.fff;'t§‘22§§ “.333: Want... a. o... qualmy; the 1:2. 14' and. 1-5- cent land. Will Mlm‘ ACCID'ENT'â€"Mr' J'OlmI fug' thing in the possession. of the merchant, A ï¬rst-class Cook and Dining-room Gir1.. be sold for cents, per yard'II mum’s son Jesepli came home ontMronday theIï¬wmerI the grocer or the drquist ,0 go to the cityI Good wawa Apply to I . . . . . . I I from Wilberforce wtthIa. bndly- gushed: IwmI “03‘9de be “thankfullyreceived,†MRSI JI AI MCDOUGI-ALLI I II I ' I I . II I Elwin†He ‘l‘.““_‘)'°"k-‘Pg~“ “"3 391m" and will be turned to- good account in Extra. bargains 1n Dress: Goods, Mus» m breve“ &-(’â€le° 3' Slnfjgle lmll’ and‘ the interest and support of the many . _ .o. I '. . , I I. 0“ saluIl'di‘y “RIGYUPOW 1“ cousequence beniï¬ccnt and deserving agencies of this hnS, GlO‘VeS, HOSlely, R1beIlSualnd. 1213088,, oi“ .Shmfle Sl‘l’ml‘gz the saw SEVEN" uniqpe organization. the members of S I, t I lllS right thumb, missmg the ï¬rst point .\v,,,cl, work so vigorousgy and continw , umlne]: IOGSIII i .Ien, SI 21, VS.Ia,nI _ I I0. lngIII and Ionaâ€? 5:991) “’mI thoï¬th‘a' two ally for the amelioration of sin, shame -' “ear y as ‘1" ‘ 0w“ “3 L lawns" ' (“ms and sorrow, and for the moral and s ir- z - - . - 1 -- - » l ""i drive“ 26ml“ 0"“ †rough mud to lUJJl uplifting of the forlorn the fallen .' . DO‘ nOt fail]- tO‘ OUI Saturday“ 3 “4' Halibut-ton, where Dr. Giles dressed and the Gums, ’ _ W ' . ., II I . I - the wound, analon Minndâ€"éty morning he A Sundermnd lady writes DIII Neemnds 3 Sale, COln‘n'l’Qn-Clflg, Septembel, took the train to the Falls... that he had made hero. successful fit after _ ,II._ ACCIDENrI_Ou ‘Vednegday of last havxngetght sets of teeth made in Toronto » 4 I II ' 1 week Mr. Thomas Graham Sr. of Fen- wï¬,e}aewll;erei_43tf VII W.,,._ (9. - Thalia“ Store‘ ‘3 ' -' ' -' elon met with a painful, butwc hope» “033*†O‘TiilleIgIlIEfiIâ€"‘a e ‘iS‘JI‘: , ' s : fill. tw'uile in his. orch- “ ‘ ’ a ""‘i ‘3 ' 'ga ' I - I- . , A - _. - ~__-_ _- F03 58-11:? l m} {.u 1. b] y if I x Communicatimr with a resident of 'l‘or- ,1- whenâ€"the" eyes are “0t straight. I 41' pic 1an up ,tppcs own 0 tit. _ I o z Wh the tI d. t. u I . . t . -- . . onto. who hasm contemplation the build- - 611 y canno is me y. trees by the l..(,t.nt storm [is he was. , II II ' 2' . ' ~ ‘ t 'k f int: of a foundry at the Falls ' and an~ see the blaCkboard- I in the act of stamping, a spi e on one o I I I, I I ,7 .I When readin if the 5 “int. . . . . ,. the limbs of a.oherry tree smuck himin “Flâ€? ‘°~“_d°"t Of ‘1‘9 Queen finy ‘3 "ego" 3' . g! " y q 9‘ .z; . _ the mm. mm“, of- ],is left eye and Mating With Mr. lttlward Fitzgerald for ' hold the book Sidewaysor too. close. _ v I I I I I .I PeIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO IIIIGII IIIIIIIII IIIII’I the the purchase of Dlliel's Point in Cam- 4. when they tire. easily of reading; ' A as :I d 1" I. .. . ' , _- , erou lake as a site for a summer hotel. OYStUdymg. ' M; woun )letl wry ptolusdy. When we , _I I _ . h . I I . , .-. t. I T ,1 1 for WlilCfl purpose it is. well adapted, as AllIsure 81gns t a}: great beneï¬t I‘ saw h..n at the Fnlm on non. ay 1e , . _ . _ bedenved from weann lassm II III I I I II I I saidthm m, had suffered. a good. an,“ It is beautifully situated, containsIsomo Saï¬sfacï¬on “mag . sxagerIShoes have. the“. means of:,denï¬_I II . far ,1 mm, but, that the paiï¬Ilmd nearly _ten or twelve acres of lnubd, and Is not I 8:113 . matIonIIdISImguIshIngI them from the hordeSIoï¬ I ceased some days ago, and that his son, .mucl'd LlI‘a'UI “hmlleI 5: 1;?(1’ “I‘d ' Britta“ Bros. “mdess‘Shoes‘ I I i: Dr. Graham, had hopes that the {10- can? only .CS° y w‘ltel’ 10mg"; 0 t. . - ASlale frameWIlhlhenameand. ’ eident. would not prove to be very sori- bu-‘i‘mss IE0â€an 0f_ the Falls. [he in “Hans, I pricc,in-it.is brandedon everysolec, ous . foundry, it built, \vill employ from 15 UNDSAYI I bythemakersI " . to 20-hauds. the year ’round and the ‘ . . . l - 2 Qt .. __. . ’ I Look on the sole. for. theslatehas.w1thoutit,s.. . POULTRY "NP‘U‘ING‘ .Keepfnis.0f summer hotel" would of course be of s .. .. oultr in the Vlllilll‘c and Its. Vicinity - . . , no Slater. p' y I I b. l d " great beneï¬t m the “Ha-18' The W : Sha es that fit the foot and‘ meet fashion's wâ€: d: “31.1 m zuhgoï¬iglm: EII‘SD 3::le the- foundry man has his eye upon is the z -. m‘ requirgmenm “ ant s on Iron 41‘ . - II - . q I I I I_ I I I . I , . . of tlinirnllenrltorxscs. as two orâ€"thrco have 323%qu:I'lucgétï¬ihfrgggreï¬iagfï¬kease ' To Mont‘leal .01 N eW Y01k Only: leathers most reliable and colors most: lately been visited by nocturnal thieves Mb SMIqu is indeï¬wlgwébw in MI CEIIIIIS for choice patterns; or low suitable. Every pair-Goodyearwelted.. am} mmcï¬f their feathered occupllms to brino‘ new industrigsto Fenclon Fall.»- Prices in I 1"}- str. en. ' more Is a. strong suspicmn. ~ D I " ,I _. _ - - “mt he “as 5 eat a W W 0“ ' ~ - WW’ - amount“)? Almost to a cermmtv' as to time and quite a. bitpof moxigcy witli that V ' ‘ i ' v i ' L. ' I " the identity of the.depredalors,Ibut the (India View . . I “re have then, here now I , II I ovxrlcnce IS purely Circumstantial, and -. for our gelection Sold by J. L-. ARNOLD, Fonelon Fall's- l- miuht be'sworn. away by unscrupulous u I y ' -- . pet-jurors The " hon men "of the vil- I M K II EII‘Iï¬fRAIIf'Iâ€"‘Ijlzf so P . Gflgflwï¬ï¬‚ss.’ . ., .r . . n .I 02â€"... 'â€"' etan ,«enem ‘v: I ‘ ~ I I I » lane whim“) (’llIlb mgg‘herï¬q?d .Eu‘y a Ton Falls, by theRev. R; C". Sinclair: B: A , Liflfl§AY,. ' u - :I 23 I. Ii - . I ~ ‘ l simple 0f “mu “:‘ps' at w" L 0†sup' on Thursday, Sept. 6th, 1900, Mr. John NEXT TO. -- - , ; ,l " ‘_ ‘ . t t i Page “‘3‘- H‘el’ W1†‘10 30: and'llle‘fllipl'e‘ McKee to. Miss: Maud Hawkins, both: of.’ SIMPSON HOUSE. ‘ t . ‘ ‘ 4 I 4 m l dalions will probably 9:0 on until the Wondville. ' I I i perpetrators are caught in the act, or DM'EY__HOREI_.AH1,G residence of the. - , l with-stolen poultry-in their- possessron. bride’s parents, by the Rev. Mr.- Brooks, on. I II, :' . I I I , ‘ I Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 1900, Mr. W. Wee. . l' *- g ‘3 T! a, , t l SERENADED’--i\llc‘i Iand VVCI‘ISleY ley Davey. of Fcnclon Falls-to Maud Estella, E III; a- I l ‘ , . ' - l Davey, who rcturnc ust Fri ay mm. Ionly daughter of. Mr. William. Horn of:'. I . I I . -. I I I, Grimm when, they were mmea 0,, 0mm, ,3 primed, everyFï¬dny “the 0mm, Is prepared to. supply partners who IntendtoPut up. l the 12th inst, were serenaded on Mon- corner May nndf Francis Streets. any kmd 0f burldlngs With 3 day evening by the village band, the 0 I IIDIEP- IV I . SUBSCRIPTION: ‘ h D l . x 4 tors. of which were invited into Mr. LIVER-â€" '11 16 towns lip 0 ' '01'11 am On . . ' , ' ' ' ‘1, r. , ‘ " L, v i 3â€â€). )4. ho (,“on Culbonw' street and Thursday, Sept. 13th, 1900, Clarahel, only A . Sfls .’ Doorq’ Cor Framgs’ ‘Vlndow’ mmeq’ PIould ‘I’ 1 “2:31: III myaIIy A number of daughter of Mn Wesley omen ,ng 4 “one camper week Wm be addedI mgs, Casings, Baseboards, Newel- Posts, Hand Rails and: g ' . ' ears 8 months and 3 days. _ I - . I . - t - , I . I I I _ . I I I bgys_alwaysr,.cady I: am, “Himselves Y BRSWNFIII ROSIIIIIIII’OII IIIIIIIIISIIIIYI Sept as. long as it remains unpaid. all lands oi bullders supplies that may be needed. 0 an excuse 0" m“ “1" 3 "owe-g“ 13th 1900 Mrs. Ellen Brown (L ed 79 ears . V- ' . , , l up a little demonstrating of their own; tmo’ntbslmd 18 days, - ’ g y ’ A‘lf’el'tlblljlg RateIS- , They are manufactured under 111s own- supermsron, l and one 0f 0â€â€œ Villï¬â€˜let‘“: Who heard “‘0 .’_. ,. pefffggsggï¬gfnfg, b33353,fgggjï¬mfngf are" well made of good materlals, and. W111 be sold fully as: . ï¬re “Mk3†but d'd†‘ [mow Why they ' ‘ - l 8 cents per line for. the ï¬rst insertion and chea. as the ,can’. be bou ht at an. other factor . . I , P g 3’ )7 were bemg Set Off, tOld “SI “1518 :10 SW38 EStrfly calf- , 2 cents per line for. every subsequent mser~ . a under the in) ression hat 0 . am Came onto the premises of the subscriber 1 tion. COllti‘anGlS by the year half year or _ , - - E Hughes land ccline to town. We join lot 27, can. 1, Verulnm, about July 15111, n. l less, upon rensonable terms.’ Tul 11mg executed Wlt'h neatness and: despfltClL _ m.- . I - s - h- n, bh Steer Cnlf‘ahout four months old red with » ._.. ' 3 l w‘th-Oth'l mend; m ms 13° 8 young “ few Whit" 5â€" The 0W“? ’°â€â€œ"““"’ l JOB PRINTING executed neatly cor Scroll S‘tWinO‘ and Fanc Brackets of ever ‘ descr' 'J 3 ‘ mill"e 3' long: “Ppy 9‘“ prosperous him upon proving property and payingl " - " I ’ ., ' L a g ' y ' IE?- " care,“ ex enscsI ~ g reotly and at. moderate prices. 131011 made! to 0361912. , I p PLEASURE Tumâ€"Mr. Thomas Rob- VeIIIIIImI Se II I3IIIGIEIgglGE METCAalfFI‘IE'. E. D. HAPNID, I I - I . I sort. themed-Unwed: owner 05016. mm] . ’ P ' ’ 1' ' '- "°"“e‘°r'~ ; m Estimates Cheerfullg Givens. . ,l l