tat‘.’ \ have both been at the Falls, Wliiclihs the birth-place of Mr. Keith, . who is one of the twin sons of Mr. Geo. Gr. Keith. Mr. Crasswcller is a cousin of Mrs. R. C. H. Sinclair and the l‘ll.\S~ es Dickson. He is son of the Prin- cipal of the Essex High School, in which Mr. Keith is a teacher. 3 l l l I .ir I féi‘ In, J as. Dickson at Rosedale. and NQXON j illfew Victoria k BINDER, 5 rr., 5.} M. AND 6 rr. our. AGENCY FOR TH E). MElllllll allanlVEN‘IWlllE FENllE': Highest Drive Wheel Made; Brass Boxex ~ . . . . .. Rome, Hemggs' Amply provrdes for expansron and contrac-v Swenâ€, R0119, ,0, Mentor, tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires All the Latest and Best Improvements. used. Always of uniform quality. . Never goes wrong nomatter-how Powles' Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. R Arkwright of Verulam spent j 'twenty-two in number, and there are Sunday last with old friends here: : Miss Jennie Knox is lo'lkiuz up old friends in Collocmk. and will be away - about two weeks. Mr". John Webster of Glcnazm spent a i-rw hours here last Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gillis. The State of Kansas has sent one million bushels of corn to starving In- dia. Who says it is a poor state? The new FCEliS for the church are elglrtâ€" pieces to_ each seat. The whole number were unpacked and put together in less than twa (laysâ€"not had work for greenhorns. The cost of the seats was about $225. The church is now a Credit to this community. . , Farmer Vincent says: “ We have all heard of some pretty absent-minded farm 'rs, but I tliink the most absent- - minded man [know of was the farmer who went to town with his wife. All . the way home he kept feeling’ as if he had forgotten something, and when he came to drive into the yard he happen- ed to remember that his wife was not along. I expect there was a tableau when he went back after her. and it may not have been in one act, eithvr.†. We copy the following from the Farm Journal, published in Philadelphia: “ A, great many. farmers never notice the birds, or, if they do, look upon them as a pest during the fruit season; yet the bird.» are constantly giving the farm- ers aid in destroying the larvae of in- sects and the insects themselves. Take the robin, for instance. Hcis given credit for being a great destroyer of fruit, cherries in particular, but that is only a portion of his diet for a short time each year. The rest of the season he is constantly destroying insects, some of which .would Work great injury to the crops. No sooner does he arrive from the south than he begins his on- slaught upon them. The larvae of- two hundred insects of a destructive class have been taken from the stomach of a robin. He is especially fond of the cut worm. Raising two or thice broods a year, he has to supply plenty oi food to the young, and the cut worm, with the other. pests, su-li'ers in consequence. Out of the greater number of birds, few take- fruit, and these should not be killed, because of the greater good» they do. The farmer-ought to consider the fruit they take as a payment for their aid to him. Have they not earned it? †KILLED BY LIGHTNING. ~A valuable mare owned by Mr. William Shuttle- worth,of Somerville, was struck and killed by lightning on the afternoon of the ;11.th inst., while grazing in a ï¬eldon the- farm. When fonud- next morning, her mouth was full of grass, showing that her death must have been ‘ so sud-don that, as the saying is, “she never knew what hurt her.†METHODIST CHURCH Norns. â€" On Thursday evening next an open meeting’ of the Women’s Auxiliary will be held, presided over by Mrs. Dr. Jefl‘crs of Lindsay. Reports of the District Con- ‘ [Lit/liven. ,1 it???" “'7 ON T‘ ' ‘ drained Slipper FRONT and REAR CUT . r dispensers, ~ ALL SIZES. With Roll -r and Ball Bearings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. - Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip. Sulied onpply when specially ordered. 'appmiwrmggrngyr aflyrnï¬ppr‘tpyr‘nwir" flgxranmrnmpr ï¬nnï¬zxgmmï¬zmnf Ask our Agent to Show you the NOW ..." may... va- - Jamsâ€"'- ' r We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivatng and Sending Inlplenaents on. Earth,. comprising Sprng 1‘001311 Cultivators, (ï¬tted with grain and' grass sowing‘attachmentsnif desired) Spring and Spike Cl‘ooth Iâ€"Iarrovvs, Disc I-Iarrovvs, Grain Drill s, (all kinds,) I-IOrSe, 11:11:65, (friction and ratchet dump,) etc., etc. if you need anything in our line,.scnd for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent free ) delusion that they could do as theyliked behind‘closed doors; and When on the 2nd inst., (Dominion Day) Constable Nevison entered :1 Lindsay hotel in whicharow was in progress, and at- tempted to restore harmony, he was promptly ejected. after having been deprived of his baton, which he had. been compelled to draw in self defence. The chief ejector was. summoned be- ‘fore l’olice-h‘lagistratc Steers,» who ï¬n- ed him $25 and costs (which were very heavy) for interfering with the con- stable in the performance of his duty. A brother, or other relative, of' the same man was ï¬ned $14 for cruelty to a horse. He was offering it for sale, and, in order to make it appear lively and spirited, kept prodding it with the 'blade of a jack-knife, which he held in his hand between his own leg and the animal’s side. Somebody who-â€" saw what. hc'was doing seported him to the constable and he was summoned before Mr. Steers, with the above mentioned pecuniary result. Such tines as these will teach ronglis and rowdies to treat representatives of the law with respect and dumb animals with consideration. DIE‘D. AULnnooK.â€"At Fenclon Falls, on Tues- _ day, July 17th, 1900, David Aulbrook, aged 28 years, 4 months and 10 days. FERE’LON F ALBS MARKETS. Repnrlerl by the North Star Roller Mill Co. l I You will ï¬nd it very much to your‘iutercst to do so. THE notion co, Limited; Ingersnl'l‘, clam-inn Execuors’ Notice to Ceditors. In the matter of the Estate of Christina Oglcstonc, late of the Township of Smnervr'lle in the County of Victoria, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S O. 1897., Chap.- 129, 8130.38, and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Christina Oglestone, who died on or about the 30th day of March, 1900, are required to send? by post, prepaid. or to deliver to John Austin and'Charles Wellsteod, both of the village of Kinmount, the E‘xecutors of the last will of the said deceased, on or before the third day of Aug- ust, 1900, their names, addresses and des- criptions, and a full statement and partic- ulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly veri- fied, and that after the said day the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims ofï¬vhicâ€"h they shall then have notice. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1900. HALL «Sr. HAYES, 20-4. Solicitors ï¬r the said Executor-s. New Butcher Shop. The undersigned, having purchased Messrs. Davey & So Rs butchering business, has opened out in. the shop Next Door to the Public Library, in Mr. Jordan’s block, where he willkeep a choice stock of Fresh and Salt Meats, and hopes, by moderate charges, strict nt- tcntionto business and unfailing courtesy to customers, to secure a good share of public patronage. great a strain. ,_ ‘_ _, L: . is put upon it. Does not muti- late, but does_.lll\rlll,@Â¥ .. efficiently turn cattle, horses. - H .. hogs and pigs." 1 EVERY. RODOF AMERICAN'FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE. MANUFACTURERS. Call and See it. Can show you hovy it will save yggrmoneyw Calland see my stock bf Milk Cans and dairy utensils. Job workattended.toby a ï¬rst-class workman; w “it? The Nevv I-Iardwvare Store GMQ- 5 -Opposite the Posts-Ofï¬ces. we have the largest. range of.~ Ladiest Skirts ‘ in town: ’ , We have them in Serge, Lustre and? fancy ï¬gured. Blacks, also. White Duel“; and Piques. These are all- inane To HT. and style" isup to date... We have just opened up a; shipment of" Shirt] waists for the warmweather trader; Prices from. 50’s.. up. ' i w. concerns... The- Red'Store.. "Slater Shoes" have their means of identi- fhation, distinguishing them from the. hordes. of nameless shoes.- A Me with the name and price in it is branded on every sole. by the makers. A SLATE FOR A; “SLATERâ€? % g; Look on the sole for the slate. as without it's :7 no “ Slater." Shapes that fitthe foot and meet fashion's. vention will be given, also papers on tween the showers. But most of the Hides 5-“0 6'50 missionary work......Epworth League Fenelon Falls) Friday: JULY 20th; 1900- F I F 1, J SI‘ZREUIEPOOELLEEE' 3' requirements. meeting on Tuesday evening is mission \Vhellt'sscowh 01' Fife to 80 we on a 5‘ we ‘1’ "‘ ' l I??? Only leathers most reliable and colors most. er)! in its character. A cordial invita- Egg“? :‘rgllli’nger l)u“he1"†43 i suitable. Every pair GoodYear welted. ' ' e3 ' n - as. v a 50> 4 . tron 18 extended to all young people. Barley: per bushelâ€â€ 35 . 38 Too MUCH RAINâ€"A couple of weeks Buckwheat“ . . . .. 40 .15 U W a _ ago we heard it remarked that no. more 19-May “f €45â€; UUUUUUUUUUUU - rain wasinecded fora. month at the very “591 H' "" 0‘3, "If ‘ YOU WA,†ANY least; but there has been lots of itsince Egatoes, u :3 _ IF ‘ ' said by.- J.-__ L_ ARNDLQ’ Feneaan Fails. glen: 3nd 9' g‘imd dleal 0f d‘lngaiflc l‘as Butter,per 1b...... ...... 13 15 .. ecn one to my hat was en urmg EggS, per dozen...... 10 11 ' __ the briel’ intervals of ï¬ne weather be- Hay, per ton. . 6.00 7 00 Illsect E’OW‘deI‘S J a; E ‘ ' t Fly Poison Pads, - ~ - ' - '. ‘ 500 5.50 clover which Is out earlier than ttm- Hog-s (I‘Ve/ “ " . . ‘ - ‘ '" .......... 6-00 r-50 ' “ othy, escaped .a wetting, and a good Ea? ,. 5.50 3.00 01‘ Sthky Paper. , deal of‘ the timothy 15 Still standing. Sheepskins , . .. 50 90 You will ï¬nd the best qualities and f . Roots are coming on ï¬nely, and tlus Wool . . . . . . 10 15 bmnds at '. -Fa _. .. -' v' ' ‘ ‘ 220 2.40 ' > year’s hattesl of grain of all kinds Will, F7101": Slllel_L0flf u - , with favorable weather henceforth, be F101â€, V‘Ctol'm' 2‘10 2‘30 Basso“ S “'59 giare I . . . d. t '. 1 . r 1- - - Flour, Famil' on er.... 1.90 2.10 .s 1e3a1e 0. en) attles W10 Intend to 3u+ J, . I U Li ) N. Bâ€"If you require glasses, or ï¬nd" your eyesight failing, you cannot do better than have your eyes tested here. We guarantee satisfaction. 9. very good one. GOOD SPOmeâ€"Last‘Monday after- noon the Rev. James Fraser and Rev.~ R. C. H. Sinclair of Fenelon Falls, and 'Bran, per 100 lbs ...... .. . 70 75 lShorts, “ “ - 80.4 90 Mixed Chop “ .. .. . . 1.00 1.10 any kind of buildings with Sash, Doors, Door Frames, \Vindow Frames, Mould.- Messrs. Walter Keith and \l’alterCrass- weller of Essex went ï¬shing in. Balsam Lake, and two of them, at least, had rare sport. How many ï¬sh Mr. Fraser and Mr. Keith caught, we have notâ€"- heard; but Mr. Sinclair, assisted by Mr. Crasswellcr, captured (we are in- formed) astring of a few dozen ï¬ne bass, the smallest of which. weighed three pounds. The- scales in the Rose- dalctpost-ofli‘ce were not large enough to weigh the biggest of the ï¬sh, but it was “estimated †at about 8%» pounds. HEAVYFLNES.~-Tll0 roughs of Lind- Say and its vicinity labored under the SEï¬OflD DEVESBGBI GGURT --â€"OF THEâ€"- County of Victoria. Wt! iiEEll Nfl-“l' Eh To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices 111 we“. PAPER. l‘he next sittings of the above Court will- be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, ON MONDAY; SEPT’R l7ih,.1900,' commencing at 1 o’clocl<~in the afternoon. Thursday, Sept’r 6th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other couna ties must be served on. or before Sept’r lst. for your selection- eacnmws, s. NEVIS on E. D. HAND Ban’nr. Cleik. LINDSAY’ NEXT T0 Efenelon. Falls, Jame 18th,,1000a iSIMPSON HQUSE. We have them. here now.- ings, Casings, Baseboards, N'ewel Posts, Hand Rails and. all kmds of buflders’ supplies that may be needed- They are manufactured under his own supervision... arexwellr made of! good: materials, and will be sold fully cheap as they can be bought at any other factory. ' Turning executed with neatness and- d'espatch. . Scroll Sawing and Fancy Brackets of every descripa tron made to order. N Estimates. Gheeriully Given..- . HAM/3wâ€:- ap.- ‘ n M A .r~râ€"V<‘~ .a-Nv .. -a _ _ A A‘--A- AA-“-AMAA