Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Jul 1900, p. 5

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My”; «5,8 'ing bans; ~ in: up. H‘illar. the oat-e, 82’ King St. ‘ with their nicely whitened habitations, gj‘re first bent Wils raised. The 0 x 56 feet, with a stone foundtit ml The high wind of the last two days of June did considerable damage. Mr. Cullis’s silo was blown down, and here and there some fruit trees sufi'ered. The f'rost also did some damage. Since the 25th of June the mail has been coming about '35 minutes earlier. The mail train going north is due at Hall's at 11.25. The drowning of' the late David Var- one is a. good temperance sermon. What about that neighbor who did not go out to vote on the pi'lui-scite. and what about his sons, who take enough to make them foolish sometimes, when they take a day oil? Yield not to temptation. HGXON j New Victoria k BSNDE‘R, 5 FT., 5:}- rr. are 6 FT. cur. t)._‘____.__.___._‘) Highest Drive Wheel Made. Brass Boxes. Roller Bearings. Seventh Roller for Elevator. ll] the Latest and Best Improvements BAPTIST Cnuacu.â€"’l‘he Rev. Mr. Houston of Lindsay will preach in the ll‘enelon Falls Baptist church on Sun- day next, morning and evening at' the usual hours. NOTICE.'â€"-â€"Wc are requested to give notice that the members of L O. L. 996 will attend divine service next Sunday evening at the usual hour in the Presbyterian church, to which they will march in full regalia iron) the Garage hall, on Francis street west. DmnquD.-â€"A young man named Marsh. from Trenton, one of the Roth- bun Co.’s river drivers, was drowned in Little Mud l‘urtle Lake, above Uobo- cook, early last Monday morning. No one witnessed the accident by which he lost his life, but, at he was a good swim- mer and his body was found in shallow water. it is inferred. from a bruise on his forehead, that he fell while running over'rhe logs. and, being stunned, rolled into the Water. 'l‘ouou'ro’s GREAT EXHIBITION.â€" The priz‘ list for 'l‘oronto's great annual Exposition and Industrial Fair, which this your will be held From August 27th to Sept. 8th, has just been published. It shows some increase in the premiums and gives evidence of the minutcst at- tention to the promotion of the best in- terests of the country. Mr. J Hill], '7 the manager and secretary. has been in Europe utter some special attractions, and it it is expected that he wiil be suc- cessful in securing some features of the _ highest class, that have never before been seen. in any city or town of Amer~ ica. Prizz lists can be had by :uldreSs- bastard Clipper FRONT and REAR CUT Mowers, ALL SIZES. ‘With Rolhr and Ball Bearings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. Ask our Agent to show you the Nev. Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip S applied only when specially ordered UW‘W’HHmIL’ Jmpr‘mwrnmmmmiqur We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivating; 1i: and Spring» and» Spike ’footh I‘I‘fll‘l‘OVVS, Disc Iâ€"Ial-rows, Grain Drins, (all kinds,) Ilorse liakes, (friction and ratchet (111mm) etc, etc. 1 You will find it very much to your interest to do so. , _ _~.m“Wmâ€"M to be lZ-t, a few at a time, through the l A Sunderlan-d lady writes Dr. Neelands locks into the river below the Falls. The that he hfldv made 1191‘ 1* “509351311 fit “five” wind efil’ectually cleared our main streets havmg‘le‘ght sets “teeth made m Tommo of dust, and indeed ot'erery thinglighter and dseWhere'_43‘f than gravel, and neari’. all day long about a hundred pieces ol paper, of var- ious sorts, sizes and colors were per- forming a. kind‘ of dance between the ,crossing at. the post-ofliee and the swing bridge. >Gvrating and leaping under ' the influence of' the wind. they frighten- ed several spirited horses, :md Mr. Sam uel Keown, who was at th: F’a-lls that day, said that if his team had been in charge of a: human or a boy they would certainly have run away, as it was all ; he could dolto hold them. - Please call and set- tle Accounts,l as I reâ€" quire to use tho-111011 ey. 170111-5 respectfully, Mrs. J. MacDougall. ' E’xst, Toronto. THE Loo NUISANCE.â€"Thc Steamer Greyhound advertised a trip from the Falls to LindSay on D-uninion DlY, Mbnd’ay la:t,'and was» to have left here at 7.30 a. m.. but shedid not get away until noon, having: been delayed for some hours on her way up by logs in the river, and the Ci‘andélla, which was also-to have run in connection with the (Eld'dfellows’ demonstration at Lindsay. was unable. on account of the logs, to get up the river to the Falls. The own- ers of both boats of course sufl'ercd con- siderable loss. We have several times inveighed against the log nuisance, and are pleased to know that it is to be min- imized, it“ not entirely done away with, by an arrangement of’ piers and booms at. which men are now working near the mouth of the river. ON Hrs VOYAGEâ€"On Monday last we received the Following few lines on a post-card from Rev. Mr. Lcitch :â€"â€"“ We have had a. delightful run and are near- ing Quebec. The tidy French villages -__.... l _ EALED TENDERS addressed to the k undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for Pier in the Lower Division of the Har- bour of Montreal,” will be received at this office until-Friday, the 20th day of July, FENE'LON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller [Hill 00. Fenclon Falls, Friday, July 6th, I900, Wheat, Scotch or Fife .... 73 to 80 thcat,fall., peribushel.... 70 72 Wheat, spring .... 7o 72' Barley, per bushel.... .... 35 38 Buckwheat“ . . .. . . . . 40 45 Oats, “ 24‘ 25 Pcase, “ 55 57 Rye, “ 43 45 Potatoes, “ 25 3" .N B;and e E. W. Dodwell, Esq., Resident. ’Bfllterapcr l‘b‘n-n- nun 13' 15 Engineer, Halifax, N.S. ‘ Eggswer dozen-u... .... 10 11 l Tenders will not be considered unless “ivy; PM" W" - - - ~ u - 6-00 7 00 made on the printed form supplied, and “lacs - - -- 5-”0 6-50 signed with the actual signatures of tenâ€" Hogs(1ivc) ......' .. 5.00 5.50 de,.ers_ , pier and bulkheads in the, Lower Division of the. Harbour of Montreal, Que. Plans and sprcification1 can be seen at A Gray, Esq, Resident Engineer, Confed- eration Life Buil ling, Toronto; C. Dtsjzlr- dies, Esqt, Clerk of Works, Post Otlice, 'llontreal; Ph. Behind, Esq}, Clerk of Works, Post (illice Building. Quebec; E. 'l‘. P are in pleasing contrast with nature’s _, ~ . universal weem The Tunisian is a Becl....‘... 5.00 6-0” order of the Minister of Public Works, for . Shy Sl' ............-- 5n 9“ " .; .v "‘l't : _ huge pa-lutical steamer. 525 x 63 feet. - 90" “ms .. My Mom” "1‘1"!le 69001300- ’0), mustac . ‘ _ _ . Wool . .. . . . . . . .. 10 1" ,eompnny each tender. The cheque will he with me. deal” and hilld’ and dl‘mvmg Flom': Silvel‘Leaf -- 2-20 2-40 forfeited if the party decline the contract 30 feet oi‘ water. They say we have Flour, Victoria 2-10 230 or fail to complete the work contracted for, 800 or more on board. There has been Flour, Filllllly, Clipper. u. 1-90 2-10 and will be returned in case of non-acceptâ€" no ship motion or vibration from mn- Bl'im: Per 100 lbs ..... .. .' 70 75 ance of tender. - - - . “ 1‘ .. ..... 8t 99 ,. . ‘ - .- chinr‘ry. Our emnpany 18 very friendly. Shorts’ N l The D partmcnt does not bind itself to Most of the passengers are American Mixed Chop “ . .. .. . 1-00 1 1” accept the lowest or any tender. tourists, for the most. part going to the By order, Jos 12.nov, Exhibition at Paris, but about 30 are Acting Secretary, taking the Europe to trip." “70 join NOV‘V BiltCher Shop- Department of Public Works ofCanada, with the reverend gentleman’s other‘ friendsiu wishing him a pleas-ant and . ""“ , Ottawa, June 20th,.19 0. The underSIgned, havmg purchased ‘ profitable “ outing ” and a safe return home. ' Messrs. Davey & Soe’s butchering business, WINDY -â€"-During Friday last a strong has opened out in the shop Next Door to the Public Library, north~west wind blew almost continu- ously, and on Saturday it was nearly in Mr. Jordan’s block, where he will keep as had. A farmer whose land runs to a choice stock of Fresh and Salt Meats, the shore of Sturgeon lake says that he never saw the lake in such a rage as it and hopes, by moderate charges, strict at- . tention to business and unfailing courtesy was in on Friday, and that the wind stripped nearly all the trees in his or- to customers, to secnre a good share of public patronage. SAMUEL ELLERY. chard of their fruit, besides breaking Fenelon Falls,June 14th, 1900. ‘ 18. somcof'the branches, and ruined his tomatoes. The waves were so high that they invaded the deck and hold of the Much Leaf, actually putting: out the fire, but she manazed to make her ‘ way to Sturgeon Point, where she re- mained all night. Mr. Robson’s staunch little new steamer the Dunntless under- took to tow a snow to Lindsay, but was forced to abandon it. after a. lon‘: an'l brave strucglc with the not"-rrester, somewhere in the Scugog river, and go back for it after the wind went down. In the lineuoon a! booni of Boyd &. Co’s brokciu Cameron lake and the. canal was soon ilmlUEd full at logs, which had. Fenclon Falls, Jiune lSth, 1920. 204‘ Newspapers inserting this atlvcrti'ement without. authority from thc Department, will not be paid forit. 20-2. Executors’ Notice to Creditors. In the nwffcr oflhc Ettore of ."Iu-isn'nn Oglcslonc, Lire of (he ’J'bwnship of Some'rville in the Cowl/y of Victoria. Deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given. ,pursuant to R S O. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec 38, and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Christina O-glestonc, SEcGND Div‘ISIQ" COURT who died on or about the 30th day of March, 1900, are required to send by post, prepaid, _°F THE“ 'or to deliver to John Aristin and Charles County of Victoria. Wellstood, both of the village of Kinm mnt, . , the Executors of the last; will of the said l‘he next. Sittings of the above Court will deceased, on or before the third day of Aug- be. held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, ust, 190-”), their names, addresses and des- ON MGT‘IDAY, SEPT,R 17m, 1990, criptions, and a full statement and partic- ulars of their claims, and the nature of the commencing at. 1 o’clock in the afternoon. 'Secm‘l')’ (if any) held by “10m; duly veri- Tlnwsday’ 50pm. 6m, will be the last day ficd, and that after the said day the execu- cf service on defendants residing in this to“ “'m Pmcc‘ed t0 dlSlI'lbutG the assets of county. Defendants living in other coun- the dwell-“9‘1 “Wing the, 'Pm‘ties entitled ties must be Served on or before Sept’r lst. theretos h’Wing regard ONLY to the Claims ‘ 4 ., \T _ _ I of which they shall then have notice. 8 NEVIbéilu’ifl.’ E D HAgIIZ;k' Dated this 22nd day oflJune, 1900. HALL & HAYES, Solicitors for the said Ezecutors, Seeding; Implenrents on Earth, Comprising Spring I‘opth Cultivators, (fitted with grain. and. grass sowing attachments. if desrred,) ‘| If you need anything in our line, send for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent free.) : THE Horton: cc... Limited, angel-son; Ontario... 1 19 0,. for the construction: of a high level , this Department and at the offices of Henry ' Shewen, Esq, lle-ident Engineer, St John, . Hogs (DI'CSSEd) u - o u 6:00 5-50 A‘n. acceptedibank cheqiie, payable to the i I “kw . -t... . .._-.V..._._.~w.......~.... ..._._...__.......o. xvi“:qu at... .7 r. a-.. r . â€".. . _ _.. ,. .,. .._. _ .s. Minnow-mineral”... «a,» AGENCY FOR THE. MElllllllN s-‘r‘é'anlVEN WIRE FENBE Amply provides for expansion and contrac- , ,. I tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used; Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how m. r” , ~- -* - - great a strain ._ is put upon it. fl ,. Does. not muti- _. does -llltl:¢=====é=%tall- gil‘ggntmgg: ‘ hogs and pigs” VAT! EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS.. Call and.. See it. Can show you how it will save you money.:... Call and see my. stock. of Milk Cans anddairy utensils. J obWork- attended to by a'first-class workman. .' GED- MGGEE, The SSKS‘ifi‘h‘Lafiiii‘gfirsee BEAMâ€"ills We have the largest range of Ladies? Skirts- in. town. ' .. We have themin Serge, Lustrean‘di fancy figured Blacks, also White Duck. and. Piques. These are all: mane ro PH; and. style isup to date; We have just opened'up a shipment" of? Shirt Waists for the warm weathzertradier. Prices from 5500‘... up. W. BURGOYNE... The Bed Store; took AT rue sore If you look at the sole of the shoe'you’re buying, and. the name and price appear thereoni'n a slate frame, depend on it being a “ Slater Shoe.” This is the registered trade mark-and a point of distinction. Bewareof‘the “just as good.” 12 footâ€"fitting shapes. i All reliable leathers in black and fashion’s shades. Every p‘air Goodyear welted. tidde w. easternmo- Is prepared to supply parties who. intend to put up any kind of buildings with Sash, Doors, Door Frames, Window Frames, Mould- ings, Casings, Baseboards, N ewel Posts, Hand Rails and all kinds of builders’ supplies that may be needed. They are manufactured under his own supervision, are well made of good materials, and will be sold fully as cheap as they can be bought at any other factory. Turning executed with nea-tness and despatch. Scroll Sawing and Fancy Brackets of every descripâ€" tion made to order. ' M Estimates Cheerfully Given... - .,-.:t. swam-«.rauamvemm' " if. ‘ .1 4 .e '_-"*‘n:“g$’â€"r;¢ir>.’.~‘-by'i~I/-'\s4 scafi‘v wwrwekav‘iudwwsvf‘q 9.1%" v" R‘sAAmA‘A‘AA AA A .t A A _ M; as”... vm ’ («x .11; _~ ' _-:._ K ’4' A -£u£‘s.’t£ " mgf§*yaih'w§fi.wm Jtie‘ PM” fifikafio «aunts; armada-Wagerw 4 b "‘m yrsv 1:» «.x, AA. ‘MWWhayWMw;eryiy $92,. . are («a * K*}é’i?’?F$V=IT-Hflr‘éftzxilvmi‘wiquuk-Cape‘s~M'.¢2g,sv‘v-U“ my, .2 #5,», .3 - ,9 if envisage.me "lies-Limes? «‘salwal'rz'c w ' ‘ < b{,.‘; 1": ‘i 1‘) (v

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