Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Jun 1900, p. 5

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fl , jfimanncr 1:31 r. .Webstéii':in chair. l-:1Il'.vetl by. Mr; Webster, seconded by Mr. Palmer,.That a. by-law be now in- troduced appointing J5 B.‘ Peivles clerk of this municipality. at a salary of $100 per annulmâ€"Cnrricd. By-law received and passed in the usual way :.;\'lr. Dowel in the chair. On motion of' Messrs. Parkin and Palmer, a by-law was introduced au- thorizing the trustees of S; S. No. 5 to borrow on debentures the sum of $700, for the purpose of erecting a school house in that Secrion. By-law received but not completed. Movedby Mr. Webster. seconded by Mr. Dowel», That the following.r bills be paid : ’l‘hos. Parsons, culvert on con. 2 at lot 7, 58; W H. Myers, fixingr cross- way at con. 2,‘ lots 30 and 31, 35; R. '.i.“. Smithson, fixing washout at con. 3. lot 22, $9; 'l‘hos. Dowel, covering stones at con. 5, lot 2'3. $6, David West, put- tiny.r stone on con. 5, lot 22, $10. and cemmis‘siOn on $50 expenditure, 3"-â€" total 812; Philip Allin, culvert at con. '5'. l1 t 17, $4; Wm. Harris, fixing bridge on his-beat, 50c; J. E. Fittal, salary as collector, . 70 ~-Carricd. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Dcu‘cl. That this council new ad- journ to meet at Cambray at the call of the reeve.â€"â€"Carricd. No Homoâ€"There will be no music on the main street this evening, as the v'iltnee band has been engaged to attend the garden party at Mr. Richard Lamb’s . in Verulam. OIL-men or 'l‘IME.â€"-â€"On Monday last a, change was made in the railway time table, and the trains now run as follows; Going north. leave the Falls at 12.10 p. m. and 3.35 p. m ; going south, leave at 8 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. SCHOOL Ex.mIN.\trIONS.-â€"’l‘he pro- motion cxaminations are over and the entrance examinations are now in pro- gress. We have tried in vain to obtain the results of the former for publication in this week’s Gazette: but Mr. Maybee, the head master. who had to leave on Wednesday morning.r to preside at ex- aminations elsewhere, has promised us a full report of the results of our home examinations in time for our next issue. 'l‘nn Smmvarxsâ€" When is work upon the sidewalks to commence ? Many of them are in a disgraceful and dan- gcrous condition, and any f'nrther ne- glect of them will be most culpable. We have more than once draan attention to thencecssity for the immediate repair oi‘ the Worst of them, and, ii’an accident should happen and the corporation should be sued for damages, we do not see what defence could be put in. The Icon Eamonâ€"The old and parially rotten flooring of the iron bridge is being covered with new plank, under the superintendcnce of Mr. J. A. Ellis. county commissioner. Critics say that many of the planks in the flooring were in fairly good condition, and that only the worst ones should have been taken up ; but that was a point for the Com- missioner to decide, and the - work is village. RESIGNED.â€"~Mr. Stephen Nevison, having been appointed chief cohstabie of the town of Lindsay, he has resigned‘ the two posit-ions he hasso long held here of bailiff ol' the Division Court and village co'ustable.- OF course there are several applicant-s for each of the offices he has vacated, and it is to be hoped that good men will be chosen. If they are as good as the late “ incumbent,”" weshall bc'quite satisfied”; to getbcttcr, would be very difficult. A SUCCESSâ€"The musicale held‘ in the basement of the Methodist church on Tuesday evening was a grand "success, no pains having‘ been - spared. by the management to entertain the visitors. The Epworth League from v Bethel was Wt'll.1‘€[‘11‘€SClllCd and the members . were highly pleased :with their reception.- The. programme wachngthy- and well ren- dered by local talent, and ice cream and: cake were served in abundance. The chairwas ably filled .by>.~M»r.'. Theo-- llOI'G J by; V THE l‘IDLIDAYSi- The midsummer holidays commence to-m'orrow, June 311111, and the schools will; be closed'un- til‘ the lust'Monday in August. For- a- period of nine. lone; weeks both pupils and teachers will have little or» nothing- to do except -eatsleep-and amuse them.- oclvos; while if'- we. dare-to - take a day: oil" to go fishing or: participate.» in the delights of an excursinn, somebody. is almost sure to- come ‘alongyand want: to- know why the dickens we are not: at home attending to business... DOMINION Davâ€"As the lst of July. falls this year upon Sunday, Dominion Dry will be celebrated upon Monday, the 2nd. There are to be great doings in Lindsay, and residents of‘ the Falls or its vicinity who wish to visit the; capital of the country can go by the steamer G'rryhmmd, which will leave the wharf below the locks at 7.30 a. m., colliuL7 at Sturgen Point'uppcr wharf and reaching Lindsay at 9 30. As she will. netleavcou. her return until 7. m., -/ ..0. 4,1“,- The . Decimal Slipper FRONT and REAR CUT Mowewn, ALL SIZES. With Rollir and Ball Bearings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. Ask our Agent to show you the New Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip Supplied only when specially ordered- “JEW’JHW‘I‘WR’WEWW $1151.31? aluminum]: 'flifiif'llflvfl‘flgflm New Victoria k ENDER, 5 rr., 55. FT. AND 6 rr. cur. LA.._â€".-â€"â€"â€"h‘) Highest Drive Wheel Made. ’ Brass Boxes. Roller Bearings. Seventh Roller for Elevator. ' All the Latest and Best Improvements. w:&wnfi‘fi:u 3: mmxnuxrmm v. ~1< pfik'afv‘m :2 li‘irwtm We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivating and S ceding 1111p Cultivators, lelnents on Earth, comprising Spring_1‘opth (fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if dcsu‘cd,) Spring and Spike (Footh I'Iarrowvs, l)ise I~Iarrovvs. Grain Drills, (all kinds,) I-Iorse Ilalies, (friction and ratchet dnmp,):~l 010., etc. lfyou need anything in our line, send for.our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue,- (sent free) You will find it very much to your interest'to do so. THE NDXDS 33., Limited, lagerscil, anterior- there will be plenty of lime to see all- thc sports. Fare, 30 cents. S. S. EXCURSION-"The annual ex- cursion of the Methodist Sabbath school will be run on Friday next, July 6th, to Chemorg Park by the steamer Oran- dclla. which will. leave the lock- whari’ at 7 30 a. m. and-reach‘ her. destination at 11 30 a. m. Returning, she will leave at 3.30 p. m., giving excursionists four hours to view the park..and its vicinity. Fares : Adults, 35 ccnts;:eh‘i~ldren u‘n- .- dcr 12 and over 5 years, if) cents. Do not forget the date or the opportunity to take this beautiful trip through a fine portion of the Kawartha waters. METHODIST Orin-Row NOTES.â€" There was a very pleasant reception given to the Beihcl League on Tuesday evening. an excellent programme, together with ice cream and cake, was enjoyed by _ about forty or fifty, from V."crulam...... not being done at the expense of: the ' Do not forget the date of" the annual S. S.‘ picnic on July 6th......Rcv. R. E- Finlay, oi Fi‘aservilrle,,,will preach next Sabbath on the circuit, and take charge iduring-thc absence of“ the Pastor, who sails from Montreal early on Saturday morning, visiting Eiiglandi,‘ France, Switzerland; ltaly, . Gr'ernmny, Belgium and Seotland, and'returninsr about the middle of September, (D. V.) FEEN‘EL-ZON‘ FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Rollenflf‘é’ll 0‘0. Fenclon Falls, Friday, June 29th, 1900. Wheat. Scotch. or Fife .... . 75 to- 80 Wheat-flan, pcrbushel..... 70 72 thcnt, spring . . .. . . ... 70 72 Barley, perbushel. ... . . .. 35- 38 Buckwheat .“~ . ... . . . . 40 45 Oats, “ 24.1 25 Pea-so, “- .... .... 55 .67 Rye, “ 477 48 Potatoes, “ 25 30 Butter,pe.r.lh-...... 12' 13‘ Eggs, per dozen‘...... 10 11 Hay,pcrton.............. 6.00 700 Hides”... 5200- 6.50 Hogs (live) .. .. 5:50 6.00 Hogs (Dressed) 6.50 7.00 Beef..................... 5.50 6.00 Sheepskins». . . . .... . . . . . ... .. 50‘ 90 Wool: 10' 15 Flour, Silver Leaf . . .. 2.20 2.40 Flour,"ictoric 2.10 2.30 Flour,- .Fami1y, Clipper. . ... 1.90 2.1 0 ' Brain, per 100 lbs . .. . . . 70- 75 Shorts, “ “'r 80 99:. Mixed .0110le “-~ 1.00 v 1.10 W- NCVV ‘Butch‘er Shop.- __ The undersigned, having- purchased Messrs. Davey 5:330 2’s butchering business, has opened out in the shop Next Door to the Public Library, in Mr. Jordan’s block, where he will keep a choice stock of Fresh and Salt Meets, and hopes, by moderate charges, strict at- tention to business and unfailing courtesy A-Snnderland lady writes Dr. Neclands that'hc had made her a. successful fit after-4 having-eight sets of teeth madcin Toronto'- and elsewhereâ€"43“ Cnaxnn or Darn â€"Aftcr July lst Messrs. McLaughlin tin-McDiarmid will-"keep their ofiicc in Fenclon Falls open on Wednesday afternoona- instead of: on- Monday. after-.2 menus, as at~present.â€"20 t ,f: SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “‘ Tender for Pier in the Lower Division of the liar-- hour of Montreal,” will he received at. this' office until Friday, the 20th day 01‘ July,_ 1000, for the construction . of-a. high level pier and bulkheads in the Lower Divisiom of the Harbour of Montreal, Que.- Plans and specification can be seen at' this Department and at the offices of Henry' A. Gray, Esq., Resident Engineer, Confed- eration Life Builling, Toronto; 0. D'esja'r; dine, Esq., Clerk of Works, Post Oiliee, Montreal; 1’11. Beland,Esq., Clerk of Works; Post Oliice Building, Quebec; T. P. Shewen, Esq, Resident. Engineer, St. John, I N.'B';and C E. W'.‘Dodwell, ESQ., Resident. Engineer, Halifax, N. S. Tenders will not be considered unless made on--the primed- form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of ten- derers. - An accepted bank cheque, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, for fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), must ac- company ench tender. The cheque will be forfeited if‘ the party-decline ~thc contract- or fail to complete the work contracted for, and-will be returned in case of non-accept- ance of tender.~ The Department (lees not‘ bind itself‘to accept the lowest army-tender.- By order, .108 R. 1203",. A.cting&Secretary. Department "of‘P‘u'oli‘e’ Werks of Canada, Ottawa, June 20th, 1900. Newspapers ~insertingath-ls adVertik'ement' without- authority: fri'Omp the. Department, will not be paid for it.‘ 20-2. Executorsfl‘Notice to Credi'tOrs. *â€" In} the mwtler of [he Estate (if-Christina Oglcsmnc,- lute-of 'the Township of Snmerville' in the 001m fy .of- Victoria, Dcc'easada Notice is‘ hereby given; pursuant to R 'S. O'.r189'l,'C.lmp. 120, See-‘33, and amending Acts,-~thht all persons having,r claims agaihst, .thelestate of‘ the said Christina Oglestone, who died on or about the 30th day of March, 190.", are required to send 'by post, prepaid, or to deliver to John Austin and Charles Wellstood, both of the village of Kinmount,~ the Executors of'the last will of the said deceased, on orbefore the third day of Aug-. ust, 1000, their names, addresses and des- criptions, and a full statement and partic‘; ulars of their claims, and the nature of the - security (if any) held by them, duly vcri-l tied, and that after the said day the execu- tors will pr-ocecd to distribute the assets oh the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard 'only to the claims ‘0 (“‘Smmersy to secure "- g°°d Share 0f of which they shall then have notice. "_ public patronage. SAMUEL ELLERY. Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1900. 18. ‘ Dated this 22nd day of June, 1900. HALL & HAYES, Solicitors for the said Executora, ‘ 20-4. HOUSEGLEANING TIME: IS the time to do your painting, and“ McGee’s hard- ware store is the place to get your I ~@afimrnms, itiEhS'i'lE ShEhid' SEShiifith- I am still in the Cream Separator business, and have ' what experts consider the best Sepa ‘ator on the market. . I will place it on trial b‘esid‘e any other machine, and claim that it will turn one-third easier and separate one- third faster than any of its competitors. ' Call and see my stock of Milk Cans and "dairy utenSilS. . Job work attendedto by afirstâ€"class workman.. The ~Nexv- Iâ€"Iardwarc'Store,‘ . ‘- 01)possite the Postâ€"011500.. anti snare. We have the largest- range of. Ladies-’3 Skirts in town..- We have themin: Serge, Lustre and“- fancy figured. Black‘s, also. White Duck.~ and Piques; These - are all". gaunt mo F11. and: style - is. up to .- deter». we have just opened'up a shipment of ShirtWaists for the warm. weather. trade. Prime from: 50c. up. w. none-ovum. The Red Store; fl . Siaier. ghee €atalogne Send your name and address on a postal; or call and get the new 44-page catalogue ” Characteristics. ’3 ‘ Gives weirdest-shapes and'astyles in “Slater Shoesfi’ illustrates them in all their varieties, tells of the leathers in their make- up, full of wholesomeadvice. on shoes and feet. . By it3~meens you can order shoes by mail" and get the exact size, width, shape, color and leather Iyou fv'vant. “‘Sl‘ater Shoes" are.;madc in‘12 shapes, 6 widths, sizes and. half sizes, reliable leathers and fashionable colors. Every pair Goodyear 'Wel’ted, bearing the trade mark, name and price of makers stamped on '~the sole in .a' slate frame. x . Said by .9. L. fifii’éfllfl,‘ Fene‘lbn Falls. hence. can a?“ cruise... E”; fifififlfiflfifli I‘s prepared to supply parties who. intendito put up any kind of buildings with Sash, Doors, Door Frames, Window Frames,.Mould-v ings, Casings, .Baseboarcls, Newel Posts, Hand Rails and -. all kinds of builders’ supplies-that may be needed. They are manufactured under his own supervisiOn, are well made Of’ good materlals, and W111 be 'soldfully as: cheap as they can be bought at any other factory. Turning executed with neatness and idespatch. Scroll Sawing and Fancy Brackets of every descripq- tion made to order. Ml Estimates .checrfully - Given...

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