Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jun 1900, p. 8

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“m s . EVER" !’ ‘ " , . -. umng-Q‘umu‘" .‘ . M..- . v -4. __ r.“ .. .. .. . yawawwtfiflwyavrv _ w. "ea-um.) ‘ w v A s «rm-c .; -me, Melinda," replied the old man gather him in jist the same.” rib it you know that they are wrenga" , Branc'ros’a'. SOCIETIES. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Feuelon Falls, Friday, June lst 1900_ Wheat,Scotch or Fife .... ' 63 to 66 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 62 65 “ Mawnin, judge ! ” Wheat, spring; . ... . ... 62 65 He was an old, undersized darkey ' garfiyhggg‘f’uheluu fig with lips like a pair of purple radishos. 0:; W ,, .'."'.'.‘.'_‘.' 24 25 He had a determined look in his eyes ’ . ’ it Did Not Chastise His Wife. ~BIS INTENTIONS WERE coon, BUT THE WOMAN WEIGHED 300 POUNDS. DON’T FAIL To SECURE A SARGMN I‘NIGHTS OF TENTED MACCABEES h Diamond 'l‘cnt No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in MOArthur's Block on the first and third Tuesday in each month. CHAS. WISE, Com. Pease ‘ .... .... 53 55 C W. Bunsornn, R. K. as he shufiied up to the desk at the Rye, ' u 47 48 ' police court the other day and dotted Potatoes, u 25 30 ANADIANORDER OF ODDFELLOWS his hat with an air of old fashioned Battenperlb-mumu- 14 15 Trent. Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street west on the first and third Mondays in each month R. M. Mason, N G. J. F. Vancon, Sec. southern courtesy. Eggstper d°z°‘“""" 9 10 ‘ ‘ o. sac-n. a s _ “Good morning, Sam. What can I Eggsper “:H'MHH . 2:83 6.50 ‘do for you this morning 7 ” said the Hogs (i,',.;, ,, 5.0 6. 00 indgel Hogs (Dressed) .... 6.00 .6.50 Mid-Summer Millinery I “I' ’ -' ' hw m u Beef..................... 5.50 -6.00 x ““W m dgifidgznghtio Iggu‘lgfe "hat a “ Sheepskins ' 5,, 90 o. L. No. 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE g u p .n . Woo] H 10 15 . . hall on Francis-St. West on the second . He ought to be hanged, sald JUS- Flour, Silve;'flégft'.":::. O’- LSO 2.10 , Tuesday in every month. tree Hall severely. F]our’Victorm u” 1,90 2.00 r - I _ S. ' J. J. Navxsox, W. M. ‘ But. dat am t what I wants to know, Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.60 1-80 ' J. M. Almanacs, Rec-Sec. jedge. I wants to find out what do 800- Bran, per 100 lbs .. . '75 5‘5) . ' ’ Mn... tonce 0’ dis ooht am. Don’t kcer nutfin Shorts, “ 3 l 8: 15135 _ - INDEPENDENT ORDER ofFORESTERS. gi‘.n Mlxed a o no a .00 o ' ‘ Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. R. Docttan'rr, Chief Ranger. SAMUEL ELLERY, R. S. N ANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE " Well, if a man was brought up be- 'forc me charged with beating his wife I surely would give him the Inuit, and A good girl for house work. Apply "hat would. be $50 and cosm'" . naming references, by mail, to Mrs. Van “ Bl" dlsp‘lse 3 man had Provocatlouv Nostrand, 8 Glen Road, Toronto. jedge; dispose he was jest fohoed to it, ‘what would it be ? " “If the provocation was very great, Dr' T' P' ,I might make it 310,” admitted the Specialist, .. judge- EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT. “ ,D” a“ “8.1"; jedgei d“ all right’ Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every 3“ I29 Suah Wlnm to Pay d“ fer dc Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. privilege 0' knockin thundah out'o’ dab Consultations, eye, ear, nose and throat. Ole ’Ooman 0’ mine.” The old fellow Peterborough,lcorner George and Murray went down into the pockets of his rag- Sheets- ged trousers and began to haul o'ut dimes, nickles and pennies and pile ithem up on the desk before the astonish- od just-ice. b “ ’ ' f ” ' uired te judgghats this or? mq CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF “Dat’s to pay my fine, jedge. I VICTORIA“ specs to be befoh dc coht tomawra fer "x‘whippin my ole ’ooman.” ' . . . The judge put the money into an mun-1011331 councu empty tobacco bag and laughed quietly of the Corporation of the County of Vic- ,to himself, toria Will meet The next morning an old negro In the Council Chamber in the scarcely recognizable as the one who - had been in the day before edged his court House' Lindsay’ way up through the crowd of prisoners “‘0”- before the judgels desk. He had one Tuesday, the 12th Day of June, 1900, 'al'm in 9! Sling: an eye bound up and at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for the trans- Court plaster crossed on different parts action general business. of his countenance. With the well hand J_ R. MONEILLIE’ 'he carried a cane to steady himself, as County Clerk. one leg was sadly in need of repair. County Clerk’s Office, Lindsay, May 28th, 1900. 16-2. His name was not on the docket, but he watched his chance and caught the, For Bridal Presents What Must I Give? ‘judge’s eye. That is the question which may have “ Mawnin, jedge.” “Good morning, Sam. Did you carry kept your brain straining for days. Could anything be more appropriate out your evil design of yesterday ? ” than “ No, sah, jedge. Dat’s what I’ze come to tell you about. l’ze done FINE CHINE, CUT GLASS, or SILVER ARTICLES? changed my min‘ about whippin my ole All are highly prized by all women. ’ooman, an I'zc come to git my money back. De ole ’ooman an me has done We have scores of elegant novelties in these lines, which we will be pleased made up. Dab she am,jedge, dat la’ge, han’som lady in do reah 0’ de coht.” He pointed to a colored woman that weighed in the neighborhood of 300 to show you if you visit us. Britten Bros, Foot of Kent St.. LINDSAY. WANTED. illilliiilllll rats n 0131900. - True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. P. C. Bvaonss, Leader. ‘ . R. B. Serssran, Secretary. N A F. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month,on or before the full of the moon, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. -' H. H. GRAHAM, W. M. an.‘ W. Fanxcoarn, Secretary CHURCIâ€"IES. N BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN-ST.â€"-HEV James Fraser, Pastor. Service ever Sunday morning at 10.30. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30. p. m. Prayer meet“ ing on Thursday evening at 7.30 ; Minister’s Bible-class on Tuesday (fortnightly) at 7.30. SUMMER ANNUNCEMENT. ‘ We are still to the front in new AND muss asses scans, Lenses, w arts amuse Sax. Also newest patterns in Dress Muslims, Piques and Duck Sittings, white and colored. . ' Notice is hereby given that the DIET‘HODIST C URCH â€"-COLBOliN ‘ Streetâ€"Rey. R. H. Leitch, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. mum] 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epwurth League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday Thursday evening at 7.80 N T. ANDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNIL‘ Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 7 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. in. Christian Endeavor nit-ct every Tuesday at 8 p. in. Pro. or meetrn every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. y g ' ,._ tALVATION ARMY â€" BARRACKS 0N Bond St. Westâ€"Capts. Barkerr’e Dar- rach. Servrce every Thursday and Sat~ urday et'renings.,at 8 p. m., and on Sundays at 7 a. m.,11__a-."m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. K“ T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev.._Father O’Leary, Pastor. Our Millinery is always Ulp-to-date. w. CAMPBELL. rs rant Alli] sustain, avast, 1 at. rrnrnvnrw SHADES. If you need anything in these lines call AT EEVISEN’S BAZAAR. Q mm. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m T. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET Eastâ€" Rev. Wm. Farncomb, Pastor... Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. in. Bible class every Thursday evening at 7.30 o’clock. hk‘u . Seats free in all churches. Everybody mvztedto attend. Strangers cordially welcomed. % BOBSDH’S Horse and Cattle Spice. A splendid thing for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, etc. It tones up the system and makes them thrive. ' Excellent for milch cows, increasing greatly the flow of milk. No farm should be without it. A311). Package for 25s The biggest value in the market. Robson’s Drug Store, FENELON FALLS. pounds and stood nearly six feet tall, who displayed a double row of worms as she smiled broadly. The judge gravely handed the old ne- gro the bag containing his 3510. He said nothing, but watched the old fellow force his way painfully through the throng to his waiting better half and deposit the bag in her. outstretbhed hand. Then she took him by the well arm with a not too gentle grasp and led him out into the world. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"-OF THE-- County of Victoria. -0 How The Difficulty Was Solved. The next sittings Of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, JUNE 18th, 1900, commencing atl o’clock in the afternoon Thursday, June 7th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before June 2nd 8. NEVISON, E.D.HAND, Bailifl‘. Clerk Fenclon Falls, April 24th, 1900. 000d I Furniture Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, ‘from the best manufacturers in the province consisting of . ' -â€"DINING ROOM FURNITURE â€"BEDROOM SETS -â€"EASY CHAIRS, “ Let me pay your fare,” the first .girl said. _ “ No. Let me pay yours,” said the second. “ No. I insist on paying yours.” “No, you don’t. I’ll pay yours.” “ I will I ” u I "â€" There is no telling what might have happened had not an old meddlcr who was seated opposite leaned over and said : “ Hold on, young ladies. Do not lose your heads. I thinkl can settle this matter without blood being shed. Each of you pay for the other, neither for herself. That will make it rightâ€"- neither of you out, Do you see ? ” “ Oh, how nice! ” they both exclaim- ed, and when the conductor came round they did what the old meddler suggest- ed. Both then sat pleased and mag- nanimous looking until the end of the ride. was M ms. GRO CERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line or goods, just received: I . ‘ I, _ Choice Cleaned Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound packages (East Brand) ; Fine Filiated urrants ; Selected Valencia Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Crosse & Blackwell’s Peels; Softâ€"shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble Wal- nuts; Shelled Almonds. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will offer special value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy Goods, Lamps etc. ' BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can buy. ~ Turnip, Mangel, Carrot. and all kinds of Garden and Field Seeds. HM Base Insinuation. “ Don’t talk like a fool, Joshua,” said Mrs. Harix; “ to hear you tell it folks would be thinkin I asked you to marry NEVISON’S up. and. goodness seem; Eggs seems. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. u er a mtnn ' v __ ,y . . a TEE“. I hnin’t 53550 You rut; We!“ igfifiifiii’ns, Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Salts, also a nice line of Ulsters and Overcoats. Thesekareypnly a’fewOfdthe â€" ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ -. ' stoc . on are 1nv1te to I reckon the trap never runs arter the KITCSEN FURNITURE (an kmds’) hues 0f new gOPGS Ju“ pgaceg) in and com are rices whether mouse neither, but 501110110“ it 'Pears ‘0 and prices are away down. taken eloselookvthrought es c s a p. p . Repairing and all ordered you buy or not. . . work promptly attended to. Our 29c. Tea is immense value. 3%“ Undertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. l ' . _ v - s 4 but that don’t prove mum, who“. SPRI. Gs AND MATTRASSE , Harness of all kinds made to order on shortest notice. w Bopairing In Specialty. res. McFAELAND. Am; a. 2.1.... a... 0...... -â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"--.â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- “ Papa, what is broadmindedaess ?" “ Agreeing with headstrong people . . -.-. “mt-V .7 w:Ȥ:;¢m.:4f.xu.:"a:"v- LON Falls Circle No.127, meets in the I evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting on ' ing ‘ services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 ‘_ .‘ I i' I l t

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