Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jun 1900, p. 4

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wishes his country well as to which should obtain during the next five years. Every prophecy of disaster which the Tories declared would follow the acces- siOn of the Liberals to power has been falsified ; every prediction of the im- provement which Liberals said a. change would bring about has been verified far if, 8" beyond the most sanguine expectations ' I f of the Government’s warmest supporter; and if the calm, deliberate Judgment ’ which every man seeks to apply to the “h management of his own private alfaiil's, hat clothin is to the body. It is just as important. You should is allowed to influence ms mm”, M he gke as mucgcare irtlifelecfing Elie Ping: to °1°th§eÂ¥$§ Prgffiyééf ballot box, the outcome of the next . 1 tin ematena oco eycur . . . _ . m I . _ L W I ‘ gggotigsbeui‘lcding. Paint gives_beauty to the_buildmg. In paintln. . 1 f ' 1d . I GO )_ =tneral election is a foiegone COHGlUSlOn the labor costs more thandthe paint. There wfllbe a large waste 4 palt 01 0 ll 011, I then' ht aintis not use . -’ “*- .-. 1 ‘ eann p, e ewal, . vâ€" 3 P - v-â€"- r pei, biass etc 7 l 9 ‘ ’ ’ . i - The tangible benefits which will re- ; A "~ Dealer 113. salt to Canada as an outcome of timely i i '9 I' ‘I ii -” ~- . aid she has rendered to the empire are i ‘. i I I I a: becoming more apparent, all the time. x " " I ' i Notonly is her trade with the old land iii- ' , PAINT __ -\_ ._ ..__._ ~_- . .... , . ‘ntin buildin s. It is not a lowLpi-iced paint, but it ' Q :hagiafggtgadse thge best. Tt is made of the purest materialsâ€"that l wear the longest. The colors are bright and handsome. l . SEASQMBLE £090 8. After looking around for a considerable time to find out the best Separator, I have succeeded in obtaining the 7' . agency for the . AMERECAN GREAM SEPARATOR as without doubt the best machine on the market for the .t'ollowing reasons : 1. It is all in one. .1 ' 2. There are no loose parts Whatever. ‘ It can be easily cleaned, as the hand can be inserted . in the bowl. _ . . i 1. In no case during the past year was its superlorlty g ‘ more manifested than by its being awarded, amidst _ - strong competition at the St. Louis exhibition, the 5 ' first premium and diploma for best separator for farm ‘ use. Game in and see it. _. creasing with unprecedented rapidity, and capital is being attracted to the development of her- resources in eyer . growing volume, but greater attention is being given to the splendid oppor- tunities offered in the Dominion to the surplus population of the old land to i}. .9” PTâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘). < _.,_ a by articles constantly appearing in the "95' H ‘ English press. “ Our colonies, says a Fellelon Falls. London paper recently, “have given us . oflnte a remarkable proof of the love they bear for the mother country. How can we expressnur appreciation of the sacrifices thus made ‘P One service we 'l‘iie Penelon Falls Gtzette. e- .... Friday. June lst, 1990.~ reap to the full the harvest their rich lands are capable of producing. Emi- ‘ grants are needed, and this is especially the case in Canada. The assistance thus given will be, like mercy, ,twice blessed. ‘ We shall benefit the colonies, and at the same time benefit ourselves by giving a great start in life to many who are just the men to prove their manhood on the fertile lands across the Atlantic." The Transvaal War. The end of the war is believed to be in sight, as Lord Roberts was at Jo- hannesburg on Tuesday last, and it was expected that he would reach Pretoria, which is only 35 miles distant, by the 36nd ci'tlie week. The rapid march of the British army is said to have com- pletely dcmoralized- the Boers, who, see- 1 ing the folly of oppming an overwhel'm- . ‘ ing forcp, wil; probabéy snbiplit to the ' 3inevitab ‘e an entree er wit out more , , . '_ 'fighting. The railway lines to Pretoria, Fhe B'Obcalgeon “hidependent says" 1- ' n. p Klerksdorp and Natal are now held, by tv. Isom'gfnqtiiio: “5:, "Sté‘llgefnfigf the British, and, according to the last ' she-Y .3?“ h . d ‘g, ‘t, :between report, “panic reigns in the Transvaal.” [gnaw m run dell .oud '3 “lama at So far, the Rand mines have not been 8: :3”ng . a,” bafigflsggbca‘ Gog“ M injured. The annexation of the Orange 6 #31603 301%" ajl find‘sa ya u, 20 Free State was officially proclaimed at 4 ‘do’éuzfi, '0 ' “:1 after theyMth she ‘Cape'Town on Monday. It. will home “3 .' u an, ,1 f I ’ . a 'l'ortli be a British colony, under the WI} awmt the “m” 0 . “e .evemna e of the Orange River State. tram “9m P9” Hope’ Willa] gums the “EATER _At 8 “0.01001: on Thursday connection With Bulfalo Via. the G. T. R. - - main line from Toronto at 2‘ p. m.. and I 4 ' ' a t ' . . . 'gfilflsi‘jsfszvfrag; :53; tilztfthefiBrfif ‘the Rochester connection Via the North. ' - ' " do niwht she will . , , - I .1 I King. lhvery Satur .y 5. H ifrdnfilsiilgpgiiimlallféldwflidgs (5:13.: await the arrival of the train from lor- . . , fore,'practically over, and there is great mm) at 5' - - - 1 On the 14th the Company will place :‘ggliggisg throughout the Queen 5' do .lllGll‘ two new boats on their regular runs, and for the first time in the history of our Lakes a service comfortable and reliable will be given from: Jcboconk to i , . JLakefield. The names selected for‘the Rumors Of the new apploach or 9' inew boats are O-ge-mah and Marni-ta, 'genPral elect“? have been revwed. very both admirable selections, being dis- noticeably during the past Week. l‘liere ,tinctim' correctly suggestive, and leg_ does no? app?“ m be any particular lendarily connected with local associa- .reason for this, other than the natural Hons. Alyouug-qumis chief named actiVity to both political camps, which Ogemah, so the-legend goes, wooed the is the necessary outcome of the fact I L Hm n ohief. Her that the extreme legal limit of the- lite .°"‘Y daugl‘ttr‘fi“ ‘0 ' . . . ' ' . hen the 1m- of this Parliament Will. be reached dur- name was M‘m‘m’ and W 111,, the next twelve “mums, and no j,quois brave visited the camp of his love. - - - 'at Sturweon Point, he was treaclierously arliament smce Confederation has run . . ’3 . . . . Elie full term ofi-ts. natural life, though by &q:::§],:::1§e:v:: tlfeamlftlggtfi; the last came within a few days of it. . r " ‘ a ‘ is Kawarlha Boat Service. "o, ‘ 1 That’s where we shine. N0 better- can offered in the country than the l. ' make we sell. Can undersell any other maker, having bought the material before the great advance. Jos.HsanD. “as in;ct‘iaiag’iiécinh. i ‘ ‘ llclormick Right Hand llan Binder l‘ell’icalllll Miller. V » _ lll Shel lake. and. film Halveslei. COULTHABD 8.60115 60., team, Champion Stein and: Eulliiahl. ' 1 politicians that the electorate is very Lindsay. '_ \ . . , ,evenly divided, and. the fate of parties often depends upon the degree of per- fection to. which its practical organiza- tion has attained. Organization, to be effective, is a slow and complicated pro- cess, in which every loyal supporter of his party must take his share, and it is therefore to be expected that the party papers and: the party leaders will Ellalham Wiggins. at this time be inconsistent in AM... UP To DATE. urging effective work among their -- . . . _,_. .. _. .. . ,_ ._ .. ., . friends, work that it willzbe too late to The Mani-ta will leave Coboconk.â€"every morning at 6- 15nd Lindsay at 3 30, calling each way at R‘osedale, Fenelon Falls and Sturgeon Point, connecting at the point with the lfisturion. in, the afternoon and at Lindsay in the- morn- ing. ‘The Ogeinah will leave Bobcaygeon daily at 7330 and Burlcigh Falls at 2. passing through Buckhorn each way. ' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays she - . - - ill 0 to Cliclnonn' in the morniu" and - , 3‘ start after parliament has been dissolv- 3:; ha way ham; return (limcthfmm ‘ ed and the elections called. Liberals Buckhom Tuesdays' Thursdays and _ I 083.6: him-giant” $302,292,112 115136" Saturdays she will take the direct course ' gives?) (1;; 0‘ if“): 'fopufyenrs during; to Buckhorn and Burleigh, return Via \ - . . . a which the present Government has con- Chemong" ggom‘TY‘biCh .fiomi Sh?) yin . . . ., us m we ‘eer‘ trolled the affairs of the .nation have {3:26 2: ippormuity of. reaching cob his: Eggrecggeggg tinglegevfigzigenaf tngcs and.» campsS’atnrday evening, and ii cgmpli’itisongof the present splendid fic“‘"§ub;il:iMagiinaigctgbgy 2:0 condition of the Dominion, her domestic fuffaud huieficld and vice verso. on prosperity, her national pregress, her Smpzme days. At‘Bmleigh Fans com imperial development, with the disor- ‘ « - - - - . nection will be made with the Lake- glamze? cog? 11‘1809u7 ghggbltlgeéfit: 1:. field boats, and this. season the many zégzll’gtgfiack of firomiqe of any im_' visitors to our Lanes Will- be able to . . . ,. cover the whole seventy miles cfdeligh- provomcnt in the immediate. uture, an m, Md varied scenery‘ in use“. 30 mm absence of any policy leoking to the . (r. . 1r 1 ' 5 ' 9 adequate development of our splendid. mo refmShmO‘and charm “3 M resources, utter failure of any attempt *‘ “Eggâ€"fig . . . ' . , . ‘ to attract population into the country, Penelon-Falls; -u 0 custom. FRANCIS ST. WEST. :23: - a lack of confidence in commercial air-. """‘ . FENELON FALLS. - ~ 1 Ma 29th 1900. else and a consequent stagnation; of 3:00.910“ Falls). Y 1 . _ trader-:11. comparison of these mo con- Council. met as a Court of Bevlston, undonbticdmmindof any. man. who necessaryoath. of. ofiice as members. oi . make prosperous homes for themselves . , here. That this is the direct fruit of P I , our imperialism is abundantly ev1dent can profl‘er will enable our colonies to ,&"â€"‘Iév the Court : Wm. McArthur, reevc, and Joe. McFarland, J. H. Brandon, George Martin and John Jones. Moved by Joe. McFarland, secOnded by J. H. Brandon, That W. McArthur be chairman. -â€"Carried. Moved by George Martin, seconded by John Jones, That the assessment of O. Bigclow be confirmedâ€"Carried. Mr. Thos. Stewart appeared for the- Lindsay Light, Heat and vaer Co. Moved by Jos. McFarland, seconded by J. H. Brandon. That the Lindsay Light, Heat and Power Go.’s assess» ment be made $544,000, owing to the property being idle for at least four months.-â€"-Curried. Moved by J. H. Brandon, seconded by Jos. McFarland, That J. W. Fitz~ gernld be assessed for lot No. 11 north of Queen street at $40; that Minnie In- gram bc assessed for lot No. 9. $75; and that south half 1:, south of F‘iahcis and west of’Col‘borne streets. be assessed to John Northey as tenant at $500.â€"â€"~ Carried. Moved by J'. H. Brandon. seconded by John Jones. That Paul Olielette be assessed as tenant for lot 9:7. south of river at $400â€"Carri‘ed'. Moved by Jos. Me F'arland. seconded by J. H. Brandon, That the Bell Tele- hone 00. be assessed at $100.â€"-Cnrr'-i‘. Moved by J. Pl. Brandon, seconded' by J‘os. McFarland. That the following lots be added to Wm. thArthu-r's ass sessment :‘ West half 20. 47. 48. 76, 77. 133. 134. 153. 154,160. 164.. 165, 166,.,173,175176. 177. 178, 179 180. 181. 181,185. 186', 187., 188, 189; 190, 191. 192. 193,. 211. 212, 215, 217,221,222, 22-1235. 234, 235. 236. 237. 238. 239', 240, 24.1. 242. 244, 245, 246. 247,;2lâ€"8, 249; 250, 251, 252, 253', 254', 255'. 256'. 257‘. 258, 259. 260, 261, 262; 263, 264‘, 265, 266.1 and 267'.-â€"-Carried‘. Moved by Geo. Martin. seconded by John Jones, That theS‘mith Estate be. assessed on lots l‘r south 01- Francis and? east ofColboi-nu streets, 23.100 ; 1.0. south of Francis and east of Colborne. 8200-. and 8' and 9. south of’ Francis and east: Colborne. $800. â€".Cai'l'ied ;_ Mr. Mc-. r F-‘arland not voting. .. Moved by Geo. Martin, seconded by- John Jones, That the G. N; W. Telcn. graph Co. be assessed for $25.â€"-â€"Car’d. Mr. Brandon left the board. M‘oved'by J'. McFarland,-seconded by J'. Jones, That J. H. Brandon be assessa ed on lot Bet 3400, and on east half: 14 at $450.â€"-â€"Carried.. * Moved by‘ J. McFarland; seconded; by J. Jones, That J. H. Brandon’s new sessment on his house he reduced 8200, and“ that B". H". Ma-vbee’s. F‘. Shudford’s. Il'. Puley’s, Mrs. M'cArthur’s and Mrs. Chambers’ assessments be confirmedâ€"u Carried. Moved by .1; McFarland, seconded? by J'. Jones. That Geo. Martin’s assess» m‘ent be confirmed.â€"-Carried ;, Messrs. Martin and Brandon not voting. Moved by Geoi Martin, seconded by J. Jones, That Win. M'cArthur’s as-» sessment be confirmedâ€"Carried; Mr. McArthur and Mr. Brandon not voting.- Moved by Geo. Martin.-se'conded by- J', Jones, That F. Sandford’s assess-. ment on his wooden-ware factory and" planing mill be fixed'at $200‘for a term- of ten years, he agreeing to keep emm plcyed therein an average of fifteen men. In the event of him not keepingvsuch number of men employed, such property.- shall pay taxes at the ordinary rate.. In the event-of"him-enlarginghis plant. for the said wooden-ware business, his.- assessment shall not be increased tliere._ by.â€"Carried. Moved by J'. McFarland, Seconded? by Geo. Martin, That M'essrs. McDou-. gall, Brandon &- Austin be assessed? $1.2OOI-on lots north half 1 and 2; south of Bond and west of Colborne streets.--=. Carried; M‘oved‘by Geo. Martin, seconded'by. J. Jones, That this Court now adjourn till June 11111 next at 7.30 p. m.â€"C’d. Personals.. â€"-â€"- Miss Agnes: Dickson returned' home last Saturday from Toronto University- for her summer. vacation. ' Mrs. James D: Cameron of Orillia. in the State of Washington, arrived at the Falls last Tuesday on a visit to her par~ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Heeley. Mr. Robert: Cooper, who left the- Falls about eight years ago. and whose home is now at Moosomili, N. W. T.. is visiting his father, Mr. Joseph Cooper. in Fcnelon, and' others relatives. He- ' came last Saturday and will remain about a week longer. Mrs. Richard Miitchell‘vwent to Ton. .onto last week to meet her mother, Mrs. ,James Cameron, and returned last Tuesday with. Mrs. Jae. D: Cameron, her sister-in-law. Mrs. James Cameron. is on her-way home from ~Orillia. State. of washington, and at present is visiting- ditions,thena_nd- now, can surely leave and the. following gentlemen took the her sister, Mrs Tugman, but will be at: the Falls beforclong. 194.195.196 197. 198. 199. 200.201,, 11 202. 203. 204. 205, 206, 207. 208. 210; ‘- 226. 227, 228. 229. 230, 231, 232. 235%, ‘1 per day for ten months in each yearn

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